Violence in our Schools

Violence in society is more prevelant today than ever before. Media and entertainment have opened up violent images for children to see. Availability of weapons to school age children seems incredulous. News stories of elementary school children bringing guns to school and killing classmates is sickening yet true. What is happening to our country? What is happening to our schools? The following websites key in on statistics of violent occurrences, factual and personal viewpoints dealing with violence in education. Also included is a listing of links to several resources for combating violence that teachers, administrators, and parents can browse.

Links to Facts and Opinions

An Overview of Violence in Schools
A summary of the change of violent behaviors among students over the past several decades.
Why Teach Moral Education
Discussion of how the decline of morality has increased violent behavior in schools and how schools should teach morality.
Teen Violence: Real or Imagined?
Results of surveys given to junior and senior high schools students on violence in schools.
Editorial: Violence in Schools
A young girl's personal opinion of the effects of violence in school.
Learning to Fear
Talks about the effect violence is having on students, how fear is changing the way young people respond to school and social situations.
Vice President Release
Data showing 6,276 expelled for carrying guns.

Links to Resources for Combating Violence

100 Ways to Enhance Values and Morality in Schools and Youth Settings (A Book):
Links to Sites that Offer Resources on Youth Violence for Teachers:
202 Answers to Violence in Schools (A Book):
S.A.V.E. Students Against Violence Everywhere:
Statistical Analysis Report: Violence in U.S. Public Schools: