If you haven't noticed we only update this page on our site when we are doing good. The last couple of weeks have been good, and hopefully the wins will continue until we show a profit for the year. This has been by far the worst season we have ever put up for MLB but we are now only down about 12 Units VS. the 19 Units earlier in the season. Since our record has been so bad over the season all of our plays are free picks until probably the NFL season. But if we get really hot for the rest of the MLB season we may offer some packages over the playoffs. Be sure to check out the Big Guy Sports Network at They are the internets largest monitor of sports services and have numerous features including leaderboards, consensus plays, and contests. Big Guy has our entire record including free and pay plays. Their site posts our plays as soon as we enter them so you can get our plays from our free pick page or from the Big Guy site.This site is for gambling purposes only. It is intended to violate every local, state, and federal law on the books. Good luck everyone!!

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Simon Hinton

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