This story takes place
mid-way through the First Season. Ever
wondered how Lee got the reputation for being the “best sub commander in the
Deadly Envy
by Lynn
The jungle was hot and humid as usual, as Lee bent over securing the last sensor in this ring of fire Pacific island. He and his team had been part of a project with teams all over the island. The Admiral, Chip, and Chief Jones had all led teams of three to lay new seismic sensors to confirm the Admiral's hypothesis that this island could be hosting a volcano in the making. A cone was not yet visible, but the sulfuric and hot spring activity were both indicators of underground magma flow. The island was large in comparison to other islands of the area, as was the ship yard that hosted a small US Naval outpost.
The Admiral had felt that there was plenty of time to study the area, although he knew very well that a volcano could grow from nothing in a matter of days. It had happened in the late 1940's in the Mexican state of Michoacan, when a farmer went out to plow his corn field one day and actually witnessed the birth of a volcano. In a matter of days the cone formed and erupted. Fortunately that volcano was a rare monogenetic kind, meaning it would never erupt again. Harry doubted that would be the case in this region.
Lee had sent his team home early when Kowalski had tripped on an exposed root and wrenched his knee. Patterson took a limping Kowalski back while Lee laid the last sensor. They were all in radio contact and were equipped with GPS, a new global positioning system that the military had exclusive use of. Even without the GPS, Lee was very capable of traversing through a jungle as his recent ONI jaunts in South America had proven.
The sensor was in place and activated, and Lee allowed a satisfied smile to cross his face as he reached for his portable radio transmitter.
“This is Alpha Team Leader, come in Base.”
“Base Here. Are you done already Lee?” Harry had not been pleased with Lee's idea of sending Kowalski and Patterson ahead, but Kowalski's leg was not bad by Lee's estimation and the long four hike could be avoided tomorrow if he moved onto his next coordinates and set the sensor himself. Lee had reasoned that he would catch up with the slower moving ratings and meet back up with them on the way back to Seaview.
“Affirmative Admiral, I'm heading back now.”
“Good, Good Lee. I can see your sensor transmitting now.” Harry's pleased voice brought further satisfaction to Lee.
“Your team was the deepest in the jungle Lee, do you still estimate four hours ETA?”
“I think I'll make better time than that, but we'll go with that for now.” Harry cracked a tight half smile, if he knew his dark headed captain, he would be trying to best his hike back simply for the personal challenge.
“Don't be late. Cookie has set in new supplies and promises a feast tonight.” Harry's easy banter was actually a cover for his slight concern for Lee tramping about the jungle by himself. But, he had to admit, Lee had done it all too often for ONI in some third world country or another. At least this time, he'd be there with the lights on in Seaview's Windows.
Lee checked his direction by his own reckoning first, and then confirmed it with his hand held GPS. He was pleased to see that he hadn't gotten turned around in the jungle, losing his sense of direction. He headed off seeking to better his four hour hike of earlier that morning, unaware of the set of binoculars that were trained on him.
* * * * *
Jack Fielding had been watching Lee all day, it was his great pleasure to see one member of his team lead an injured crewman back to the boat. This is going to be all too easy. Jack wore the same green fatigue pattern as Lee, it was standard military issue. Commander Jack Fielding was 6 years Lee's senior and gotten his first sub command a few years before Lee.
He shadowed Lee as he set the last sensor, those coordinates were preset by Admiral Nelson, whatever he did needed to be well away from the sensor. He shadowed Lee for about three quarters of a mile
and decided he needed to act soon. Crane was making good time and he didn't want him getting any closer to the port.
He raised his rifle putting Lee into his sights, steadying himself for a good shot. If he didn't bring him down with one shot there was a good chance that Lee could lose him in the jungle. He started to pull the trigger when all of the sudden Lee went down with a yell holding his leg. Fielding followed Lee down with the sighting and caught the bright green and yellow viper slithering away. He lowered the rifle as his smile widened.
* * * * *
Lee had been traveling relatively quickly. The faster route back was not the way he had come, as that route was from the previous sensor they had laid. The best route was the path that he was now on, and although he was cutting the path as he went he found that he was making good time. He took a step and unknowingly placed his foot on a coiled viper lying on the jungle floor. The viper struck immediately as Lee felt a fire course into his leg as he fell backwards. The brightly colored viper slithered off into the jungle as Lee held his leg.
He had worn his combat boots but the viper had struck above the boot line. He started rummaging through a small pocket on his belt looking for his snake bite kit. The venom was already affecting his ability to see straight and beads of sweat were now running down the sides of his head, as he heard a rustling noise. Great! What else could go wrong? he thought pessimistically, but was relieved to look up and see Jack Fielding walking his way.
“Jack! I don't know what you're doing here, but I'm sure glad to see you.” Lee's hands were fumbling as he was trying to open the snake bite kit.
“Here Lee, let me help.” Jack took the kit as Lee gave up trying to sit up and laid back heavily on the ground. He was dizzy and starting to feel nauseous. When Jack began relieving Lee of his sidearm and transmitter Lee stirred.
Lee watched as Jack dropped the transmitter on the ground and stomped it into dozens of unusable pieces. He took his sidearm and threw it as far as he could, along with the snake bite kit and Lee's machete that had been dropped earlier.
“Jack?” Lee's ability to think just now was getting hard as the venom moved through his blood stream.
Jack turned to Lee, “I was going to shoot you Lee, but this is so much better. Now, when the Admiral looks for you all he's going to find is one dead captain with a very deadly snake bite.”
“Why Jack? Why are you doing this?” The effects of the venom were hitting his blood stream fast, and Lee fell back on the ground breathing hard.
Jack's look was hard and without compassion, “Seaview, Lee. She should have been mine, and would have been if you hadn't of gained so much attention with your little stunt in the Bering Sea.”
Lee's “little stunt” had been a mastery of hide and seek with a Russian submarine that led to a field operative's successful extraction of some very vital information. They had off loaded the agent in a zodiac, evaded the Russian Navy and retrieved the operative without any proof of their existence in the area.
The whole affair had earned Lee personal bravo zulus from the high brass, including touts of being the best submarine captain in the Navy. Lee wasn't sure how Jack had even heard about it when it was all supposed to be top secret.
“Now with you out of the way, Nelson will assign me the boat.” Jack's smile was decidedly smirky and full of self-confidence.
“Admiral Nelson's no fool, Jack. You won't put this over on him.” Lee's voice was getting softer and full of air as he spoke, which elicited yet another smile from Jack Fielding.
“We'll see about that Lee, I'll even come along on the rescue party. I'll be here to help Nelson through his loss, and I'll step into the hole you leave without any transition.” Jack rose to leave speaking as he did so, “The viper that bit you is very deadly Lee. Without the anti-venom, you'll die in less than two hours. Too bad your snake bite kit was lost. Good bye, Lee.”
Lee watched as Jack turned and disappeared into the jungle. His transmitter was smashed, there would be no help there. He couldn't just lie there, but he also knew the more he walked the more he'd spread the venom through his body. It felt hopeless, still, he had to try something. Maybe, if he got back to the last sensor he could mess with the electronics and send Seaview a message. It was a good plan, it was less than a mile back but going the wrong way. If Jack was telling him the truth it wouldn't matter anyway, he'd be dead by the time they got to him.
He wasn't going to just lie there and die, so he made his way to his hands and knees and pulled himself up hobbling over to a nearby tree. He didn't make it two steps before the pain in his leg had him on the ground again holding it and panting hard. Just then he heard a familiar rustling in the brush again, had Jack come back to finish off the job? He looked up shocked to see the eyes of a teenage boy, definitely not native, hovering over him.
* * * * *
Fourteen year old Randy Peterson had lived in the jungle all his life. He and his family were pioneers to this area, taking the jungle as one adventure after another. His father and mother had come here to live out their dream of living a self sustained lifestyle of living off the jungle and the land. He had been born here, and his father had died here. The jungle was harsh, but so was life elsewhere, even at fourteen he knew that.
His mother schooled him at home, and he was an avid reader. They would travel into the city at least four times a year for supplies and they always brought back as many books and magazines as could fit on their packing mule.
Randy loved his home, and the jungle was one wonder after another. Their nearest neighbor was several miles away, and they rarely saw each other except for occasional visits. That's why he had been surprised to see the man in green fatigues walk into his part of the island. He kept his distance, not knowing the man's intentions and watched with interest the box that he set down and fiddled with. It seemed to be electronic in nature as the man fiddled with some buttons and then the box lit up with a red light blinking intermittently.
The man placed a red flag on a nearby tree to mark the spot, and then pulled out a small device, something like a transistor radio. He talked into it for a few minutes and began walking with fast purposeful strides. Randy had a hard time keeping up with him, he didn't mean to spy, but he was curious where he was going and this was his part of the jungle. He thought he should know what was happening here.
Randy kept a safe distance away and followed the tall dark headed man almost in a parallel line. He thought he had better get home soon and was just about ready to call off his busy body ways when the man dropped to the ground with a yell holding his leg. He moved in closer to see if the man had just fallen or was actually hurt, when he saw another man emerge from the jungle. It was obvious they knew each other and Randy felt relieved that the fallen man would now get help.
But he was totally confused as he watched the new man dressed in the same type of clothes, take the hurt man's radio and smash it on the ground. Randy sank deeper into his hiding spot, this was bad...very bad. There was no doubt that this new man was up to no good, as he threw the other's gun and something else into the jungle to be swallowed up by the expanse jungle floor. They exchanged words that Randy could not hear and the new man walked away leaving the injured man on the ground in obvious pain.
When he was sure that the other man had gone, Randy moved out of his hiding place. Randy ran as the injured man on the ground tried to get up and fell back down.
“Mister! Are you okay?” Randy's concern was heartfelt as he turned the dark headed man over and saw the pain on his face.
“Who...who are you?” Lee's surprised voice was soft and whispery.
“I'm Randy Peterson. What's wrong Sir?”
“Snake bite.” Lee was holding his thigh as the poison traveled up his leg. Randy took out his knife and cut his pant leg open to see the snake bite. The blackness around the two fang marks told him the viper was deadly.
“My mother has anti-venom, its not far...this way,” he nodded his head toward the opposite direction of where Lee was headed.
Lee nodded, “Can you help me walk?”
“Wait,” Randy pulled his belt off his jeans and wrapped it around the Lee's leg, cinching it tight. Then he helped Lee up, “Lean on me as much as you can.” Together they walked slowly for about twenty minutes, Lee's vision was fuzzy and the muscle cramps were beginning to become severe. His head hung down as he struggled to walk, then he heard Randy calling someone. He lifted his head and saw a small house ahead, he had made it.
* * * * *
“Mom! Mom!” Randy's insistent calls were met by a woman who came running from the house.
“What happened?” She asked her son as the man he held was clearly in distress.
“Viper bite, its bad.” Rachel Peterson took Lee's other arm and swung it over her shoulder helping her son carry Lee inside the two room cabin-like house. They brought him to a bed that sat in the far corner of the room, opposite the kitchen area. Lee laid heavily on the soft bed breathing raggedly as the pain from the venom traveled up his leg. The cramps in his muscles were getting worse, as was his vision.
Rachel pulled open the split pant leg and looked at the bite. “What color was the viper?” she asked in concern.
“Green...and...yellow,” Lee answered in shallow breaths. Randy gasped as Rachel flew into motion.
“Get me some water Randy,” She hurried to the kitchen and pulled a pouch down from a high shelf, as Randy brought her a cup with water. She measured off the powder and dissolved it in the water stirring until it was a white cloudy substance, and brought it to Lee.
“Drink this, I know its bitter, but you must drink it all.”
She lifted his head as he drank the entire cup of the bitter concoction, laying his head back heavily afterward. Rachel pulled off his boots and ripped his pant leg up to the knee as she examined the snake bite.
“The viper that bit you is very venomous, but it also releases a poison at the point of the bite. I'll need to cauterize the bite or the poison will continue to eat away at your leg.”
Lee looked up at her as she talked, her voice was very tender and he could hear her concern.
“Do what you need to do,” his voice was soft, as he concentrated on keeping the anti-venom down.
Rachel went to the wood stove she cooked over and stoked the fire. She laid the poker into the hottest part of the bed of coals for a few minutes and then brought it over, holding the red hot poker, “Ready?”
Lee nodded as she placed the poker tip onto the two fang marks on his leg. Lee cried out as the poker touched and Randy threw himself over Lee's hips to keep him in place. His cry was short as the pain did him in and he blacked out mercifully.
“Mom?” Randy asked, seeing Lee pass out.
“Its OK, it'll be easier for him this way. Go get my first aid kit, son.”
Randy complied and Rachel set to dress and bandage Lee's leg.
“Who is he?” Rachel asked as she worked.
“I don't know, should I check his wallet?”
“Yes, surely he has people looking for him.” Rachel was busy putting the final dressing on Lee's leg as Randy found Lee's wallet and identification.
“Mom, do you know who this is?” he didn't wait for an answer, but continued on excitedly, “this is Captain Crane of the Seaview!”
Rachel raised her head as if recalling something, “The big submarine with the windows?” she asked as she took some pillows elevating Lee's leg.
“Yes, that means the Seaview must be berthed at the port.” Rachel nodded, it made sense even if a submarine captain traipsing through the jungle didn't.
“Mom, there was another man in the jungle,” Randy suddenly remembered.
“Good, we'll find him. He's probably looking for Captain Crane.”
“No, I don't think so. He saw Captain Crane, and talked to him. I couldn't hear what he was saying but he smashed his radio and threw his gun into the jungle and then he left.”
Rachel thought about this new information, “Then he isn't safe here.” Rachel hated what she was about to do, but her son was capable and Captain Crane was still in danger.
“Randy, would you still have time to make it to his submarine before dark?”
Randy's face was determined as he answered, “I can do it, Mom. You know I know the way.”
“I know. Take his I.D. so they'll believe you, and ask for Admiral....” she drew out the last word trying to remember his name, as she placed a hand sewn quilt over Lee.
“Nelson. Admiral Nelson.” he finished for her.
Rachel smiled, Randy loved every thing nautical and the great submarine had caught his eye the first time he'd seen it in a magazine. He read all he could about Nelson's submarine, “Yes, Nelson. Take your canteen,” she turned to pull down some biscuits and dried meat wrapping them for his backpack, then she scribbled something on a piece of paper and gave it to Randy as she talked.
“This is for the Doctor, Captain Crane will need medicine.” She paused a moment looking into her son's eyes, “Be careful Randy, the jungle shouldn't be traveled alone, but I know you can do it.” Randy smiled back, he was nearly taller than his mother even at fourteen.
“I will Mom. I'll leave now and make it just before sundown.” He kissed her on the cheek and left out the door quickly. Rachel watched her son leave, his blond hair glistening as the sunlight hit his locks. Soon he was out of the clearing and in the jungle, she thought of her husband and how many trips they had taken to see the port and watch the ships at the docks. The love of the sea was in his blood, his father had passed it on, as well as the survival skills he needed to live in the jungle.
She trusted that Randy could do it, or she would have never sent him off. She was equally sure that if the man who refused to help the Captain found out that he was still alive, then they were all in danger. A small moan brought her back to his bedside, as his eyes fluttered open.
She took a wash cloth and dipped it in water wringing it out as she spoke, “Hello, my name is Rachel.”
“Lee Crane,” Lee's voice betrayed his pain as he spoke.
“I know Captain Crane, we found your wallet.”
Lee swallowed hard, trying to focus past the pain.
“The viper was very venomous. I'm afraid that even with the anti-venom you're going to be very ill tonight.”
Lee tried to smile and nodded, “Its okay. I want to thank you and your son for helping me.” Lee looked around expecting to see the teenage boy.
“Randy has gone to your submarine to get help.”
Lee's eyebrows narrowed in concern, “That's a four hour hike through the jungle...”
Rachel interrupted him as she dabbed a cool cloth to Lee's forehead, “It okay, his father used to take him to watch the ships come in. He's gone many times and knows the jungle well.”
Lee's eyes relaxed some, he was hot and knew that a fever had set in. The pain was less than before the anti-venom was administered, but he still felt very sick with cramps, achy joints, a splitting headache and a nauseousness that always seemed to be present.
Rachel re-wet the cloth and continued to dab at his forehead. “When your stomach settles I'll give you aspirin for the fever.” Lee's nod was small but discernible.
“Just Lee,” he interrupted, smiling at her as he spoke. He wasn't feeling too Navy just now, and she had introduced herself using only her first name as well.
She smiled but it faded as she continued, “Randy said there was a man with you, who refused to help you?”
Lee nodded an affirmative, “Yes, he wants me dead.”
Her ministrations stopped, “But why?” she asked as she continued again trying to keep him cool.
“He wants something and he thinks I'm standing in his way.” Lee was purposefully evasive, he didn't want to give Jack any reason to harm these people. The less they knew, the better.
Rachel nodded her head in disbelief, as Lee shuddered when the pain spiked in his leg. Her face showed her concern, “I'm sorry I can't do more for the pain.”
Lee allowed a very small smile to penetrate his concentration, “You've done a great deal for the pain. Thank you.” His eyes closed as he rested, and he felt Rachel leave his side. He opened his eyes as she went into the kitchen and retrieved a bucket.
“I'll be right back, the spring is just out back,” he nodded and she left. The fire had stopped traveling up his leg, but it still felt like an unquenchable flame at the bite mark. His cramps were very uncomfortable and had he not had his leg elevated he would have curled into a ball. Knowing Rachel was not in the house, Lee allowed a moan to pass through his lips.
He was so very tired and before he knew it, he was asleep. He didn't hear the creak of the screen door or Rachel return and settle back in at his side.
* * * * *
It had been a long walk, but Randy had made good time reaching the docks just before sunset. He walked along the dock knowing that the Seaview would be berthed near the end, where the larger ships were usually stationed. Sure enough, he looked ahead to see the fantastic gray submarine in the last berth. There were several men stationed at the gang plank wearing blue jump suits and sporting sidearms.
Randy sighed inwardly, he was nervous but Captain Crane needed his help.
“I need to speak with Admiral Nelson,” he stated with all the dignity and confidence that he had seen his mother and father use as they conducted business in the city.
“Is he expecting you?” the guard asked, his doubts apparent.
“No. But I'm here about Captain Crane,” Randy reached into his pocket and produced Lee's military identification. The guard took it and raised an eyebrow.
“How did you get this?”
“He's hurt, but I'm supposed ask for Admiral Nelson. I can tell you no more until then.”
The guard stepped back and pulled out a radio transmitter, much like the one Captain Crane had, and spoke into it quietly. A few minutes later and tall blond haired officer came out to meet him. Randy noted the concern in his face, especially his eyes as he looked at the ID card in his hand.
“I'm Mr. Morton, the Executive Officer, and your name is?” he spoke calmly, but there was also an intensity in his voice as well as his eyes.
“My name is Randy Peterson. My mother said that I should speak to Admiral Nelson about Captain Crane.”
Mr. Morton motioned with his hands that Randy should proceed him on the gang plank as he boarded the deck of the famous submarine that Randy had only previously read and dreamed about. He was guided to the conning tower and then down a straight ladder to end up in the middle of the control room.
Randy had seen pictures of it in a magazine. The radio shack was behind him, forward was the periscope island and then the chart table. Randy was a little mesmerized as he followed the first officer through the front hatch past the helmsman. They entered the corridor and then down a spiral staircase into a large room that boasted the windows that the boat was named for.
Randy stood at the bottom of the staircase looking forward as he was called out of his mesmerized thoughts by a deep baritone voice.
“Young Mr. Peterson, I hear you have some information about my missing captain.” Randy turned to the voice to meet the blue eyes of the auburn haired Admiral, his three stars unmistakeably adorning his uniform lapels.
* * * * *
Harriman Nelson was pacing the floor of the observation lounge as he and Chip began working out possible routes to send search parties out. The hour was getting late, and Lee was overdue by at least an hour and a half. Furthermore, he had not checked in and his transmitter was not responding to their hails. The hour was getting late as sunset began to turn the sky's color into hues of red and orange on the horizon out Seaview's windows.
There were several other officers including Seaview's CMO, Dr. William Jamieson, included in the rescue planning that was now in progress.
“Mr. Morton, the deck watch requests your presence on top, they say its about Captain Crane.”
Chip acknowledged the call with the boat com system and practically ran up the spiral stairs promising a report as soon as possible. That's when Harry's pacing went into high speed. He was still cutting a hole in the deck when Chip escorted down a young man looking incredibly awe struck. The boy stood at the bottom of the spiral steps as Chip advanced to speak to the Admiral.
“This is Randy Peterson. He wanted to speak directly to you, and he has this.” Chip handed Harry Lee's ID and looked over at the young teenage boy trying to size up the situation.
“Young Mr. Peterson, I hear you have some information about my missing captain.” Harry looked over with the least amount of intimidation he could muster, even though he was tense on the inside.
“Admiral Nelson?” Randy turned toward the voice and recognized the Admiral right away from the pictures he had seen. He recovered from his shock and began telling what he knew.
“Captain Crane has been bit by a very deadly viper, he's with my mother about four hours back in the jungle.”
“What's his condition?” Harry inquired as his shocked look was quickly replaced with his need for information.
“My mother gave him an anti-venom,” he dug into his backpack and produced the paper she had given him for the doctor. “She says he'll need medication soon,” handing the paper to the Admiral as he continued.
“He's very sick, but my mother is with him, she'll take care of him until you arrive. But there's something else you should know.”
Harry handed the paper over to Dr. Jamieson, and turned back toward Randy at his last remark, his eyebrows raising in anticipation of Randy's explanation.
“I was watching from the jungle, just curious about who was in my part of the island. After Captain Crane fell, there was another man who was dressed in the same uniform who came and talked to the Captain. I didn't get a good look at his face, he wore a hat and the jungle was casting a shadow, but the Captain seemed to recognize him. He was relieved at first to see him, I couldn't hear what they said, but the man took his radio and stomped on it. Then he threw his gun and something else into the jungle and then he left. I waited until I thought he was gone and went to help the Captain. That's when I took him to our homestead.”
Harry's emotions took several turns of expression on his face as he thought through what Randy had said, and again began pacing as he spoke.
“You're saying, someone dressed in military fatigues that Captain Crane recognized was there and sabotaged his radio leaving him without a gun in the jungle with a deadly viper bite?”
It was a pretty good synopsis of the situation so Randy just nodded his affirmative.
“What do you think Admiral?” Chip asked as his carefully schooled faced threatened to break out in the emotion he kept just under the surface.
“I think we are very fortunate that young Mr. Peterson...” Harry paused, “may I call you Randy?” Harry asked politely.
“Yes, Sir.”
“We are very fortunate that Randy here happened along when he did.”
“You say you didn't see the other man?” This voice came from a man leaning on the credenza against the back bulkhead. The lighting was subdued and Randy couldn't see him clearly, although he wore the same khaki uniforms as the other officers.
“No sir, the lighting wasn't good, and I was tucked away pretty far.”
Commander Jack Fielding nodded feigning a concerned look as he did so.
“Well, its obviously too late to begin a hike into the jungle tonight. Do you suppose your mother would object to you staying on board here tonight Randy?” Harry asked.
Randy smiled, “No Sir, I think she rather hoped I would.”
“Fine. Mr. Morton, can you find our young friend accommodations for the night?” Harry asked pleasantly.
“Yes Sir, we'll put a cot in my cabin and he can bunk with me tonight.” Chip's easy smile was very reassuring to Randy and he nodded his thanks. Harry knew instantly what Chip was up to. It was very apparent that someone that Lee recognized deliberately left him to die in the jungle, and Randy was the only eye witness as well as the only one who could lead them back to Lee.
Chip motioned for Randy to follow him up the spiral stairs and nodded back at the Admiral, “I'll report back as soon I settle Randy in Sir, and maybe introduce him to Kowalski and Patterson.” Harry nodded his approval, Kowalski and Patterson would be excellent body guards for their young charge.
“Chief Jones, I'll need a team prepared to leave at first daylight tomorrow morning,” Harry said speaking directly to the burly Chief.
“Aye Sir, I'll take care of everything.”
“Permission to accompany the rescue party Sir?” Will's concern was evident to Harry just now.
“Granted. What can you tell me about Lee's condition based on what you know, Jamie?” Names had a way of being shortened aboard Seaview, and it was Lee who had started calling the Doc by his shortened name. It fit, and had caught on with the rest of the senior command team.
“The viper that Mrs. Peterson suspects bit Lee is very dangerous, he'll survive if he's kept very still tonight. But the powder form of the anti-venom is not as strong as an intravenous injection, he's going to be very ill tonight and will definitely need the pain killers and antibiotics that she has requested I bring.” Jamie rose, “I'd like to go and prepare my medical pack, we'll need a stretcher as well.”
Harry nodded his affirmation as Jamie excused himself leaving Jack Fielding in the corner.
“Sir,” Jack said moving closer to the conference table, “it looks as if you have everything under control, I'll head back to the base now, though if I can be of any help?”
“No Jack, that won't be necessary, my crew will handle the rescue.” Harry added as pleasantly as possible. He really wasn't in the mood for entertaining just now besides, until he spoke with Lee he was only going to trust his men.
Jack left via the spiral stairs and kept his face schooled until he cleared Seaview's berth, but his smile widened as he walked back to the small naval base he had been stuck at for the last year.
* * * * *
Lee woke up covered in sweat and cramping incredibly hard in his stomach and leg muscles. His leg hurt at the bite, but the extreme flu like symptoms were even more difficult to bear right now. He felt Rachel beside him and turned his head slightly to see her as she wrung the damp cloth again placing it on his forehead.
“Let's try again and see if you can keep down the aspirin?” she asked gently. The last attempt had failed as Lee's stomach rejected everything including small drinks of water. But he nodded, willing to try again for the hope of relieving his burning fever.
She lifted his head as he swallowed the pills down with a gulp of water. She held the cup a little longer hoping he would take another sip, but Lee shook his head and leaned back. She laid his head back as he breathed hard.
“Rachel, talk to me. About anything. I need something else to concentrate on.”
Rachel knew that Lee was in considerable pain, and that he was very weak. “What would you like to talk about?” she asked, knowing that the aspirin did little for his discomfort.
“How is it...that you and Randy are this far yourself.”
Rachel smiled, it was small and filled with both joy and pain at the same time. “My husband and I came here to this island sixteen years ago to live an adventure. We came bringing what we could pack in ourselves and found this spot with the spring out back. We homesteaded this land, and built our house mostly from the jungle resources around us. We packed in what we could to make our lives more comfortable, but generally we lived off the land.”
Her talk was wistful as she remembered with fondness her life here and Lee focused on her face as she spoke sometimes looking off toward a place where her memory could be reached.
“A year after we settled here, I found out I was carrying Randy. It was a surprise, we were told we couldn't have children. He was born here, my husband helped the native midwife deliver Randy. We had a good life, Richard taught our son everything he could about the jungle and living here, and all the things a father teaches his child. They used to take these treks into the jungle and go to the ridge on the mountain top. From there they could see the docks below. Richard loved the sea, and he passed that on to Randy. Randy knew who you were as soon as he saw your ID, he's read everything he could about your submarine.”
She took a breath and looked down at Lee, his eyes were very expressive as he had guessed that something had happened to ruin their perfect lives.
“Richard died two years ago when he was caught out in a tropical storm and a tree uprooted and struck him. We were able to bring him back home, but he didn't make it. At first, I couldn't bear to leave him, so we stayed, but now I realize that this is our home, the home he built for us. And so we stayed,” her smile returned, “its been a good home and a good life for both of us.”
Lee returned her smile though it was strained as she rose to refill the basin she used for keeping his face cool. Lee noticed that she wore a full skirt that went to her mid calf. She wore boots, sensible for the jungle, and a light button up blouse. She was modest in her dress and Lee rather thought that she reminded him of a true pioneer woman of the late 1800's. She was maybe five or six years older than himself, and he thought that she and her husband had probably come here in her mid twenties to live out their dreams. She was gentle and kind, but full of spirit and Lee rather thought that Richard had been a very fortunate man.
* * * * *
It was 0500, as Jack Fielding left the base secretly. It was still dark, but he needed to make it back to where he left Lee and then back track to the Peterson homestead. If Lee was alive, he'd need to silence him before everything was ruined.
He had spent the previous afternoon with Admiral Nelson, offering his assistance and concern at finding their mutual “friend”. He really wanted Nelson to see how comfortable he was on the submarine. He had commanded a Sturgeon Class fast attack sub, a smaller sub that fit well for intelligence gathering missions. That's what was so frustrating about this whole Crane thing. Lee was the first officer on a ballistic missile submarine from the James Madison Class. It was over 130 feet longer and whose main mission was nuclear deterrence. So it was highly unusual for the boat to have been called to retrieve a field agent in the Bering Sea. Then the captain ruptures an appendix and Lee Crane completes the mission from beginning to end. He had done so with such mastery, maneuvering the large submarine close enough to both dispatch and retrieve the operative without detection, that the brass decided to move him to fast attack subs and offered him the new Los Angeles Class sub, along with a promotion to full Commander. That appointment to the newest submarines in the fleet should have been his too, he had been around longer, had rank longer, and he had earned it. So Crane commands the Baton Rouge for two years and all of the sudden he's the best sub commander in the navy? Then Crane gets a lucky break and ends up catching a TDY* on the Seaview. The next thing Jack knew, Lee Crane had gotten the appointment of a lifetime. His appointment.
Jack's determination got stronger the more he thought about it. He hurried along knowing that Nelson and his rescue team would leave at first light, some time after 0530.
* * * * *
Seaview's rescue party was prepared and ready to depart at 0530. The team consisted of Harry, Chief Jones, Patterson, Rodriguez, Doctor Jamieson, Franklin the boat's senior corpsman, and of course, Randy Peterson.
Randy had been up bright and early, and Chip had not had to work to stir him at all. They had taken a meal in the wardroom and then met in the observation lounge for the mission briefing. Randy could have been very excited about being a part of all this if it weren't for the picture of seeing Captain Crane lying on his bed so ill. He also knew that his mother was not truly safe until he returned with the Seaview rescue party.
They left the boat and headed toward the jungle, as Randy showed the Admiral his short cut, leading the rescue party in a quick paced walk toward home.
* * * * *
The night had been a very difficult one for Lee, but he had finally fallen deeply asleep as the pain subsided. Rachel felt Lee's head, he was still feverish but it felt as if his temperature had fallen. She would take his temperature when he woke up to be sure, for now he needed the rest. She lifted the blanket to check his leg and cut away the bandage. The cauterization had worked and the dead black skin had been kept to the point of the bite. The redness around the bite had also decreased, she placed a new gauze square over the bite and covered him back up. She sighed heavily as she walked to the window realizing how long of a night it had been.
The fever had heightened at 104 F degrees and Lee's delirium had been difficult as he thrashed about in nightmares that she couldn't understand. His illness had been so precarious that she thought he was actually going to die. It had brought back too many feelings that were still so painful to remember of her Richard.
She looked out the window, as she contemplated. The sun was rising, that meant that Randy and the rescue party would be on their way. Then Lee would have the pain medication and the antibiotics he needed to recover. She heard a stirring and looked back over toward her patient. He was a handsome man, and she could have had a stirring in her heart if it weren't for the fact that her heart belonged to her Richard even now. But he was a kind and good man, she could tell that right away. She watched as his stirring ceased and was relieved to see that Lee had not wakened, he needed the rest.
She walked back to his bed to readjust his blankets. His fatigue shirt was open where she had bathed him in cold water through the night to keep down his fever. Carefully, she buttoned a few buttons and pulled the blankets up and walked back to look out the window watching as the sunlight began to bathe the jungle foliage.
* * * * *
Lee heard a soft moan as he opened his eyes, everything began to focus and he realized that it was his own moan he had heard. It had been a hard night, he was achy, sore and tired, but the cramping had ceased and the fire in his leg was much better. He lifted his arm to see his watch, 0712. Rachel was in the kitchen cooking and he realized he was actually a little hungry. She must have heard him stir because she walked over with a mug in her hand.
“Hi,” he said in a weary, but sincere voice.
“Hi yourself.” She placed a hand on his forehead, smiling. “Your fever is going down and your leg looks much better this morning.”
“Thanks Rachel, for everything,” his smile was contagious as she responded.
“I made you some chicken broth. I think you ought to start slow, your stomach may be weak for several more days.”
“Sounds good.”
Rachel helped to lift Lee's head with pillows and he couldn't believe how tired and heavy his body felt. He took a couple of sips of broth and then turned his attention toward the door. The door was pulled open, and he could see outside through the screen door. His facial expression was serious as he turned his attention back to her.
“Rachel, the man Randy saw in the jungle...”
“The one who refused to help you?” He nodded as she spoke.
“By now, he knows I'm still alive. The Admiral would have no reason to keep it from him.” Lee paused as he thought, “He'll come here looking for me...he has to, I can identify him.”
She looked at him, questioning with her eyes as he continued “Is there some place you can go where you'll be safe until the Admiral arrives?”
Rachel didn't even think about it before she answered, “Lee, even if there was a place I could go, I wouldn't.” He started to object but she continued, “You don't know how sick you were last night, how very sick you still are. The poison isn't neutralized, its just dormant. If you were to get up and start moving around it would reactivate and you would go through everything you went through last night all over again...only this time, you'd be too weak to survive.”
“Rachel, its only a couple more hours, surely there's someplace, a neighbor?”
“Captain Crane,” her voice taking on a command tone, “you're used to taking care of other people, but right now, someone has to take care of you. But if it makes you feel better...” she got up and went the kitchen drawer pulling out a gun. She brought it over and gave it to him, Lee took it with his right hand and placed in the folds of the blankets around him as she smiled trying to reassure him.
“Alright, but promise me this. If there's trouble and you can run, you run toward where you know your son will be coming. Promise me.” His expressive eyes were full of concern as he spoke, nearly worn out.
“I promise Lee.”
* * * * *
Lee had fallen asleep again, and Rachel was glad that although he was weak he was showing signs of improvement. Randy and the rescue party would be here anytime and so she went to refill her bucket with fresh cold spring water. She looked back to reassure herself that he was sleeping calmly and left on the path that followed to the back of the house.
* * * * *
Jack Fielding had finally found the homestead. He watched the house, it was quiet. He knew he didn't have much time, the Admiral and his party would be here soon, so he jogged to the door and scanned the room through the screen door. A satisfied smile crossed his face as he spotted Lee lying on a bed on the far side of the room.
He entered the room and quickly checked the bedroom, the only other room in the house...empty. He knew the woman was here somewhere, he'd just have to wait. Looking at Lee on the bed filled him with more contempt.
“Look at you Lee, cheating death like you always do.”
Lee's eyes opened right away as he turned toward the sound of Jack's voice.
Jack's voice raised in volume as he spoke, “All you had to do was lie there and die. But NO! You had to find a the middle of the jungle...WITH ANTI-VENOM!” His words had turned into an all out tirade as Lee realized just how unstable Jack was.
Jack calmed himself and looked around the room. “Where's the boy's mother?”
“She's gone, I sent her away.” Lee's voice was calm as his hand reached slowly for the gun at his right side.
“I don't believe that Lee.”
“Just do what you came here to do and leave her alone.” Lee couldn't get a grip of the gun as it was tangled in the covers, he had to be careful not to alert Jack of his hand searching so he made small movements.
“You know I can't do that Lee. I don't know what you've told her.” Jack's eyes betrayed a small conflict, he had planned on killing Lee, but the woman was not part of his original plan.
“I've told her nothing...I've protected her. You can't do this Jack, she would have helped anyone in the jungle...even you.” Lee finally got a good purchase on the gun, but just then Jack noticed and lunged forward reaching for it. Lee's weakened condition made him an easy conquest as Jack ripped the gun from his hand.
Jack was breathing hard, harder than was necessary from the physical exertion of wrestling with Lee. He placed the gun inside his belt and walked to the center of the room turning around as he thought through the problem.
“Nelson is not more than half and hour behind me, he'd probably hear the gunshot so I can't take a chance on shooting we'll have to do this another way.” He walked over purposely to where Rachel had extra pillows and blankets ready to use to make Lee comfortable. Jack picked up a pillow and walked toward Lee, “Make it easy Lee, I can finish this and leave before she comes back.”
Lee didn't believe that one bit, but he also didn't know how much fight he had in him. Jack was nearly over the top of him when he heard Rachel scream.
Jack turned toward the female voice and dropped the pillow reaching for the gun in his belt. He pointed it toward Lee and motioned her all the way in the door. She entered closing the screen behind her but stayed near the door.
“I should have known she'd be beautiful as well.” Jack shook his head as if Lee had bested him in everything. Young, good looking, US Navy poster boy and commanding the finest submarine in the world all at the age of 31.
“You can't do this Jack, she has nothing to do with this.”
Jack moved closer to Lee as his rage began to take over his reasoning. He began to shout and Lee took the only opportunity he had to save Rachel. He lunged forward grabbing Jack's arm that held the gun as he screamed toward the door.
“Run Rachel!”
Rachel turned and ran out the screen door, she remembered what she told Lee and ran in the direction of Randy's trail.
* * * * *
Lee held on as long as he could but he had little strength to work with and Jack easily regained the use of his arm whipping Lee across the cheek with the pistol. Lee lay unconscious as Jack ran out after Rachel. He had to catch her, this whole thing had turned out to be way messier than he had planned. He was half way across their cleared yard when he realized that he hadn't finished Lee off. He turned around and headed back inside the house cocking his gun as he did so. This was the last time Lee would ever best him.
* * * * *
Rachel found Randy's trail and ran hardly seeing where she was going. She ran straight into the arms of an auburn haired man with deep blue eyes. At first she struggled until she heard the voice of her son penetrating her mind.
“Mom!” Quickly she regathered herself and pointed back to the house which could barely been seen through the path.
“He's there, he's going to kill Lee!”
Harry placed Rachel into Randy's arms and took off running toward the house. Chief Jones left Doc Jamieson and Franklin to watch Rachel and Randy and the rest took off after the Admiral.
* * * * *
Jack cocked his gun and slowly walked to the bed, stopping and picking up the pillow he had dropped earlier. Lee's eyes fluttered open as he saw Jack wrap the pillow around the gun and point it squarely at his head. He had nothing left, it was all used up in the struggle with Jack earlier, the only consolation he had was that as far he knew, Rachel was safe.
“Good bye Lee.” Lee's eyes closed waiting for the report that would be the last thing that he would hear when he heard the sound of Harry's voice.
“Jack NO!”
Jack turned around in shock and surprise dropping the pillow and turning his gun toward the sound behind him. Harriman Nelson stood in the doorway with his gun drawn as they faced each other in a standoff.
“Put down your gun Jack, its all over. I've got an entire security detail with me, you can't kill us all.”
Harry's voice was calm and soothing as he watched the shaky hand of Jack Fielding mentally going through all his options.
“Seaview was meant for me. I should have been at her helm, not Crane!” Jack's voice turned to an eerie child like whine as Harry realized that he was completely unstable.
“Put down the gun Commander,” Harry's hope that Jack would revert back to his military training and obey immediately was realized as he watched Jack's shaky hand slowly lower uncocking the gun. The men behind Harry rushed in taking Jack Fielding into custody and leading him outside, as his head hung in defeat.
Harry made his way over to Lee, a new bright red bruise was forming on his cheek, as beads of sweat rolled down the side of his head.
“ she safe?”
Harry smiled reassuringly, “She's fine Lee, hold on Jamie's here.”
Lee nodded as the familiar feel of the snake's venom began to make itself known again.
* * * * *
Lee sat up in the bed, the last three days had been somewhat of a blur. His exertion in fighting Jack had reactivated the venom but Jamie had been prepared with an injection of anti-venom that had worked better than the powdered variety he had received before. That, and the pain medication had left Lee sleeping most of the days away as his body slowly gained enough strength to sit up. His body had finally absorbed the venom and the danger of reactivating the poison was now over.
He had watched through the screen door as Seaview crewman helped Randy with some building jobs around the homestead. They had set up a base camp in the Peterson's clearing and the house had been a busy place with Jamie and Franklin attending him.
In his few hours of wakefulness, he had enjoyed the time he spent talking with Rachel and Randy. They were two very special people and he thought again what a fortunate man Richard had been. He also knew exactly how Rachel felt about her husband. He had seen the same thing in his mother, the way she felt about his Dad. Love like that doesn't just die with the person, it lingers inside becoming the high standard that everyone else is compared to. He was lost in thought and closed his eyes thinking. He opened them again as Harry came inside taking the chair to Lee's left.
“How are you feeling Lee?”
“Much better Sir, but its hard to stay awake,” he chuckled as he said the last and Harry joined him, then lowered his head in thought.
“Lee, we haven't had a chance to talk about Jack Fielding.” Lee nodded, looking past Harry wistfully.
“I had no idea he felt like this, Admiral. I thought we were friends.” Lee's voice was soft but completely in control.
“No one knew Lee. But I want you know, he wasn't even on the long list of candidates.”
Lee looked up as Harry cracked a small smile, the one that said more than his words often did.
“In fact Lee, there was no list, long or short. You were perfect for Seaview the day you set foot on her, and I was delighted when your name came up as the best sub commander in the Navy.”
Lee ducked his head, he didn't know how all that had got started, he was just doing what he was trained to do.
“The truth is Lee, you've taken Seaview to new heights since you've come aboard. Both the boat and the crew have responded to your leadership in ways that have surprised me.” Harry's eyes twinkled with sincerity, this was a very unusual conversation they were having and Lee felt privileged to hear Harry's thoughts spoken so freely.
“Thank you Sir. Its my great honor to serve aboard her,” he smiled and added genuinely, “just as it is to serve under you.”
Harry nodded, “The feeling is mutual lad.”
The mood lingered for just a moment longer and then faded as Harry slapped his knee and rose.
“Well, Jamie says your riding out of here on a stretcher, so we'd better get started.”
“Admiral...about that...” Harry just chuckled and shook his head as he left not even giving Lee the chance to make his case.
* * * * *
Lee watched from the small porch of the Peterson Homestead. Chief Jones had led a detail out with Jack Fielding the first day, and had returned the next day with more crewman and a load of supplies. A steady stream of crewman had gone back and forth laying in supplies for Rachel and Randy, courtesy of Admiral Nelson. The crew had kept busy on improvements to the homestead, adding to the chicken coop and bringing in a few more hens as well other building projects and repairs.
It was time to leave, and Lee had won a small battle with Jamie for the right to walk out of the homestead on his own power. He fully expected to be placed on the stretcher as soon as they were out of sight the way he felt, but it would be worth it.
He had already said his good byes to Rachel, there was no regrets only a memory of a lovely lady and her son.
“Randy,” Lee smiled as he spoke to the young man who had traversed the jungle with so much ease, “you still have some growing up to do. But when you do, if you still want to be a sailor let me know and I'll do what I can to help. Your mother knows how to reach me.”
Randy smiled, the sea was in his blood, but so was the jungle. He'd think and pray about it.
“Thank you Captain Crane.”
“Thank you, Randy.”
Rachel and Randy watched the group leave with Admiral Nelson and Lee walking side by side until they reached the narrow jungle path where Lee moved forward disappearing into the jungle.
* * * * *
Lee stood at the chart table signing off on his log book. Seaview was now secured into her underground berth and the crew had already been dismissed. Lee had spent most of the trip back on sick list recovering in his cabin. He had returned to light duty in time to bring Seaview to her home port and was just finishing up with his final entry when Harry walked into the control room.
“You have plans for the evening Lee?” Harry asked smiling as he put his uniform jacket and cover on.
“Not really, Sir.”
“Good, I've found an excellent Italian restaurant in town.”
Lee grabbed his own uniform jacket and cover and the two left up the ladder to the deck. Lee was content as they stopped and saluted the colors and headed for the Admiral's car waiting for them on the dock. They made a good team, and they were fast becoming good friends. Not something that was usually done between superior and subordinate officers, but there wasn't anything usual about Seaview. And Lee decided that he didn't even want to analyze it further. Right now, he was content to be at the helm of this great boat, and to be at he side of this great man.
The End
Deadly Envy
*TDY = Temporary Duty Leave
Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen