Lasting Image
A short vignette by Carol
Author’s note: this vignette
takes place just after ‘Eleven Days to Zero’
The photograph almost burned
in his hand. It had been taken by the newly installed security cameras placed
about inside the sub. They were to have set exterior ones just when they’d been
called away on the emergency mission, now completed. Almost as if the whole
thing had never happened. It just wasn’t fair. None of it was fair.
“Ski, quit your daydreamin’,
“ Chief Jones said, “ go take that new thingamabob of the Admiral’s to the boat. What’s that picture you got
clutched in your hand like you’re afraid it’ll blow away?”
“It’s the Skipper. Must have
been the last picture taken of him alive. I was getting the grief about our bad
security from the new Captain and all of his plans for the essential upgrades we need when I saw
it. Just lying there on top of the others on his desk. Captain Phillip’s desk,
not his. Not really. Like the Skipper never even existed. Like he was...nothing.”
“So what did Crane say when
you asked him for the picture?”
“I didn’t. I just took it. He
was too busy to even notice. He was on the phone to Pearl about getting his car
“You know he could have you
fired for swiping that picture? He could do it you know.”
“I almost hope he does. I
don’t know if I even want to be on Seaview anymore. Not with him aboard.”
“You didn’t think that when
he saved our hides. And the world’s too, if you get right down to it.”
“That was a global crisis.
It’s different now.”
“We always have emergencies,
global and otherwise, that’s what we do best. And the Admiral wouldn’t have
asked the Navy that we keep him if he didn’t think he could do the job, even to
handling crybabies like you. Now quit
acting like an idiot and get that whatever that doohickey is to the Admiral
before he starts griping about havin’ to wait.”
“I was beginning to think you’d
gotten lost,” Nelson said as Ski appeared aboard Seaview with the Admiral’s
latest acquisition, protected in a yellow vinyl wrap. “These triad microscopes
can be temperamental if they get moist. Supply should have kept it crated...
Any sign of the rain stopping?”
“It’s starting to clear but
the forecast is for more rain later today.” Without being asked, Ski held and
turned the vast affair as Nelson made the necessary adjustments while he
installed it into its new place in the boat’s lab.
“You’re pretty quiet, lad,
not like you. Anything wrong?”
“No. It’s just...” Ski took a
deep breath, “are you sure about keeping Captain Crane?”
“Sure about....”Nelson
paused, the question was a bit of a shock. “Why do you ask? He’s a fine sub
commander. I couldn’t have chosen better myself.”
Ski said nothing.
“What is it son?” Nelson
indicated the only other chair, actually a hard stool.
“It’s not that he can’t skip
a boat, but...I saw this,” Ski handed Nelson the photo; “it was just tossed on
a pile of security pictures on Captain Phillips’ desk. He didn’t even seem to
care and...”
Nelson studied the image of Phillips in the control room...
It was an ordinary scene of
work aboard Seaview, one they’d all seen numerous times, of their late Captain
checking on some equipment in the sub’s control room. Nelson noticed the
security ticker on the bottom, and the date. It had been taken just an hour
before he’d been killed by the terrorists intent on Nelson’s failure to avoid a
full scale natural disaster caused by recent seismic activity....Nelson had
managed to survive the gunfire by being tossed out of the car before it spun
out of control and burst into flame. “We all feel the loss, Ski. John and I
went back a long way, and he’ll be sorely missed by us all...but it’s not
Crane’s fault if he can’t feel our grief.”
“No sir, but...”
“Ski, there’s going to be a
period of adjustment for all of us. Believe me; you’ll come to like him. Just
give it some time, okay?”
“Sir,” Ski hesitated, “am I ‘ordered’ to like Captain Crane?”
“No,” Nelson said gently
though disturbed by Kowalski’s attitude, “But I’d appreciate it if you could
respect him.”
“Oh, I respect him okay. I
just can’’s hard to get used to him. Captain Phillips is dead, and
Captain Crane doesn’t give a shit...”
“Enough. I’ll allow for that
outburst due to the stress we’ve all been under, this time, but...”
“Is there anything else sir?”
Kowalski interrupted.
“No,” Nelson said, “If you’re
so dedicated to disliking him, there’s nothing I can do about it. You can
return to your duties. And Ski, you might want to stop by the visitor’s center.
There’s something there you may want to see.”
The memorial wreath in the
marble lobby, dedicated to the late Captain, driver, and two guards also killed
with Phillips was impressive. Laid by Nelson, and witnessed by all hands in the
memorial service which had taken place almost as soon as the boat had docked a few
days ago, it offered little comfort to the weary crewman. Why did Nelson want
him to see it again? Then he saw a plain white scroll of sorts, laid inside
some of the flowers. That hadn’t been there before. Ski took it and began to
Capt. Phillips,
never had the privilege of knowing you, but I can tell how very much your
officers and crew admired you. I just wanted to say, I cannot, nor will I, try
to replace you, the man, only the job. If I can obtain even half the respect
they had for you, I’ll consider myself quite a success in my decision to remain
aboard Seaview.
know I’ll have to set aside some of my preconceived notions about her, but the
Admiral has already seen to most of them, but no doubt there may still be some
problems as we all adjust to each other.
a fine lady, Seaview, pretty astounding actually, and I promise you that I’ll
never knowingly let her or her crew or Nelson down.
Ski rolled the scroll and
replaced it, looked at the portraits of the lost men, bowed his head, then
left, his mind confused, unsure, and a little bit guilty as he walked back to
the Institute offices.
As he passed by Officer’s
Row, the wing in the institute that housed the Captain’s and XO’s offices, Ski noticed
the last remaining boxes of Captain Phillips personal effects just outside his
office. The door was wide open and Angie was inside with Crane, laughing about
something or other. Ski’s resolve almost disappeared but he had no choice.
Captain Phillips would have wanted it this way.
He cleared his throat at the door.
“Permission to speak with the Captain?”
“What’s on your mind Ski?”
Crane asked, well aware his mere presence was still not exactly welcome by the
“I need to give you this...I
took it from that pile of security pictures on your desk. No excuse sir.”
Crane took the photo
gratefully, “I was wondering where I mislaid it. I promised his wife I’d bring
it over today with his personal effects...Ski? Would you like a copy of this?”
he asked gently. “This is probably the last picture taken of him....”
“I...yes. Yes, sir, I would.”
“He was a good man,” Crane
said softly.
“Thank you sir. Uh, would you
like me to carry the boxes for you?”
“I’d appreciate that, yes,
Ski. The car pool said they’d have a vehicle here soon.”
Ski lifted the four stacked
boxes, “‘Soon’ is a matter of opinion with the car pool, Skipper. See
you downstairs,” Ski departed.
“What is it Lee?”Angie asked.
“Nothing,” Lee tried to hide
a small grin, “We still on for lunch?”
“We are, if you don’t mind
cafeteria blahh. I have to stick around the grounds until Lola gets back from
vacation. Been kind of short staffed. Someone on staff always has to be ‘readily
available’ as the boss puts it.
“Did somebody mention lunch?”
Morton popped into the office.
“Beware the bottomless pit;
you’ll join us, won’t you Chip?”Angie asked.
Morton glanced at his
Captain, not quite sure if he would be interfering with a date.
“Actually, that’s a good
idea,” Crane came to his rescue, “we can discuss some of the new security
measures we’re initiating. Should come as quite a relief to some of the crew,
including Kowalski.”
Morton laughed with Crane as
Angie tried to figure out what was so funny.
“Don’t worry, Ang,” Chip
said, “I’ll fill you in all about it as our gallant Captain attends to his
As the car drove Crane and
Ski the moderate distance to Mrs. Phillip’s home, Crane began to relax any of
his nagging misgivings about taking on Seaview. Angie hadn’t noticed anything,
but he had. Ski had called him the more fraternal ‘Skipper’ instead of the more
formal ‘Captain’ he’d been using all this time. Crane could tell it had been
forced, but the crewman was making the effort at least. Soon Kowalski was
chattering all about the Cafeteria’s nuances and what to religiously avoid.
“Where’s the Captain?” Morton
asked the returning Ski as he stood alongside Angie, just outside Crane’s empty
“He’s at the outcrop. Just
looking at the ocean.... I think he kinda’ wanted to be alone.”
“Ahh. How did Mrs. Phillips
handle things?”
“Oh, she was okay. I think it
got to him though...all those pictures of him and her and all the grandkids
running around...”
“Maybe this isn’t a good time...” Angie said,
indicating a monitor to the stretch of rock overlooking the shore. “Security
just installed it this morning.”
Crane was just standing
there, hands in his pockets, kicking at some turf. Suddenly a stream of
sunlight broke through the clouds and a rainbow appeared over the water. Turning
for a better view, he suddenly knelt to the ground and appeared to bow his
“What’s he doing, praying?” Ski asked.
“Looks like it,” Morton said.
“What’s going on here?” Jones
asked, suddenly on the scene, “You all look a bit pale.”
“The Skipper’s praying!” Ski
“Well, he’d have to, with a knot
head like you and...You’re not kidding are you?” Jones finally saw the image.
“What about, I wonder?”Angie
“Okay, okay,” Morton said and
turned off the monitor, “break it up. These cameras are for security, not for
invading anyone’s privacy. And what the Skipper prays for is his own business.
I think we all still have some things we can find to do before lunch.”
The cafeteria was crowded
that day despite it being regarded as the ‘Pepto-Pit’. When Crane had returned
to his office, he told Morton and Angie that he had a few matters to attend to
before joining them for lunch and that he wouldn’t be long. He wasn’t.
“Any recommendations?” he
smiled, placing his sweater on the vacant chair.
“Yes,” Morton said, “Chang
“Oh, it can’t be all that
bad...Chip, why don’t you give me a hand deciding what to choose.” It was not
really a suggestion. Morton knew that command intonation, and immediately
complied. Soon the two men were seen speaking in undertones as Chip picked and
pointed to the various offerings in the sterile food trays. “It’s kind of quiet
all of a sudden isn’t it?”
“Probably food poisoning,”
Morton laughed as the men rejoined Angie.
“C’mon Chip,”Angie insisted
as she sat at her desk after lunch, “you can tell me.”
“Pretty please? I’ll bake you
some peanut butter cookies.”
“Chocolate Chip?”
“Homemade Apple Pie?”
“What’s this all about?”
Nelson asked as he hung up his raincoat. The slight drizzle had turned into a
downpour. “No sooner than I return from my bungalow I find everyone buzzing
about the Captain. And apparently you two as well.”
“Chip won’t tell me
“Can’t. Sworn to secrecy.”
“But Lee was praying!”
“A lot of people pray. It’s a
God given right you know.”
“Chip Morton, if Lee’s in
trouble I want to know about it. He’s kind and sweet and...”
“Praying?” Nelson interrupted.
Just then Nelson noticed a
shadow pass by in the corridor. “Lee, in here, now!”
“You sure?” Lee asked from
the hallway, “I’ll drip all over your hooked carpet. I had a few errands to run
after lunch and I thought I’d beat the storm, but I underestimated it....what’s
wrong?” he ignored the rivulets of water running down his face and stepped into
the outer office.
“That remains to be seen, my
office. Angie, no interruptions. Morton, you get in here too.”
What was said or not said in the
Admiral’s office remained a mystery to all but the three. And if Crane was
regarded a little more like a saint as the sec-cam’s picture was quickly
bootlegged and distributed, who was Nelson to argue with it. It was good for
Captains to be treated with a bit of awe. Especially Seaview’s.
“Thank you for framing the
picture for me, Lee,” Mrs. Phillips said sweetly. “John would have liked it.
Seaview was his love next to me. Must be a captain thing. Hard to believe it’s
a security picture. I know I’ve apologized before but I’m so sorry little Timmy
tipped that bookcase over on you yesterday. Are your ankles better? John had a
similar accident and his would actually go out on him occasionally until they
healed. I still think you should have let me put ice on them right away instead
of joining your men in the car.”
“I’m fine, Amelia. I’m just
sorry I couldn’t have known him.”
“I know....Lee; I just wanted
to say, I think you’ll be a very fine Captain for John’s boat.”
“I’ll try to be. Well, I have
to get back. I’m taking Angie out to Chen Lee’s today.”
“Good choice. But just
between you and me, I’d rather have a McDonalds.”
The two laughed and Crane
waved goodbye from his rented wreck. At least if felt like a wreck. His own car
would take awhile as it had to come by freighter from the
As a new rainbow formed over
the sea, he pulled the car over to one side on the narrow curving highway, and
just soaked it all in. He had informed Chip about the bookcase incident and
sworn him to silence that day in the Cafeteria. That a small child could do so
much damage was embarrassing. Morton had promised to keep mum about it; even if
the whole base thought that it was Crane praying instead of merely loosing his
balance, falling to his knees and muttering epithets to himself about being a
Now, however, as he saw the
glory in the sky again of a long ago promise, he got out of the car, knelt
reverently and thanked God for sparing the earth the hazards that had been
abated, and the lives that had been spared.
As he got back into his car and drove back to the Institute he didn’t
see that a lone cyclist had stopped and hidden in some brush, and had witnessed
his moment of quiet devotion.
Kowalski was aware of the latest
rumor, that the Captain had been seen favoring his ankles on more than one occasion,
that perhaps he wasn’t such a ‘saintly’
skipper after all, just a clumsy one. But now, Ski wasn’t quite so sure. What
he did know, was that Crane was Skipper of the Seaview, and it was going to be all
The End
Author's Note: In the initial episode of Eleven Days to Zero, Crane takes it upon himself to sneak aboard the sub to test their security. As he reaches inside the control room from the ladder, he's waylaid, and reacting, punches Kowalski in the jaw, before he's subdued. His action is not appreciated by the crew or by Nelson, though Crane rightly insists he actually got aboard.