This is a Third Season story.
Midnight Terror
by Lynn
“Mr. Morton, bring our course to 1-2-0 and bring her about at dead slow.”
Captain Crane issued orders with ease as Seaview began to maneuver closing the distance with the yellow domed sea lab visible out the great Herculite windows.
“Aye Sir, 1-2-0 and dead slow,” Chip repeated as Lee watched out the windows.
“Sonar, sing out at 400 yards,” Lee ordered as he continued to study the sea lab growing larger in Seaview's windows.
“Aye Sir, approaching 600 yards...550 yards... 500 yards... 450 yards... 400 yards Sir.” Kowalski reported efficiently.
“All stop,” Lee ordered as the great submarine's forward motion diminished and then stopped.
Lee turned back to the chart table entering their present course and depth into the log book as he signed off and reached for the mic shipped alongside the chart table.
“Admiral, this is Crane.”
“Yes, Lee,” Admiral Harriman Nelson answered, obviously having been waiting for this hail.
“Sir, we're station keeping 400 yards off the Sandusky Sea Lab,” Lee reported matter of factly.
“Fine Lee, we'll be right there.”
Lee shipped the mic and looked over his chart one final time before raising his head and looking around the Control Room. He scanned the duty stations, satisfied that Seaview and her Crew were operating efficiently and then turned toward his XO and good friend, Lt. Commander Chip Morton.
“Chip, is FS1 ready for departure?”
Chip was ever the efficient Exec and handed his clip board over to Lee as he spoke.
“All checked out and ready to go Skipper.”
Lee looked over the pre-flight as clicks were heard descending down the spiral staircase, he raised his head casually to view Admiral Harriman Nelson's khaki clad legs appearing on the staircase. Lee offered a polite smile to Harry and their guest, Dr. Vincent Perry. It was Perry's work that brought them to the Sandusky Sea Lab, a submersible lab two hundred feet below sea level.
Perry had been an interesting guest, a bit eccentric but Lee figured that was par for course for many of the scientific guests Seaview hosted.
“Right this way Vince,” Harry said graciously ushering his guest to the Front Porch for a better view of the Lab.
“She looks just like I left her,” Vince observed and then turned toward Lee. “Have you made contact yet, Captain?”
“Aye, Dr. Perry. Your staff is waiting to receive both you and the supplies.”
“Good, good. I've been away too long, a lot can happen in six weeks,” Perry said, turning his attention back to Harry.
“Well, I'm sure your expertise will further the project along now that you're back, Vince,” Harry added with confidence. Harry had invested a great deal in the plankton for food theory and hoped that Vincent Perry's approach would finally bring the breakthrough to end world hunger.
“Thank you Harriman, but I'm only one of several scientists working on the project. I have two able assistants, they're both very capable as you will see when you meet them.”
Harry nodded as Lee moved from the Chart Table over to stand beside him as a rating helped the Admiral shrug into his leather flight jacket.
“FS1 is checked out and ready, Sir,” Lee reported handing the chart over to Harry for his review. Harry did a cursory glance and signed the Pre-flight off handing it back to Lee.
Sharkey cracked the hatch open as Harry made his way over with Vincent following, donning a visitor's jacket.
“Very well, Captain,” he said as Lee noted the gleam in Harry's eyes as he left to take a tour of Sandusky. “I'll be back within the hour.”
“Aye Sir,” Lee replied enjoying the boy-like excitement exuding from Harry just now.
Harry disappeared down the hatch as Perry stopped to offer his thanks to Lee.
“Captain Crane, thank you for a beautiful ride,” he said offering his hand.
“My pleasure Dr. Perry. I wish you the best in your endeavors,” Lee returned shaking Perry's hand with a polite but sincere smile. Perry nodded and finished his descent downward as Sharkey closed the hatch over his head.
“Prepare to launch, Mr. Morton.”
“Aye Sir,” Chip replied as the launch sequence began.
Lee watched from the Herculite windows as FS1 cleared the bay and then moved toward her objective. Sandusky Sea Lab was situated in warm tropical waters at two hundred feet, but it was also positioned near the edge of a deep trench that dropped to a deep abyss of twenty thousand feet. The trench ran parallel to the lab and extended out several hundred miles. This particular spot had been chosen to build Sandusky due to the solid rock which sat under the silty base of soft sand. The rock, part of the trench walls provided a solid foundation for the underwater lab and as such Sandusky was considered one of the safest underwater research facilities in the ocean. Her close proximity to the trench had also pegged the sea lab for future exploration of the abyss.
Lee turned when he noted FS1 making a solid mating maneuver to Sandusky's top hatch and moved back to the Chart Table to finish some housekeeping log entries.
* * * * *
Long tentacles slithered up the side of the trench, feeling and groping as they preceded the giant creature making its way up the deep abyss. The creature, an inhabitant of the “Midnight Zone” of the water column usually abode at the deeper depths, as low as 13,000 feet. It fed on “marine snow”, the dead remains of the abundant plant and animal life thriving at the “Sunlight Zone” where photosynthesis takes place creating and sustaining most sea life. The Sunlight Zone gives way to the “Twilight Zone” at six hundred feet where there is limited sunlight and extends to 3,300 feet to meet the Midnight Zone where no sunlight dwells.
The large long tentacles of the sea creature had risen from the depths of the Midnight Zone when the marine snow could no longer sustain its humongous size. It moved up the water column to feed in the Twilight Zone and adapted at the new pressure and light, but the marine snow was still insufficient as it followed the lead of other much smaller creatures and moved into the Sunlight Zone, where the canyon walls finally stopped and the ocean floor sat at two hundred feet. It had been successful hunting prey here, and upon feeding would slither back down to the Twilight Zone. It had large luminescent eyes, but it was its keen sense of inner sonar that registered the approaching large food coming its way and exciting its feeding instincts. Several tentacles were bio-luminescent, producing a mesmerizing light that often attracted fish. These shining tentacles slithered and moved just under the canyon wall, waiting for the right moment to lure its prey. It was hungry... very hungry.
* * * * *
“The plankton is growing at a phenomenal rate,” Dr. Perry explained as Harry stood by truly impressed with the team's work thus far. “But the life span of the plankton has been greatly shortened. We need to find a way to achieve the growth rate while bringing the life span to a more normal range before we can move the process to the next phase.”
The goal was to use the newly bio-engineered plankton as a catalyst for growing wheat and rice, chiefly to increase the heartiness of the plants to grow in conditions not usually conducive for the life sustaining grains while simultaneously shortening the amount of time from sowing to harvest. It was certainly a study which merited more research and Harry was pleased with what he saw so far.
“What is your estimate for the completion of this project Vince?”
“Who can say, Harry? Perhaps two or three years, unless of course we make an unexpected breakthrough.”
Harry nodded as he concurred with Vincent's honest appraisal of his research. Many people are under the opinion that this type of research produces results in months, and many would be surprised to know that it is more than often years of continual study that bring forth the breakthroughs. Many times, the support money runs out before a project can reach its full potential of success or even its final appraisal of failure, but Harry would see to it that this project would continue until Dr. Perry had fully investigated its potential.
“You're doing a fine job here, Vince,” Harry said working his way back to the hatch. “We'll make another supply run in three months.”
“I hope we have something more to show you by then,” Vince offered sincerely.
“Your scientific approach is sound, just keep on track and don't rush things,” Harry wisely added as he began to climb the ladder.
“See you in three months,” Vince replied closing the hatch door and dogging it tightly.
Harry made his way into FS1 securing the double hatch doors of the flying submersible behind him. He was pleased with the project, but Seaview was on a schedule and as much as he wanted to continue to review Dr. Perry's work, it was time to move to their next objective.
He adjusted the throat mic and made contact with Sparks and then began the procedures to detach from Sandusky's dome. Within ten minutes he was docking in Seaview's berth and shutting down as the sound of the water pumping from the bay could be heard even from within FS1. He ascended the ladder and was met my Lee's pleasant smile at the top of the hatch.
“How was your trip, Sir?”
“Fine, Lee. Just fine. I think Dr. Perry is right on track, we might really be able to make progress on this under his direction.”
Harry was pleased; the Plankton for Food idea had become dear to his heart and he had been party to several different projects to further the study. So far none had been able to provide the success to even hope for a positive outcome. One study had even nearly sunk Seaview several years ago. Still, if they could make progress it would go a long way in reducing world hunger. The old Chinese proverb of “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day... teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” still rang true to Harry's ears. He saw people in despair as needing help beyond the much needed food boxes, but the hope of providing for themselves... to give them dignity to provide for their families. This he felt was a human need, almost as important as the relief food itself... to restore dignity and thus hope to stricken people.
Lee nodded, understanding Harry's deep convictions for the furtherance of the study. The fact that Harry had put a great deal of his own resources into these studies was a testament to the humanitarian underneath the tough Admiral exterior he so often exuded. The thought brought an inward smile as Lee walked back to the Chart Table to bring Seaview about to her new course.
* * * * *
The sea creature's feeding instincts grew in anticipation. Its prey was approaching, much larger than its usual prey, but instinct told the sea beast that it could slowly wear down the large approaching creature until it was ready to feed. It was too hungry to ignore the enticing sonar sounds as it decidedly ignored the smaller prey that would normally have provided for its nourishment. It had grown beyond what nature should have allowed it to grow at the Midnight Depths and though it still craved the marine snow, it had to supplement its food with the larger delicacies found in the upper depths. It was adapting to the new pressure, though it preferred to stay in the trench and hunt solely with its long tentacles. Sometimes it would drag its prey downward to meet its final demise in the depths of the trench, but more and more it would trap its prey and then rise to feed on the ocean floor. It had no reasoning ability, it merely acted and reacted; mostly on instinct, but some sensations were too new. There was no evaluation, simply a trial and error of reaction that would become a part of the sea creature's new habits. Soon, it would be able to abide in the food rich Sunlight Zone, then it could reproduce and this drive was becoming as important as feeding itself.
The creature's tentacles moved in anticipation, its prey was approaching...
* * * * *
“Sir, I'm reading two screws bearing 2-7-5.”
“Do you have a profile?” Captain James Morgan's eyebrows sharpening in question.
“Uh... she's large Sir, but uh...”
Captain Morgan coolly indicated to the inexperienced Hydrophones to pass the headphones over and took a listen as a small smile began to form.
“Take the opportunity on your next relief from watch to re-familiarize yourself with procedures for profiling Pernell, that's the Seaview and she should be easy to profile, there's not another one like her.”
Pernell nodded dejectedly, it was his first watch without a “shadow” training him and he was still decidedly nervous. Captain Morgan recognized this and added a small but discernible pat on his shoulder indicating his trust in the young man. Training was an ongoing venture aboard this small attack submarine and no one got to serve here without being highly qualified, but there wasn't any substitute for experience and that's just what Pernell was getting right now.
Captain Morgan took the short walk over to the radio shack speaking as he neared the post, “Raise Seaview for me, let's let her know who we are.”
“You think she's spotted us Sir?”
Morgan let out a small chuckle, “I'd bet my bottom dollar they know we're here.”
“Aye Sir,” Martinez answered as he made the connection to raise the SSRN Seaview.
* * * * *
“Contact, Sir,” Kowalski reported as Lee raised his head, dropped his pencil and strode over to sonar with ease.
“What have you got Ski?”
“A submarine just entering the grid, Sir.”
“You got a profile Pat?” Lee asked his hydrophone operator.
Patterson concentrated placing a hand to his ear and nodded, “US Sturgeon Class, Sir.”
Lee allowed a small half smile to cross his face, “We'll give them a wide berth, log the contact,” he added as he walked away. It was a big ocean and running across another sub was a bit of excitement. He knew the Sturgeon fast attack sub would see Seaview on their sonar as well, and if their hydrophones operator was any good wouldn't have any trouble profiling the research vessel. Lee wouldn't make contact though, as he didn't know the sub's mission. If the Sturgeon class sub's Skipper wanted to talk, he knew how to reach them.
Sure enough, Spark's hail over the com came almost before Lee reached the Chart Table.
“Captain Crane to the radio shack.”
Lee aborted his forward motion and turned to meet Spark's hail.
“It's the SSN Bluefish, Sir. Captain Morgan sends his compliments,” Sparks reported in his usual professional tone.
Lee smiled and picked up the mic, “This is Captain Crane of the SSRN Seaview.”
“Hello Lee, what are you out doing in this neck of the woods?”
“Hey Jimbo, just making a supply run for the Sandusky Sea Lab,” Lee replied easily, obviously well acquainted with the Bluefish's captain.
“That's what I thought. We'll wave as we pass by.”
Lee exchanged a smile with Sparks, “Very well Captain Morgan, happy hunting.”
The Bluefish's captain could be heard chuckling as he signed off, “Bluefish out.”
“Seaview out.”
Lee handed the mic back over to Sparks; though the submarines were still twenty-five miles apart they had handily spotted one another and made the proper identifications. Lee and James Morgan were well acquainted as the Bluefish had extracted Lee on two occasions. Jim was a good submariner and able to maneuver his sub in stealthily allowing Lee's successful retreat from ONI missions. One mission had left Lee in less than stellar condition and he ended up recovering from his injuries aboard the vessel for three days as the submarine made its way to safer waters. Lee had a true appreciation for the role of the fast attack sub, not only as hunters of the sea but also its ability to lend its aid in the espionage world. And Captain Morgan's ability was proof that the “best” skippers didn't always get the newest boats. The Sturgeon Class subs were almost seventy feet smaller in length than the newest Los Angeles Class subs, and as such made for stealthier insertions and extractions in less than friendly conditions.
Lee headed back to the Chart Table and altered Seaview's course to give the Bluefish a wider berth handing the course correction off to Chip as he tore it off his pad.
“Make it so, Chip. I'm going to check in with the Admiral.”
Chip's efficient “Aye Sir” was rendered and Lee left the Control Room hearing the sounds of the course correction being made and obeyed as he climbed the spiral staircase.
* * * * *
The tentacles slithered up the canyon walls and waited. The large mass of food was moving closer, though its speed was faster than most prey. This only excited the feeding frenzy instinct within the sea creature as it acted upon instinct to intercept the nourishment.
* * * * *
“Seaview has altered course to give us a wider corridor, Sir,” Sonar reported.
Captain Morgan nodded, he expected as much. “Very well. Steady as she goes Helm.”
Morgan lowered his head to the chart table when all of the sudden he found himself on the deck as his submarine was caught in some violent current. He pulled himself up reaching for the com mic.
“Engineering, more power. Get us out of here.”
A few seconds passed and then Engineering answered. “We're giving you full power, Sir.”
Morgan shook his head and turned to his helmsman. “Hard right rudder, let's steer out of this.” But the helmsman just shook his head as his controls were worthless in his hands.
“She's not answering, Skipper.”
The rocking stopped along with the sub's forward motion and then Morgan felt a sudden drop as the Bluefish slammed hard onto the ocean floor. Power was lost as the emergency generators activated providing a red glow of light inside the sub.
Captain James Morgan rose to his hands and knees still stunned by the force of whatever had forced the sub down. The lights were restored as Engineering brought the power back online. Morgan heard his Exec asking for a damage control report when Engineering cut in on the line.
“Captain, the engines are at full but we're starting to red line.”
Morgan realized that they had no forward motion. “All stop,” he ordered. He needed to know what he was dealing with.
“Mr. Reeves, get a dive team out. I need to know what the condition of the sub is.”
“Aye Sir.”
Morgan wasn't ready to make a distress call yet, he needed to report the condition of his boat and right now he just didn't know what that was.
A few moments passed and then Captain Morgan was hailed.
“Captain, the hatch is jammed. It won't budge, Sir.”
James sighed. He was dead in the water and he didn't know why.
“Issue a Mayday, Martinez. Gray Lady Down.” It was an ominous order he gave as the entire Control Room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
“The radio antennae won't raise, Sir,” the radio operator reported as Morgan veiled the frustration of so many things going wrong at once and instead answered coolly.
“Send it on VLF,” and hope that someone hears he finished to himself silently as he looked around imparting strength in his command posture to encourage his battered crew.
* * * * *
The sea creature was now finding it easier to sustain itself for longer periods of time in the Sunlight Zone; here it was rich with prey. Just like the large creature that was passing by. It had been waiting, listening as its inner sonar registered the approach and when its food moved close enough the tentacles reached out and grabbed the large creature. It was a whale perhaps, very large. Though whales were usually the creature's natural predator, its unnaturally large size had turned the food chain on its ear and it no longer feared the large beasts.
Three long tentacles grabbed the gray steel hard hull of the Bluefish; the two longest tentacles, the feeders extended over seventy-five feet, the remaining eight reached some forty-five feet long. They wrapped themselves around the sub and secured its hold. The sub's engines worked to free itself but the creature would not be denied, the very struggle of its prey eliciting more determination from the hungry sea beast. Finally the creature was able to throw the sub to the ocean floor where it pinned it down. The exertion of the conquest required the creature to rest, but its prey wasn't going anywhere. The creature hadn't fully acclimated to the pressure of the Sunlight Zone. It needed to rest, still... inside the hard shell of its prey the creature could smell the blood of living organisms. Its desire to feed would be satisfied after it regained its strength, then it would crush the shell and gorge itself.
* * * * *
“Captain! Distress call from the Bluefish, transmitting on VLF!”
Lee picked up the mic, it was unusual to hear Sparks' voice so emotional.
“What do you have Sparks?”
“Gray Lady Down, Sir.”
Lee's face turned deadly serious with concern.
“Do you have coordinates?”
“Aye Sir.” Sparks relayed the coordinates given by the Bluefish's distress call as Lee acknowledged.
“Very well. Inform the Bluefish we're on our way.”
Lee gave Chip the new coordinates and then picked up the mic.
“Admiral, this is Crane.”
“Yes Lee?” Harry's distracted voice could be heard as he worked in the lab.
“Sir, we're answering a Gray Lady Down distress signal from the Bluefish. ETA twenty minutes.”
Harry's voice turned focused and concerned immediately, “What's her situation?”
“Unknown Sir. I haven't been able to speak with Captain Morgan. We're reading the distress call on the VLF.” Harry nodded, understanding that the Very Low Frequency channel wasn't conducive to conversations which added more to the mystery of why the Bluefish didn't have full communication's capability.
“Very well. I'll be right there Lee.”
Lee hung up the mic as Seaview maneuvered to make an intercept course with the Bluefish at flank speed.
“What do you think, Lee?” Chip asked quietly at the Chart Table.
“I don't know Chip,” Lee nodded his head, and then left his contemplation as he turned toward sonar.
“Ski, do you have the Bluefish yet?”
“Aye Sir, I have her on the grid.”
Lee let out an audible sigh as he looked down at his watch. Fifteen more minutes to intercept, he took a deep breath and made a decision.
“Chip until I know what's going on I want this boat at General Quarters.”
“Aye Sir,” was crisply replied as Lee turned to face Seaview's windows. As he turned he could hear the strong voice of his Exec sounding battle stations as the klaxons rang loudly reverberating through the hull three times.
* * * * *
The creature had regained its strength but something wasn't right. It could feel the approach of another large sea creature. Its first instinct was to pull its prey down the abyss to protect it from another predator but the sonar sound it read was interesting and tantalizing. Everything in the Sunlight Zone was new and unexplored, as the Creature adapted it also learned, purely by trial and error, but something told it the food coming its way was worth the conquest. The sound was traveling quickly and other sounds were heard that ignited the sea beast's desires so it slowly released the Bluefish and retreated down the canyon walls just out of sight.
* * * * *
“There she is Lee,” Chip said nodding toward the window as Lee moved from the Sonar station forward. Harry was already there looking for any possible damage.
“I can't see any damage to the hull from here,” Harry said still in analyzing mode.
“What's that bright yellow glow on the hull?” Lee pointed out as Harry shifted to get a better view.
“I'm not sure, could be bio-luminescent plankton, though they're usually found at the lower depths,” Harry reasoned. “At any rate, I can't see where it would be the cause of the Bluefish going down,” he finished.
Lee picked up the mic in the nose, “Sparks have you established communications with the Bluefish yet?”
“Negative Sir.”
Lee shipped the mic, pursing his bottom lip as he thought. “Admiral I'd like to do a flyby with FS1, maybe we're missing something, some sort of damage we can't see.”
“Good idea, Lee. I'll go with you.”
“Chip you have the Con. We'll take a look around; keep Seaview at GQ until further orders. Raise the radio antennae buoy and inform ComSubPac of the situation. We'll report more when I know more.”
Lee and Harry descended down the hatch and began the startup procedures, each officer worked efficiently and quickly and soon the yellow submersible was dropping into the depths.
“FS1 has cleared the bay doors,” Chip's disembodied voice was heard over FS1's com system.
Lee guided FS1 out as Harry studied the hull meticulously, with Lee making slow passes and completely encircling the nuclear fast attack sub.
Harry shook his head as he spoke. “I just don't see anything unusual.”
“Except that shiny yellow goop on the hull.”
“Yes, there's that.” Harry took a breath in a familiar move indicating he was thinking through a problem. “It seems to be encircling the sub in three places.”
“I noticed that too, Sir.” Lee sighed, this wasn't getting them any answers.
“Sir, I'd like to suit up and see if I can board the Bluefish. I'll take a radio on board and at least we can establish communications.”
“Very well, Lee. It looks like you'll have to clear some of that luminescent material away, it seems to be directly over the hatch.”
“Aye Sir,” Lee answered as he began undressing to don the silver dive suit assigned to the flying sub. With expert ease he quickly suited up and opened the inner hatch dangling his legs into the hatch as he fixed his fins on. Then he reached down and released the outer hatch as the small bay filled with water and then equalized out. He lowered himself down moving his face mask in place as Harry handed him the portable radio.
“Be careful Lee. We still don't know what we're dealing with.”
Lee responded with a discernible nod and Harry could detect the determination inside his face mask as he descended out of FS1, dogged the outer hatch and made his way toward the Bluefish. Harry dogged the inner hatch and returned to the pilot's seat to watch.
Lee moved quickly through the water and made his way over to board the Bluefish. The nearly fluorescent goop was draped across the hatch but it didn’t seem to be obstructing so Lee began turning the hatch wheel when all of the sudden his quiet work was interrupted by Harry's loud hail.
* * * * *
Harry watched Lee with interest as he reached the Bluefish and examined the hatch. He was so intensely focused on Lee that he missed the tentacle that began slithering out of the trench and moving decidedly toward the source of its next meal. Lee turned the hatch and then out of Harry's peripheral vision he caught the luminescence of the tip of the tentacle, as it rose up the entire underside of the tentacle also glowed in fluorescent yellow. The danger registered immediately as Harry called to Lee with tense emotions.
“Lee! There's a sea creature on your six. Get inside the hatch now!”
Lee didn't bother to turn and see what was coming, he knew that if Harry was yelling in the mic that it was something to be taken very seriously. He finished the final turn of the wheel and raised the heavy hatch then started to descend but felt something tug on his leg. The tugging tightened and began pulling him out of the hatch as his dive suit was cut by the tentacle wrapping itself even tighter around Lee's leg. Blood began streaming out of his leg as Lee grabbed a hand hold on the deck, struggling to keep from being pulled to certain death. The pain in his leg spiked as he felt the stinging tentacle tear his flesh even deeper and he screamed in extreme pain. He was aware of Harry talking through his com system but was unable to respond as he struggled, then without warning he felt the tugging stop, though the pressure on his leg was still present. He looked over his shoulder and realized that Harry had just severed the tentacle with a well-placed laser shot. Quickly he pulled himself back toward the hatch and descended, the pain in his leg still present as the severed tentacle tip had not released him. He pulled the hatch closed over the top of him and dogged it, the action automatically causing the pumps to empty the sea water as Lee lay on the bottom hatch breathing heavily. He reached for his hammer inside the utility belt he still wore around his waist carrying the radio and rapped the hatch three times. Almost instantly he heard the expected reply and rolled off the hatch as it began to move under him. Helpful hands guided him downward where he lost consciousness as he was placed carefully on the deck of the Bluefish.
* * * * *
Harry warned Lee as the luminescent tentacle made its way toward Seaview's captain. The fluorescent yellow-green on the tip of the tentacle was an obvious match to the luminescent ring around the Bluefish in three places. Immediately Harry realized what the proportionate size of the creature must be. He pulled down the laser sightings mounted on the bulkhead between the pilot and co-pilot's chair and took aim. Even from the flying sub he could see the blood clouding the water around Lee's leg. Lee's hand-hold was slipping and Harry thought he'd only get this one clean shot, he aimed and fired a short blast at the creature taking care not to hit the submarine as well. The well placed shot severed the tentacle in two as the sea creature reacted to the stimuli of the pain. Harry saw Lee scramble into the sub's hatch but even as he did his peripheral vision caught the rising of the large giant squid making its appearance from the trench in a menacing pose, ready to presumably fight for its prey.
The size of the giant squid was beyond any sea faring fairy tale of old as its tentacles flailed about in determined aggression fueled by its pain. Harry aimed the laser and took three short blasts straight into the creature's mantle, its main body. He was sure that both hydrophone operators on Seaview and Bluefish were getting an earful of the creature's torment as it relented and slithered back down the trench walls to find shelter in the familiar abyss far below.
“Lee? Lee!”
He wasn't answering so Harry switched over to the portable radio that Lee had stashed in his utility belt.
“FS1 to Bluefish, do you read me?”
He repeated his hail and was relieved to hear the radio come to life in response.
* * * * *
(Back in the Bluefish... just before Seaview arrives on
the scene and before Lee boards...)
Captain James Morgan felt the release of his sub as the tentacles withdrew itself from its position holding the Bluefish in place, though Morgan had no idea what had subdued the nuclear submarine. The sub moaned and creaked at the mishandling of its hull causing concern from all hands.
“DC, I need a hull integrity check!” Morgan ordered and then turned his attention to Engineering.
“Engineering, be ready to give me power as soon DC gives me an all clear on the hull.”
“Aye Sir.”
It would take a few minutes for DC personnel to race up and down the sub's interior checking the inner hull for damage as Morgan stood looking over his battered crew. Cuts and bruises adorned his disheveled crew but they stayed at their posts working professionally as if they were conducting a training session in a safety swimming tank. He thought about the motion of the boat when he felt the Bluefish release, it felt almost like moorings being released and he couldn't for the life of him deduce what could have produced that particular motion at two hundred feet below sea level.
“Sir! Activity in the hatch!”
Morgan allowed a small smile to escape. “Divers, probably from Seaview. Be ready to receive them,” he ordered and sighed inaudibly. As soon as DC made its report they would be on their way, rise to radio depth and contact ComSubPac, perhaps even surface and crack the hatch for some fresh air. He walked to the hatch on the adjoining corridor and waited to greet the divers as the sound of the pumps clearing the compartment between the hatches could be heard. A moment later the familiar sound of metal reverberating on metal was heard as his crew let out an audible sigh mixed with light chuckles at the relief of help arriving. A seaman returned the metal tap and then began turning the hatch wheel as James Morgan moved back a step to avoid the inevitable stream of water that flowed lightly down as the hatch was unsealed.
A seaman gasped as two legs shakily took to the ladder, one wrapped up to the knee in the remains of a luminescent tentacle of an unknown sea creature.
“Help him!” Morgan ordered as he stepped forward to help the seaman guide the diver down who went limp as he reached the deck, a seaman climbed the ladder looked around and came back down.
“He's the only one Sir.”
“Very well, dog the hatch,” Morgan replied as he worked the face mask off the diver. “Someone get Doc up here,” he ordered noting the blood that continued to drip from the diver's leg.
The diver moaned, and Morgan finally got a look at his face, one Lee Crane.
“Lee?” he called patting his face gently to revive Seaview's captain but got no response. Then he heard the radio hail coming from the utility belt.
“FS1 to Bluefish, do you read me?”
Morgan reached for the pouch and pulled the device out, a small but highly sophisticated radio and spoke into it.
“This is SSN Bluefish, Captain Morgan here.”
“Captain, this is Admiral Nelson. What's the condition of your boat?” Harry didn't have time for any pleasantries. He wasn't sure he had done anything but injure and most likely infuriate the creature. The faster they moved away from this position the better.
“I'm waiting on a hull integrity visual check Sir, but we have engines and can engage as soon I'm sure the hull is sound. We had some pretty ominous sounding groans earlier.”
Harry nodded, he could imagine the hull strain that the giant squid could inflict. He wasn't even sure why it hadn't crushed the sub, it was certainly within its power to do so, he surmised.
Very well, but we need to clear these waters ASAP. Seaview will escort you to safe waters.” Harry paused, “How's Crane?”
“Barely coming around, his leg is still wrapped with some sort of tentacle...”
“The same sea creature that had your sub in a choke hold, Captain,” Harry finished as James Morgan's face registered the size the creature would have to be to hold his nuclear powered sub in place and throw it to the sea floor.
“Aye Sir. We'll make tracks as soon as possible.”
Harry signed off and maneuvered a turn toward Seaview to dock FS1. The faster they left these waters the better. As he completed his maneuvers he contemplated the luminescent film that had encircled the Bluefish. The longer he thought about it the more he was sure he had seen that particular color before. Not just in his many oceanic travels as an able marine biologist, but recently. If it was what he thought it was, they weren't out of the woods yet.
* * * * *
“Doc” Stubby Pearson knelt down and examined Lee's leg even as Seaview's Captain began coming around in earnest. Stubby was so nicknamed because of his short height of 5'5” and the weights he lifted to counter his height had aptly described him well. He was of solid stock and an able seaman, his primary duty aboard was First Electrician's Mate but he carried the double duty of being the Corpsman as submarines didn't carry a doctor aboard.
His patient moaned, “No one touch that tentacle. It has stingers, see?” He would have to cut the tentacle away he reasoned to himself.
“DC to Captain.”
Morgan left Lee's side and reached for the nearest mic. “Morgan here, report.”
“We're tight and dry, Sir.”
“Very well.” He double clicked to clear the line and hailed engineering. “Engineering, are you ready to give me power?”
“Aye Sir. She's in the green and ready to answer bells.”
Morgan shipped the mic and returned to the chart table, still carrying the portable radio as he and his Exec leaned over the charts in front of them.
“Bluefish to Seaview.”
“Seaview here, hold for Admiral Nelson.”
A short moment later Harry's strong baritone voice was heard.
“This is Nelson, Captain Morgan.”
“We're ready to engage engines, Sir.”
“Very well. Surface to sixty feet, Seaview will shadow you there.”
“Aye Sir.”
“Bring the boat to sixty feet, XO.”
“Aye Sir...” Morgan’s XO proceeded to give the orders to raise the planes and blow ballast as James headed back to Lee's side.
“He's coming around, Sir. I've got a runner bringing me supplies to free his leg. I don't want to move him until then.”
“Very well, Doc.” James turned his attention to the hazel green eyes that had finally focused on him and the small smile that was barely visible on Lee's face.
“Hey Jimbo.”
“Lee, you've got a knack for the dramatics. What got hold of you out there?” He said referring down to Lee's leg.
Lee sighed. “Never saw it, but I barely missed being lunch,” he quipped, lightening the mood.
“We're in radio contact with Seaview. We have power back and your sub is following us to radio depth.”
Lee nodded. “What are the chances of getting this thing off my leg?” He asked earnestly hoping that it would be soon.
“Doc here is working on it.”
“ 'kay,” Lee answered using as few words as possible as he tried to rein in the pain and stinging pressure still on his leg even with the tentacle severed.
Lee felt Morgan's hand on his shoulder. “Hold on Lee.”
Lee responded with a nod and then closed his eyes in an unsuccessful attempt to hide his grimace of pain. Morgan stood and turned back down the corridor returning to the chart table as he felt the boat finish its ascent and stop.
“She's at sixty feet in full trim, Sir.”
“Thanks Pete. Radio shack report.”
“All systems ready to go, Sir.”
“Very well, I'll be right there.”
Captain Morgan headed toward the small radio shack wondering just how he was going to explain that a giant sea monster with tentacles held his nuclear powered submarine at the bottom of the sea. He would have laughed if it hadn't been true.
* * * * *
Harry sat at the conference table on the Front Porch having just finished his briefing with Jiggs Stark at ComSubPac. Seaview was sitting at sixty feet alongside the Bluefish as Harry watched Chip maneuver FS1 to dock with the fast attack sub. The corpsman aboard the Bluefish had requested Jamie's assistance at detaching the tentacle and so the flying sub was now operating as a medical relief vessel as Chip, Jamie and Frank readied themselves to help Seaview's stricken captain.
Chip made the connection as Frank cracked the first hatch and signaled the Bluefish with several raps. Loud raps replied as Frank cracked the lower hatch and moved aside for Jamie to descend down the ladder, Frank followed as Chip secured FS1 dogging the hatch behind him.
“Permission to come aboard, Captain,” Chip rendered the traditional and expected request as Captain Morgan welcomed his guests.
“Permission granted,” he reached for Chip's hand. “Good to see you again, Chip.”
“Thanks Captain,” Chip nodded toward Lee who was surrounded by Seaview's medical team. “How's he doing?”
“Stubby says there's a pouch of poison that may release itself if we do this wrong, but he's awake...”
“...and waiting for a boat status report,” Lee interrupted from his place on the deck.
Chip smiled and lowered himself to Lee's side shaking his head in what Lee recognized would precede a real good dig on his current condition.
“Geez Lee. You're the only one I know who can go for a dive and come back with half a sea creature attached to your leg,” he jested lightly trying to offer Lee the familiar banter of their like-brother relationship.
Lee chuckled, “I never did see what it was.” Lee was lying flat on his back, his dive jacket had been unzipped and removed as the medical team took his vitals.
“The Admiral says the biggest giant squid he ever imagined climbed up the trench.”
“Giant squid? With a poison sac on its tentacles?” Lee questioned as Jamie examined the tentacle attached deeply into his leg.
“Yeah, not to mention glowing tentacles; an undiscovered species to be sure,” Chip acquiesced. “The Admiral says it was at least twenty feet across its mantle, not to mention the length of the feeder tentacles extending its length to possibly a hundred feet long.”
“You've got to be kidding?” Morgan chimed in, kneeling down at Lee's place on the deck as well.
“Not at all. The Admiral took three laser shots and he's not convinced he killed it.”
“That's reassuring,” Morgan responded sarcastically.
“Okay Skipper, we're ready,” Jamie broke into the conversation. “Your corpsman was right to not try and pry off the tentacle,” Jamie said directing his conversation to Captain Morgan. “Though it’s severed there are still involuntary nerve pulses and judging by the tightness of its hold on you Skipper, it very well could release the poison.”
“So what are you going to do?” Chip asked, his blue eyes and furled forehead giving away his concern.
“We're going to cut it away... very carefully. I'm sorry Skipper but I'm going to have to do it here, I don't want to take a chance on moving you.”
“Alright Jamie,” Lee said adding his confidence to his CMO's decision.
“I need you awake, so we're going to do this with a local.”
“Very well,” Lee added, thankful that the Bluefish's hatch was down an adjoining corridor and not smack in the middle of the Control Room.
“Okay, we're going to do a little prep work here, and we'll get started soon.” Jamie added a small smile attempting to add confidence to the procedure.
“I'll update the Admiral, Lee.”
Lee offered a small smile and nodded as Chip left for the radio shack and Jamie began cutting away the remains of Lee's diving gear.
A few minutes later Chip returned and sat down next to Lee with his back against the bulk head, obviously intending to ride out Lee's surgery right there.
“Okay Skipper, I've just administered the local. How does it feel?”
“I can still feel pressure, but no pain,” Lee answered honestly knowing how important it was for Jamie to have his full disclosure as they began cutting away the remains of the hungry squid.
Jamie began making incisions into the tentacles as Frank assisted and Stubby monitored Lee's vitals.
“More pressure Jamie,” Lee reported as the remains of disembodied nerves flinched about his leg, the round suctions digging their spines deeper.
Jamie continued his work pulling away part of the tentacle revealing small spikes that gouged into Lee's leg. Stubby was monitoring the IV, complete with a full spectrum antibiotic for the sea creature's invasive hold on Lee.
Jamie continued cutting away as Lee felt a small release of pressure with the second piece being removed. He continued working until he was left with the tentacle piece closest to the poison sac.
“Alright Skipper, this should do it. Hang in there.”
“Doing fine, Jamie,” he reassured his CMO as Chip reached a hand over resting it on his shoulder. Lee kept his eyes focused on the ceiling, but he appreciated the silent support Chip gave him just now. Without warning Lee gasped.
“Something's different Jamie,” Lee breathed out as Stubby began calling out vital signs indicative of a patient in distress.
Jamie cursed and pulled the remaining piece off Lee's leg as the pain began to overtake the local's ability of deal with it. Jamie placed the tentacle pieces in the bio-container; the Admiral would want to examine it and he needed to analyze what toxin had been released into Lee's body.
“The sac is still intact Lee, it must have been a minor injection perhaps in one of the spines. I'll give you something for the pain and we're going to high-tail it back to Seaview and take care of you from there.” Jamie would need to thoroughly clean Lee's leg as he had multiple puncture wounds in addition to the torn flesh. The sea water would have added to the danger allowing microbes to infect Lee's leg as well.
Lee nodded conveying his understanding without speaking as Jamie administered the morphine into Lee's IV line. His breathing slowed as he closed his eyes grateful for the reprise from the pain.
“I'll get the pre-flight going,” Chip assured Lee and climbed up the ladder as Jamie and Frank readied their patient for the transfer to Seaview.
“Stark ordered the Bluefish into Pearl for a once over,” Morgan said kneeling down besides Lee who was floating along but still lucid. “Thanks for coming for us Lee.”
Lee smiled with weak facial muscles, “No problem Jimbo. See you around.”
Captain Morgan patted Lee's shoulder as his men added their muscle to raise Lee's stretcher up the ladder for transport.
* * * * *
The sea creature, a previously unknown species of the giant squid slithered down the trench as it nursed its wounds. Though it fed in the shallow Sunlight Zone it was more comfortable in the depths; its home was the Midnight Zone and that's where it craved to be just now. Back to where it was comfortable... back to where the marine snow that had fed it in its early life was found. It was richer and heartier there and it needed the nourishment; it was driven to seek a mate and continue its species. It moved along, guided by its inner GPS, that homing device inside many creatures that guides a lost creature home. The closer it got to home, the more excited the squid became as it anticipated what it instinctively knew the marine snow would provide for it; healing and nutrition.
* * * * *
Harry was waiting at FS1's hatch where Lee was raised from the ladder by his eager crew's hands. Lee was barely lucid and fighting the deep sleep he needed as he flashed a smile to Harry. Harry placed a hand on his shoulder reciprocating the unspoken greeting with his own tight smile as Lee was whisked away to Sickbay, his face flushed and already showing signs of a fever.
Chip was the last to deboard FS1 as Chief Sharkey secured the hatch behind him.
“Your orders Sir?” Chip asked turning toward Harry.
“Back to Sandusky, Chip,” Harry answered matter of factly.
Chip's eyebrows raised in question as Harry sighed and continued.
“I've got a hunch Chip, something I need to investigate to know for sure, but I saw the same fluorescent coloring in the treated plankton at Sandusky's lab.”
“Bio-luminescence isn't unusual for creatures of the deep,” Chip offered, not questioning Harry's hunch but seeking to understand it.
“You're right of course, but I just can't shake the feeling that the work at Sandusky is involved. The amount of plankton they were harvesting and disposing of was phenomenal and I saw the treated plankton, it carried the same luminescent glow.”
“But how could the two be related?”
“I have an idea and I need to be at Sandusky to know for sure. Set a course back Chip, and make sure Sonar and Hydrophones are on their toes, because if it’s what I think it is – this may not be over yet.”
Chip set the course to rendezvous with the sea lab as Harry headed to Sickbay to check on Lee.
* * * * *
Harry arrived in Sickbay and moved to Jamie's office to wait. Jamie and Frank were busy behind the examination curtain working on Lee, so Harry sat down behind Jamie's desk and leaned forward resting his chin on his folded hands. He had a lot of thinking to do, and this was as good a place as any to do it.
A good forty-five minutes passed as Harry heard the rolling curtains move away and the sounds of a gurney moving across the deck. He left the doctor's office to see Jamie and Frank position Lee's gurney against a bunk, a few minutes later they were settling Lee in as small sounds of discomfort were heard in the handling.
Jamie turned and motioned Harry toward a supply cabinet out of his patient's ear shot.
“How's he doing, Jamie?”
“His leg's a mess, Admiral. We had a time cleaning the wounds and with what poison was released, well he's pretty sick just now. I've got a full spectrum antibiotic running and I'll start working on an anti-toxin in case his condition worsens, but right now I think he'll just have to ride it out.”
“Is he awake?”
Jamie blew an audible breath, “Barely. Just a short visit Admiral, what he needs is rest.”
“Fine Jamie.”
Harry walked to Lee's bunk thinking how much of a habit this was becoming, not that Lee was ever to blame for the Sickbay visits. Indeed, it was entirely the opposite. His willingness to put himself in harm's way to protect others was the main culprit. He would love to sit down and lecture him on his propendency to endanger himself but he knew it was part of what made Lee who he was. It was deep inside Lee and Harry knew it went all the back to the nine year old boy who buried his father doing much the same thing... risking his life so others could live. No, it wasn't a fault of Lee's to be heroic, he just wished the young man lying in the bunk didn't have to bear the scars of so much pain for each intervention he made to save someone else.
“Hi Admiral,” Lee's whispery voice broke his contemplation as Harry rendered a small concerned smile. He sat down in the chair that Frank had placed for him looking down at Lee's leg elevated with pillows on the bunk.
“I'd ask how you're feeling, but I think I can tell...” Harry said in a half jest. Lee was dealing not only with the trauma of his leg that felt like hamburger meat just now, but the effects of the poison released through one of the tentacle spines.
“...And I don't think it's 'fine',” Harry finished with a wider grin.
Lee allowed a small chuckle to escape. The cleaning of his wound had left his leg feeling like it was going to fall off, but he requested Jamie to hold off on another dose of the heavy duty pain killers until he could talk to Harry.
“What about the Bluefish?” Lee asked, needing to know the current situation.
“She's already headed back to Pearl. We're on our way to Sandusky, I think there may be a connection to the giant squid we saw.”
Lee's face registered his questions, but he was too tired to ask and his pain was beginning to spike. Before he could say anything, Jamie stepped in injecting his IV eliciting a grateful groan of release from Lee.
“Just rest, Lee. I'll get to the bottom of this.”
“Take care of her for me, Adm'rl...” Lee slurred and closed his eyes as the pain lines receded and sleep took him to a blissful rest.
Harry reached over and instinctively felt Lee's forehead, then looked back at Jamie.
“A fever. I know, but the fever is also fighting the toxin in his body. I'll watch him, Admiral,” Jamie said with his gentle bedside manner that had brought Lee through so much these last few years.
Harry nodded, stood and returned to the four-star Admiral's resolve that had solved many problems aboard Seaview in the past and headed to the Control Room. He knew they were nearing Sandusky, and he had a lot of questions for Vince to answer.
* * * * *
Seaview was positioned four hundred yards off the Sandusky Sea Lab as Harry and Chief Sharkey guided FS1 toward the dome's docking hatch. Harry had contacted the sea lab upon their arrival and Vince was waiting to greet his guests at the inner hatch.
“Harry, this is a surprise! Did I forget to pay my bill?” Dr. Perry quipped as Harry and Sharkey stepped over the knee knocker vertical hatch.
“No, no. Your credit is still good with me,” Harry jested back, but not completely at ease.
“Then something is wrong?” Vince inquired, his play now turning to real concern.
“Yes and no. We've just inadvertently made a new giant squid discovery.”
Vincent's eyebrows rose inquisitively as the oceanographer in him delighted in Harry's news.
“The bad news is that it nearly took down a US Naval Submarine and very nearly killed my Captain.”
“Captain Crane? Is he alright?” Vince asked with complete sincerity.
“He's recovering from an attack of an eighty to one hundred foot giant squid.”
Dr. Perry's eyes turned from concern to near disbelief. “Harry, there's been undocumented sightings of giant squid nearly seventy feet, but even those sightings were in question.”
“Yes, I know. But I got an up-close and personal view of the squid's mantle, at least twenty feet long and if the general ratio of mantle to tentacles holds out...”
“Then it would be nearly one hundred feet long,” Vince finished. “That's truly amazing, but what does that have to do with us?”
“This particular giant squid had bio-luminescent tentacles.”
Vince's eyebrows rose.
“And something else, a poison sac on at least one of its feeders.”
“I'm sorry Harry. I still don't know what the connection to Sandusky is... surely you don't feel our dome is in danger?”
“It very well may be, Vince. We believe the squid was responsible for bringing a nuclear submarine down, but that's not my only concern.”
Chief Sharkey watched as one of the other scientists shifted from one foot to the next, appearing more and more nervous as the conversation went on, an observation Harry didn't miss either.
“The luminescence of the tentacles and the resulting fluorescent discharge it left on the submarine is very close in color to the treated plankton I saw on my tour here.” Harry knew that many creatures took the coloring of the prey or plant life they consumed, it wasn't a far stretch.
“Bio-luminescence is not a rare phenomenal, Harry.”
“Still, I'm curious to know how you're handling the disposal of the treated dead plankton you're producing.”
Vince was a bit put out at the obvious insinuation of mishandling of his project, but he reined in his irritation and answered evenly.
“As I told you, the treated plankton is first disposed of in the incinerator, only then is it dumped into the sea. There can be no doubt that it would be harmless to the environment after incineration.”
Harry nodded in agreement, but something still nagged at him as he noted the sweat now rolling down O'Reilly's face in large beaded drops, but the other scientist, Roberts, just stood with his face hard and his arms crossed.
“Then I would like to see the incinerator,” Harry replied evenly.
“Why the incinerator?” Roberts spoke up for the first time as O'Reilly fidgeted again.
“Because I can access the logs within the software and gauge them against your handwritten logs,” Harry was bluffing because he didn't have access to the incinerator's software, but the look on O'Reilly's face was eliciting the response Harry was hoping for.
“I told you we shouldn't have dumped the plankton!” O'Reilly said nervously to Roberts.
“Shut up Stan,” Roberts replied darkly.
“But what if there is a hundred foot squid out there...”
“He's just bluffing, Stan.”
“No, I can assure you there is. So if you two would like to tell us what is going on, maybe we can think of a way to deal with it,” Harry was calm but serious displaying the coolness of a man holding all the cards in a high stakes poker game.
“It was his idea,” O'Reilly confessed, terrified at the thought of a mutant giant squid roaming the seas. “We were able to double our work by dumping straight into the ocean and bypassing the incineration.”
“Stan, you idiot!” Roberts chimed in. “Okay, so we bypassed the incineration. What's the big deal? It's a big ocean out there, how in the world could the amount of treated plankton we toss in the ocean possibly do any damage?”
Dr. Perry stepped up, obviously hurt by the fact that his team members bypassed his established procedures and policies.
“How could you Ralph? We have procedures and protocols for a reason!” Vince declared with passion.
Roberts let out a scoff, “Come on Vince! You put two grams of salt in a swimming pool and you won't make salt water.” Roberts folded his arms once again, pleased that he felt he had made a good case against any incrimination.
“Funny you should mention that Mr. Roberts,” Harry answered.
“Did you know a salmon can find its way from the ocean all the way back to the stream it hatched from years later, by smelling their way back? They can detect the chemistry of their particular home stream to the efficiency of one drop per 250 gallons of sea water* guiding them back to the exact stream that spawned them into existence,” Harry said efficiently.
Roberts' face softened as he realized that his cutting corners had possibly created a change in the local aquatic environment. It was never his intention to do so, just to further the study.
“When did you begin to dump the treated plankton?” Vince joined in putting his hurt feelings aside and purposing to get to the bottom of their situation.
Roberts' countenance changed from the charged defensive scientist to one of remorse as he sighed, “About a week after you left.”
“That means you've been dumping the treated plankton for five weeks?” Vince said repeating the obvious.
“But how could the plankton produce the growth in the squid? You obviously believe the plankton is the cause, Admiral,” O'Reilly stepped in returning to his demeanor of a marine biologist trying to solve a problem.
“I'd say the amount of plankton you dumped was helped along by the prevailing current, possibly depositing the treated plankton in a concentrated amount,” Harry hypothesized as each of the scientists nodded their head in the soundness of the Admiral's reasoning.
“Then the growth catalyst in the treated plankton may very well be responsible for the large squid you encountered?” Vince stated.
“The Bathypelagic Zone is just now being explored,” Harry conceded. “It's very possible these creatures existed even before your dumping, but the specific coloring of the bio-luminescent tentacles gives me strong reason to believe that the treated plankton is involved.”
“The Midnight Zone...” O'Reilly all but whispered out in eerie self-contemplation.
“The Midnight Zone?” Sharkey asked, stepping into the conversation now that the confrontation had moved to problem solving.
“Yes, that's the more common name for the Bathypelagic Zone, the part of the water column where no sunlight is present and therefore no photosynthesis,” Harry answered.
“Then we've unleashed something terrible from the Midnight Zone...” O'Reilly continued.
“Perhaps,” Harry interrupted, somewhat irritated at the defeated tone the marine biologist was taking. “But the important thing here is to stop these practices and determine what if anything can be done if that creature decides to rise and feed again.”
“Maybe it’s not the only one,” Sharkey added.
“That's possible,” Harry replied turning to Sharkey, “But let's solve one problem at a time, shall we?”
The three scientists huddled together and began to brainstorm in earnest the possible effects the growth catalyst in the treated plankton might have, as Sharkey stood back shaking his head at the problems these yo-yo's had caused by not following established procedures.
* * * * *
The creature made its way home easily, even in its injured state. It used the water as a sort of jet propulsion and swam back to its home anticipating the meal that awaited it there. A small ledge protruded out of the trench wall at 7,000 feet and the prevailing current had dropped a rich source of marine snow which stockpiled on the ledge. Its luminescent glow had died out with the plankton but the rich smell of the nutrition was still strong enough for the creature to climb the depths and feed on the ledge. It had no reasoning powers to deduce that the treated plankton had been feeding its unusual growth, it only knew that this ledge was its new home. A place where the food was rich and abundant. This is where the creature returned and found a smaller stockpile, but enough to begin to nourish and heal its injured body. The creature fed hungrily, knowing that soon it could rise again. It was still driven to mate; a drive matched only by its need to hunt the large shell creature. It saw Seaview as a crustacean ready to crack and devour like a giant lobster and in a drive just short of revenge, the giant squid was determined to feed on the creature that injured it.
* * * * *
Lee's head tossed from side to side as Jamie stood by monitoring Seaview's Captain. His fever was manageable at 103.4 F but Jamie was concerned should the fever continue to rise. He reached over and gently shook Lee from his fever induced nightmare as Lee responded with somewhat glassy eyes, turning toward Seaview's doctor.
“Jamie?” He asked, somewhat confused.
Will smiled, delivering the gentle bedside manner that Lee was accustomed to... when they weren't engaging in negotiations for Lee's early release from Sickbay.
“It's alright, Skipper. The fever is holding and I think doing its job. Are you ready for more pain medication?”
“In a bit, Jamie,” Lee answered honestly. “First I want to know what's happening on Seaview.”
Jamie blew out a breath mixed with a light chuckle, but relented knowing that his patient would rest better if he had a brief status report.
“Alright Skipper, I'll call the Control Room,” he answered with a soft smile.
“Thanks Jamie,” Lee breathed out as the CMO stepped away to make his call.
* * * * *
“The Admiral is aboard Sandusky. He says his hunch was right and Sandusky's experiments may be directly related to the unusually large squid that attacked the Bluefish and you,” Chip reported, leaning over to speak in light tones with Lee; his face still flushed with a fever and his achy muscles adding to the discomfort of his leg, even medicated.
“The squid may return,” Lee started.
“I've got Sonar on the watch. Ski's on the job, you know he's good,” Chip stated rather than asked.
“Yeah, but the trench will make it difficult to see until it’s almost on us.”
“I've got Patterson on Hydrophones, Lee. You know he can hear a carp sneeze ten miles away.”
Lee let out a small chuckle, but then grimaced holding back his groan.
“I've got to get back top-side, Lee.”
“Alright,” Lee acquiesced, too tired to talk any longer.
“But I'll keep you informed, Skipper.”
The corners of Lee's lips curved slightly as Chip stood, patted his shoulder and then left. Almost immediately Jamie took his place injecting Lee's IV once again.
“Time for a nap, Skipper.”
Lee hardly heard him as his eyes closed and a deep sleep took him far from the pain of his recent ordeal.
* * * * *
“Admiral?” Sharkey said pulling Harry off to one side. “Shouldn't we be making tracks? I mean if that thing decides to come up for lunch, this dome is a perfect appetizer,” he finished with his hands working demonstratively in synch with his words.
Harry allowed a soft “hrummpf” to pass along with a short flashed smile. He could always count on Sharkey's no nonsense approach to state the obvious.
“You're right, Sharkey. We'll be leaving as soon as I can be sure we have all the pieces to the puzzle we need to deal with the squid.” Harry patted Sharkey's shoulder as he walked past as Vince and his men packed a few of their important notes to take with them. It was precautionary, but Harry knew the strength of the squid to pull down the Bluefish was enough to seriously damage Sandusky's rounded hull. So he ordered an evacuation of the sea lab, at least for the time being. There was still a chance that he had killed the creature with his laser blasts but if not, Harry was well aware of the dangers of a wounded creature; especially one that had been denied its prey.
* * * * *
“Mr. Morton,” Patterson called, in control but with concern. “There's activity... I think from the trench.”
Chip crossed the deck quickly, noting that nothing had appeared on Sonar yet. He stepped to the periscope island snatching up the mic.
“Sparks, put me through to FS1.”
“Aye Sir.” A moment later he finished, “FS1 on the line, Sir.”
“Admiral, Pat has picked up activity in the trench,” Chip reported while looking out the window at FS1, still docked on Sandusky's dome.
“Very well Mr. Morton. We'll hurry this along, ETA... seven minutes.”
Chip shipped the mic and returned to Pat's shoulder, scanning Sonar at the station next to Hydrophones. A small blip began to flicker on the grid as Ski called out.
“Contact Sir, it's closing fast.”
Chip moved back to the mic, “Admiral we've got Sonar contact!”
* * * * *
Sharkey had just finished stowing the scientist's gear and just now returned to the co-pilot's chair as Harry made preparations to separate from Sandusky. Harry was moving along efficiently and just about ready to disengage when Chip's voice was heard on the Com system.
“Admiral we've got Sonar Contact!”
Almost simultaneously Sharkey called out in disbelief, “Admiral look!”
Harry looked out the flying sub's window to see the giant squid rising from the trench, its tentacles flailing in an almost mesmerizing dance as it cleared the canyon wall.
“Hold on everyone!” Harry pursed his bottom lip and disengaged FS1 in a clean detachment despite his rush. He pulled the control sticks and added power just as a long tentacle reached out and barely missed the submersible in a frenzied swipe to catch its fleeing prey. Harry gunned FS1 and turned evasively moving out of reach and to safety as the squid made its way over to Sandusky and began wrapping its tentacles around the dome.
From behind his chair, Harry could hear the sounds of wonder mixed with relief as the three scientists got their first view of the creature just before Harry turned and moved out of visual range, flooring FS1 and willing speed out of her engines.
“FS1 to Seaview,” Harry called.
“Morton here. I've got a full reverse on the engines, Sir. We're moving to give that beast some room.”
Harry nodded at the efficiency of Seaview's Executive Officer. “Very well. We'll stay out of reach until it’s safe to dock.”
“Aye Sir.”
* * * * *
The creature moved over the top of Sandusky, the smell of the living organisms fleeing was almost enticing enough to pursue, but inside this rounded turtle shell was more of the delightful plankton that it craved. The squid wrapped itself around the dome like a child holding onto a cookie jar, almost caressing the dome's hull. One tentacle was blackened at its injury point, its tip obviously missing. Still the long feeder tentacle was in use, despite its current handicap.
It was so engrossed in its delight that it almost forgot about Seaview. Though it had been shot with FS1's laser it only saw the flying sub as smaller prey to be dealt with later, it perceived Seaview as its greater threat and its near revenge instinct began to sharpen as its damaged tentacle unwrapped and waved in the ocean menacingly. Slowly it began to detach from the dome as it recognized Seaview backing away. It wasn't concerned, its own water jet propulsion was very efficient; it would catch up to the huge beast with ease. Its instinct to strike increased as the giant squid ignored the fact that the shelled crustacean was six times its own size and completely detached from the dome with Seaview's retreat only exciting its predator instinct to pursue its prey.
* * * * *
Seaview was engaging in a full-reverse maneuver as Chip watched out the windows on the Front Porch. He sighed in relief as FS1 detached and just barely missed being grabbed by a tentacle. The flying sub was in full retreat as the giant squid began to encircle its great tentacles around the dome.
“Ski, sing out at 1000 yards.”
“Aye Sir.”
Chip needed room to maneuver and turn about, then he could dock FS1 and find out what the Admiral planned on doing about the over grown calamari hanging on Sandusky just now. He was just getting comfortable with his plan when the squid released the dome and began to pursue Seaview.
“What's our position Ski?”
“800 yards, Sir.”
Chip knew they weren't going to make it before the squid caught up with them, he'd have to take offensive action. The squid was closing fast; the resulting shock wave from using forward torpedoes would be too dangerous, so he moved quickly to the nose and pulled the laser sights into position taking aim at the creature's mantle. He delivered three short laser blasts straight into the main body and then backed off to view the results. The creature slowed its pursuit and stopped as Ski called out 900 yards, but then the squid regrouped itself and propelled itself forward with great speed.
Chip aimed and fired again, watching as the blast only slowed down the creature; before long the creature would be upon them. Chip yelled over his shoulder to Lt. Barrett.
“Have Engineering prepare a charge through the hull!”
Chip barely registered the order being carried out in the background as he positioned the laser to fire again. With the punishment the giant squid was taking, he wasn't sure even the nuclear charge in the hull would kill the beast and the thought of the squid wrapping itself around Seaview was more than a slight concern.
Chip took the laser and aimed for one of the squid's large luminescent eyes; he began firing as the squeals could be heard even in the nose as Patterson threw off the headphones from his ears. But the squid's long reach was nearly upon Seaview's nose, even in its pain it flailed wildly trying to grasp hold of the sub. Then out of nowhere came the cavalry as a second laser added its power to Seaview's.
“Divert all power to lasers!” Chip called out over his shoulder and continued firing in tandem with FS1 as the lights in the control room softened to give the Exec the power he needed.
The creature stopped its pursuit as its flailing tentacles began to wiggle in a death throe. Chip followed the Admiral's lead and continued firing until the great sea creature exploded in one large powerful burst leaving the sea floor littered with the remains as they floated down almost anticlimactically.
Chip was breathing hard and didn't even realize it as he stowed the laser and took two steps closer to the window.
“FS1 is hailing us, Sir,” Sparks reported as Chip moved to the mic in the nose.
“Nice shooting, Admiral,” Chip said in a calm voice, taking charge of the adrenalin that was racing through his body.
“I'll pass that on to Sharkey,” Harry said with a slight chuckle as Chip gave the orders to prepare to dock FS1.
* * * * *
Jamie stood over his patient frowning as Lee's condition worsened. The fever had risen to 104.2 F and he wasn't making good enough progress on the anti-toxin. General Quarters had been secured and though Jamie hadn't noticed, Lee even in his fevered state noted that FS1 had just docked. Jamie had to crack an inward smile at his Captain; he was burning up with fever and in pain and still in tune with his boat.
Jamie's inward smile turned to a sigh as he made up his mind and moved toward the wall mic.
* * * * *
Chip was waiting at the hatch as Sharkey preceded the three scientists who gathered at Seaview's windows viewing the remains of the giant squid that had aggressively attacked Seaview. The picture of the giant squid wrapping its tentacles possessively around the sea lab was still fresh in their minds as each one realized how close they had come to death.
“Nice timing Sir,” Chip said greeting Harry as he made his way up the hatch.
Harry offered a small tight lipped smile and then got down to business. “Status, Mr. Morton?”
“We're in the green and ready to answer bells, Sir.”
“What about our guests, Sir?” Chip inquired with a slight nod toward the window where the three scientists huddled in quiet conversation.
“Make them comfortable. We'll have to do a complete hull check before returning them to Sandusky and Dr. Perry and I will have to have some further discussions on the project,” Harry answered thoughtfully.
“Jamieson to Control Room.”
Chip reached for the mic at the Chart Table, “Control Room, Aye.”
“Mr. Morton, I need to see Admiral Nelson as soon as possible.”
Chip and Harry exchanged a glance as each deduced the source of Jamie's concern oozing out even under his professional doctor's tone as Harry reached for the mic to answer.
“We'll be right there, Doctor.” Harry shipped the mic and turned towards the aft hatch.
“Come on Chip, let's see what's going on.”
Chip followed, grateful for Harry's consideration as the two made a fast pace walk toward Sickbay.
They entered Sickbay and found Jamie waiting to usher them into his office.
“His condition has deteriorated, Admiral, and I'm just not making enough headway on the anti-toxin. I'm going to need some help from you and your lab.”
“Of course, Jamie,” Harry answered with a furled forehead.
“Good,” Jamie sighed. “He's quite ill and I don't think I can adequately divide my time between his care and research.”
“I understand, and as it turns out I have three more scientists on board who can lend a hand.” Harry turned toward the XO. “Chip, get Dr. Perry and his team to my lab, I'll be there shortly.”
“Aye Sir,” Chip said, the clicks of his heels sounding off his determined pace as he exited Sickbay.
“I'd like to check in on him.”
“Of course, Admiral.”
Harry sat down heavily in the chair alongside the bunk as Lee's eyes fluttered opened, focused and found the Admiral.
“Everything okay up there, Sir?” His voice was tight and whispery and Harry could see his uncomfortableness even fully medicated.
Harry nodded and offered a reassuring smile. “Seaview's fine Lee. Chip and I had an OK Corral shootout with the squid. It's dead.”
Lee indicated his understanding with the smallest of nods. It wasn't the first time Seaview had to destroy an overgrown menace in the sea with giant man-o-wars and sea spiders already trying their best to sink the boat; so why not a hundred foot giant squid?
“Everything's secure, Lee. Right now we need to put our effort into getting you well. I'm going to meet Dr. Perry in the lab, together we'll find the anti-toxin.”
Harry stood and squeezed Lee's shoulder, eliciting a one sided smile that faded quickly as Lee's eyelids dropped once again.
Jamie was waiting at the door as Harry approached. “Frank is delivering to the lab my notes and progress so far, Admiral.”
“Thanks Jamie. You just focus on your patient, we'll find the anti-toxin.”
Harry left with determined steps wondering if the giant squid was going to exact its revenge on Seaview after all, because lying in the bunk in Sickbay was the heart of the boat fighting for his life.
* * * * *
Harry sat bent over the microscope as Vince, Roberts and O'Reilly poured their shared resources of knowledge and brainpower into developing the anti-toxin for the giant squid's poison. They worked long into the night and though Roberts and O'Reilly were somewhat to blame for Lee's current predicament, Harry was glad they were now lending their aid. They emerged some ten hours later with the anti-toxin as a grateful Jamie injected the healing concoction into Seaview's deeply unconscious captain.
“He's responding Admiral,” Jamie reported a few hours later. “The fever is coming down and I expect he'll continue to improve, but he'll be weak and his leg will need some therapy. I'd like to get him into Pearl and confer with the staff at the base.”
“We'll get underway as soon as we can,” Harry promised and left to deal with Dr. Perry and his staff.
* * * * *
Lee woke up to the fresh air of the ocean venting through the screen of the open window in his hospital room at the base. He had vague recollections of his transfer here several days ago, but he was just now beginning to feel his strength return. He was grateful that his leg didn't feel like hamburger meat any longer, though physical therapy wasn't promising to feel too good. Still, it would only be a few weeks and he would be back aboard his boat. For now, the sound of the ocean and the breeze blowing the curtains was just about all the excitement he could handle.
His door cracked open as Lee turned to see who his visitor was. “Jimbo!” He said with a smile as Captain James Morgan stepped into his room followed by Chip.
“I finally caught you awake,” James jested, happy to see Lee looking better than the last time he checked on him. “I thought you were going to goldbrick the entire week.”
“You're starting to sound like my Exec,” Lee returned with a twinkle in his eye as Chip chuckled in response. “How's the Bluefish?”
“Getting a new deep sea communication's array installed, after that squid monster of a fish tore off our last one,” James answered half-joking to ease the fact that his sub had very nearly become squid food. “But we'll be ready to shove back off within the week.”
Lee avoided asking Chip about Seaview as the two would discuss the boat privately even though he was anxious for a status report. Seaview was readying to sail as well, without its captain at the helm as Lee's leg wasn't up for hobbling around on the sub.
“I just wanted to stop by and see if I could catch you awake.”
“I'm glad you did. It's good to see you James... and maybe now you'll believe me when I tell you some of my 'fish' stories.”
James laughed. “Lee, I'll never doubt you again!” Lee and Chip joined in easy camaraderie as James excused himself to see to his boat and crew.
Chip stayed a few minutes longer giving Lee the run down on what had turned into an unexpected shore leave and resupply run in Pearl.
“I've got to go now, Lee, but we'll send FS1 for you in a couple of weeks.”
“Sounds good. Don't scratch the paint!” He added as Chip reached the door, turned back and delivered his infamous XO command glare and then broke into a smile that lit his blue eyes up.
“You got it, Skipper.”
Lee turned his head toward the window, the short visits had been nice though he was still pretty weak from days of high fever. A soft rap on the door was followed by Harry entering the room with a smile on his face.
“Well you're looking much better, Lee.”
“Thanks Admiral. I just wish I could hitch a ride on Seaview when she leaves.”
“Well, you'll be better off in a couple of weeks, so let's not rush things,” Harry added wisely as he pulled the chair over to Lee's bedside.
“What did you decide on Sandusky's work?” Lee asked, as Harry leaned back getting comfortable.
“Dr. Perry will continue his work, it still has merit. I've left his staffing decisions up to him and he's decided to give Roberts and O'Reilly another chance. I would have pushed the other way, but after seeing their able work in the lab working on your anti-toxin, I can see their value to the project. They were just young and foolish, let's just hope that they learned their lesson.”
Lee nodded in agreement. “What about the giant squid? Was it really a new species or did the treated plankton account for the variances we saw?”
The twinkle in Harry's eyes returned, the one that lit his face when he was engaging in some fascinating experiment. “We've managed to conduct a few DNA analysis and we've confirmed that it was a newly undiscovered species of the giant squid, not mutations from the mishandled plankton. So far, the only affect the plankton had that we're aware of was the growth catalyst.”
“So what's the chance that there's more sea creatures affected by the treated plankton out there?”
“I guess we'll never know,” Harry answered seriously and then added a smile. “That is, unless one decides to journey back up the trench.”
Harry chuckled and Lee joined him. “I'd just assume miss that appearance,” Lee quipped and then yawned.
Harry's smile morphed to a satisfied relaxed face at seeing Lee on the mend. He reached over and patted Lee's shoulder as he rose from the chair.
“Well, I've got to go. Jiggs Stark promised me a steak dinner tonight and I plan on picking the best restaurant in town.”
Lee smiled as the two said their goodbyes. He returned his gaze out his window and soon transitioned to sleep, dreaming of sailing the seas on his beloved boat and relieved that the latest creature from the deep had been dealt with.
* * * * *
Up the trench walls slithered more tentacles, though the female of the species was usually larger than the male it hadn't fed as long on the marine snow as its partner; still it had grown past its natural size as well. It too had grown beyond what the resources of the Midnight Zone could provide and it needed nourishment. It had mated with the squid with the damaged tentacle before it climbed the canyon walls. Its mate never returned, but the female had since released its eggs into the ledge at 7,000 feet; some 70,000 eggs were now hidden in the rock face. Now it rose to feed in the Twilight Zone, and perhaps it would leave there and rise even further to the Sunlight Zone where the plethora of sea life called to its feeding instincts even now...
The End
Midnight Terror
* Salmon facts:
** Water column, plankton and
giant squid researched using the following resources:
Author's Notes: As far as I can tell through my limited research, “Gray Lady Down” is not a distress call for a downed submarine. It has become synonymous however due to the 1978 movie of the same title starring Charlton Heston which was based on David Lavallee's book Event 1000. I borrowed the phrase because it was just so much more dramatic than the standard SOS distress signal. : )
Readers following my stories
will note that the Plankton for Food Theory is a theme that has come up several
times in my stories. This is because it
is an idea that is dear to Harry's heart.
He feels the theory has merit and keeps working towards his goal even though
he hasn't been able to make it a reality yet.
So I just can't help but have a few plankton-gone-bad tales to tell. ; )
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen