A Second Season story... and a WHN for Terror on Dinosaur Island.
The Decision
by Lynn
The Accusation
The rating heard as he ran deeper into the jungle to escape the inevitable court martial for attempted murder of Captain Crane. He ran the opposite direction of the shore, despite the fact that Seaview was the only way off the island. He wasn't reasoning at this point, he was running... just running. And it wasn't just Crane he had threatened, but Ski and Pat as well.
There was no other way, he reassured himself. Crane was guilty... guilty as sin, but Ski and Pat... they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, Grady's life had to be avenged. Oh Crane said he was sorry.
“I hope you know how bad we all feel about Grady,” he said, like that would make everything better.
Captain Crane ordered the hatch closed; He was as guilty as if he had tightened his hands around his best friend's throat and held him under water himself, Benson reasoned in his rage. It was bad enough that everyone was treating him like Grady's death was his fault just because they switched watches at the last moment, but they totally ignored the fact that Captain Crane had executed Grady; by sealing the hatch he had condemned his friend to a watery grave as sure as he had put a bullet to his head.
Crane said it couldn't be helped... Ski and Pat said he had to think of the Boat and the rest of the crew, but Benson knew that if it had been someone else down there fighting for their life, things would have been different.
Crane would have found a way if it was his best friend down there, Benson accused as the ground shook once more. Steam pockets shot up from all around as the volcano roared its impending blast while Benson steadied himself nearly falling to the ground. Up ahead another roar caught his attention as he looked up spotting a freakish dinosaur. He raised his handgun and fired at the beast, having lost his rifle earlier. Fear seized him, sweat poured down his face and his lips quivered watching the bullets ricochet off the menacing creature like shots from a pea gun.
There was Captain Crane again, calling for him to come back... to come back to the brig, no doubt. This was all his fault! The more he thought about it the more he knew that it wasn't just a matter of saving the Boat like the Captain said; he just didn't have a high enough stake in the loss. If it had been the XO, Crane would have found a way to save him. If Morton had been down there Crane would have jumped in himself!
“Benson, watch out... the tree!”
Benson didn't have time to react as the cracking of the large tree was followed by a thud then a silence that mercifully muted the sounds of his broken bones. Benson lay with his eyes open seeing the sky up above through puffs of dark smoke but losing all sense of hearing. He could no longer hear the volcano or feel the earth rumbling for that matter. His last thought played accusingly through his mind as he spent the strength of his last breath muttering his scathing accusation.
“It would have been different if it had been your best friend...”
Air passed through Benson's lips expelling his dying breath as his eyes remained open staring straight above, but no longer seeing anything.
* * * * *
“Benson?” Ski inquired as Lee looked through the binoculars.
He shook his head in the negative. “He's dead,” he said regretfully having witnessed the tree crush the rating beneath its weight.
“Let's get out of here,” Captain Crane ordered, knowing there was nothing he could do for Benson now; he still had a responsibility to Ski, Patterson and to Seaview waiting precariously on shore anticipating their arrival.
They headed back in the direction of the shore as the dying island roared in what Lee feared was its final throes. Silently he lamented the continued losses of this mission; Grady, then Benson and now... well he had come for the Admiral and Chief Sharkey, but it looked like the island had claimed them as well.
Crane turned, Could it be?
“Admiral!” he shouted in expectation.
Hope returned as he heard both Harry and Sharkey's voices calling back.
“There they are!” Patterson yelled, pointing to the pair as the Chief hopped along on an obviously injured leg.
Relief flooded the entire rescue party but their reunion cheers were short lived as the ground shook violently under them.
“Let's get out of here!” Lee shouted over the crushing sounds of trees falling and the earth's rumblings, leading the team to the safety of the shore and Seaview waiting for them.
* * * * *
The order was given as Engineering responded to “All Back” on its engines. Slowly the great submarine eased off the beach and made for the safety of the depths while the volcano rumbled its final roar threatening to take the island and its dinosaurs to the bottom of the ocean, this time for good.
The humans had fled safely, all but one.
A strange figure stepped forward in curiosity; he was humanoid with an albino white appearance. His hair, his skin, his long flowing robe; everything was as white as translucent light... everything except his eyes which were as black as the rare pearl of the same color. The Albino stood firm as if the rocking of the earth and the explosion of the volcano had no effect on him. He stooped and placed a hand over Benson's eyes, holding it there for a moment then closing his own eyes in concentration. When he was done he raised his face as if in understanding; as if some knowledge had passed from the dead man to himself. He looked past the trees falling, the dinosaurs running in confusion, the rocks, boulders, hills and cliffs in his path... seeing through all the obstacles in his way to watch the submarine retreat to safety. His vision took him even further; past the ocean waters and through the titanium hull to the dark headed man in green fatigues who had just left the island. His white eyebrows sharpened in recognition of Captain Crane as the Albino stood resolutely. He disappeared in a flash of light just as the volcano exploded obliterating the island and taking everything with it to the bottom of the sea.
~Act I ~
The Weight of
Lee Crane stood with a straight edge in hand charting out Seaview's next course change. He marked his coordinates on his note pad then stopped to rub his forehead absent-mindedly as his weariness caught up with him. He shook it off as Chip approached the Chart Table, handing the new course over to his Exec as he sided up next to him. Chip took the new coordinates and looked them over speaking as he studied the paper in front of him.
“You're looking a little worn out, Lee,” he said quietly, keeping their conversation private.
Lee blew a breath out, there was no use trying to hide it from Chip. He knew... he always knew.
“Is it that obvious?” he asked with a small grin.
Chip raised his head enough for the two to exchange glances. “Not really,” he returned trying to soften the blow that he had read his best friend so easily.
“I'm fine. It always wears me down writing those letters,” Lee admitted.
Chip nodded, understanding in perfect clarity. Those letters could only refer to the Letters of Regret Seaman Grady and Benson's families would receive. Lee always insisted on hand delivering them whenever possible; sometimes it wasn't, but he did his best to try and ease the pain by offering his personal condolences to the families.
“It's a tough job,” Chip acknowledged.
Lee nodded and stood straight, effectively ending the conversation while Chip immediately recognized his Captain and best friend's body language and returned to XO mode.
“I'll take care of the course change, Skipper.”
“You've got the Con Chip, I'm going to check in with the Admiral then do some paperwork.”
“Aye Skipper.”
Lee headed aft glancing over the situation boards as he walked by, satisfying himself of his Boat's condition and readiness for action as he stepped over the knee-knocker hatch.
He walked straight to the Lab where Harry had spent the last three days since returning from Dinosaur Island, Sharkey's colorful name for the island that exploded, nearly taking him and the Admiral with it. Just as he thought he found Harry hunched over a microscope. Lee stopped to gaze about the lab and honed his sights in on the subject of Harry's research as of late, an oblong dinosaur egg sitting in a specimen tank with a heat lamp attempting to keep it warm.
“Come in Lee,” Harry said having heard the door as he called over his shoulder.
“I took a small sample from the egg shell,” he explained. “It's fascinating. I'm just glad Sharkey rescued Patterson's egg from the refrigerator,” Harry chuckled.
“I'm banking on the fact that reptiles are cold-blooded and hoping that the dinosaur inside is still proceeding in its maturation under the heat lamp,” Harry went on as Lee stepped forward.
“How can you tell if it's still alive?”
“Once we return to the Institute we'll do a non-invasive scan. It has to be done very carefully, we don't want to irradiate the little fellow,” Harry explained reveling in the excitement of the find.
“Until then I plan on watching this egg as if I were its surrogate daddy,” Harry quipped.
Lee chuckled. It felt good to laugh, he hadn't felt comfortable since returning from the island. The elation of finding Harry and Sharkey alive quickly faded once he returned to the privacy of his cabin and sat down to write those letters.
“Well I just thought I'd check in with you. I've got some paper work to take care of,” Lee said with a familiar smile as he turned to leave.
Lee turned toward Harry who offered an understanding soft expression fueled by empathy for his captain's task.
“Would you like some help with those letters?”
Lee nodded his answer. “No Sir. I'll have them ready before we hit Port.”
The timing wasn't the point and Lee knew it, he just wasn't up for a conversation on how hard it was coming up with the right words for Grady's death... and Benson's was even harder. They were both straight forward, but as the Commanding Officer it was a duty he didn't take lightly.
Harry sighed, accepting Lee's answer but what he really wanted to know was why his Captain was so introspective since returning from the island. Unfortunately the loss of a crewman wasn't a new experience for either of the two seasoned officers. Harry appreciated Lee's sensitivity for the families but something told him there was something else at work here. He let his own questions slide recognizing Lee's desire to handle it himself and returned to his work.
“Very well Lee.”
Lee left the lab feeling as if he hadn't been completely forthright with Harry, there was something bothering him... something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe it was the letters or maybe it was something else but the truth was he hadn't slept well since returning to Seaview. He'd been plagued with dreams; actually one dream... the same dream... over and over again as he relived his decision to seal the hatch over Tommy Grady. The fact that he had most probably saved the lives of the other 122 men aboard hadn't eased his pain, though it should have at least brought him some peace. But peace was something he had lost almost the moment he ordered the hatch closed and the wheel spun tight, sealing both the compartment and Grady's fate.
Lee reached his cabin, chiding himself for having these thoughts in Seaview's corridors where the passing Ratings might read his facial expressions. Once inside he sunk into his desk chair, resting his elbows on the desk and leaning his forehead into his hands.
It wasn't just Grady, it was Benson; somehow he failed Benson. The man was crazy with grief and guilt... he should have recognized the signs. He had mistaken Benson's offer to join the rescue party as a chance to stay busy and work through his grief in a positive manner. Lee wanted to help so he agreed not knowing that the young man blamed him for his best friend's death and was indeed, plotting his execution to atone for Grady's death. If only he had left Benson behind... would it have been any different? Perhaps he would have cooled off enough to realize that violence wasn't the answer, maybe even recognize the decision was unavoidable.
Lee pushed his chair away from his desk and leaned his head back, staring across the room. Why was he torturing himself like this? He knew intellectually that his decision was the right thing to do and he knew just as well that no one could have known what Benson had planned. What he needed to do was to write those letters and let it go; not callously as if it never happened, but responsibly. He was the Captain of the Boat and captains make hard decisions.
Lee took a deep breath in and blew it out with a wordless nod to himself, resolving to move on.
* * * * *
Captain Crane ran through Seaview's corridors making his
way to the flooded compartment. They
only had precious minutes to rescue the seaman trapped below. Already the corridors were compromised as he
tromped through two inches of water with the boat in a slight list. He reached the hatch as several crewmen
helped the sopping wet sailors climb up the ladder, the sounds of rushing water
from below filling the corridor with loud confusion mixed with the fear flooded
compartments breed.
“How many more?” Lee yelled over the sounds of his boat in
peril as water filling the compartment splashed up the hatch.
“Grady was right behind me, but I lost my grip!” a sailor
said regretfully as he climbed up.
Lee looked down at the hatch, the rushing water moving
furiously about but there was no sign of Grady, another slosh of water hit the
deck and he knew he had to seal the hatch.
He already had two water tight doors compromised and flooding in the
compartment would seal off their route to Engineering.
“Seal the hatch,” Lee ordered firmly, making the big
decision that no captain relished.
“You can't! Grady
is still down there!” Benson yelled as Lee ignored his near insubordination,
giving the guy slack for losing his buddy.
“Don't you think I know that?” Lee asked then repeated his
order. “Seal the hatch.”
His orders were swiftly obeyed out of military deference
and the knowledge that the sailors knew all too well there was nothing else to
“You killed him!” Benson accused in a sob as Lee continued
to ignore what should have gotten the rating a night in the brig, as the
Captain of the Seaview headed back to the Control Room almost in a daze.
As he walked back he shook off the regret of losing a
crewman. He had no time to mourn either
Grady or his decision, he had a Boat to save and after that... the Admiral to
Lee woke in a shiver with sweat beading and rolling down the side of his face. He rolled over flat on his back as he bent his elbow placing a hand under his neck and staring at the bulkhead ceiling of his rack.
It was the same dream again, the one that had plagued him every night since returning from Dinosaur Island. Seaview was making her way to Pearl and Lee still hadn't figured out how to write Benson's letter home. Grady's was hard but at least he could say he died a hero in the line of duty. The young man had repeatedly pushed others up the ladder in a selfless move of bravery that caught up with him when the boat shifted and the raging waters overtook him. He was a hero, the other men in the compartment witnessed firsthand and testified freely of Grady's bravery; but what could he say of Benson?
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Benson,
Your son tried to murder me in cold blood because he felt
guilty about trading watches with his best friend who died in his stead...
Of course not, that wouldn't fly and it wouldn't help his grieving family either.
Lee adjusted himself in his rack, sitting with his back resting against the bulkhead. He'd been through it over and over, there was no way he could have waited even a minute longer. If he had he would have most certainly condemned the rest of the Boat to certain death. Grady's death was unpreventable; under the exact same conditions he would have to seal the hatch again, no matter who was left behind. It was the burden of being Captain and the reason why he ordered his men to hold the hatch until he arrived, so that no one else would have to bear that Command Decision.
If only things had been different... but they weren't. Grady was dead. Benson was dead.
Enough Crane, he silently chided himself lying down and turning on his side. He slid his arm under his head and reminded himself that he had done everything he could as he closed his eyes. He needed a few more hours sleep and hoped it would find him soon.
~Act II ~
The Test ~Part I
One Hand for
Yourself, the Other for your Shipmate
In the corner of Lee's cabin a flash of light erupted as the albino man with the pearl black eyes appeared watching Captain Crane. He closed his eyes, concentrating as his body glowed in response. A shudder, then a breath of cool air swept through the cabin as Lee sat bolt upright in his rack and turned toward the figure surrounded by the brilliant light. He reached for the mic to call the Master at Arms but suddenly the blazing light reach out and grabbed him, pulling him from his rack, his cabin and even Seaview herself until...
Lee blinked. He was no longer in his cabin nor was he dressed in his white pajamas. He looked down at his clothes attempting to understand as he was now dressed in his Service Khaki's, complete with his jacket and corresponding ribbons across his left breast pocket. Furthermore, he was appropriately groomed for the uniform even though he had just been roused from his rack in the middle of the night.
Next he perused his surroundings; he was in a room with pure white walls, so white they were almost sterile and carried a definite unnatural feel about them.
“Where is this place?” he asked looking around for any sign of who brought him here, where ever here was. He was quite sure he wasn't dreaming, the last thing he remembered was a figure in his cabin and then a bright light. Lee swallowed and tried again.
“Where are you? Show yourself,” he said turning in a 360 degree circle seeking answers.
“You were given four days to consider your deeds,” he heard from behind and turned sharply toward the voice. An officer bearing the silver oak leaves of a commander stood in Service Khaki's holding a manila folder under his arm.
“Do you still contend that...” the officer opened the folder and read from the documents within, “...under the exact same conditions you would have to seal the hatch again, no matter who was left behind?” he finished as Lee recognized his precise words being replayed for him.
“Who are you? What is this place?”
Lee's question was interrupted by the sound of a bell chiming as three steady rhythmic strikes were made.
“These Proceedings are now in session.”
Lee turned sharply at the sound of the familiar voice as the room now contained a long rectangular table sitting on a raised stage with three Admirals sitting behind it, dressed in their high collared dress whites.
“Admiral Nelson?” Lee called in confusion as he recognized not only Harry but the other two men at the table with him.
“The accused will refrain from speaking out of order,” Admiral Johnson declared.
“Commander Reese, how does your defendant plead?” Admiral Starke asked, ignoring Lee as Commander Reese directed him back to the defendant's table that had also suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Lee allowed himself to be guided to the seat and lowered himself to the chair as he tried to make sense of the proceedings; it had all the earmarks of a military Court Martial.
“Sirs the Defendant, Commander Lee Benjamin Crane maintains his innocence.”
“Sirs,” Lee said standing as he spoke. “What charges?” he asked staring at the Prosecutor’s table, noting it was empty.
“I have a right to face my accuser,” he stated, caught up in whatever dream or quasi reality held him captive.
“Commander Reese, you will keep order over the Defendant or he will be gagged and bound for the duration of these proceedings,” Admiral Nelson stated as Lee blinked in surprise allowing Reese to guide him to his seat with a hand on his shoulder.
“Aye Sir. As I said, the Defendant maintains that if he were faced with the exact same conditions he would have to seal the hatch, no matter who was left behind.”
“Does the Defendant affirm this statement?” Starke asked.
“I do so affirm,” Lee replied. “There wasn't anything I could have done differently,” he added.
Lee's head whipped to the right to the Prosecution's Table and furled his eyebrows as Seaman Benson stood still wearing his green fatigues, bloodied from the impact of the tree’s crushing blow.
“Benson?” Lee said in disbelief at seeing the Rating alive.
“Captain Crane is a liar,” Benson went on as all three Admirals graciously allowed his outburst to continue. “He sealed that hatch because it was Grady down there, but things would have been different if it were someone else.”
Lee stood upon that ludicrous statement. “That's not true,” he defended. “I didn't want to give the order but I had no choice,” he argued with his hands extended in front of him moving demonstratively with his words.
“Counselor,” Admiral Nelson warned flatly in a single word, as Reese motioned for Lee to return to his seat.
“Continue Seaman Benson,” Starke encouraged.
“Captain Crane would have moved heaven and earth to reach that last man if it had been his best friend,” Benson accused with a finger pointing toward Lee.
Lee shook his head side to side in disagreement, “No! I don't make Command Decisions based on who is involved...”
“Then prove it!” Benson challenged.
“How?” Lee yelled back incredulously.
“That is for this court to decide,” Admiral Johnson chimed in without emotion, then turned in a huddled with the other two Admirals in an impromptu sidebar, speaking in soft whispers.
They nodded their agreement as Admiral Nelson picked up the bell ringer and tapped the bell three times.
“It is the determination of this court that the Defendant be tested in his assertion that he would have sealed the hatch no matter who was left behind,” Admiral Nelson stated rather flatly and without any recognition of friendship in his eyes.
“The conditions must be exactly the same,” Starke chimed in.
“Aye,” agreed Johnson, “With the exception of the test variable.”
“Aye,” Nelson and Starke agreed in unison, “With the exception of the test variable.”
“The test will encompass the moment in question, you will have no memory of these last four days, is that agreed?” Johnson asked addressing Benson but apparently not giving Lee a choice in the matter.
“Agreed!” he all but shouted back. “And then you'll all see... Everyone will know what kind of man Crane is!” he yelled as the Admirals continued to give the prosecution's star witness a free rein.
“I don't understand,” Lee said standing. “What do you mean Test?”
Admiral Nelson ignored Lee's question as he reached for the silver alarm clock that suddenly appeared before him and turned the dials. Each turn of the clock's hands backwards affected Lee as he felt a tearing away of reality. He reached for his head, feeling off balance as Admiral Nelson turned the hands backwards with each day's memories slowly peeling away with every turn: Four days... three days... two days... ONE DAY...
* * * * *
~Four Days Ago...~
Pat and Ski made their way to the Control Room, joking in easy camaraderie as Benson joined them, sliding in between and placing his arms about their shoulders like they were old buddies.
“What about doing a favor for a buddy, huh? How about switching duty watches with me?” Benson asked as both Pat and Ski rolled their eyes and nodded in the negative. They both knew that switching watches was frowned upon by the Exec, something Ski found out firsthand the last time Benson talked him into weaseling out of a watch he found unpleasant. Patterson begged off citing he was on his way to his watch at that very moment.
“What about you Ski?” Benson asked, still trying to work his way out of Mid-Ship Fire Watch having drawn it four times this week already, but Ski wasn't about to go for it after what happened the last time.
“What about Grady? He's your buddy after all,” Ski suggested as Benson's face lit up.
“Grady! What watch does he have?”
“Bow look-out,” Ski replied with a grin. “The softest watch on the Boat,” he finished stepping through the hatch glad to be free of Benson's badgering.
“Not a bad idea, my ol' buddy Grady. I can talk that kid into anything!” Benson said with a jovial skip to his steps.
* * * * *
Lee could hear the excitement in Harry’s voice as he and Chief Sharkey circled the newly forming island rising out of the ocean as the volcanic activity birthed new land right before their eyes. This was the sort of thing Seaview was built for; exploration and adventure and Harry was enjoying every bit of it. Lee could almost hear the child-like exuberance in his voice at witnessing the event, while Sharkey documented the spectacular show with photographs.
It was too much to walk away from, even after Chip brought the latest seismic report warning that the pressure was building up and the island could very well blow at any minute. Harry promised caution but wanted one final pass, unable to let the opportunity pass. He considered Lee’s warning, weighing the risks versus the knowledge they could obtain with just a bit more observation and a few more shots from Sharkey’s camera.
“Thanks for the warning, we'll keep our eyes peeled. Over and out,” Harry said, signing off as he prepared to circle the birthing island once again. He had barely signed off when their worst fears were realized as the volcano erupted nearly directly below them damaging FS1’s flight controls. Harry fought to keep her airborne but it was no use as he ordered Sharkey to grab his chute and bail out.
* * * * *
“Skipper!” Patterson
called, still trying to shake the ringing in his ears as Lee crossed the deck
to reach him.
“What is it?” he
inquired noting the concern in the able seaman's voice.
“Explosions,” he
reported. “Bearing zero-two-zero. Range... 4,000 yards.”
“Sir,” Chip chimed
in from another station, “The Island is blowing.”
Lee scanned
Patterson's station ascertaining the ETA till impact and picked up the mic.
“This is the
Captain, within eight seconds we'll receive the shockwaves of a volcanic
explosion. Now brace yourselves,” he
ordered, handling the situation with the coolness of a well-seasoned captain.
“Lee we've lost
contact with the flying sub,” Chip reported leaning over the station where
FS1's signature was no longer visible on the scope.
Lee's concern was
evident but first things first; he took a hand hold as did the rest of the crew
as they awaited the massive shock waves headed their way. Eight seconds later, just as Lee predicted
the first of the shock waves hit, rocking and rolling the huge submarine as if
she were a toy boat in a bath tub.
Ratings rolled from side to side with the impact as debris slammed into
the hull, adding to their predicament until the battering finally ceased and
the Boat leveled out; immediately Lee turned toward Chip.
“What was the Flying
Sub's last known position?” Lee asked.
“She was directly
over the island when we lost contact.
I'm afraid she went down,” Chip replied, laying it on the line as Lee
headed for the radio shack to raise the flying sub.
“Seaview to Flying
Sub. Seaview to Flying Sub.”
The sound of empty
air filled the Radio Shack as their worst fears were confirmed. No radar and no radio contact meant in all
probability that FS1 was down.
“What do we do now?”
Chip asked, siding next to Lee and waiting for his next orders.
“We get as close as
we can to the island and mount a rescue,” Lee replied heading to the Control
Room and praying they had survived the probable crash landing. But FS1 wasn’t Lee’s only concern at the
moment as he put the rescue operation on the back burner until he dealt with
Seaview’s current situation.
“Damage report Chip?” Lee asked.
“DC is reporting some minor leakage in the lower decks,” Chip reported, both knowing that minor was relative aboard a submarine. Another explosion and its resulting shock waves could turn those minor leaks into a major, if not deadly, problem in no time flat. “Frankly, I'm short-handed without Sharkey here to drive the DC Team.”
“You better get down there and see to it yourself,” Lee ordered, grateful he could count on Chip to get the Boat ship-shape, something he desperately needed before he could mount a rescue operation.
“Aye Skipper,” Chip replied heading aft to see to the repairs.
* * * * *
The repairs were coming along as Chip drove the DC Team from below, shoring up the leaks and enabling Seaview to engage her engines. The shock waves had knocked her off-course from their position prior to the underwater explosions and they still needed to close the distance on the island.
Mr. O'Brien,” Lee said rounding the spiral stairs having come from inspecting damage. “What's our position?”
“We're approaching the island now Sir,” Bobby replied as he huddled over the chart table.
“Very well. Slack off to one-third, when we're within 2,000 yards sing out,” he ordered.
“Aye Sir.”
“Skipper?” Pat called from Sonar as Lee closed the distance, “Large object dead ahead.”
Lee reached for the hydrophones and listened perplexed, it sounded like a biological… but it was way too big, even for a whale.
“All-Stop,” he ordered; something was out there, he just wasn’t sure what.
“Captain; Bow Look-out. Could you come forward Sir?”
“What is it?” Lee asked, approaching the Nose as the rating in the blue jumpsuit reported.
“I just saw a large object Sir,” Benson reported as Lee squinted trying to see through the waters, still churning from movement.
“I don't see anything now. What was it?”
“I don't know Sir, all I saw was a shadow,” he reported just as O’Brien walked up looking slightly confused.
“Benson what are you doing here?”
“Standing Bow Look-Out Sir,” the rating replied as if it should be quite obvious.
“Wasn’t Grady supposed to be on this watch?” O'Brien asked. Everyone knew Benson was a goldbricker and as such his habit of switching watches had become bothersome. Mr. Morton was fed up and subsequently advised the junior officers to keep him in-line.
“He's below Sir, we uh... switched watches,” he explained.
Bobby’s displeasure was visible but their confrontation was cut short by the large figure that made its appearance in Seaview's windows. A long necked sea creature appeared having found Seaview some kind of threat to its territory. Its intent to ram the boat became apparent as Lee reached for Seaview’s collision doors to seal off the windows. The shock of seeing a dinosaur was immediately put aside as Lee reacted quickly ordering the crash doors closed.
“Rig for collision! All hands battle stations!” Lee ordered as Bobby ran for the mic to comply with the Skipper’s orders while the sound of the klaxons rang with the call to General Quarters.
Lee stationed himself over Pat's shoulder as they watched the dinosaur's signature sonar blip move from Seaview’s bow to mid-ship.
“What's it trying to do?” Lee asked rhetorically, getting the definite feeling the beast was up to no good. His sixth sense was right as the next thing he knew the Boat was hit with a tremendous side impact at mid-ship. Seaview rocked with the devastating impact of the sea-beast's attack, knocking out the main generator and engaging the red emergency lights. Lee and the crew were caught in the mayhem of major rock and rolls as everyone without a firm hand-hold was seized in its unmerciful inertia. Another ram produced more damage as sparks flew and fires broke out across the stations along with steam venting from valves that suddenly required adjusting. Still another ram was felt producing more than a thud as Lee recognized the sound and feel of major hull damage as he struggled to stay upright.
Finally the Boat evened out as Lee steadied himself and fired off orders to get Seaview topside.
“Open all Induction Valves and blow main ballast,” he ordered then turned to the helmsman. “Give me full elevation on the planes,” he ordered.
“Sir, the main generators are off-line,” O'Brien reported, no further explanation was necessary. Without the main generators they couldn't operate the pumps and blow ballast.
Lee acknowledged with a nod and raised the mic, “Damage Control, report.”
“Damage Control; we're shipping water at mid-ship,” he heard, surprised at the voice as he fully expected to hear Chip's able voice handling things from below.
The news was devastating as flooded compartments would need to be sealed, so he put aside all unnecessary questions to get to the important issues at hand.
“Are there any men in those compartments?” Lee asked.
“Affirmative, we still have men to get out.”
“Don't seal them off, I'll be right down,” Lee ordered handing the Con over to Bobby and running aft.
Understanding hit Benson as he realized that his best buddy, Grady was working in the lower decks at mid-ship; the watch that should have been his. Fear set in as he followed on Captain Crane's heels toward the Boat's bowels worried for Grady... the kid he could talk into anything.
* * * * *
Chip and his DC crew were thrown off their feet, having no warning of the dinosaur's second attack. The first jolt disabled the shoring they had accomplished as the leaks sprouted once again.
“Get on that leak!” Chip yelled, pulling himself off the deck and guiding his men back into action.
“You two, take care of that fire,” he directed dealing with more than one emergency at the same time.
Just then the second impact hit knocking them off their feet once again as one of the beams dislodged and fell on a crewman's legs. The third impact was too much as the inner hull ruptured with the pressure. Sea water blast through the new crack in the inner hull as Chip ran to the rating pinned under the beam.
“Help me,” he yelled over the loud rushing water that poured in over the top of him, soaking his khaki uniform to his skin. Other crewman made their way over, sloshing about in water at their knees as they raised the beam and freed the trapped man. Chip looked up at the rupture, there was no way they could fight the pressure at this point.
“Everyone out! Abandon the compartment,” he ordered as he guided his men to the ladder. The water was rising quickly, they didn't have much time.
“Mr. Morton!”
Chip turned to the sound of his name and saw Tommy Grady trying to drag an injured crewman toward the ladder. He waded over as the cold sea water made it difficult to move, it was already thigh high making Grady's task difficult as the crewman had a gash on his head and was barely able to assist in his own rescue.
Chip took up the other side and together they dragged him to the ladder. Two crewmen helped the injured man up as Chip turned to confirm the compartment was empty. Once the hatch was sealed there would be no hope for rescue, the compartment would fill with water and the pressure would equalize. With any luck the outer-hull integrity would hold enough to send divers out and make repairs.
He sloshed about, satisfying himself that no one had been left behind and made his way back to the ladder as the Boat shifted, losing trim in the flooding. The shift created an even greater list, requiring Chip to swim, fighting the current of the water as it rushed forward hitting the bulkhead then slamming back against him.
When he finally reached the ladder he helped his men ascend in an orderly fashion. Chip stood on one side as young Tommy Grady stood on the other side assisting the DC Team and the Fire Watch Team as they exited the hatch one at a time. The water rose above their heads forcing them to tread water, it was going to be close... only three more men to go. Randy Perkins cleared the hatch as helping hands pulled him out so the next man could ascend, the terror of rushing water along with the freezing cold sea water made it difficult to grasp the ladder as Phil made it half-way up.
“Your turn Grady,” Chip ordered as Tommy grabbed the rung and moved up behind the rating just now reaching the open hatch. Just then the Boat listed further, groaning and taking in more water as Phil held on for dear life. Tommy started to slip and yelled as Phil turned and made a grab for his hand, until a rush of water slammed against them dislodging Phil's hold on the rating. Frantically he looked behind him seeing Tommy swept away by the churning water.
“Go! Go!” Chip urged as he let go of his own hand-hold and swam for Grady. Phil obeyed and climbed up the ladder taking one last look behind him... they were nowhere in sight.
* * * * *
Seaview was taking water on fast as the Boat listed in a fifteen degree angle making Lee's advancement all the more difficult. One flooded compartment was sealed having been evacuated of all personnel but Lee still hadn't reached the deck hatch for the lower compartment yet.
The Boat listed heavier to port-side as Lee waded through water amidst crewmen evacuating to safety. Suddenly the Boat received another devastating side impact as the beast attacked again. The water at his feet signaled the Boat's peril as he passed by the second damaged water-tight hatch. Containing flooding was always a high priority but even more so with these doors compromised. He rounded the corner to his destination working furiously to stay on his feet as the sounds of rushing water overtook the sounds of men evacuating the corridor.
Water poured with all the pressure of a fireman's hose as Lee realized they were out of time.
“Seal the hatch!” Lee ordered, yelling over the confusion.
“No!” Benson yelled running up from behind having not spotted his buddy among the survivors. “Grady's still down there...”
“The Exec too!” Phil reported, dripping wet having just escaped himself.
Lee looked down in the hell-hole as more water splashed up. They were out of time… he had no choice.
“Seal the hatch!” he ordered again.
Phil complied as Lee pulled a hysterical Benson out of the compartment in order to seal the door behind them, containing the flooded compartments below and sealing both Tommy Grady and Chip Morton to their deaths.
* * * * *
Chip swam for Grady, he could almost reach him as Tommy stretched his arm but the churning water separated the two. Chip watched as Tommy went under and looked back at the hatch; it was too late, they'd never make it back to the ladder on time.
“Seal the hatch Lee,” Chip said to himself, knowing the Captain would have come if all possible to make this decision. Without another thought he swam for Grady, knowing his last duty was to keep the young rating from dying alone. Behind him the light from above disappeared as Chip realized the hatch had been sealed. There was little air space left as he found Grady and clasped his arm, reciting an old sailor's idiom:
One hand for
yourself and one for your ship.
Well, he had done all he could for Seaview, this hand was for his shipmate. They clasped hands even as they lost their airspace and the churning water threatened to tear their grasp apart. Even with the struggle of burning lungs the two held on till Chip felt Grady go limp. His own struggle to breathe resulted in unwanted water aspirated into his lungs, followed by momentary torment before the darkness mercifully took him to where there was no more pain.
* * * * *
“You killed them!” Benson yelled. “You killed them both!” he finished as Lee turned and walked with the weight of the decision resting heavily on his shoulders.
He lost two crew members... he lost Chip.
He was clearly shaken but found his strength in his duty as he squared his shoulders and headed forward to the Control Room. There was nothing he could do for Chip or Grady, his job was to see that the rest of the men made it to safety and maybe... just maybe the Admiral and Sharkey were still alive. They had to be, he hoped amending that last thought. He couldn't lose Chip and Harry at the same time. He couldn't... wouldn't accept the possibility and moved on. Later... later he would mourn for Chip but right now he had lives to save.
* * * * *
Lee entered the Control Room, looking for O’Brien.
“Status Mr. O’Brien,” Lee inquired already missing Chip; the two worked together so effortlessly… he swore Chip could read his mind sometimes.
“Sonar reports no further contact with that thing that attacked us, Sir,” Bobby reported ignoring the Skipper’s wet uniform signaling the damage from below.
“We’re flooded at frames forty to forty-eight. The water tight doors are holding,” Lee said filling Bobby in on information he would normally have given Chip. “We lost two men,” he added wearily. “Grady… and the Exec,” Lee finished as Bobby’s face dropped at the news, visibly shaken as he worked closely with Mr. Morton.
“I’m going to need you to step up to the plate Bobby,” Lee said quietly and passing his confidence in the young Lieutenant through his eyes. “You’re the acting XO,” he said barely managing to keep his own pain bottled up inside as he made the necessary appointment.
“Aye Sir,” Bobby replied taking up the mantle and silently vowing to do what he could to ease the Skipper’s burden for his personal loss.
Benson, however, stomped off towards the Crew’s Quarters without one thought to the Skipper's loss; he only knew he couldn’t stomach Crane any longer. He sealed the hatch over Grady; that one thought ruled over everything, even the fact that the Skipper had lost his own best friend. In fact, Benson reasoned silently as he took dark steps toward the Crew's Quarters, that proved he was a sadistic bastard, as far as he was concerned Crane had shown his colors. Any man who could kill his own best friend didn't deserve the space he took up and the air he breathed.
He stormed to the CQ to take care of the duties of a sailor's best buddy; cleaning out Grady's belongings for his family.
* * * * *
Lee worked tirelessly in the Control Room, keeping his focus for both his crew's sake and for the two missing men, Admiral Nelson and Chief Sharkey. Several hours later the generators were restored as the list to port was corrected with proper trim and Engineering reported Seaview was ready to answer bells.
“Give me two-thirds power Bobby, and head straight for that island,” Lee ordered, still hoping that Harry and Sharkey had managed to bail out over the volcanic isle instead of the open seas.
“Are you going to beach her Sir?” Bobby surmised knowing they needed to make repairs on the hull.
“Yes, you’ll need all the power the engine room can pull and full elevation on the planes to make it to the surface Bobby,” Lee coached knowing that if Chip were here he wouldn’t even need to spell these orders out. He headed aft to make preparations for the hull repairs feeling Chip's loss in every way. He was the best Exec he'd ever served both under and with as Captain. Chip had a feel for the boat and though he was known for his tough stoicism and unreadable command face, he was also inherently fair. As such he was well respected by the men even though the XO's duty served as the last buffer between the crew and the captain. It was his job to solve problems before the captain had to deal with them, leaving Lee able to do his job more efficiently. But he also felt the personal loss... like he'd just lost an appendage, like a part of him was gone. These were feelings he couldn't afford to think about right now lest he be over-taken by grief; grief he couldn't afford to indulge in when there was so much to do. Seaview limped to the island precariously not entirely fit for the sea, not to mention Lee was planning on beaching her on an island that was threatening to blow up. No, right now wasn't the time to think about Chip.
~The Test, Part
It's What
Captains Do
Lee climbed down the Conning Tower ladder, his binoculars still hanging from his neck having just taken a look topside with Seaview beached on the island and ready for repairs. He gave Bobby his instructions for the DC crews and ordered him to use all haste to make Seaview seaworthy in four hours, his best estimate on how long the island could last based on the last seismic reports. That’s how long he was giving the rescue party to locate and bring back the Admiral and Chief Sharkey. He couldn’t spare a full rescue detail as the entire crew was needed to work the DC Teams, but he did need a few men to assist him; two men, men he could trust in a tight spot.
Bobby started to turn to see to his orders when Lee stopped him.
“Wait a minute Bobby, I’ll need Kowalski and Patterson to go with me on the shore party. They’ll need side arms,” he finished.
“Aye Sir, I’ll take of it Skipper,” Bobby promised and headed aft to the Crew’s Quarters to snag the men for the special detail.
Lee headed to his cabin needing to outfit himself for the jungle trek. He was still banking on finding Harry alive; he didn’t know how... just that he had to.
* * * * *
Lee tightened the belt on his green fatigues and strapped on his side arm. He picked up the binoculars and slid them around his neck completely prepared to mount the rescue operation. Suddenly his world shifted as he found himself taking several unexpected steps back, ending up against the wall as a bright light penetrated the hull, reaching and engulfing him in its grasp.
In a blink of the eye he found himself standing in a Court Room. There was no transition; one moment he was in his cabin ready to go find Harry and the next he was here, back in his service dress. Everything rushed back as he suddenly remembered where here was... his Court Martial. The empty Court Room instantly filled with the sound of a judge's gavel as the three Admirals re-appeared just as suddenly.
“Order,” Admiral Nelson called as Lee felt Commander Reese's hand on his shoulder guiding him once again to his seat. “Proceed Counselor,” Harry advised.
“Aye Sir,” Reese answered. “Your Honors, I suggest that the events speak for themselves. The records clearly show that my client ordered the hatch closed even with his best friend below.”
The pain of those words sliced through Lee like a knife as the ordeal hit him heavily. Chip was dead. The Admirals had replayed the events adding the Test Variable of Chip's presence in the flooded compartment. He would have felt relieved, having been vindicated of the accusation that he callously ordered the hatch sealed because he didn't have a personal stake in the loss, but the weight of Chip's death was almost unbearable. He sat in a daze, barely coping with the loss and his trial at the same time while feeling off balance; unnaturally off balance. He swallowed hard and stared straight ahead allowing his “attorney” to battle for him, he was tired... almost too tired to care.
“No!” Benson screamed from the Prosecution's Table, using no court room etiquette whatsoever but again finding complete forbearance as the Admirals continued to allow his outbursts without reprimand.
“He sealed the hatch to save himself!” Benson accused.
Benson's words pierced Lee's grief as he found his fight once again. “You're wrong Benson,” he said in a controlled even tone. “I still had 121 men to think about. It's what captains do,” he added sincerely.
“You're a sadistic coward Crane!” he bellowed. “He was afraid. It was his own life he was trying to save,” Benson told the Admirals as Lee sighed heavily at the new accusation.
The Admirals conducted a short Side Bar and then addressed the Court Room once again.
“The Prosecution’s new charge of Cowardice must be addressed…” Starke announced.
“What is this… some sort of Kangaroo Court?”
“Counselor,” Harry said in a one word warning for Reese to subdue his client as Lee sat down on his own accord shaking off the helpful hands of his Advocate.
“Therefore,” Starke continued, “It is the conclusion of this Court that a new Test be conducted.”
“The Test Variable will sufficiently answer the charge,” Admiral Johnson added.
“Agreed!” Benson yelled as any consideration from the Defendant’s Table was once again ignored.
Admiral Nelson rang the proceedings bell once again with each ring having a strange effect on Lee, by the time the third chime was heard he was back aboard Seaview caught once again in the Court’s Test and having no recollection of the previous Test which had resulted in Chip’s death.
* * * * *
...Four Days Ago...again
“Skipper!” Patterson called, still trying to shake the
ringing in his ears as Lee crossed the deck to reach him.
“What is it?” he inquired noting the concern in the able
seaman's voice.
“Explosions,” he reported.
“Bearing zero-two-zero. Range...
4,000 yards.”
“Sir,” Chip chimed in from another station. “The island is blowing.”
Lee scanned Patterson's station and picked up the mic
ascertaining the ETA to impact.
“This is the Captain, within eight seconds we'll receive
the shockwaves of a volcanic explosion.
Now brace yourselves,” he ordered, handling the situation with the
coolness of a well-seasoned captain.
“Lee we've lost contact with the flying sub,” Chip
reported leaning over the station where FS1's signature was no longer visible
on the scope.
Lee's concern was evident but first things first; he took
a hand-hold as did the rest of the crew as they awaited the massive shock waves
headed their way. Eight seconds later,
just as Lee predicted the first of the shock waves hit rocking and rolling the
huge submarine as if she were a toy in a bath tub. Ratings rolled from side to side with the
impact as debris slammed into the hull adding to their predicament. The waves slowed and the battering ceased as
the Boat leveled out, immediately Lee inquired on the flying sub.
“She was directly over the island when we lost
contact. I'm afraid she went down,” Chip
replied, laying it on the line as Lee headed for the radio shack to raise the
flying sub.
“Seaview to Flying Sub.
Seaview to Flying Sub.”
The sound of empty air filled the Radio Shack as their
worst fears were confirmed; no radar and no radio contact meant in all
probability that FS1 was down.
“What do we do now?” Chip asked, siding next to Lee and
waiting for his next orders.
“We get as close as we can to the island and mount a
rescue,” Lee replied heading to the Control Room and praying they had survived
the probable crash landing. But FS1
wasn’t Lee’s only concern at the moment as he put the rescue operation in the
back seat until he dealt with Seaview’s current situation.
“Damage report Chip?”
Lee inquired.
“DC is reporting some
minor leakage in the lower decks,” Chip reported, both knowing that “minor”
damage aboard a submarine was relative.
Another explosion and its resulting shock waves could turn those “minor”
leaks into a major, if not deadly, catastrophe in no time flat. “Frankly, I'm short-handed without Sharkey
here to drive the DC Team.”
“I’ll go take a look,” Lee said. “You keep things moving from up here,” he ordered and headed aft.
“Aye Skipper,” Chip replied.
* * * * *
...Chip held on tight as the Control Room was in a state of confusion following the sea beast's attack. Its powerful jolts ramming the boat from mid-ship were devastating as everyone that didn't happen to have a firm hand-hold at the surprise attack found themselves either flat on the deck or dancing the rock and roll. Sparks and fire erupted at several stations, along with steam venting from overhead pipes added to the confusion. The dinosaur, or whatever that long-necked creature was, rammed the Boat twice but on the third attack Chip could both feel and hear what he surmised to be major hull damage.
Finally the Boat evened out as Chip steadied himself and fired off orders to get Seaview topside, already knowing their damage was significant.
“Open all Induction Valves and blow main ballast,” he ordered then turned to the helmsman. “Give me full elevation on the planes.”
“Sir, the main generators are off-line,” O'Brien reported, no further explanation was necessary; without the main generators they couldn't operate the pumps and blow ballast.
Chip acknowledged with a nod and raised the mic, “Damage Control, report.”
“Damage Control; we're shipping water at mid-ship,” he heard, surprised at the voice as he fully expected to hear Lee both reporting and demanding a status on the Boat's condition top-side.
The news was devastating as he realized that flooded compartments would need to be sealed.
“Are there still men down there?” Chip asked.
“Affirmative, we still have men to get out.”
“Don't seal them off, I'll be right down,” he ordered handing the Con over to Bobby and running aft; with Lee obviously missing he would have to make the big decision on when to seal the hatch.
Benson suddenly understood the situation realizing that his best buddy, Grady was working in the lower decks at mid-ship, the watch he had traded. Fear seized him as he followed on Mr. Morton's heels toward mid-ship worried for Grady... the kid he could talk into anything.
* * * * *
Lee and the DC Team were caught completely off guard by the attack as the planks they used for shoring up the leaks dislodged by the second ramming. Precarious groans were heard as Lee knew the hull wouldn't survive a third attack.
“Abandon the compartment!” he ordered as Phil and Grady tried to position a plank back in place.
“Leave it,” Lee ordered. “The hull's too far gone!”
The words barely cleared his mouth when the third jolt threw everyone on the deck again as the inner hull lost integrity and sea water poured in.
Lee found his footing as the boat listed slightly to port, stooping to help his men off the deck and directing them to the upper hatch. They were already wading in knee high water when the first rating made it to the top of the ladder and opened the water tight deck hatch.
Lee turned and found Grady trying to raise a beam off Phil, the tall blond headed rating was pulling at his ankle desperately trying to free himself. Lee waded over as Phil tried frantically to keep his head above the water and losing his battle once it reached their thighs. Lee added his strength to Tommy's freeing their crewmate and headed for the ladder as the breach widened, affecting trim as the boat listed again. The water reached their chests but they were able to get the injured man to the ladder as Lee assisted his men up and scanned the situation, not sure if time was going to be on their side this time.
“Hurry! Hurry!” he ordered from below as helping hands pulled Phil up, hobbling but otherwise okay. Two more men went up as Lee put Grady next in line. They might just make it, he thought as Grady climbed the rungs until the Boat shifted again and a rush of water slammed Lee into the ladder, almost immediately he felt breaking bones in his leg as debris lodged between his leg and the rung trapping him in place as he fought to free himself.
“Grady!” he heard, lifting his head in time to see Tommy fall, having been jarred loose as the water slammed into the bulkhead and then rushed backwards. Grady was pulled by the current of swirling water as the flooding hit the point of no return; the hatch had to be sealed. Lee looked back at Grady fighting the water but too far away to make it back.
“Lee!” he heard and looked up to see Chip calling for him.
“My leg's trapped Chip!” Lee yelled over the churning waters, explaining why he wasn't moving. “Seal the hatch!” he yelled as Chip's blue eyes searched for another option; an option they didn't have time to either explore or execute as another slosh of water sprayed up the hatch.
Immediately Chip started to climb down the ladder to free Lee. He was so close, he had to try.
“No!” Lee yelled. “No Chip, there's no time. Seal the hatch!” Lee's words stopped Chip's futile descent as he stood with one foot on a rung the other on the deck. They had simply run out of time, the precious moments they used to save Lee would in all probability damn the entire Boat; if the flooding waters didn’t do it the increasing list would.
“No! Grady's still down there!” Benson yelled from behind Chip as Lee looked up barely keeping his head above water as it sloshed up the open hatch.
“Seal the hatch, Mr. Morton. That's an order!” he yelled willing Chip to see the bigger picture. 121 men depended on the decision Chip Morton was about to make. He sighed in relief when the hatch was lowered; the last thing he saw was the torment in Chip's deep blue eyes just before it was dogged. The water over took him as the compartment grew pitch dark, their only source of light now lost with the sealed hatch as the red glow of the emergency lights shorted out. The burning in Lee's lungs over took the pain of a broken leg as his body reflexively tried to breathe, taking in water in unwelcome gasps of agony before death finally silenced his pain.
* * * * *
Chip stood over the hatch watching it lower over Lee's head in surreal disbelief; he had just ordered the hatch sealed over his best friend. There would be no miracle escapes this time... Lee Crane was dead.
“You killed Grady!” he heard Benson yell as Chip blinked trying to pull himself back to where he needed to be for Seaview's sake. “You killed them both!” he accused bitterly and silently vowing to avenge his dead friend as Chip turned with an icy glare. He walked past Grady without a word; he had a Boat to run. Getting Seaview to safety was his first priority... and the last thing he could do for his best friend.
~Act III ~
The Decision
Lee blinked. The last thing he remembered was his burning lungs and gulps of damming water sealing his fate, then darkness. Awareness returned on the second blink as he recognized the Court Room once again and the fact that he was completely dry and once again wearing his khaki service dress. The three Admirals sat ram-rod straight at the oblong table with their hands folded in front of them and oddly staring straight ahead with no recognition of his presence. Lee approached the table ignoring the decorum of the Court Room as none of the admirals stirred. He walked to the auburn haired admiral realizing that his blue eyes lacked the fire of Harriman Nelson as he sat lifeless and continued along the table taking in the same lifeless expressions on both Johnson and Starke's faces. Then he turned to face the Prosecution's Table, even Benson who had protested and accused loudly with every outburst sat lifeless, still wearing his bloody green fatigues. His eyes lacked the hatred, confusion and guilt that had burned during the trial and on the island as well.
“Captain Crane.”
Lee turned sharply toward Commander Reese, staring down his Advocate with appraising eyes, then spoke calmly and in control.
“The Admirals I know... even Benson,” he added with a tilt of his head. “You're the only one here I've never seen before,” Lee reasoned. “You're the key to all this,” Lee concluded, pushing the pain of his experiences behind him; first losing two crewmen, then Chip's death, and finally the pain of watching Chip's face as he closed the hatch over his best friend, his own death almost a non-issue.
“You're the Being who was in my cabin, before this so-called Court Martial began,” Lee stated with perfect clarity, his mind no longer clouded and accepting of his surroundings.
“Yes,” Reese answered simply as the Court Room emptied returning to the stark white, sterile walls he had seen upon his first arrival here. Lee turned in a circle noting the Admirals were gone along with the court room furniture; only Benson remained, though he was now standing but still staring straight ahead like a zombie.
“Why?” Lee asked in an airy voice of disbelief, the pain he suffered over losing two crewmen had been greatly intensified with the Tests forced upon him as he relived the deaths of his men.
“I will show you,” Reese said as the room disappeared and Lee immediately found himself back on Dinosaur Island, watching a strange scene unfold before his eyes as he viewed the moment Benson threatened him, promising to make him pay for Grady's death. Lee watched like a bystander as Benson indicated that Ski and Pat would have to die as well. The events unfolded before him like a movie on a cinema screen as he bargained for his men's lives with Ski feigning an alliance with Benson. It all happened so fast as the earth shook under them and they over powered Benson in the confusion. Benson escaped as Lee tried to call him back knowing the island was unstable... more rumbling followed as Lee implored Benson to return just as the rating nearly ran into a dinosaur, then the tragedy of the tree crushing down on the rating and Lee's realization that the accident was unsurvivable. There was nothing more they could do as the three men headed back to shore while Lee continued viewing the scene from the outside. His attention turned back to Benson's body, crushed beneath the tree as a strange light appeared followed by the Albino Being. He bent over Benson's body and placed a hand to his forehead, his face showing both concern and understanding.
“You were with Benson when he died?” Lee asked quietly, as the island's self-destruction froze around them.
“I am an Empath,” he explained with a nod. “I felt his anger and hatred and was curious; I connected with him seeking to understand his strong emotions, then I felt yours from afar. The contrast was intriguing; you both felt guilt over the same tragedy... but for different reasons.”
The Empath tilted his head. “You asked 'Why'?” Lee nodded, encouraging him to continue. “Simply because you needed to know.”
“Know what? The pain of watching a young man die over and over,” Lee asked incredulously. “Or sealing the hatch over my best friend...”
“Or ordering your own death?” The Empath interrupted and then continued. “Each Test proved three things: that Benson's accusations against you were false... and that there was nothing you could have done to prevent Grady's death. You see his death wasn't sealed when you ordered the hatch closed... it was sealed when Benson switched places for his own comfort. Don't you see? It wasn't your Decision that brought on this tragedy... it was Benson's.”
Lee nodded, still processing the Empath's words. “You said there were three things the Tests proved,” Lee inquired as the island was still eerily frozen in time with puffs of steam suspended in midair, falling trees frozen in physically impossible positions, and in the distance... Lee, Ski and Pat heading for the beach, frozen in mid-stride.
The Empath nodded. “That nothing would have changed Benson's fate either,” he stated with a sad nod of his head. “If Benson hadn't switched watches he would have been in that compartment, but he wouldn't have died. He would have been one of the first up the ladder, I know. I know everything about him,” he said touching his forehead indicating he had all of Benson's life experiences in his head. “But someone would have died. It was physically impossible for all those men to make it out under the exact same conditions.”
Lee nodded, having lived the event three times he was convinced of that fact himself.
“But there's something else you should know,” the Empath continued, his pearl black eyes squinting as his forehead furled. “Benson would have stood at the top of the hatch safe and sound and blamed you for any crewman's death... because he knew deep down he wouldn't have stood at the bottom of the ladder helping others up before himself as Grady did... as Morton did... and as you did. The result would have been the same Captain Crane; Benson's guilt drove his revenge and ultimately his own death. His Decision... not yours is at the root of this tragedy.”
Lee sighed taking in everything the Empath told him and realizing the weight of his decision was gone, though not the regret. He would always regret the loss of life, something the Empath knew as well.
“What now?” Lee asked looking around the island frozen in the middle of its destruction.
“You will be returned to your vessel,” he replied. “Don't worry,” he said raising his hand to spell off Crane's questions. “As real as all of this felt, you have never left your cabin and no time has passed. It is the exact moment at which you saw me in the corner the first time.”
Lee heaved a sigh of relief realizing the implications of the statement; it meant that Chip was still alive. It had all been so real: the emotional as well as the physical pain having felt the pain of his bones breaking as well as the horrible experience of drowning.
“You said you did this for me, because I needed to know. Why?”
“In the Court Room you said, 'You had 121 men to think about... it's what Captains do',” he recited precisely.
Lee nodded, remembering the conversation.
“Well this is what I do. I was passing by; I saw someone in need and I helped.”
They passed understanding in their eyes then the Empath stepped back as the island immediately continued its destined destruction. Lee watched as the rescue party found Harry and Sharkey and then instantly he was back in his cabin, staring at the albino white figure with pearl black eyes standing in the corner. He was still in his rack in his white pajamas reaching for the mic, but withdrew his hand and blew out a cleansing breath.
“Thank you,” Lee offered in sincerity as the Empath smiled, tilted his head in warmth and disappeared.
Lee sat for a moment staring at the dark corner once lit brilliantly with the Interferer he knew only as the Empath. He was still processing everything as he sat in his rack and contemplated his bizarre experience; then breathed deeply, grabbed his robe and headed for his desk. He bypassed the word processor and reached for his personalized stationary penning out words that flowed from his pen with ease:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Grady,
It is with sincere regret that I inform you of the death
of your son Thomas A. Grady. He was
killed in the line of duty and died a hero, helping his fellow crewmates in a
time of great distress. He saved a
fellow crew member's life and passed the ladder to his crewmates time and time
again choosing to stay below to ensure other's safety. Time ran out on the evacuation and a sudden
shift in the boat tore Tommy from the grasp of a fellow crewman. The hatch was sealed on my command as Thomas
A Grady gave his life sacrificially by his acts of heroism, documented and
witnessed by every man below. Seldom
have I seen such heroism in a young man and I will remember his brave acts
until the day I die. I know these words
of kindness cannot bring back your son, but I wanted you to know the calibre of
man you raised and the calibre of man I was proud to call a shipmate. His loss will be felt aboard Seaview and at
NIMR and by me personally. May you be
comforted in this time of mourning by his selfless acts.
Yours Truly,
Captain Lee B. Crane
SSRN Seaview
The next letter was harder but he knew what he wanted to do:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Benson,
It is with sincere regret that I inform you of the death
of your son Carter S. Benson. Your son perished while conducting a dangerous
rescue operation and volunteered despite his personal grief for a friend who
died earlier. I offer my sincere
condolences and wish you comfort in your time of mourning.
Yours Truly,
Captain Lee B. Crane
SSRN Seaview
Lee re-read the note knowing it didn't tell the whole story, but what good would it do his loved ones to know he broke under his own guilt? Life sometimes deals unfair hands and Benson was never built to withstand the pressure of the situation. He looked for a way out and found it in blaming his commanding officer for his decision to seal the hatch. It wasn't a pretty picture and he rather his parents have fonder memories of their son.
Lee sighed, the weight finally lifted with the letters now written. He smiled wearily not really knowing why, he just felt released somehow and returned to his rack for some much needed sleep.
In the corner a small light pierced the darkness as the Empath appeared, cloaking his presence. He closed his eyes and breathed contently having completed his task and disappeared.
~Epilogue ~
Steady As She
Chip opened the door at the sound of Lee's invitation to enter.
“You wanted to see me Lee?” he said looking his best friend over and relieved at seeing the Skipper looking much more like himself than the last few days.
“Yeah,” Lee replied, the lack of decorum a clue that this visit was more personal than anything as Lee rounded his desk and walked forward extending a hand out for a shake. Chip was somewhat perplexed at the sentiment but took his hand nonetheless as Lee unashamedly pulled his buddy into a bear hug. The emotions were strong as Chip graciously allowed his brother the moment, until Lee added a few pats to his back and stepped away wiping his eyes and laughing off the sentiment.
“What was that for?” Chip asked in the familiar banter of two brothers who knew each other well.
“For not being dead,” Lee replied with a broad smile as he motioned Chip to the guest chair. “Have a seat Chip, I've got a story to tell you,” he said sitting down and knowing without a doubt he could trust Chip Morton with the bizarre tale he was about to tell.
Another knock was heard as Lee opened the door for the Admiral. “Come in Sir.”
“Well now, what's this all about Lee?” Harry asked curiously as Lee motioned for him to take his chair behind the desk.
“Something happened to me last night that I need both of you to know about...” he started as he explained the strange happenings including the details of both Chip's and his own death. They withheld judgement as their many voyages had produced many events just as bizarre, but Lee could tell that Harry in particular was a bit troubled.
“Did he identify himself as an alien?” Harry asked.
“No Sir. For all I know he could have been an angel,” Lee quipped back, “But I suspect as much. All I know is that things are a lot clearer today than they were yesterday, or the last four days following the events on the island for that matter.”
“Then I'm grateful,” Harry replied, “That he chose to interfere for your sake… and who knows?” Harry added wistfully, “If he was an angel, and alien or some life form that has been here on earth all along?” he finished with a smile as they all momentarily considered the possibilities.
Chip blew an airy whistle out now completely understanding Lee's strong emotions when he first entered the room.
“If I'd known the story you were going to tell I'd have bear hugged you a little tighter,” he quipped having felt his own strong emotions at Lee's description of his own death in the lower compartment.
They all laughed off the sentiment in a light chuckle as Lee breathed deeply, addressing the two men he had come to respect so dearly.
“Thanks for not calling the men in white coats,” Lee joked with a chuckle.
“Oh we haven't hit Pearl yet,” Harry threatened in a jest that elicited more chuckles from the group as the Admiral stood.
“Well Gentlemen,” Harry said as both junior officers stood at his lead. He rounded the desk and positioned himself in between the two men placing a familiar arm about both their shoulders. “This Boat needs her Command Crew, now what's say we get to work!” he finished, his gesture a definite by-product of his own strong emotions of possibly losing either officer, and grateful that he didn't have to deal with such a devastating loss today.
Their gentle banter and soft chuckles were lost by the time they reached the spiral staircase but not the relaxed peaceful mood which wasn't missed by the ratings at their stations. Ski and Patterson exchanged wordless glances noting the Skipper was back to himself after the fiasco on Dinosaur Island, responding by squaring their shoulders in readiness at their stations.
“Mr. O'Brian I have the Con,” Lee said.
“Aye Sir, you have the Con,” Bobby replied with satisfaction that nearly broke into a smile as he watched Captain Crane, Mr. Morton and Admiral Nelson huddle around the Chart Table.
He counted himself a fortunate man, as did the entire crew to serve under such an able Command Team. The entire Control Room sharpened up at their presence ready to follow any order the Skipper issued without hesitation. Such respect was rendered not solely because of military decorum but for the fact that the Skipper had earned that trust with every decision made.
“Steady as she goes,” Captain Crane ordered, freely taking on the weight of command and ready to render the next big decision.
The End
The Decision
My story contains scenes, paraphrases and quotes from the Second Season episode: Terror on Dinosaur Island, written by William Welch, directed by Leonard Horn, original air date December 26, 1965. Source: Mike's Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Zone.
Author's Notes:
Terror on Dinosaur Island was a great episode with a lot to offer the viewers. Though the island's rising from the sea like a yo-yo with full grown dinosaurs and a fully developed ecosystem provided a hurdle to jump over, the viewer who stayed with it was treated to a well-rounded episode which included great off-boat sets and special effects. From the banter of Nelson and Sharkey to the adventure of Seaview's attack by the dinosaur to the drama of a man driven by guilt for revenge on Captain Crane; Irwin Allen allowed for some rare character development in this fast paced episode. I especially enjoyed the humanity the viewer got to explore with David Hedison's portrayal of Crane's personal torment, stuffed neatly inside to do his job which was countered beautifully by the guilt-driven Benson, portrayed with excellence by Paul Carr. This was the part that intrigued me the most and I hope you enjoyed exploring the Captain's Decision from the perspective of Lynn's Universe.
Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main characters belong to Irwin Allen