From: Edith Nelson
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY
To: Harry Nelson
On that damn tin can somewhere at sea under the ocean with all the whales and
dolphins and octopus's and things.
I'll be taking the next available flight out to meet Seaview when she docks.
Still, handicapping a horse race is never a sure thing for man or machine. And
she only chose 'Mucho Macho Man' to place. Didn't do too well for the rest did
she? They came in last and next to last. Still, a bet's a bet.
Ps Can I come aboard in the dark when there's nobody around?
From: Harry Nelson
SSRN Seaview
To: Edith Nelson
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY
Edie honey, it's okay. You don't have to honor the
bet. It was just in fun. You
still had a good time, didn't you? Lee even rooted for your picks over
Seaview's. Now she's taking it out on him with a few minor malfunctions
requiring him to inspect the ballast tanks where it's dark and dank he emerges
looking somewhat like a lost puppy, smells like one too.
You looked lovely in the stands. Yes, we saw you. The TV coverage was great.
so was the satellite we tapped into. By the way, who was that man with you?
Lee's gotten a bit irritated that he was a bit too touchy- feely.
From: Edith Nelson
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY
To: Harry Nelson and Capt. Nosy
On that damn tin can somewhere at sea under the ocean with all the whales and
dolphins and octopus's and things.
That man just happens to be the owner of Red who's costing me an arm and a leg,
and what's it to Lee anyway? He's not the boss of me!
From: Harry Nelson
SSRN Seaview
To: Edith Nelson
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY
On that damn tin can somewhere at sea under the ocean with all the whales and
dolphins and octopus's and things.
He's just concerned for his girlfriend. That is what you still are, aren't you?
The way you two have been acting lately I'm beginning to wonder.
Ps. Don't worry about Red. The title papers are in
your bank account and the
horse will be delivered to the Tumbleweed Stables and Dude Ranch out here.
Call it an early birthday present.
From: Edith Nelson
Churchill Downs, Louisville, KY
To: Harry Nelson
SSRN Seaview
Harry dear, anyone ever tell you what a great big
brother you are? But you do
know, don't you ,that Red is a racehorse, not a cow
pony. But I suppose we'll
we have to board him someplace until we can get a proper training stable.
I'll be waiting on the dock when you make port. And I'll come aboard to
apologize to Seaview. In broad daylight. Tell Lee.
From: Tumbleweed Stables and Dude Ranch
To: Adm. H. Nelson
Dear sir,
Enclosed is the bill for the examination and treatment of one Lee Crane for
injuries incurred when the horse he was riding, boarding here, owned by Ms.
Edith Nelson, heard Ma's dinner bell and bolted from the trail he was on (with
all the other tourists) and galloped all the way to the boundary fencing before
our cowboys could round him up. They found Mr. Crane later having been
into a cactus patch during Red's mad dash.
While Mr. Crane only suffered some bruises and needles to his buttocks and male
ego, the horse had been clocked at a goodly speed so Ms. Nelson has entered
Red in the Santa Anita races, and has asked us if we'd like to place a bet. To
which Mr. Crane groaned and hobbled back to his accommodations, talking to
himself and waving his arms about.
Before Miss Nelson rather quickly followed Crane (she has an adjoining suite)
she said that while Mr. Crane prefers the kind of horsepower under the hood of
his Alpha Romero than the real thing that neighs, eats hay and makes manure,
that it doesn't matter all that much to her any longer and there may be a
special announcement soon. And that you'd know what she meant.