The Favor
A 'Voyage' story
by Seaview Siren.
Admiral Nelson slammed his phone down and rose from his desk, a call to Admiral Johnson at the Pentagon had not gone too well. He pressed his intercom again.
“Angie is Captain Crane on his way in?”
“Yes Sir, I've phoned him” Angie replied, Admiral Nelson was not a patient man.
Angie made herself busy in the outer office to the Admiral's institute office by tidying files. Captain Crane had not long ago left, he was looking forward to relaxing. Obviously there was another mission. The handsome Captain had not been too happy when she'd phoned with an apologetic tone.
Admiral Johnson had requested a favor knowing Nelson would not be able to say no. Nelson ‘owed’ a favor to Washington for their assistance in a previous mission which had almost led to the court martial of temporary missile officer Lt. Mark Stone.
He had come aboard to evaluate a missile firing exercise which had led to an explosion off the Canadian coastline. Farmland and forest had been destroyed but no lives had been lost. Admiral Nelson had persuaded Washington not to court martial Lt. Stone and had refused to start proceedings as the publicity would be bad press. Washington had agreed because at the end of the day, Seaview was a valued submarine. Now they wanted a ‘favor’ in return. Admiral Nelson was not a happy man.
Angie heard car brakes squealing and looked out of the window to see Lee in his Cobra hurriedly backing it into its allotted space. The tall handsome Captain got out and slammed his door and came marching across, his face set in a frown. He hadn’t bothered to change into uniform out of his favorite jeans and sweater. She gave a knowing look to Claire, PA to Admiral Nelson who was joining the mission. Claire didn't look too concerned. Admiral Nelson's fiery moods didn't phase her; the woman had one hell of a backbone!
“Captain Crane is on his way up, Sir” Angie informed the Admiral who was standing at his office door waiting.
Captain Crane came walking in, “Admiral you'd better have........” he began and stopped, the look on the other man's face told him this was important.
“Close the door, Lee.”
As soon as Lee had done so, he continued, “I won't beat about the bush, I need Seaview ready to sail tomorrow for Oregon’s Ash Island, orders from the Pentagon.”
Lee was, as usual, perched on Nelson's desk. He’d been looking forward to catching up with some buddies but now had another mission!
Admiral Nelson banged his desk again and rose, violent.
“Washington called in a favor. I couldn’t bring myself to refuse.”
“So what do they want us to do?” Lee sighed
“We need to transport a senator, currently in California, to Ash Island. From there, he’ll be transported by an FBI helicopter to a remote safe house. There have been some death threats against him.”
“So, who is he?”
“Senator Kimberley.”
“You’re kidding!”
“Afraid not.”
“Oh joy,” Lee groaned, “how am I going to keep the crew from tossing
him overboard, let alone me?” he added sarcastically.
“I’m sure you’ll manage.”
A knock at the door interrupted.
“Come in,” Nelson responded.
“Excuse me, sirs” Claire said coming in clipboard in hand. “We need you to sign off on these, Captain.”
Lee accepted the clipboard and briefly read through and signed the documents. It was hard for him to keep from looking at her.
While she was two years his senior, she was one attractive girl.
“I'll um, see to it that the Senator has a comfortable stay,” Lee told Nelson as soon as his mind was back on the job.
“Not too comfortable I hope. I want to get this mission over and done with asap.”
“Me too. Kimberly’s tiresome, troublesome and only cares about himself. No wonder there’ve been threats.”
“Threats that Washington hasn’t been able to track down…I’m concerned, Lee…I want extra precautions in place.”
As per the captain’s orders Seaview was being loaded with her necessary supplies as quickly as possible while several officers and crew returned to NIMR and Seaview.
“What's the urgent mission Chief?” Kowalski asked.
“I donno’ kid. I just follow orders!” Chief Sharkey answered while
O’Brien checked off another crate.
When Lee emerged from the Admiral's office, Claire, was on the phone but waved him over.
“Hang on a moment, Sir,” she told her caller and covered the mouth-piece, “Commander Morton for you.”
Lee reached over her and took
the phone, but got the cord tangled round her hair bun. He saw the beginnings
of a playful smile on her lips as she untangled herself then tried to give him
her 'headmistress' look as Chip had called it. Lee wondered if he could get
himself detention!
Lee’s discussion with Chip didn’t take long and he soon handed the phone back to Claire, leaning over and flashing her his charming smile.
“Say, don't you ever do anything else but work?”
“It depends, Captain Crane” she began coolly, “did you have something else in mind?”
“ about a movie or something?” Lee asked trying to regain his composure.
Claire took her glasses off and gazed at him, “Or something?” she murmured and propped her chin up on her elbow and gazed into his eyes.
Whatever ‘something’ might have become was interrupted by Nelson as he emerged from his office.
“Let me know as soon as all hands have reported, Miss Young.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Since you’re coming along, so you’d better go home to get your things ready to report tomorrow. I apologize in advance that our guest may make things difficult for you…Lee, with me. I want to personally inspect the guest quarters.”
Claire was dockside in good time the next day, her bag and case being taken off her hands by Chief Sharkey.
“You are a gentleman Chief” Claire told him with a smile as she followed him below decks as they headed to her quarters and wondered if the captain was aboard yet. She gave herself a stern reminder not to think about him, she had a job to do!
Admiral Nelson was already in his cabin, on the phone with Senator Kimberley who was demanding that he be given best cabin.
“It’s already been prepared for you, sir,” Nelson assured him lighting up another cigarette and taking a deep drag, “My captain will pick you up at at 1700 hours,” he added and hung up.
Claire was called into Nelson's cabin right after. It didn't bother her too much that he was not a ‘happy camper’. Just as she entered, Lee joined her.
“I’m sorry Lee,” Nelson said, “but I just kind of drafted you to go pick the Senator up at 1700 hours today. Use the Flying Sub. He’s already at the San Diego Naval Base for safe keeping.”
“Right,” Lee said with a grimace.
“Perhaps,” Claire said, “the senator may change his mind?”
“If only we could be that lucky,” Nelson said. “I need these papers transcribed, Miss Young.”
“Yes, sir,” she replied and left closing the door behind her.
“Anything else, Admiral?” Lee asked the older man.
“Nothing I can say in polite company,” Nelson said with a playful smile
on his lips.
Seaview was ready and waiting, all stations manned, waiting for the
arrival of their VIP. Mr. Morton was manning the Control Room while Admiral
Nelson was having a little last minute quiet time in his lab.
Claire was sorting through the reports she’d made, and had already poured the XO some coffee and taken him some cookies that one of the mess specialists had brought up.
“FS-1 to Seaview,” Crane’s voice came over, “on final approach to the
NIMR harbor.”
“He’s here, Admiral,” Chip spoke into the mic. “Mr. O’Brien, Chief
Sharkey, Ron, report to the nose for ruffles and flourishes.”
By the time Nelson arrived, the Flying Sub was in the final stages of
docking. In minutes Riley had emerged, turning to help the senator up the
ladder into the nose. It was more than a courtesy as the Kimberly needed help,
restricted by on old injuring that required he use a cane for mobility.
As soon as he was free of the Flying Sub, and on the Observation Nose deck, his cane having been returned to him, he was formally piped aboard, a noticeably fed up Crane emerging onto the deck.
“Senator Kimberley,” Nelson said extending his hand, it’s a pleasure to welcome you aboard, sir. May I present Commander Morton, our executive officer and…”
“Enough with the pleasantries. Just show me to my cabin. I have work to do. I trust someone will show me the way, and bring my luggage?”
“Of course, sir,” Chip said, “Ron will escort you to your quarters and Riley will follow with your luggage.”
“Well that wasn't too bad,” Lt. O'Brien said after Kimberly and his
escorts had vanished through the aft hatch.
“You weren’t with us aboard FS1,” Lee said. “Riley and I got our ears
chewed off for not bringing him in fast enough!”
As Seaview cast off, Chief Sharkey called up to report that he'd finished his wiring inspection in the circuitry room.
“Very well, Chief,” Lee said into the mic.
“Get me the girl,” Kimberly voiced over the PA, “I require some paperwork done. I assume that’s what she does, anyway.”
“I’ll be there right away, sir,” she responded on the mic and headed aft.
“Bossy as well as impolite, isn’t he,” Chip said as he and Lee resumed their duties.
Senator Kimberley produced a pile of messy handwritten pages for Claire.
“I need these typed up, girl. Get it done asap.”
“Certainly, sir. And the name’s Claire. Claire Young.”
“You think I care? Where is Nelson now?”
“The last I heard he was returning to his cabin.”
“Fine, take me to him.”
It was a short walk to Nelson’s and Claire knocked on the door, entering after given permission to enter.
“Senator Kimberly, sir.”
“Oh, take a seat Senator. Can I offer you some coffee?” Admiral Nelson asked politely.
“No thank you Nelson.......I have given your secretary some reports to type up for me. I trust this is alright with you?”
“Of course. Miss Young is my personal assistant by the way.”
“Semantics, she types doesn't she?”
Claire said nothing in response to the insult and taking Nelson’s nod of dismissal, quickly vacated the cabin. It was going to be a long night.
“Will I really be safe here, Nelson?” Kimberly asked.
“We believe that you’ll be safe aboard as long as your whereabouts are not known to those threatening your life.”
“Any attempts made or threats received, Nelson, and I want to know about them!”
“Why, of course, Senator.”
As Kimberly left, Nelson couldn’t help feeling he, Nelson, might just be one of those wanting to threaten the man.
“O.N.I. just called,” Chip reported to Lee at the plot table. “Kimberley's passage with us is now believed to be known, we're to expect trouble!”
“Take the conn Chip,” Lee ordered. “Yellow alert. I’ll go give the admiral the bad news. You might want to break out the earplugs.”
Admiral Nelson slammed his fist on his desk, after Lee had reported the news.
“I knew it, this mission is going to be nothing but trouble!”
“Skipper?” Chip called over the PA, “unidentified object bearing one seven zero range two thousand yards! Profiles like a sub.”
“Torpedo's approaching!” Patterson yelled.
“General Quarters!” Lee ordered, “ready torpedoes two and four. Dive the boat. Sparks, try to contact that sub!”
“Aye sir,” Sparks replied as Lee and Nelson hurried out and ran to the Control
“Sir they don't answer!” Sparks was shouting to Morton as Lee and Nelson arrived.
“They want Kimberley dead and don't mind taking us with him!” Chip shouted.
The torpedo's made an eerie noise as they passed over Seaview and missed. Lee breathed a sigh of relief but this was short lived.
“Torpedo's approaching bearing one zero five!” Riley shouted.
“Hard right rudder!” Lee ordered rushing over to sonar.
“Captain!” Kimberly demanded as he entered the Control Room. What the hell is going on? I spilled my soda all over some of my notes!”
“Not now!” Nelson shouted, “return to your quarters!”
“May I remind you that….”
“Fire two and four!” Lee’s order interrupted.
“Torpedo's two and four fired!” Sharkey shouted.
Admiral Nelson had Kowalski turn the forward keel camera on and the enemy sub could be seen. There was no name or identifying number on the side.
“Missed?” Lee gasped as Seaview’s torpedo’s failed to hit the target.
“They can't've missed!” Chip shouted.
“Do something!” Kimberly ordered, pushing his way through. “Do something. Blow them out of the water!”.
“Return to your cabin!” Lee ordered.
“Do as he says!” Nelson added. “Just let the captain do his job, Senator. Frankly, you’re in the way…They must have something aboard to neutralise our torpedoes…We could fire till doomsday and we’d still miss.”
“Depth to bottom?” Lee asked.
“3500 feet,” Patterson said.
“Take her down to 3000, Chip.”
“I need to contact Washington right away!” Senator Kimberley shouted.
“Belay that!” Crane said, “we’re on silent running and why are you still here? Get moving!”
“I won’t be told by you or anyone else what to do!”
“As the captain of this submarine, Senator, I’m responsible for the lives of everyone aboard, including yours. Now get to your cabin or I’ll have you escorted to the brig.”
“Who the blazes do you think you are? I demand you fire him Nelson!”
“Captain they are no longer tailing us” Riley shouted.
“Resume course at depth, Mr, Morton,” Lee ordered then looked at Kimberly and picked up the mic.
“I think some coffee is in order, Senator,” Nelson said before Lee could order the MA to the Control Room, steering Kimberly aft and out of Lee's way.
Despite inquiries with ONI about the sub’s possible country of origin,
there was nothing to go on. Suffice it to say once it was clear that the sub
was no longer following and had disappeared from sonar, Lee gave the conn to
Chip and went to his cabin for a short break. He was getting a splitting
headache and poured himself a new cup of coffee.
“Captain?” Claire called out just after she’d knocked.
“Come on in.”
“Is everything alright now?” she asked, scared.
“For the time being. I think I should tell you that we were attacked by another sub.”
“We're okay though?”
“Yes darling, we're okay,” Lee said giving her a smile.
“And you're okay?”
“Apart from wanting to kill Senator Kimberley, yes!”
Claire seemed hesitant to leave.
“I, well, I’ll let you get back to work, Captain,” she finally said, and departed.
A smile played on Lee's lips.
Few officers and crew had slept well that night. But at least they had been secured from General Quarters, though Lee had kept the boat on Yellow Alert. He’d even managed a little sleep himself. Seaview was nearing their destination, thank goodness.
He had just emerged from his cabin when he was met by Admiral Nelson.
“Oh Lee, glad you’re up a little early, Give these to Claire for me, I've got some calls to make”
Lee nodded and took the papers to Claire's cabin and knocked.
Claire heard the knock and hurried out of her bed and hastily unlocked her door. Captain Crane put his head round then came in but was startled by her state of undress, though she had put on a robe. Unfortunately it was made of the same thin cotton as her nightgown, which did nothing to hide the swell of her breasts underneath.
“Um, some papers for you, from the Admiral.”
“Thank you, Captain,” she said accepting them, while she shook some of her long hair off of her face.
Suddenly Seaview lurched slightly, but it caused her to stumble forward, right into Lee’s chest and the papers scattered on the deck.
“What was that?” she gasped.
“Just a little turbulence from the currents,” Lee said. “Nothing to worry about”
Claire gazed up at him; he was do damn gorgeous, his eyes soft, and appreciating her closeness. If she didn’t know better he might even be leaning against her closer, bending down, perhaps to kiss her.
She could smell the soap and aftershave he’d used, and feel his breath. She was lost in the moment, so lost....
“Captain?” Morton’s voice came over the PA, “please come down to the Control Room.”
Lee moved aside and pressed the intercom button in on Claire's desk.
“Be right there Chip.”
He picked up the papers off the deck and handed them back to Claire,
“I’d better get going,” he said but found it difficult to get moving.
“Sorry I bumped into you.”
“I’m not sorry at all,” Lee said with a wink and departed.
“I wasn’t aware there were so many undersea caves near the island,” Lee said as Chip showed him the latest topographical chart. “We’d better alter course slightly.”
“Aye sir…er…you smell funny…not quite your usual aftershave…it’s almost…feminine.”
“I um, bumped into Claire when we hit the turbulence.”
“Lucky you.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Mr. Morton.”
“Ah gee, I kind of liked it there.”
Lee ordered breakfast be delivered to the Observation Nose. When Seaview had guests, it was the preferred location. Especially for VIP’s. Claire joined Nelson, Crane and Morton, and poured herself some coffee.
“Would you like a cup, Senator?” she asked as Senator Kimberley arrived.
“I don’t need your help, girl.”
“Her name is Claire,” Lee said, “or in your case, Miss Young.”
“The famous Crane chivalry to the fore. I should have guessed. Very
well, no thank you, Miss Young.”
“You can make your calls now,” Lee added.
“We’re no longer on radio silence,” Nelson explained.
“I kind of figured. I’m not ignorant,” Kimberly said and headed to the radio shack.
“I wonder what he’s going to say when he learns there’ve been more threats,” Chip said. “The news came in late last night so I decided to wait until this morning to tell him, if you wanted me to.”
“Someone has trashed my house!” Kimberly shouted as he hobbled back to the nose.
“I'm sorry to hear that,” Nelson said as the senator sat down.
“Why can't they just leave people alone?” Claire said.
“If I want the opinion of a secretary, Madam, I'll ask for it!” he spat. “And where are my transcripts?”
“The typed documents and the originals are on my desk. I was going to deliver them to you after breakfast. Oh, and I do apologise for vocalizing my sentiments, Senator. I wasn't aware you were that high above me on the pay and social scale!”
“Damned indignant Wo........!”Senator Kimberley began as Claire got up, taking her cup of coffee and plate of bacon and scrambled eggs with her and headed aft.
“Mr. Kimberly,” Lee said coolly, “may I remind you that you’re a guest aboard Seaview and….”
“What has that to do with me speaking my mind?”
“Let’s just finish our breakfast, gentlemen, shall we?” Nelsons said. “How soon till we reach our coordinates?”
“Late afternoon at the earliest.”
“Can’t this boat go any faster? Why not take me in on the Flying Sub?”
“We could, but the longer we’re submerged, and not visible to radar,
the better.”
Later in the day, Chip leaned close to Lee at the plot table.
“Any plan's for when we get back to port?”
“Hmm, I may do Chip,” he replied.
“Any point in me asking for details?”
“None at all. For now, let’s just concentrate on completing our mission and getting rid of our guest…speaking of which….” Lee said as Riley brought the senator’s luggage forward and loaded it into the Flying Sub.
Their guest didn’t even thank Nelson or say goodbye as he followed suit.
“Have a safe flight, Lee.”
“Aye, aye to that,” Lee said as he made his descent.
In minutes the little craft was aloft.
The Flying Sub neared the island with Riley monitoring the sonar screen.
“It looks deserted,” Kimberly said.
“Supposed to be right now,” Lee said, “that’s why the FBI chose it.”
Lee swung around for a second approach.
“Quit delaying Captain and get me down!” Senator Kimberley ordered.
It wasn’t long before the Flying Sub splashed down and edged toward shore.
The senator undid his safety belt, noticeably in a hurry to get out.
“Not so fast, Senator, “Lee said fastening a gun belt on. “Arm yourself as well Riley and come with me, Senator YOU wait here until we get back!”
“Well hurry it up then!”
Lee went out first and led Riley from shore into the heavily forested island.
Riley looked around, “It looks creepy.”
“There it is,” Lee said pointing to the small clearing, the chopper waiting. then halting their trek, “something’s wrong…the captain should have been waiting outside the chopper...Riley, you get back and stand by to shove off.”
“But Skipper!”
“Do as I say! Get airborne if I’m not back in five minutes.”
“Aye sir.”
“And that’s what he said,” Riley told Nelson on the radio. “And when I got back here, the senator was gone.”
Just then Lee climbed into the Flying Sub.
“Thank God,” Riley said, handing him the mic. “Kimberly’s gone and I have the admiral on the radio.”
“The FBI chopper crew is out cold,” Lee told Nelson and Riley, “I didn’t see any bullets, but they’re down for the count.”
“And the senator left his cane and stuff,” Riley added.
“Then they got him alive,” Lee said. “C’mon Stu, looks like we’ve got a new mission.”
“Be careful, Lee,” Nelson warned.
“It shouldn’t take long,” Lee said, “we’ll be using heat sensors…”
It was not a pleasant walk through the forest, although they’d found a path that indicated warm footprints.
“Come in Lee,” Nelson said via the hand held radio after about ten minutes.
“Washington believes there’s a Peter Reynolds behind the threats and that he may be on the island.”
“Roger that. We’re following some warm footprints…”
The sound of a gunshot interrupted.
“Oh my god,” Claire gasped.”
“Lee? Respond!” Nelson ordered.
“We’re fine,” Lee said, “following the direction of the gunshot.”
It wasn’t long before Lee and Riley found Senator Kimberley standing over a body.
Riley bent to examine the man, “He's dead."
“Care to tell me what happened, Senator?” Lee asked.
“I…I think I need a lawyer.”
“No, Riley, don’t move or touch anything,” Lee ordered then called Nelson on his hand radio, “there’s been an incident. A man’s been shot by the senator. Call the police and I’m sure you’ve already been in touch with the FBI. Fill them in about this too. ”
“I didn’t mean to do it,” Kimberly complained, “he aimed at me first!”
“We’ll let the courts decide that. I’ll take that gun, sir.”
It had been a few hours before Lee and Riley had been able to return to
Seaview with one of the detectives. He made quick work of examining the Kimberly’s
cabin and possessions, finally grabbing them all before Lee returned him to the
island and the police chopper waiting, Kimberly in custody. The FBI’s chopper
crew was rousing from what turned out to be a well- planned airborne virus in
the AC system.
“You can go now, Captain. We’ll be in touch,” the detective said, and
had one of his cops walk through the path and down to the shore, and the Flying
“Looks like a pretty good case for self- defence,” Nelson said. “Reynolds has wanted Kimberley out of office for years and was prepared to go to any lengths to achieve it, including switching to the other side and getting one of their subs to give chase. It’s anyone’s guess why they didn’t follow us for the kill. Kimberley and Reynolds have had their political spats over the years but I don't think even Kimberley suspected Reynolds.”
“Politics and power are bad
bedfellows,” Lee said. “I can’t believe what some men are prepared to kill
Finally, Seaview was home and the crew had been dismissed for shore leave. Even her officers.
A red sports car was parked nearby NIMR but not too close, on one of the paved lookout points with steps down to the beach.
It was dark except for the moonlight and lights from the several Santa Barbara resorts glimmered on the sand and shore. Most beachgoers had gone, and there was a gentle breeze in the air.
A picnic hamper lay on the sand with used cutlery and two glasses. There were the sounds of voices behind the cover of some large boulders.
Lee held Claire in his arms as she kissed him then snuggled into chest.
“Hmm,” she said, “I could stay here forever with you like this.”
So could I darling, well until the next mission."
Claire looked up at him, “I was scared you'd gotten hurt on that island.”
“I know you were darling,” he said drawing her closer.
“I'm glad we finally got to be alone together,” she murmured.
“So am I Claire. Let’s not waste the night,” he said, pulling her up and starting to walk up the steps to the car. “Let’s go home, at least I hope you’ll consider my place home."
“You know I