A second season story...
The Bunker
by Lynn
His pounding head greeted his wakefulness even before he opened his eyes to the pitch darkness of the Control Room. Captain Lee Crane reached for his temple and pulled back his hand sharply after finding it painful to the touch. Even without being able to see anything he knew the wet sticky substance he felt was his own blood. He turned to his hands and knees pushing up painfully as his headache was joined by a sore rib cage that had no doubt connected with the chart table at some point. He sat back on his haunches, still in the dark but understanding that he wasn't blind as he fumbled for an emergency torch stowed away in the Chart Table. Lee groaned as he flicked on the flashlight, his eyes protesting the sudden illumination. He steadied himself and stood leaning heavily on the chart table. A slight concussion perhaps, but he wasn't queasy and his equilibrium was so far sound, he concluded as he reached for the mic.
“This is Captain Crane. Damage Control report.”
Silence met his hail as Lee tried again.
“This is the Captain, does anyone read me? Report.”
A small delay was met with a reply as Sharkey's distinctive Coney Island accent was heard, though it sounded pained for the effort.
“Aye Sir. This is Chief Sharkey in the Missile Room.”
“Chief, grab a torch and find out why the emergency generator hasn't kicked in. Then grab whatever able seamen you can find and get me a DC Report.”
“Aye Sir,” Sharkey replied, his usual Can-Do Attitude offering reassurance to Seaview's Captain.
The sounds of moans began to filter around the room as Lee heard his crew coming around; he scanned his torch across the Control Room finding Ratings lying hunched over their duty stations or sprawled on the deck.
“Now hear this men, sound off and report your physical condition,” Lee ordered.
“Kowalski. Just dazed, Sir.”
“Patterson. A broken wing, Sir.”
“Rodriguez. A bad headache and stars dancing around my head.”
Five more ratings sounded off as Lee headed for the storage panel near the spiral staircase gathering three emergency torches and walking carefully over to where Ski had made his way back to sonar, though it was completely inoperable like the other stations. He handed out flashlights as he spoke.
“Ski, find out why Sparks didn't Sound-Off,” he said as he swept the torch over the deck until he found the khaki uniform he was looking for.
“Chip?” He called quietly as his torch caught the blood oozing between the Exec's fingers splayed across his chest.
Chip moaned and immediately tried to move as Lee pushed him gently back by his shoulders.
“Easy Chip. You've got a compound fracture way too close to your lung. You're out of action Mister,” he said with a slight smile that Chip could barely see.
“What happened?” He groaned out.
“I don't know, but we're dead on the bottom with no power.”
Both he and Chip knew the dangerous implications of his statement as the ribbons on the vents hung limply, signaling the lack of oxygen dispensing as well as the fact that the carbon dioxide produced by 125 men was not being filtered. Fortunately their concern was short-lived when the generator kicked in and the red emergency lights flickered on as Lee immediately raised his torch to the vent and caught the flutter of the ribbons as they came to life. Sounds of relief surrounded him as the men each felt a bit of hope return.
“Yes Ski.”
“Sparks is off the floor now, he was unconscious but insists he's fit.”
“That's good enough for now.”
Lee patted Chip's shoulder giving him a “stay put” look as Chip blew out a breath that told Lee he couldn't move at present if he wanted to.
“Chief Sharkey to Captain Crane.”
Lee reached for the mic hanging on the periscope island and answered.
“Good work Chief,” he said, complimenting Sharkey on getting the emergency generators up. “Do you have a DC Report?”
“I'm working on that now, Sir. I've got a detail of five men with me.”
“Very well, carry on report your progress.”
Lee double clicked.
“All duties stations report.”
“Engineering Aye, I've got a man down but we can man our station once power is restored,” Bobby O'Brien answered.
“Very well.”
“Air Revitalization, Aye. Station is sound and operating under emergency generators.”
“Very well.”
“Reactor Room Aye. Station secure.”
“Very well.”
“Missile Room, Aye. We had a fire in the torpedo ignition panel but it's contained. We're working on repairs now.”
“Very well, report when repairs are made.”
“Sick bay, Aye.”
Lee's eyebrows raised in question as the voice he heard wasn't Dr. Will Jamieson's but their lead corpsman, Franklin.
“We're filling up down here, Sir. I could use Kowalski if you can spare him.”
“Very well,” he said tilting his head to Ski to report to Sickbay as he continued. “Where's Doc?”
“Unknown Sir. He left for the Pharmacy Stores before we went down, I haven't seen him since.”
“Very well, I'll send a search party.”
“Communications, Aye,” Sparks' voice was heard. “All communications down with the limited power at this depth Sir. I also suspect we lost our communication's array.”
“Very well, Sparks. I'll send divers out when I can. How about the rest of your equipment?”
“She held up fine, just need the juice to run her.”
“Very well.”
“Damage Control, Aye.”
“Go ahead Chief.”
“Sir we have flooded compartments between frames 38 and 40.”
“Very well. Affect repairs and keep me apprised.”
“Aye Sir.”
“Circuitry Room, Aye. We put out a fire, it's secure now but we have a mess of fried wires here.”
“Very well. Get on it, we need power before the emergency generators give out,” Lee said laying it on the line for his able crew. “Do you need additional men on the repair?”
“Negative Sir, I have two able men here, just need a few band aids.”
“Very well, report your progress to Chief Sharkey.”
Lee double clicked realizing he hadn't heard from the Admiral in the lab.
“Admiral this is Crane. Report your location and condition.”
Lee heard Harry clear his throat as he answered right away, having obviously been listening to the reports flooding in around the Boat.
“I uh... seem to have broken something... uh...”
Lee was immediately concerned at Harry's lack of sharpness in his voice and his barely coherent reply.
“Admiral are you alright?” Lee asked but his hail was met by silence as he double clicked and tried again.
“Admiral say again.”
No reply meant Harry was injured as Lee double clicked the mic.
“Chief, the Admiral is trapped in the lab. How are those repairs coming?” He inquired, knowing that the lab was on the other side of the flood compartments.
“Slow going, Sir.”
“Keep on it, we need to get to him,” Lee said signing off and leaning heavily on the periscope island to steady himself. His Boat was in trouble; on the bottom with only emergency generators keeping her in air and muted lighting and he didn't even know what hit them.
* * * * *
Lee scanned the Control Room; he was short-handed as the injured had been sent to Sickbay leaving several stations unmanned. Seaview was currently sitting on the bottom at 260 feet with only emergency power supplying the air and filtering system, he estimated they only had an hour before the generators gave out. The Command Team was noticeably short-handed as well with Chip lying in Sickbay and Harry still trapped behind a flooded compartment as they couldn't pump out the sea water for repairs without full power. The blood on Lee's head had dried in long streaks down his temple and he still had a headache, which he was currently ignoring.
The red emergency lights flickered off while the comforting hum of Seaview's consoles began to come to life as full power was restored.
“Chief Sharkey to Captain Crane.”
“This is the Skipper.”
“Aye Sir. Full power restored.”
“Good job Chief. Get on the flooded compartments and get a diving team out to repair the communication's array.”
“Aye Skipper.”
Lee rubbed his furled forehead, trying to transfer some relief from his hand to his head as the busy Com system hailed once again.
“Sickbay to Captain Crane.”
“Crane here.”
“Sir, they just brought in Doc Jamieson... he's pretty bad Sir.”
“I'll be down for a full report on your patients,” Lee replied as Frank signed off. Lee double clicked, trying for Harry once again.
“Admiral this is Lee. Can you hear me?”
Silence met his hail as Lee stifled the worry that was building for the Admiral.
“Admiral, if you can hear me, we're working on getting to you. Just hold on.”
Lee heard a crackle as if the mic was being depressed and then released.
“Acknowledged Admiral. Just hold on,” he repeated then shipped the mic and headed aft to Sickbay.
* * * * *
(Back in the Lab –
bringing us up to date on Harry’s condition from Lee's first hail to current
Harry breathed deeply, listening to the Stations sound off their status and condition one by one. Seaview was dead on the ocean floor but for all her current peril he could do nothing to help as he lay with what was surely a broken leg; he couldn't bare weight on it and his pounding head had compounded the matter. He had managed to scoot to the table and retrieve the mic, a painful endeavor that still left him taking in shallow breaths. At least Lee's alright, he thought gratefully. He noted he hadn't heard Chip's voice and pondered the significance briefly before he heard Lee's hail.
“Admiral this is Crane.
Report your location and condition.”
Harry depressed the mic and cleared his throat but hardly recognized his own voice as he answered.
“I uh... seem to have broken something... uh...” that’s all he could manage as he dropped the mic and watched it bounce just out of reach. He cursed his current weakness and tried to regather himself.
I'm no good to Lee like this, he thought in self-recrimination, as he fought to reach the mic but the effort proved too much as beads of sweat rolled down his face and he blacked out just as he wrapped his hand around the mic loosely. Sometime later he woke to the sound of Lee's voice once again and was happy to note the mic still in his hand.
“Admiral this is Lee.
Can you hear me?”
Harry tried to make his muscles work but something was wrong, a cold sweat beaded his brow and ran down his face as he considered whether he was going into shock.
“Admiral, if you can hear me, we're working on getting to
you. Just hold on.”
He needed to respond, so with every bit of strength he had he depressed the mic, holding it to produce a static squelch to let Lee know he heard. It was the best he could do as his hand went limp.
“Acknowledged Admiral. Just hold on,” Lee said comfortingly as Harry breathed deeply and resigned himself to wait for his rescue.
* * * * *
Lee entered Sickbay finding it a flurry of activity barely at a level of a calm frenzy as Frank, John and Kowalski took care of an array of injuries from cuts and stitches to broken bones.
Frank spotted Lee and moved toward him, ready to report as the Lead Corpsman.
“How's it going Frank?” Lee asked perusing Sickbay as he spoke.
“We're getting it under control, Skipper. We've established a triage with Kowalski treating the minor injuries while John and I handle the more difficult treatments,” he reported. “So far, we've treated and released either to their bunks or to duty twenty-seven men,” he added tiredly, as the crowded sickbay indicated their work was far from over.
“What about the serious injuries?”
“Mostly broken bones and a few concussions. John and I are handling the stitches and setting broken bones. I've got three concussion injuries that will be spending the night for observations. We've set seven broken bones, everyone except Phillips will be sent to their bunks. Phillips' broken leg needs traction, we'll keep him here for a few days.”
Lee nodded his understanding, all and all he had a pretty battered crew on his hands.
“What about Mr. Morton?”
“He's one of my “Serious” patients Sir. Two broken ribs, but the compound fracture is pressing against his lung. I'm not a surgeon and he'll need to stay flat on his back until we get him proper care.”
“And Doc?”
“He was found at the bottom of the companion way, apparently took a tumble down the ladder. He's one of my concussion patients; a moderate to severe concussion and a dislocated shoulder. He's been treated and I've upgraded his condition to Stable.”
“You've done a good job Frank.”
Frank sighed in weariness but clearly appreciated the compliment. “Thank you Sir. Does it look like we're through the worst of it, Sir?”
“We're still trying to get to the Admiral in the lab, he's injured and I'll want a Corpsman there once we reach him.”
“Aye Sir, we'll be ready. Uh Sir... can I take a look at that cut? It will only take a minute?”
Lee nodded, all he really needed was a band aid and aspirin but he consented without an argument.
“Alright but make it fast, I need to get back up to the Control Room.”
“Aye Sir,” Frank said flying into action. Five minutes later Lee's face had been cleaned of the dried blood and a butterfly bandage had been applied. He took the three aspirin gratefully as he slid off the gurney with a pat to Frank's shoulder.
“Keep up the good work. Report your final casualty report to Mr. O'Brien.”
“Aye Sir,” Frank said, content that he had been able to check over the Skipper and relieved that the Captain had fared so well with only bruised ribs and a knock to the head. He took in a deep breath and then turned to see to his next patient.
* * * * *
Lee paced the deck as the sounds of the pumps signaled the last of the water emptying from the flooded compartment. An inner hull breach of the ballast tanks was the culprit, but with full power restored Sharkey's DC Team had successfully pumped the water from the compartments. The outer hull was thankfully not compromised and a job of shoring up the damaged inner plate had restored the integrity of the compartments enough to unseal the water tight doors.
“That's the last of it Sir,” Sharkey reported.
“Very well, follow me to the Lab Chief, and send the DC Team to further inspect these compartments for further damage.”
“Aye Sir,” Sharkey replied, issuing orders as Lee led Frank and Ski aft to the lab. The water tight doors did their jobs securing the adjacent compartments as Lee entered the corridor and reached the lab door opening it anxiously.
He spotted Harry on the floor with the mic lying limply in his sprawled hand as Frank pushed past him and began treating the semi-conscious Admiral.
“Sir? Admiral can you hear me?” Lee asked with the concern in his voice matching his furled forehead.
Lee sighed, obviously grateful for Harry's response.
“Just lay still, Sir. Frank here's going to get you patched up.”
Harry pursed his lips as Frank administered a pain killer and immobilized his leg for transport. Lee couldn't help brushing an errant curl from Harry's forehead as he was settled into the stretcher. Frank indicated his readiness as Lee gave way and watched them carry Harry out the door. He took the moment to turn in a near 360 degree turn. The mess would have to wait, they weren't even off the bottom yet.
* * * * *
“Report Mr. O'Brien.”
“Full power has been restored Sir,” Bobby answered, having been reassigned from Engineering and sporting an impressive bruise on his right cheek.
“What about Diving Detail?”
“Getting ready to dive now Sir. We had quite a time finding qualified divers who were fit, the Chief's leading the Detail.”
Lee nodded as he scanned the Control Room, at least they had their eyes and ears now, with Sonar and Hydrophones operational. Kowalski manned Sonar and Pat had returned to Hydrophones even though his broken arm was now in a sling. Riley sat at the helm, not his usual duty station but he was well qualified to man the station. They had power and maneuverability but Seaview would sit here until Sharkey's team repaired the Communication's Array and assessed the outer hull for damage. Whatever brought down the huge Boat had been sudden, unexpected and catastrophic. Their next step was to contact ComSubPac and hopefully get some answers.
Lee turned toward Bobby as he held out a cup of coffee.
“Cookie sent up some sandwiches Sir,” Bobby continued, hinting at Lee's need to take a break.
“Thanks Bobby,” he said taking the coffee gratefully, “I'll grab something once we're off the bottom.”
Bobby acquiesced wishing the Exec or the Admiral were here to make sure the Skipper took care of himself as Lee turned toward the Chart Table to look over their current position.
“Chart out a course for Pearl but hold for my orders,” Lee instructed. “I'll be in the Missile Room,” he finished as Bobby acknowledged.
“Aye Sir.”
Lee added an appreciative pat to Bobby's shoulder and headed aft. Where he wanted to be at present was in Sickbay checking on the Admiral, Chip and Jamie but that would have to wait. Right now, he needed answers, and for that he needed Communications restored.
* * * * *
Jamie watched from his bunk as Frank and John stabilized the Admiral and then readied to wheel him into the treatment room to deal with the fracture.
“Frank?” He asked, silently marveling at the feebleness of his own voice.
Frank smiled and headed toward the CMO as John wheeled the gurney behind the rolling curtain.
“Hello Doc,” he said using a soft voice for the headache he knew Jamieson sported.
“You have quite a roomful,” Jamie noted as Frank recognized the CMO's request for a medical briefing.
“Aye Sir. Everyone's stable, no criticals. The XO is my biggest concern, a fractured rib pressing against his lung. He's flat on his back and sedated till we get a surgeon to look at the damage. The Admiral we just got to, minor head injury, no concussion and a clean fracture of the left tibia. John and I are getting ready to set it now and if you're wondering... you apparently took a tumble down the companionway ladder. You have a moderate to severe concussion and a dislocated shoulder, so I'm afraid you're out for the count, Doc.”
“Nonsense, help me up and I'll...”
“Doc, this is the first time you've been lucid in four neuro checks. You haven't been able to tell me how many fingers I've held up for you and earlier you thought you were still a Lieutenant, Sir.” Frank smiled to soften the blow as Jamie frowned with displeasure.
“We're handling things for now. If Mr. Morton's condition changes I'll be sure to confer with you, but for now the best way you can help is to stay off your feet, Sir.”
Jamie started to nod and quickly amended the motion as he struggled to will down the nausea. “Okay Frank, you win, just keep me informed.”
Frank laid a gentle hand on Jamie's shoulder. “Aye Sir.” And then turned and disappeared behind the curtain as Jamie closed his eyes in retreat from the Sickbay lights and drifted off to sleep with little transition.
* * * * *
Lee watched the diving hatch cycle from red to green signaling the pressure had equalized as a Rating spun the hatch. Sharkey was the first out, handing equipment to the waiting seaman as Lee lent a hand with the exiting divers.
“The array was still attached by one set of bolts Sir,” Sharkey explained after pulling off his head piece. “Good thing or we would have had quite a swim to retrieve it,” he finished with a tired smile.
“Were you able to repair it?”
“Aye Sir. She should be fully operational,” Sharkey reported.
“Good work, Chief,” Lee said striding to the mic as the diving team began to strip out of their gear.
“Sparks this is Captain Crane.”
“Aye Sir. I'm rebooting the signals now Sir. I should have Communications restored soon.”
“Very well, I'll be right up.”
“Good work men. Chief, secure the detail and report to the Control Room,” he added and headed toward the hatch to Sharkey's, “Aye Sir.”
* * * * *
Lee took a couple of steps out of the missile room, just clearing the hatch when he felt his world tilt a bit. He reached for the bulkhead to steady himself and breathed deeply. The fuzziness faded and he realized that his empty stomach along with the stress of the long day had taken its toll on him. He rubbed his temple just below his bandage and decided a couple of aspirin wouldn't hurt either. He'd take care that after he hit the radio shack he decided and continued on to the Control Room.
“How's it looking Sparks?”
“Everything looks good Sir.”
“Very well, I'll make ready to surface to radio depth,” Lee said heading forward.
“Mr. O'Brien, make preparations to surface. Make our depth 90 feet.”
“Aye Sir.”
“Blow all ballast tanks for ten seconds,” O'Brien ordered.
“Ten seconds, Aye,” was heard as the feel of Seaview's buoyancy in the water cradled the sailors in comfort. She ascended slow and steadily as Lee scanned the Control Room situation lights ready to respond to any unexpected emergency, but happily found the ascent uneventful.
“90 feet, Trim satisfactory, Sir,” O'Brien reported.
“Very well...”
“Captain Crane to the radio shack.”
Lee moved purposely toward Sparks' station, gauging the creased eyebrows of his radio operator as he approached.
“What do you have, Sparks?”
“SOS signals on two Navy vessels, Sir. The signals are weak, transmitting on VLF.”
Very Low Frequency signals probably meant they were signaling at depth as scenarios of war flashed through Lee's mind.
“Chief sound battle stations,” he ordered. “Sparks raise ComSubPac for me, I want to speak with Admiral Starke.”
“Aye Sir,” Sparks replied, flipping switches and dialing up gains as his hail was met with a quick response.
“This is SSRN Seaview calling Communication's Center ComSubPac. Come in ComSubPac.”
“SSRN Seaview, we read you. Standby for Admiral Starke.”
Lee and Sparks exchanged raised eyebrows as the Admiral was apparently staked out in the Communication's Center.
“Seaview this is Starke. What's your condition? Over.”
“Admiral this is Crane. We were dead on the bottom for the last four hours. We've made repairs and we're ready to answer bells though I've got a pretty battered crew here and a breach in my inner hull that's only temporarily repaired. I'm operating on less than two thirds man-power at present and the Boat is at GQ. Sir what's going on? We never knew what hit us and we've picked up two VLF SOS calls from surrounding Navy vessels.”
“I'll brief both you and Admiral Nelson at the same time Captain...”
“I'm sorry Sir, the Admiral is one of our casualties, my Exec is down as well.”
Starke expelled an audible blow of breath in frustration, “Very well, Captain. Let's talk privately.”
“Aye Sir... Sparks I'll take it in the nose.”
Lee closed the crash doors behind him and turned on the monitor for a video conference.
“Are we secure, Captain?”
“Aye Sir.”
“Very well. We were hit by some sort of beam, it affected a 500 mile radius which you were apparently caught in. I've got two subs on the bottom, they're above crush depth and we're sending assets to assist them,”
“What kind of beam Sir?”
“We've been told it's a “Particle Disrupter Beam”. It disrupts everything electrical, almost like the disruption from an atom bomb without the blast.”
“Are we at war Sir?” Lee asked wondering why Fail Safe hadn't activated once full power was restored.
“Not with a foreign power,” Starke qualified. “It appears a private organization is testing a new weapon.”
Lee rubbed his temple, Didn't they just shut down one of these Megalomaniac ran organizations just recently? He thought in frustration briefly contemplating the evil ambition of these groups.
“Are you alright Captain?” Jiggs asked in an unusual display of concern.
“Aye Sir. What are your orders Sir?”
“Make your way back to Pearl, ONI has reactivated you. I'll inform Admiral Johnson that we've made contact, what's your ETA?”
“About eighteen hours, Sir.”
“Very well. Johnson is keen on getting started but the beam also took out three fighter jets that had to ditch in the ocean so FS1 is grounded. Let's get you here in one piece and then make plans to destroy the Disrupter.”
“I take it I have a target?”
“You most certainly do, but we'll discuss the details when you arrive. Any questions?”
“No Sir.”
“Very well, we'll expect you in eighteen hours, you are to operate on radio silence unless contacted by me personally.”
“Aye Sir.”
“Starke out.”
Lee reached over and turned off the monitor, feeling very weary at present with another major threat looming over the entire world as he sighed and opened the crash doors.
“Mr. O'Brien, submerge to 200 feet and lay in a course for Pearl, initiate Silent Running,” he ordered reaching for the mic.
“Sparks this is Crane.”
“Aye Skipper.”
“Initiate Radio Silence, we will accept transmissions only from Admiral Starke personally.”
“Aye Sir.”
Lee took one last look around the Control Room and turned for the aft hatch.
“You have Con Mr. O'Brien, I'll be in Sickbay if you need me.”
* * * * *
Lee entered Sickbay searching for Harry and finding him tucked into a bunk with his leg elevated.
“How is he?” He asked Frank who crossed the deck to meet the Captain.
“He was a bit disoriented at first, it was more the pain than the head wound. We set the fracture and he's resting comfortably.”
“He's going to be alright then?” Lee clarified.
Frank nodded with a reassuring smile, “Aye Sir, but he'll be stuck in that bunk till we reach port.”
“That's okay. We're scheduled to arrive at Pearl in eighteen hours. How are you and John holding out?”
“I've sent John for some shut eye, he'll relieve me in four hours.”
“And the Exec?”
“Mr. Morton will be fine if he stays flat on his back until a surgeon gets a hold of him. He wants out of bed, but he's promised to stay put if I ease up his sedative.”
Lee smiled. “And the CMO?”
“A significant concussion. Between you and me Sir, I'll be glad to turn him over to the Base doctors. I haven't got enough clout to keep him in bed as long as he needs,” Frank said with a chuckle.
“You've got all the clout you need, Franklin. Right now, you're the Chief Medical Officer on board, what you say goes... isn't that right Dr. Jamieson?” Lee added with a smile, knowing Jamie had been listening.
“Aye Skipper,” Jamie answered dejectedly.
Lee walked toward Jamie's bunk, wheeling an exam chair over with him and sat down.
“So how're you feeling Jamie?”
“You know darn well how I'm feeling, you've had enough of these concussions to write a book,” he answered gruffly as Lee stole a glance over at Frank.
“A bit grumpy isn't he?”
“Aye Sir, comes with the concussion,” Frank offered, trying not to chuckle in the process.
Lee chuckled anyway as Jamie managed a slight smile. “Don't make me laugh, Skipper. It hurts too much,” Jamie advised in easy camaraderie with his captain and sometimes medical nemesis.
“Your staff held up well Jamie. You should be proud, it's a testament of their training under your leadership.”
“I know. I just wish I could do something to help.”
“You're helping by staying put until we reach Pearl,” Lee offered with a slight smile. “I'm going to check on the Admiral and Chip, you rest up Jamie.”
“I would if I wasn't being woke up every fifteen minutes!” he said as the last three words progressed in louder decibels with each word spoken.
Lee could only laugh, he would have found the situation slightly satisfying if he hadn't had complete empathy for what Jamie was going through.
“Good night Jamie.”
“Good night Skipper.”
Lee made the rounds rolling the exam chair down two bunks to where Chip was lying.
“Hey Chip you awake?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah just barely,” he answered truthfully. “What's it look like up there. I felt us rise from the bottom.”
“We've got full power restored, we have a band aid repair on an inner hull breach. It should hold till we make Pearl. We've got at least a third of the crew out of commission, either here or in their bunks, but we're okay. Seaview's a good boat, she weathered the hard dive well,” Lee answered a bit retrospectively.
Chip breathed in and let out a small groan, the rib pressing against his lung requiring him to take shallow breaths.
“We're going to get you taken care of once we hit Pearl, Chip.”
“I'll be alright Lee,” he answered with heavy eyelids as Lee smiled at his best friend's resilience.
“Rest up, Chip. I'll check in with you later.”
“Thanks... Skipper...”
Lee watched him fall asleep with satisfaction and then wheeled his exam chair across the deck to where Harry lay. His eyes were open and had apparently been listening to Lee's discussions with the other two officers.
“Hello Admiral. It's good to see you awake,” he offered sincerely.
“I'm doing much better. I just wish I could have been of some assistance to you in all this...” his eyebrows furled as he continued. “Just what happened Lee?”
Lee leaned forward speaking in a subdued voice, loud enough only for the Admiral to hear.
“Someone tested a new weapon. We were hit by something called a Particle Disrupter Beam. It took down everything within a 500 mile radius according to Admiral Starke.”
“Particle Disrupter Beam? I worked on the project briefly, but I didn't think anyone was anywhere near producing a prototype much less testing it,” he finished incredulously.
“Starke said it was a private organization. I've uh... been activated to find it.”
Harry let out a breath, “Then they've got some clues for you to work on?”
“Apparently, yes. We're on our way to Pearl, I'll be briefed then.”
Harry's bottom lip pursed tightly. “I want to be in on the briefing.”
Lee smiled, “We'll see what the doctors say...”
“Lee, I've got a broken leg that's all.”
“Very well, Sir. I'll inform Admiral Starke... between you and me I think they'll be relieved you're in on this. We weren't the only vessel that went down, we've got to get this thing sealed up tight,” he answered with real concern.
“I agree.”
“I'll let you get some rest, Sir. It was good to talk to you,” Lee added sincerely as he rose from the chair.
“Uh... Captain?”
Lee turned toward Frank who was standing just out of earshot distance, giving his superior officers privacy and waiting for the opportunity to speak with Seaview's Captain.
“Yes Frank.”
“Sir, what you said earlier... about me having the clout to order an officer to bed... Does that include you Sir?”
Lee sighed, knowing exactly where this was headed. “The Boat is out of danger, so 'Yes' Frank it does include me.”
“Order is a strong word, but might I suggest you spend some time in your rack Sir?”
“That's reasonable. I'll check in with Mr. O'Brien and hit the sack...”
“And a meal Sir?”
Lee chuckled out loud. “You've learned a lot from your CMO haven't you? Yes and something to eat as well,” he conceded taking it easy on the Corpsman and not engaging in the usual arguments he might have had with Jamie.
“Thank you Sir,” Frank replied, obviously relieved he had survived the request so well.
“And just why won't you do that for me?” Jamie complained from his bunk, his grumpiness inadvertently lifting the heaviness of the no doubt dangerous mission Lee would soon undertake.
His grumpy question was met by chuckles from both Harry and Chip as Lee smiled at Franklin, leaving Sickbay to the ongoing ranting of one very sick CMO.
“...he tells you to hit the rack and you say 'okay', I tell you and you start negotiating like I'm a used car salesman...”
* * * * *
Seaview made her way into Pearl almost exactly eighteen hours later as Lee's estimation had proven correct. More crew members had recovered enough to return to duty enabling Lee to get the rest he needed, he had even been able to shed the band aid on his forehead. He stood on the Bridge in his full service blues complete with cover, bringing Seaview into her berth with practiced ease. He passed the glasses to the deck watch and headed to the gangplank where Seaview's wounded were being readied for transport to the Base Hospital. Most of the men had been released from Sickbay prior to docking, the three men headed to the hospital included a Rating with a significant concussion, Jamie and Chip. Admiral Nelson had been hoisted via stretcher to a waiting wheel chair on deck, his broken leg extended out before him but wearing a uniform nonetheless; crutches would be prescribed only after the base doctor had checked him out. Jamie's grumpiness had continued and more tests were warranted to determine the extent of the swelling and evaluate further treatment. Chip's hoist from the cargo hatch was the most precarious and as such the Base doctor had been present to supervise his move. With all the patients safely loaded in waiting ambulances, Lee joined Harry in the back seat of the sedan.
“How are you doing, Sir?” Lee asked as he settled in.
“I'm fine, Lee.” He amended his answer when Lee raised an eyebrow. “Just a bit uncomfortable, I'll take some aspirin in Jiggs' office,” he admitted as Lee nodded, fully understanding the Admiral's current ailment and his frustration at having to use the wheel chair until being examined by the base doctor.
They arrived at Admiral Starke's office as Lee hopped out of the sedan to retrieve Harry's wheel chair, but was surprised when he rounded the back of the car and found the Admiral sporting a pair of crutches. They weren't on Seaview and a raised eyebrow or blow of the breath would be quite inappropriate so Lee maintained his expressionless command face.
Harry just smiled as he placed his cover deftly in place, while skillfully balancing himself on the crutches.
“Admiral's privileges,” he stated evenly but with a twinkle in his eyes that Lee caught.
“Aye Sir,” he returned, his own eyes twinkling in response as the two headed for their destination finding Admiral Starke's office in a flurry of activity. An aide announced their arrival as Starke's always brusque voice was heard.
“Send them in,” he ordered as the aide opened the door for the senior officers. Both Lee and Harry were surprised to see that Jiggs already had a visitor; Four-Star Admiral Gerald Johnson, Commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence.
“Commander,” Johnson greeted with a nod. “Harriman, I didn't think a broken leg would keep you down for long,” he said in familiarity as Jiggs shot over a “proud to be your friend” look.
“I'm fine Gerald. Now, what's this I hear about the Particle Disrupter Beam?” Harry inquired as he headed for the conference table. Lee followed, careful not to hover but ready to lend assistance if the Admiral faltered. Harry handled both the move and his crutches with ease as Lee sat beside him and nonchalantly poured a glass of water from the pitcher in the middle of the table and placed it before Harry. He poured himself a glass to hide his real intent as Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out the aspirin, taking them smoothly without any fuss.
“Several months ago,” Johnson began, “our laboratory working on the device was compromised. One of the scientists on the project disappeared with the blueprints and more importantly, the computer chip that communicates with the satellites and manipulates the geomagnetically induced currents. Producing the ionospheric disturbance is impossible without the computer chip.”*
“And this was the first we heard of it?” Harry said shaking his head incredulously.
“It was a need to know, Harriman.”
Harry curled his bottom lip in thought, “But the last I heard the computers weren't able to bear the load of the weapon.”
“Yes, that's correct. I understand you were part of the brainstorming team to solve the problem,” Gerald noted.
Harry nodded in the affirmative. “That was six months ago. We each disbanded, intending to rejoin in a new brainstorming session in the next few months. The meeting never happened and I assumed the problem was solved.”
“Unfortunately, the technology was stolen and sold, we can only assume the new owners solved the problem,” Admiral Johnson stated.
“Pardon me Admiral, but just what was the problem?” Lee asked in clarification.
“The Team wasn't able to build an apparatus that could survive the Beam's usage.”
Lee's eyebrows furled, Johnson's answer only spurring more questions.
“In short Lee,” Harry interjected, “the Beam was successful for one fire only, producing a temporary disruption in the electrical ions of the target area. The massive load fried and burnt the apparatus in every prototype that was built. It was simply too much energy to be harnessed and focused in on one point.”
“What if they haven't solved the problem at all?” Lee asked, his voice trailing off as he spoke.
“Continue Commander,” Johnson probed.
“If they haven't solved the problem, what are the chances of producing more than one unit and using the weapon as a single fire option with multiple apparatus'?”
Johnson nodded in the negative. “Zero Commander. The clean room process for developing the computer chip is a full one year process. There's no way they can speed the manufacturing of the key component that makes the weapon work.”
“So it's unlikely they used their one chance as a “test” without any real collateral to collect?” Lee stated rather than asked.
“Highly unlikely, but still a possibility and that's where you come in Commander.”
Gerald sat back, his steel blue eyes giving no hint of emotion to the dangerous subject they were discussing.
“We were contacted by an Informer who has given us our only lead on the whereabouts of the facility that initiated the Beam.”
“The satellites should have pin pointed the location...” Harry interrupted as Gerald nodded in disagreement.
“Negative. They used a web of satellites, bouncing off a random series before initiating the Beam. It was impossible to track back to the source.”
“This Informer,” Lee interjected, returning the conversation to their only lead. “How do we know his information is legit?”
“The Informer has given us credible intel to verify that he has been privy to the details of the Beam.”
“And just what is his motivation for jumping ship with the bad guys and giving us this information?” Harry asked knowing that thieves and criminals were trustworthy about as far as one could throw them.
“He's the head of a rival Organization who feels the weapon is a threat to his own power. He's come forward only because he needs our help to disable the Beam.”
“The enemy, of my enemy is my friend?” Harry stated in disgust.
“Friend? No. But it's our only lead and one we can't ignore.”
“And who might this Informer be?” Harry asked pointedly.
“Dr. Gamma,” Johnson said with no emotion to match the incredible revelation he had just made.
“Gerald! You're going to mobilize our assets based on Intel received from the world's number one threat to freedom? Public Enemy Number One!” He said, frustrated that he couldn't get up and pace just now.
“Right now he's Public Enemy Number TWO and we can't afford not to investigate,” Gerald chimed in matching Harry's fervor. “He's informed us that the Organization plans to release another beam at 1200 hours tomorrow. This time it was fighter jets and subs next time it may well include passenger airliners caught in the beam. We have to shut this down NOW!” he finished with a firm hand slapped down on the table.
“And just how does this involve Commander Crane?” Harry asked, trying to get the cards laid on the table.
“Commander Crane has already gotten to the crux of the matter,” Johnson said mysteriously. “They could have solved the problem and have at their disposal multiple use capability of the weapon. But however unlikely it may be, they may have used the weapon in a onetime use for affect only, in short... a bluff.”
“But to what end?” Lee asked.
“That's what you're going to find out Commander. Gamma has given us coordinates to the secret base where the Beam originated...”
“Gamma has plenty of resources Gerald, why does he need to involve us?” Harry asked pointedly.
“Because he's indicated the coordinates lie deep within a fortified bunker; for all the resources he has at his disposal he doesn't possess a BB-4000,” Johnson said, referring to the new technology used to guide a bomb to a pin point location and penetrate deep within the bunker before detonating.
“Your job Commander is to determine if the Intel is legit before we employ the asset and destroy the facility. Your window of operation is limited by the scheduled blast a 1200 hours. We have no way of determining where the weapon will be targeted so we will take out the base if we don't hear from you. You are our only eyes on the ground before we deploy the bunker buster.”
“And if the Intel is false...?” Lee interjected.
“Then Gamma is up to something and we need to know what it is. You will determine if the weapon is still a threat, upon your report I will either authorize or stay the attack.”
“And just where is the bunker located?” Harry asked.
Johnson stood and moved to the window, staring out and then turning around slowly to answer.
“On an island within ten miles of disputed territory of the People's Republic.”
Harry threw down his pencil in disgust. “So we're going to either save the world or start World War III with this operation?!” Harry stated realizing that the island was claimed by the PR even though it was disputed within the International community.
“As you know Commander, we have no diplomatic ties with the PR,” Johnson continued, ignoring Harry's observation. “We cannot acquire their help in the matter. We can't even be sure if we're dealing with a criminal organization, the People's Republic or Gamma himself.”
Lee nodded, understanding that the weight of a possible world war weighed squarely on his shoulders as the PR would only see the attack as a willful and unprovoked act of war, firing so closely to their homeland.
Lee raised his eyes to meet Johnson's conveying his willingness to accept the mission even before he spoke.
“When will I be deployed Sir?”
Lee heard Harry's “hrumpf” but kept his eyes in contact with Johnson.
“Right away Commander. You'll be fully debriefed on the Operation and I have transportation ready to deploy you to a sub waiting 100 miles off the island right now. Commander...” Johnson started and then trailed off. He took a deep breath and continued, finding his resolve, “You do realize that a Disavowal Disclaimer has been assigned to the Mission?”
“Aye Sir, I'm fully aware of the ramifications of being caught so close to PR Territory.”
“Very well. No one outside of this room is authorized to any of the information I have just shared,” Johnson said sweeping his eyes from Harry to Jiggs and settling on Lee as each nodded their compliance.
“I have a car waiting Commander,” Gerald stated collecting his cover as he spoke. “I'll expect you in fifteen minutes.”
“Aye Sir,” Lee replied as Jiggs stood as well.
“Good luck Commander,” Jiggs said offering his sincerely.
“Thank you Admiral Starke,” he replied as Starke passed a sympathetic look Harry's direction and left the conference room giving Lee and Harry fifteen minutes of what could possibly be their last conversation together.
Harry waited until the door closed and then blew out a breath.
“Just once I wish you could have said 'No',” Harry said dispassionately.
Lee stared straight ahead and answered, “How could I have, Admiral?”
Harry chuckled, but there was no humor in his voice, “No, I don't suppose you could have.”
They sat a moment as Lee's serious look faded into a closed mouth smile.
“I want to thank you Sir for the opportunity to Skipper the Seaview. She's a fine boat and it's been my pleasure to serve on her... and with you.”
Harry's breath in was audible. “Alright Lee. I'll accept your kind words, but not as a 'good-bye'. I expect you back at Seaview's helm when this is over, I'll accept nothing less Captain Crane.”
Lee flashed a smile that reached the full twinkle in his eyes. “Aye Sir. I plan on taking her out on her next mission,” he said as the two chuckled knowing full well that Seaview's next mission included diving in the Bahamas to measure coral reef growth in an ongoing study NIMR was involved with.
“That's six weeks away, I should be able to dive with you,” Harry stated in self-diagnosis.
“I'm looking forward to it Sir,” Lee answered as Harry pushed back his chair and reached for his crutches. He stood awkwardly as Lee reached out and offered a steady hand to Harry's elbow, their eyes meeting in mutual sincerity.
“Take care, Lad,” Harry admonished as Lee nodded.
“I will Admiral,” he replied and then followed Harry out the door discussing the warm waters that awaited their promised dive in the Bahamas.
* * * * *
Lee was briefed and on a fighter jet within three hours, making his flight to rendezvous with a carrier in the Pacific. From there it was a helicopter ride and a harness descent to the SSN Hammerhead, a fast attack sub tagged to take him to the small island off the PR's homeland. He regretted not being able to see Chip and Jamie before leaving, but he couldn't think of that now... they were in good hands. He descended down the Conning Tower hatch handing his black gear bag to a seaman.
“Commander Crane?”
“Aye,” he answered, looking nothing like a naval officer at present in his black ensemble, a turtle neck and fatigue pants complete with multiple pockets for stashing gadgets and gear.
“This way Commander. Captain Hughes is waiting to greet you, Sir.”
“Thanks Seaman, I'll take that,” he said referring to his black gear bag. He slung the backpack over his shoulder and moved forward in the narrow corridor that opened to the Control Room, feeling the boat slip effortlessly back into the depths as he walked.
“Permission to come aboard,” Lee said by way of naval tradition as he issued a sharp salute.
“Permission granted,” Captain Hughes replied as he returned the salute and then reached a hand in greeting.
“Good to meet you Commander. We're about four hours from your Insertion point. The forecast calls for choppy but manageable seas for your zodiac ride to shore with scattered clouds and moderate winds of ten to fifteen miles per hour,” he reported all business with no time for the luxury of getting to know the ONI operative. Hughes didn't even know the details of the mission, only the importance of a clean Insertion and Extraction.
“Very well,” Lee replied stealing a look at the sonar and noting a clear screen.
“Admiral Johnson advised me you'll need a quiet place to prepare. Not too many places like that on board,” he offered with a small smile, “but you're welcome to my cabin.”
Lee offered a small smile back, “Thank you Captain. Please inform me when we're within thirty minutes of the Insertion coordinates,” he finished returning to a more serious tone for the dangerous mission.
“You've got it Commander. Griffin here will escort you to my cabin.”
Lee nodded his thanks and followed the Seaman knowing exactly where he was headed on the Sturgeon Class submarine. He arrived in the small but efficient cabin and bypassed both the desk and the bunk for the floor with the only open wall to lean against. He opened his backpack and began stuffing his pockets with the appropriate supplies then shouldered his sidearm harness into place. The black harness was easily lost against his black shirt as Lee checked and rechecked his sidearm sporting a silencer, then holstered the sidearm turning his attention to his transmitters. He ensconced the small but powerful transmitter safely into a leg pocket and stashed the backup transmitter in the backpack. Next, he pulled out his map and the corresponding satellite photos studying them as he had before leaving Pearl, satisfying himself that he knew his target area well. Then he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, drawing his knees up to his chest and breathed deeply. He wasn't sleeping or even resting but engaging in the final preparations for meeting his objective; a step by step run-through of the mission. This was part of a mission that most people had no clue about, the psychological preparation to clear one's mind of everything and anything not related to the mission. To be so in tuned to his objective that anything not falling within its parameters was neatly filed away and completely ignored. No time to wonder if Chip's lung had collapsed or if Jamie's head injury was more serious than previously thought. No time to think on Harry's broken leg or Seaview's repairs. All he knew or cared about at present was reaching the island undetected, completing his reconnaissance and transmitting his findings. Even his Extraction, though certainly an important part of the mission, came second. Here is where Lee had to have complete trust in the professionals around him as he prepared without looking at his watch once. He was, however, inherently aware of each passing hour, and was therefore not surprised to receive the knock on the door as he stood and shouldered his backpack.
“Sir, the Captain wishes to inform you that we are thirty minutes from your Insertion point.”
“Very well,” Lee answered, completely in tuned to his mission as he followed the Seaman back into the Control Room.
He conferred with Captain Hughes and verified transmission frequencies with the radio operator then paced, almost like a caged lion about to be set free.
“Up periscope,” the Captain ordered as he made a 360 degree scan of the seas, settling on the coast before him.
“Commander,” he said, offering Lee a look around. Lee perused the shore; he would be inserted a mile from his objective, dawn would be breaking soon and time was of the essence.
Lee stepped away as the Captain ordered the periscope lowered.
“Good luck Commander,” Hughes offered.
“Thank you Captain,” Lee returned and headed aft to wait with the Detail as he felt the boat surface. Lee was all business, there was no room for gentle bantering or mushy sentiments. His concentration was rock solid; and even though he kept his face even and expressionless, his eyes testified to the intensity of the seriousness of the mission. Infiltrating a bunker wasn't like climbing a fence, there were no easy ways in or out of a bunker and little places to hide once in them.
The boat surfaced as the deck crew scurried up and deployed the raft. Lee was the third person in the zodiac powered by an outboard motor operating at trolling speed to veil its approach. Lee was ferried all the way to shore as he jumped out and headed for cover without a word spoken. The black rubber raft disappeared into the dark horizon behind him as he settled into the rocks and assessed his Insertion as “clean”. He stashed his backpack, a little insurance he hoped he wouldn't need later and moved along silently toward his objective... it was time to find the bunker.
* * * * *
Chip was settled in resting comfortably with his bed slightly elevated. His surgery had gone well to reset his rib and though he had suffered from a pulmonary contusion requiring monitoring, he had avoided the worst case scenario of a collapsed lung, subsequently avoiding the dreaded ventilator shoved down his throat.
He felt the slight breeze of the door opening and opened his eyes to greet Harry, approaching on crutches.
“Hello Chip,” Harry said with a smile that seemed forced. They had known each other for a long time and Chip was easily able to read the concern in Harry's eyes, accentuated by the furls in his forehead.
“Hello Admiral,” he returned hoping Harry would open up.
“Well, the Doc says you'll be here for three to five days for observation and several weeks in recovery before you're back to duty, but you're going to be fine,” Harry reported.
“What about Jamie?”
“The swelling is already receding, though he's still a bit grumpy,” Harry said allowing an easy closed mouthed grin to surface as Chip chuckled with him.
“How is Seaview, I assume that Lee is supervising repairs?” Chip asked, expertly shifting to the likely subject of Harry's concern.
“He's... currently unavailable at present,” Harry replied vaguely but the message was loud and clear as Chip let out a blow of the breath.
“Currently unavailable...” he repeated as Harry pursed his bottom lip and nodded. That could only mean that ONI had gotten their hands on him again. He had no idea if Seaview's latest adventure had anything to do with the mission, all he really cared about was Lee making it home in one piece, and that was a tall order. He didn't ask any questions knowing Harry couldn't share any details and turned his attention back to Harry.
“And how are you doing Sir?” Chip asked sincerely concerned.
“Fine,” Harry answered evenly. “A little bump on the head and a broken leg,” he recited.
“I can help out with the repair schedule Sir,” Chip offered as Harry chuckled.
“Mr. O'Brien and the Chief are handling it just fine,” he replied noting Chip's ability to hide his disappointment behind his seemingly expressionless face.
“Aye Sir.”
“However,” Harry drew out, “I'm sure O'Brien would appreciate your input. I'll have him report to you in the next hour,” Harry added as Chip let out a satisfied grin.
“Thank you Sir.”
At least this way he could offer Chip something else to think about besides Lee, he thought silently wishing he could somehow do something to curb his own concern. He let the thought go putting on his own unreadable face and silently counting down to 1200 hours, when everything would escalate into either a resolution or an all-out war.
* * * * *
Lee made his way using the rocks for cover, the dawn was just breaking and he had roughly six hours to determine if the Beam was still a threat. His report could authorize a strike that could prevent a disaster with a criminal organization and start an armed conflict with the People's Republic at the same time. It was an almost a no-win situation except for the second scenario; that the weapon was no longer a threat resulting in a signal to abort the attack. He made his way fully aware of the weight upon his shoulders, but placed appropriately in the background as he concentrated on his silent approach to the building up ahead; an old church built out of stone with a portico that opened to the sea. Intel suggested it was abandoned and out of use so he was surprised to see several oil lamps hanging on the portico.
It would make sense to skirt around the building but something wasn't right as Lee caught two things that seemed out of place: a PR soldier and a small boy playing on the rocks. The soldier was out of place as the island had no known military presence, signaling the fact that the PR may very well be in possession of the Beam, but the boy perplexed him. If there was some sort of military advantage here, then what was the young seven or eight year old doing playing happily about in the middle of a military operation?
Lee hunkered down to make his observations stealthily, he didn't have time to spare but something told him this was important. About ten minutes later a young woman appeared with another soldier following. The boy played gleefully and called to his mother enthusiastically showing her the new rocks he had collected. The woman didn't appear to be in distress and the soldiers appeared to be escorts rather than guards as she moved about freely without fear or trepidation. He couldn't hear their conversations from his vantage point and watched as the four walked down a path and out of sight.
Lee took a few moments to make sure the way was clear and then headed to the church to ascertain what significance the building might have to warrant the soldiers' presence. He made his way forward and entered by way of the back portico. The oil lamps still illuminated the inside as the dawn began to break on the horizon. A peek inside revealed nothing out of the ordinary, a church probably built by missionaries in years past, only the old building seemed to be swept, dusted and currently in use. A quick look around verified that the church was apparently just that... a church.
He started to leave and heard a stick break as if under someone's foot, it was undeniably a giveaway that he wasn't alone as Lee sunk in between the wooden pews to hide himself. Another solider appeared walking about with his rifle carried in a side cradle, ready for use. Lee figured his presence had been noted and waited as the soldier passed his pew then reached for the rifle from behind the soldier pulling it to his throat, effectively cutting off both his air supply and his ability to scream for help. Lee wrestled him down until the soldier passed out as Lee took both his rifle and his identity card hanging from a chain about his neck. He left the man unconscious but unharmed on the wooden floor as he rounded the portico with the rifle in hand, scanning his surroundings as he leaned against the wall. The sun was breaking and he was losing his cover so he darted out and began making his way toward the path the woman and the boy had taken. The Bunker coordinates were close enough to wonder just where she was going.
Lee hunkered down behind boulders and studied the entrance; steps that descended down and effectively camouflaged by boulders and rocks. There were no guards posted at the entrance and indeed a sand garden had been marked off and meticulously maintained. Something wasn't right; the boy and his mother, the church, the garden, none of it seemed to make any sense.
The entrance was quiet and now was as good a time as any to see what was inside. Lee stowed the rifle in the rocks and made his way to the door finding an electronic lock. He reached in his pocket for the soldier's identity card and was happy to note the black strip on the back. With a swipe of the card the door opened as he entered into a corridor; up ahead were several more hallways leading to different parts of the underground facility. The floor angled downward like a ramp as he descended deeper into the bunker until he came to a “T” in the hallway. He took the option to the right first finding no roaming guards. It was all too casual for him, not at all what he would have expected from either a ruthless organization seeking to rule the world or the usual efficiency of the PR's elite military.
He pressed up against the side of the wall as the sounds up ahead indicated he had found living quarters. He breathed silently, years of espionage experience keeping his adrenalin in check and peered around the corner to see a window cut out of the rock face creating an ocean view in what appeared to be a living room. He noticed toys left about the room as the whim of the boy abandoned one to play with another and smelled a savory meal being prepared in an adjoining room. The meal smelled of gourmet quality, not what he'd expect a bunker full of soldiers to be enjoying as he eased back and headed back toward the “T” in the corridor. In the back he found a study and several bedrooms... bedrooms not barracks. The scenario of a military operation began to fade as Lee headed into the study searching for anything that resembled the Beam's blueprints, laboratory notes... anything to give him a clue what the bunker was doing here. Finding nothing he turned to leave when he noticed a picture on the desk. He picked it up recognizing the woman and the boy, but what really caught his attention was the man in uniform beside them... the Premier of the People's Republic. Lee returned the photo and moved forward, as risky as it was he had to investigate every room in the bunker. He found a radio room with some impressive transmission equipment manned by a single solider, but nothing that remotely resembled the large Disrupter Beam as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall in place. He backed out with the soldier unaware of his presence and continued his search.
He moved about freely with no roaming guards as the bunker seemed to provide a complete sense of invulnerability to the royal family. Upon satisfying himself that there was indeed no Particle Disrupter Beam in the facility he made his way back until he heard voices. His luck had ran out, he had moved about with ease as there were few people in the bunker, but it appeared that the two soldiers had returned, perhaps from patrolling the grounds above. By the sounds of the conversation they were completely at ease as his presence had apparently not yet been detected. Lee waited until they moved passed him and then headed to the entrance. The floor ramped upwards as he climbed quickly and silently. He swiped the key as the door opened and made his way out as the fresh ocean breeze greeted his face. Quickly he moved to the cover of the rocks as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, his adrenalin in check but racing nonetheless. He was sure he knew what was going and needed to make his transmission. Gamma was indeed behind the scheme and was most certainly trying to start World War III by provoking the United States to fire upon the private bunker of the Royal Family! Somehow Gamma planned on capitalizing on the mayhem and carnage the war would leave behind.
He moved further away from the bunker entrance, being sure to stay hidden in the rocks when he spotted a man running shakily forward as he recognized the soldier from the church. All hell was about to break lose and he hadn't made the transmission yet. Lee hunkered down and unzipped a pocket near his calf, pulling out his transmitter. He had no doubt the radio operator would pick up on the signal but he had no choice; he had to stop the attack. It was 1000 hours, plenty of time it would seem but there was too much at stake; his own safety was secondary to stopping a tragedy that would start a war resulting in scores of innocent lives lost on both sides while benefiting a mad megalomaniac.
He started to turn on the transmitter when he spotted a shadow move and turned around in time to see a dangerous man in black assume a martial arts attack position.
* * * * *
Ninja. I hate ninjas, Lee thought absentmindedly as he slid the transmitter back into his pocket and rose slowly.
The Ninja wore the typical black attire complete with a black hood over his head and a scarf that covered his mouth, leaving only his dark eyes visible. He stood with a multi-pointed star shaped weapon poised ready to hurl and motioned for Lee to drop his sidearm. Lee had no choice but to comply as he slowly lowered the sidearm to the rock beside him. He was pretty sure the Ninja wasn't PR but rather insurance sent by Gamma to make sure that any operative sent to verify the Beam wouldn't succeed in reporting the hoax.
The Ninja squinted his eyes sizing up his opponent and then slowly lowered his star to a rock beside him. He assumed an attack position, squatting and moving his arms menacingly as Lee surmised the Ninja wanted a hand to hand combat session. Lee assumed his own position employing his own martial arts training as the Ninja suddenly leapt forward with his leg extended ready to connect to Lee's solar plexus. Lee dove and rolled as the Ninja flew by him, rising in time to raise an arm blocking the blow of the Ninja's frontal attack. They traded blow for blow blocks with their forearms when the Ninja found an opening and connected to Lee's shoulder producing a grunt. The Ninja took the opportunity to twist in a 360 degree turn as Lee recognized the coming move that would end with a swift and dangerous kick as Lee countered the move with a flying leap of his own connecting with his opponent's unprotected back.
The Ninja rose, obviously not expecting his opponent to land a blow of any kind, much less one that brought him to the ground. Lee's shoulder was bruised but useable as he again assumed a position to defend himself. The Ninja advanced as they once again exchanged blocking blows with their forearms until Lee's opponent delivered a devastating blow to his side. Lee had no time to react as the next blow was delivered, which he met with a weak block. He was tiring while the Ninja was ramping up his attack. The Ninja pulled out a long curved knife from somewhere in the folds of his black garb and readied to finish off his opponent as Lee lunged for his sidearm on the rock where he left it, grabbing it and firing the silent weapon simultaneously as the Ninja froze in place over him, the knife held high in the air ready to strike. Lee was about ready to fire again when the Ninja teetered back and forth, dropped the knife and fell backwards.
Lee breathed hard for the effort of the battle and reached for the transmitter in his pocket finding a damaged piece of equipment, having obviously come in contact with the rocks as they fought. He examined it, but there was no hope of repair so he moved along shakily gaining his strength and momentum as he went. He still had the backup transmitter, but he had a mile to cover in broad daylight with little cover and less than two hours to stop World War III.
* * * * *
Lee could hear the sounds of the soldiers combing the area behind him. The rocks had effectively hid his tracks, though by now they would have found the dead Ninja. He made his way past the church with the sun nearly over the top of him signaling the noon hour approaching.
The soldiers' pursuit had slowed down his progress but he finally made his destination; having evaded his pursers so far. He found his backpack and pulled out the transmitter, thumbing it on and entering the abort code even before finding suitable cover. He studied the transmitter looking for his reply, two fast flashes followed by two short ones. Relief flooded over him as the reply was made, the attack had been successfully aborted. He had done his duty for his country and the peace of the world, now all he had to do was get out of PR Territory alive.
He'd be shot for espionage if he were found, but not before they employed their interrogation tactics on him. He was still an American Officer and still on the PR's hit list, so there could be no happy endings if he were caught.**
It was too risky to wait for an evening extraction, if the PR sent for reinforcements and surely they would, they would find him by his heat signature so Lee fingered the code for immediate extraction. He watched for the acknowledging reply and sighed in relief. A clean extraction was now his number one priority, any proof of a US Operative on this island would still be disastrous, especially with the revelation that the Premier's wife and son were here.
Lee headed down the rocks to the shore below him. He'd been lucky so far, the bunker appeared to house only the three guards and the radio operator and they had a lot of ground to cover. He hunched down with his backpack beside him and watched the break of the waves. The sub couldn't surface in broad daylight so the next mode of extraction would be made. He checked his watch, fifteen minutes had passed but he stayed put knowing that if he missed this retrieval he might become a permanent guest of the PR. Then he spotted what he was looking for as Lee checked down one side of the shore line then the other. Finding the way clear he made a mad dash for the waves, running into the water until he could dive and swimming powerfully until he met the frogman. They dove in depths as the second frogman took his backpack and fitted a dive tank and mask on Lee, diving deeper and swimming toward the waiting sub.
Captain Hughes had brought the sub within a half mile, a ten to fifteen minute swim underwater. The two seals flanked Lee and helped him into the dive hatch as he nearly collapsed on the tank deck while the water pumped out.
“Sir, are you okay?” the SEAL asked, barely winded as Lee breathed in deeply, exhausted for the effort. He had agreed to the mission yesterday and had little sleep for all his preparations. He was running on empty as his body protested any further use, still he slowed his breathing and accepted the young SEAL's hand up.
“Yeah fine,” he answered as the dive hatch was opened and Lee was greeted with a warm blanket across his shoulders.
“This way Sir,” the seaman said guiding Lee to the hatch. “We're on radio silence for the next two hours,” he explained.
“Very well,” Lee replied allowing the seaman to guide him to the small sickbay. He didn't need a Corpsman, just a change of clothes and a bunk. He found both waiting for him as he surrendered his blanket.
“My name is Reese, Sir. I'm the Electrician's Mate but I double duty as a Corpsman. Are you injured Sir?”
“No, just tired,” Lee replied. He hadn't gotten shot or stabbed, didn't break anything and didn't have a concussion... bruises didn't count as injuries in his book, but he was moving slow enough to make Reese wonder.
“Sir, I need to report your physical condition. Could I just take a look at that side you're favoring?”
Lee rubbed a tired hand across his eyes and unbuttoned his shirt, shrugging it off and dropping the wet article on the floor.
“Those are some dandy bruises Sir.”
Lee's forearms were both bruised from blocking the Ninja's blows not to mention the bruises from the blows he hadn't blocked, the one on the side being the biggest.
Lee smiled. “Just went a few rounds with a Bruce Lee wannabe,” he said with a chuckle. “But I'm good, just a few bruises... nothing broken,” Lee replied as Reese verified for himself.
“Aye Sir,” Reese said agreeing with the Commander. “Why don't you change in there and rest here for a few hours,” he said handing Lee a set of scrubs. “I'll launder your clothes; they'll be ready by the time you have to make your call. Can I have Cookie bring you something to eat Sir?”
“No thanks, maybe later. Inform the Captain that I have to report as soon as Radio Silence is secure,” he added, switching gears back to the mission.
“Aye Sir.”
The small Sickbay head sported a shower which Lee took advantage of, observing a typical three minute submariner's shower. He pulled on the scrubs and donned the robe exiting and happily finding the Sickbay empty. Just him and the bunk, that's all he needed until he was able to report just what Gamma was up to.
* * * * *
1200 hours came and went; the attack had been aborted per Lee's code and the Beam had indeed, not been employed again. Harry leaned against the window sill of the communication's center, disappointed he couldn't pace for his cast and crutches as he waited for news of his Captain. All he knew for sure was that Lee had transmitted the Abort Code. The Hammerhead would maintain radio silence until they were a safe distance from PR Territory so he had no clue as to Lee's condition or even if he had been safely extracted from the island.
There wasn't much to do but wait as he stared across the floor to Admiral Johnson. Gerald and he were old friends and officers of the same rank. Eight stars between them meant for some interesting conversations from time to time as they discussed ONI's use of his Captain's time. He was aware of Lee's association with the Intelligence agency and had agreed to their insistence that Lee's Reserve Status be predicated upon his continuing to accept missions. It all seemed rather reasonable as he bargained to get Lee assigned to Seaview two years ago, but in times like these he wondered if it was going to make an old man of him before his time.
He and Lee had a special bond, it went beyond Superior/Subordinate. Lee's friendship had grown from “like brothers” to something more... something paternal. Harry didn't understand it and he didn't ponder it often; the subject was far too sentimental for him at this point. His concern, however, wasn't without notice as he counted off the hours waiting for the sub to make contact. His waiting was rewarded as the Communication's Officer reported.
“Sir, the SSN Hammerhead has made contact.”
“Very well,” Johnson said taking the headphones, greeting the captain of the boat and listening with silent nods.
“Acknowledged Captain Hughes, put Commander Crane on.”
Harry let out a silent blow of breath upon hearing that Lee was aboard and listened intently to hear the one-sided conversation.
Johnson's bottom lip pursed tightly. “Very well Commander. I'll await your full report upon your arrival. Johnson out.”
Gerald surrendered the headphones and turned toward Harry, tilting his head for Harry to follow him to a secure room to talk. Harry hobbled along ignoring his aching leg for the lack of rest he'd given it, and followed Johnson into an empty briefing room. They both settled into their chairs as Gerald leaned forward, folding his hands in front of him.
The noon time deadline had come and gone without a second blast so it was safe to assume that the scenario of a “bluff” had been utilized, but no one had the full story until now.
“It seems the bunker was indeed there but there was no sign of the Beam.” Gerald sat back and blew out a disgusted breath. “Crane reports that the bunker was a private safe house for the Royal family. The Premier wasn't there but his wife and young son were.”
“If we had fired on that bunker...” Harry started incredulously.
“Then we would have started a war which the PR would have never negotiated terms to end. It would have been an apocalypse,” Johnson finished as the two sat in silence for a moment contemplating the revelation.
“What about Lee?” Harry asked, breaking the silence.
“Captain Hughes reports minor injuries, nothing a good rest won't cure,” Johnson answered vaguely to which Harry rolled his eyes at Gerald's ability to disconnect from his operatives' physical conditions.
“At any rate he'll be back in Pearl in about six hours. He'll be debriefed and then cleared through the Base hospital, that's where you can claim your Captain,” Johnson added with a small but discernible twinkle in his eyes.
“Fine Gerald,” Harry said rising and starting toward the door with crutches under his arms.
Harry turned as Gerald continued. “He's good out there. There's no one else I would have trusted more to send that Abort Code.”
Harry sighed and pursed his lips tighter, nodding his head slightly. “I understand, Gerald. I don't have to like it... but I understand,” he finished, then turned to leave as Gerald reached for the phone to report to the State Department the details of the disaster they had just averted.
* * * * *
Lee arrived in Pearl and spent several hours in a comprehensive debriefing as every fine detail was rendered and clarified. He provided a diagram of the bunker, though with the dead ninja outside the Premier would no doubt consider the safe house compromised and use another option. Upon Johnson's satisfaction that he had obtained all relevant information, Lee had been ordered to the Base Hospital for his physical clearance. He was finally cleared for action and released to duty in what had amounted to a very busy and tiring day. It would feel good to put away his ONI hat and concentrate on his crew and Seaview's repairs. He hadn't allowed himself to think about Chip or Jamie up until now, and wondered about their conditions. Something he would check on right away, he decided as he was handed a garment bag and smiled. Someone from Seaview had supplied his uniform and he was sure he knew who that someone was.
Lee emerged from the examination room wearing his service blues and flashed a smile upon seeing Harry.
“Hello Sir,” he offered sincerely.
“Welcome home, Lee. How do you feel?”
“Oh a little tired I guess and pretty sore. Did I ever tell you how much I hate ninjas?” He said with a grin as he tucked his cover under his arm and opened the door for Harry.
“A time or two,” Harry quipped sporting his own grin, as the two left satisfied knowing that Dr. Gamma's bluff had been called and that the secrets of the bunker had been discovered in time to put an end to his plans.
* * * * *
In another bunker, on another island... a clean-shaven bald man wearing a velvet green smoker's jacket sat in the dark, sulking for his failed plan. He took a swig of dark liquid from his oversized brandy glass then curled his bottom lip and threw the goblet into the fireplace as the fire responded with a flash of flames. Someday Crane... Someday, he thought darkly... and then smiled deviously.
The End
The Bunker
*Particle Disrupter Beam – My
fictional device is based on harnessing, manipulating and emulating geomagnetic
storms (solar flares) and is a figment of my imagination born out of using buzz
words with little understanding of the physics involved, but it sounded pretty
scientific so I went with it. Historically
geomagnetic storms can indeed cause electrical disruptions, disruptions in
communications, and navigation systems.
I cite my source for my buzz words only, not to add credence to my
device. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_storm
** See my story Out of the Darkness, a WHN for the first season episode, The Saboteur
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen