You Know You Are A Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea Fan When…Part II
By Lou Ann Steele
- You wear a parka for a winter coat every year.
- You want stand up card board posters of the Seaview Crew standing around your house.
- You want a german U boat model to go with your Seaview model to make it look more realistic.
- Living next to Dr. Crane’s Office and wonder if he is related .
- Being at Walt Disney World and hearing someone yell "There’s Chip!" only to turn around and find a large chipmunk.
- Wanting to watch the old televison show "THE LIFE OF RILEY" because you think it is an biography about Stu.
- Looking at submarines and getting disappointed that none have windows at the nose.
- Wanting to be a female Lt. aboard a nuclear submarine and told the Navy does not allow women on warships. Then start wondering what they consider female nurses who work on war ships?
- While standing on a street corner in the snow, waiting for a bus and wearing a parka, your imagination has you being picked up by a snow tractor instead and taken to the Seaview .
- Being disappointed that Disney World no longer has the 20 THOUSAND LEAGUES BENEATH THE SEA ride.
- Hearing someone yell, "Hey Patterson!" and you immediately turn to look for Paul Trinka.
- Wanting to learn scuba diving.
- Wanting a sonar screen on your web page or screen saver. .
- Being at a pool and hearing someone yell "Dive!" and get excited until you discover that someone was giving swimming lessons and not commanding a submarine.
- Wanting to put flurescence paint on Captain Krueger’s photo so you can have your own personal ghost at home. .
- Trying to find 12" male dolls who resemble the actors on the show.
- Going to the NIMR website and being disappointed that NIMR is fictional.
- Wanting to have a Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea convention in a submarine.
- Watching Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea on the televison and not wanting to get up and leave the house for work even though you are watching a VCR tape.
- Wanting your bedroom to resemble Admiral Nelson’s Quarters.