Creation 7th Day Adventist
Letters Page

January 14, 1997

Rogue Valley Historic Seventh-day Adventist Church
Post Office Box 34
Talent, Oregon 97540

Dear Brethren,

Our hearts are grieved as we see the people of God in the midst of a time of trouble. But the mighty sifting must take place in order to bring forth the true gold of the faith of Jesus. We have known of the attack upon you by the Roman armies for a time, but did not have your address. Our prayers are with you.

If we can be of any aid to you in this battle, please notify us. We would also appreciate your keeping us informed concerning the developments. Please send copies of documentation that we may also share with others to enlist their protest against the beast and his image. (We are glad to reiumburse you for any copy and postage expenses.)

We are presently protesting the restriction of religious liberty in this country through the medium of the world-wide web. If any of you have on-line capabilities, you may find our home page at Take liberty to use or copy any of our links which you perceive to be vindicating our Father's character.

We look forward to your soon response, as we continue in the harvest message. I remain

Your Devoted Servant,

Walter "Chick" McGill
Pastor, The Creation 7th Day Adventist Church

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