This story takes place during
the 1st Season after Saboteur, hence no Flying Sub.
The Package
A bullet whizzed by his left ear and cut through the dense jungle foliage, barely missing Lee Crane. He was in a dead run, zig zagging to avoid the gunfire. This wasn't working, they weren't going to make it...he had to do something fast.
Looking ahead he spotted a place that provided suitable, if not temporary shelter. Leaping into the brush and foliage he provided coverage as Rick Kowalski ducked in behind him, and finally Lu Chang their underground contact who was guiding them back to the extraction point.
Lee pulled the small black pouch off his shoulder handing it to Ski as he spoke.
“Ski, take this and head to the extraction point. I'll be right be behind you,” their imminent danger emphasized by a sudden burst of gunfire. Their location still secure, Ski started to object but was silenced by the Captain's command glare.
“That's an order Ski. Now get going!”
Ski took the pouch, placing it over his shoulder as he followed Lu Chang further into the jungle and towards the beach. Lee continued to provide coverage, effectively slowing down their pursuer's advance. Ski risked a quick look over his right shoulder as Lu Chang zig zagged in the same direction. He panicked as he saw that Captain Crane was about ready to be flanked by two men in green camouflage army fatigues. Acting entirely on impulse Ski cried out, “Captain!” before more gunfire forced him to resume his retreat. Ski felt a sting through his right arm but continued to run forward, ignoring the pain.
He wanted to go back and help, but duty pressed him onward. The “Package” contained film and reconnaissance for the lasts few days and he had no doubt of its importance. He wondered if the Skipper was OK, but the sudden quiet jungle, absent of all gunfire told him differently. Captain Crane had been captured.
Breaking through the jungle there was a four foot drop to the beach below. Ski took the drop with a flying leap, landing in a squatting position as he watched the zodiac approaching, just reaching the breaker waves. Lu Chang reached out placing his hand on Ski's forearm.
“I will go back for Crane, get the Package to safety.”
Ski nodded his agreement and headed to the water jumping through the waves to meet the zodiac. Chief Jones reached out a hand to haul Ski aboard, his face asking the question that Ski already knew.
“Chang's going back to look for him...I think he's been captured.”
Gunfire was evident again, and there was no time for heroism. The mission came first, the Package had to be delivered. Ron Rodriguez, the hefty Latino whose muscles came in handy often, pushed the zodiac off the sand and jumped in. Chief Jones gunned the outboard motor and the zodiac was soon out of range of the gunfire.
Ski watched the shoreline willing Captain Crane to appear. He held his right arm putting pressure on the wound, feeling like a sap for leaving the Skipper behind. Close to his chest lay the black pouch, the Package. He only hoped that the Package was worth the price they had to pay to get it.
Lee continued to provide fire coverage for Ski and Chang. They didn't have much further to go, and he was sure that if he could slow down their pursuers Ski would have a chance to get away. He'd slip off too when it was safe, and wait at the second extraction point. Just then he heard a twig creak to his right, he started to turn toward the sound when he heard Ski.
“Captain!” He heard Ski yell.
His attention was diverted for just a moment when he was tackled from the left. His attacker rolled with him coming up on top and landed a solid blow to Lee's chin. Reacting completely upon instinct, Lee's right leg swung up as he threw his attacker over his left shoulder. Rolling to the side he reached for his gun on the ground and got blind sided by a second attacker, the sound he heard from the right earlier, he reasoned.
Cursing the fact that he had allowed himself to be flanked, Lee tried to recover from the rifle butt that left him seeing stars. He threw a few punches giving his attackers a taste of a well trained ONI operative and almost had the upper hand as he exchanged blows with both attackers. But the familiar “click” he heard from behind him stopped him in his tracks. And soon, other hands apprehended him, pulling his arms tightly behind his back binding them.
Lee's face showed a little worse for wear, but all in all he was uninjured, that will help later when I escape, he thought to himself. The leader, a lieutenant by his rank insignia, positioned himself in front of Lee spatting out with disdain, “American!” as he placed a black cloth over Lee's eyes. Great, Lee thought sarcastically, continuing to plan his escape even with the handicap. OK, I'm facing east, towards the beach, pay attention which direction they take you.
But all hope of keeping track of direction was lost when Lee's gut was hit with a devastating blow as he dropped to his knees. Gasping for air he was roughly pulled to his feet and tossed around a circle of men a few times. By the time he got his breath back he didn't know which way he was turned and resigned himself to the fact that he was a prisoner.
He was flanked on both sides, rough hands guiding him through a jungle he could not see. More than once he was hit by swinging jungle branches that his guards had not bothered to push out of his way. As he walked he tried to keep track of how far they had traveled. He thought back to the mission, pretty sure that the powers-that-be would want to do something about what the Package contained. He thought about the success of the mission.
Ski was good, Lee was sure that he got away and was safe aboard Seaview by now, especially since Ski hadn't been paraded back to meet his party. He was glad that he had brought Ski along. Though Lee preferred to complete these espionage missions alone, it was also not unusual for him to enlist the aid of crew members when Seaview had been conscripted into service by ONI. Ski was the Captain's “go-to” man, and everyone knew it. They worked well together, and Lee knew he could depend on Ski to get the job done. Right now, Ski was safe on board Seaview and the Package was being delivered. All in all a successful mission in his book.
They walked several hours the best Lee could tell, and he reckoned they had covered five miles, in which direction he didn't know. They had stopped a couple of times, but he was only offered water once. A short drink, which did little to satisfy the thirst of the hot humid jungle at mid-day. Finally, he felt a change in the foliage around him. It was a clearing, they must have reached the base camp.
He could hear men talking in the background, it was definitely a camp of some kind as he was no longer being tripped up by branches and bushes. He was guided further into the camp until he was turned around and pushed back against a pole. He felt the muzzle of an automatic weapon as it lay on his chest, while someone cut the leather straps that bound his hands. Just as quickly, his hands were wrapped around the pole and re-secured behind his back.
He stood there and listened to the sounds of the camp, trying to gain a picture of where activity seemed to be. Someone removed his blindfold and Lee squinted at the first light he'd seen in several hours.
Lee took the opportunity to survey the camp, he spotted the detention cell right away and noted that like all the other buildings, it had been built with the camp on one side and the jungle on the other. Good, it would make escaping into the jungle easier. He continued to look around until he realized that he had company.
An officer stood before him, one look at the major, and Lee knew he was in trouble. Like many of the men in this country, he was shorter than Lee, but the black eye patch and the deep scar on his left cheek indicated that he was no stranger to combat. His dark eyes held nothing but contempt and ambition.
“I am Major Xiang, welcome to my camp captain,” he said, speaking in accented English.
This was not good. Xiang's country bordered the People's Republic and Lee still had a price on his head.
“What is your name, captain?”
He caught a break! They didn't know who he was, not even his rank...just his title...they must have heard Ski call out. He needed to keep both his name and his country out of this. This mission was highly sensitive on several levels, the first being what the contents of the Package would prove. The second was the fact that the U.S. was secretly aiding the “rebels” in their pursuit of democracy. He couldn't give his name, rank, and serial number because “officially” he wasn't supposed to be here. And his name, well that was purely selfish. He had no desire to be a guest of the Republic, he had had his fill of their “hospitality”.
Lee looked at the Major defiantly, making no effort to answer.
The Major returned Lee's silence with an evil twisted smile, walking slowly around the pole as he spoke.
“You are a marine? Or perhaps a Ranger...yes,” he decided assessing Lee's slim but fit frame, “a Ranger...a Ranger captain.”
Lee remained quiet, not liking where all this was headed.
“It matters not, captain. You no longer have a name. Your country has abandoned you. They will leave you here to are expendable.”
Psychological warfare first, then the physical would begin. It was all so predictable, but the worst part was that it was in essence true. He was expendable, he had accepted that a long time ago when he accepted his first ONI mission. Only this time, his fate was not left to the ONI's rules on disavowing captured operatives in hostile countries. Harriman Nelson was out there, and that changed everything.
“The level of pain that you endure is entirely up to you captain. All I really want are the names of your underground contacts.”
Lee looked at him as if he didn't have a clue what he was talking about.
“Come, come captain. No foreigner comes to these jungles going where he pleases for three days without help. Give me the names and your stay here will be decidedly easier.” Xiang's pacing stopped as he considered Lee's silence. He studied Lee's eyes, then stepped back and with a quick motion of his hand summoned Attila the Hun's head henchman.
He was dressed entirely in black, where the rest of the camp wore standard jungle camouflage. His face was wrapped with a black scarf that covered everything but his eyes, finishing with the scarf wrapped around the top of his head. He looked like a ninja from a bad movie he had once seen. Where was Chuck Norris when you needed him? Lee's humor did little to ease his tension, this wasn't going to be good.
The “ninja” held a bamboo pole in his hands, perhaps two inches in diameter. His skillful swinging of the pole was causing Lee's stomach to twist, but his outward demeanor did not change.
Xiang stepped back into Lee's view.
“He is quite skilled and in complete control. He can swing to cause pain, or I can indicate how many broken bones and he will comply exactly!” The evil smile returned. “The names of your contacts, captain.”
“I have nothing to say,” Lee spoke in a dark tone that brokered no argument.
“Very well, captain. Let me introduce you to the way we keep order in my country,” stepping away as he spoke.
The ninja took several swings meant to impress Lee and then began delivering controlled blows to Lee's chest and torso. Every swing cost him a breath and the stinging pain worsened with each blow as the bruises began to pile up. He kept at it for 15 minutes straight, and then stepped away when Xiang approached.
Xiang yanked Lee's head up by his sweat soaked hair. Beads of perspiration fell down Lee's face as he fought to control his ragged breathing.
“You have something to say, captain?” Lee gave a negative shake of his head and Xiang stepped away as the ninja returned.
Every blow produced a grunt that Lee could not hold back for another ten minutes of beatings. Lee's chin lay heavy on his chest as he fought to control the pain. Xiang returned, lifting his head by his hair once again.
“The names, captain!” Lee's defiance was still evident in his silence and even more so in his eyes. Xiang's patience wore thin holding up two fingers in Lee's line of vision and stepped away.
The ninja delivered two severe blows efficiently one after the other, leaving Lee with two expertly broken ribs on his left side. These two final blows nearly put Lee away, as his legs buckled from under him. His loud scream had silenced the camp momentarily, but they soon went about their business as if a man was not being tortured in their midst.
“Cut him down.”
Lee barely heard Xiang, as two guards positioned themselves on either side of him. His leather straps were again cut and Lee would have fallen if the two men had not been there. They dragged him as he half walked, his legs struggling to keep up with their pace.
He was taken to the building that Lee had spotted as the cell. He was laid non-too-gently on a small cot where his legs were secured to leg irons attached to the cot. He opened his eyes as he felt his right hand being secured to an iron shackle also attached to the metal cot. His breathing was ragged and his eyes closed, until he heard a familiar voice once again.
“You have weathered your beating well, captain. Tomorrow, we will start again, but it will not be the same. Tomorrow you will feel what “pain upon pain” is. I think tomorrow you will tell me what I want to know.”
Lee's eyes bore into Xiang's, but he said nothing. Xiang smiled victoriously and led his entourage of men out of the cell. Lee took a quick look around. The thatch walls were framed by bamboo shoots spaced less than six inches apart, an effective jail for the middle of the jungle. The door was made of wood and sat on solid hinges. One small window to his left, positioned on the wall where his cot was placed, provided the only fresh air in the cell. The window was long and narrow and placed only a foot from the thatch ceiling, also framed in bamboo.
Lee sighed a painful breath. He had a small piece of metal for picking locks with him, but it was hidden in the heel of his right boot. Have to rethink where I put that next time, Lee thought. Then Lee let himself drift off to a painful rest, thinking of nothing else he could do to improve his situation. Maybe something will come to me later, he thought optimistically. But deep down inside Lee knew that unless they made a huge mistake, he wasn't going anywhere.
From the top of a nearby ridge, Lu Chang watched Crane's beating. He listened intently to see if the American would break, his rifle in hand ready to silence the Operative. He didn't relish the idea, but they could not afford to allow the entire underground to be compromised. He was relieved that Crane had held out, he was a brave man and Chang felt he owed him for his part in retrieving the Package. The underground was a small rebel force, without the expertise and weaponry they received from the Americans, their small resistance would have been stamped out several years ago.
As it was, the Rebels had been enough of a thorn in the evil dictator's side to have caused disruption in their military plans. The military now spent more time hunting the various rebel cells, and less time terrorizing the defenseless villages of the people of his country.
His attention shifted back to Crane as Xiang and the guards left and locked the cell. He made it past his first interrogation, but tomorrow would be different. Most men who made it this far broke on the second day, having the night to allow the injuries to fester in welts, bruises and pain. Chang slipped quietly back from his observation point and melted into the jungle. He had to get back to his “base” and radio the Americans. If Crane was going to be rescued, it would have to be soon.
The feeling in the control room was tense. Each rating sat at his post working efficiently as always, but the absence of the Captain of the boat weighed heavily on their minds. Chip Morton, Seaview's executive officer stood at the chart table conferring with Admiral Harriman Nelson, their heads bent over a topographical map.
The Admiral's concern was evident, as was Chip's. Lt. Commander “Chip” Morton had been recruited by Nelson even before the first “plank” was laid on Seaview. He was one of the best XO's in the Navy, and Harry was glad to have him. The fact that Chip was Lee's “best” friend of many years, had not hurt the command structure one bit. Both he and Lee were professionals first, and their friendship had only strengthened since Lee had signed on as Seaview's Captain less than a year ago.
Harry sighed silently and thought about his relationship with Lee. It had moved from mutual respect and friendship to something stronger. They were “best” friends as well, and it was not an oxymoron for Lee to have two “best friends”. One was his brother, the other his mentor and perhaps, if Harry would allow himself to admit it, the son he never had.
But right now, Lee was in trouble. No time for sentimental dribble. Harry forced his thoughts back to the problem of locating Lee. Spark's professional hail over the intercom caused both blond and auburn heads to rise sharply.
“Admiral, a transmission from the underground.”
Both Harry and Chip strode purposefully to the radio shack as the Admiral picked up the hand mic depressing the “talk” button as he did.
“The sun rises in the west and sets in the east...” said Admiral Nelson relaying the call sign of recognition.
“Except in never-never land where it never sets at all.” The unseen voice finished the nonsensical phrase clearly identifying the call as legitimate.
Harry looked at Sparks and received a nod of approval, as he turned dials and switches looking for any sign of the transmission being intercepted. Sparks was the best, like all Seaview crew, his ability for hearing the most minute sounds of a tapped transmission were legendary. Sparks' nod indicated a secure transmission and Harry proceeded with the conversation.
“Go ahead Blue Base, we're reading you on a secure channel.”
“We've located your man, Cr...” Harry cut the speaker off quickly.
“No names our man well?” Everyone on board knew their close proximity to the People's Republic and the dangerous position that Lee was in. He hadn't approved of Lee being chosen for the recon mission in the first place. But Seaview had been called up from the Reserves for this mission and her Captain was the perfect choice for sneaking through the jungle and retrieving the information.
A slight pause, and then the speaker continued.
“He is still retrievable, but we need to move quickly.”
Harry thought about the vagueness of that answer. Bottom line was they needed to get to Lee fast, in any case.
“Agreed. Proceed to alternate arrival point, will meet you at 0300 hours,” Harry replied having checked the ever present watch on his wrist. It was now nearly 2300, he had to give his contacts a chance to reach the arrival point as they traversed a jungle dodging army scouting teams.
“Alternate arrival point, 0300 hours. Blue base out.”
“Sea Dog out.” Harry ended the transmission with Seaview's covert operating call sign, and looked up into Chip's concerned face.
“No Chip.” Harry answered the question before Chip had a chance to verbalize what was obviously going on in his head, and being betrayed by his concerned blue eyes.
“I need you here, Lee needs you here. We're too close to the Republic, and your skills are needed at the con. I'll go.” The Admiral's final words causing Chip's eyebrows to rise.
“I'll send Chief Jones with you...”
“Negative, Chip.” Chip's suggestion was cut off mid-sentence.
“I'll go alone. The Rebel's are good, they'll get me in and I'll make contact as soon as we have Lee.”
Harry spoke as he and Chip headed back through the Control Room stopping at the Chart Table.
“Be ready for any of these three extraction points, I'll pick the best one depending on where we end up camping out.”
Chip nodded his understanding, as the Admiral continued.
“I'll be in my cabin if you need me. Take us to the Alternate Arrival Point, and let me know when we're there sitting at station secure.”
“Aye, Sir.”
Chip was already plotting his course when Harry turned to take the spiral steps to his cabin. He needed to prepare and he should rest a little before the rescue operation. But most of all, he needed to stay busy to keep his mind off Lee.
Three hours later, Harry was back in the control room clad in green fatigues and a black beanie cap to hide the glisten of his auburn hair in the moonlight. His camouflage backpack carried survival gear, the latest in ONI covert gadgets, and a first aid kit provided by Jamie. It was a small kit, but it had enough compactly folded gauze to wrap a mummy, Harry thought. But the pain killers and other supplies might indeed be needed.
A half hour later, Seaview broached the surface in the dark night. They were met by rough seas and high winds, not the best way to start a rescue operation. Still, the zodiac departed with the outboard motor in “whisper mode”, a little something new that the Admiral had been working on.
The waves lapped over the small rubber boat, and everyone was soaked. They had a mile to traverse and the closer they got to shore the more violent the seas became. Suddenly, without warning a wave crashed into the zodiac nearly top sizing it. Harry reached for his backpack containing his survival treasures but missed it as the boat tipped and the sea claimed the heavy pack into it's depths.
Harry cursed himself for not having had the backpack secure on his back, but he knew that even if he had, the extra weight may have made him top heavy enough to drag him down as well. A small light flashed on the beach. No time to go back, they'd have to do without it.
Harry was quietly dispensed on the shore, as the Chief and Patterson sped away to the safety of Seaview.
His contacts greeted him, and they took off on their long trek to reach Lee.
The night had not been a pleasant one. Lee could not find a way to get comfortable and could only make slight shifts on the cot. Only Lee's left arm was left untethered, as it lay protectively across his stomach.
He had been awake for some time now, watching the darkness fade as the morning sunlight began to stream through his window. “His” window was Lee's lifeline to hope right now, a survival tool he had learned a long time ago. He looked for something “good” in his darkest hours, and then focused on it to keep hope alive. That and a few prayers kept him fighting to survive, always looking for an opportunity to escape, never resolving himself to hopelessness.
A small bird had perched himself on the small window sill. It's bright red and green plume of feathers were a stark contrast to the bleak thatch walls of his cell. A small smile formed on Lee's face. It was a small pleasure, and a fleeting one for sure, but it was his for the moment.
The quiet of the morning was suddenly invaded by the loud clank of keys and the creak of his heavy cell door being swung open. The bird flew away and Lee realized that his day was about to begin.
Lu Chang and Harry settled into their observation point watching the camp. Several other men from the rebel resistance were also there keeping watch. They had arrived at their quiet look-out just before dawn, but the dusky morning provided too much light to attempt any rescue as Chang pointed out the single room building that held Lee.
“What's Lee's condition?” Harry said, using his first name, preferring to keep Lee's last name out of the conversation.
Chang dropped his eyes momentarily, but lifted them again as he answered.
“He has been interrogated, but he did not talk,” the last said as much for his rebel companions as for Harry.
Chang's response was again vague, but Harry filed that piece of information with the earlier one being that Lee was still “retrievable” and took it to mean that Lee was injured but ambulatory.
They studied the perimeter making plans for the rescue this evening when the dark jungle night would aid their escape. A bit of activity in the camp brought their attention to several men as they walked across the “court yard” passing the pole that stood menacingly in the center. Harry's heart skipped a beat as he realized which building they were headed to.
Chang pointed out the taller man with the black eye patch as Major Xiang, the commanding officer of this base, speaking in quiet subdued tones. They opened the cell door, which was in sight of their observation point, and waited as Lee Crane was escorted out of his prison. His legs carried his own weight as he walked with his arms wrapped protectively around his mid-section. Iron chains clad his feet making his steps small and awkward.
Harry watched as Lee was positioned against the pole and wrenched as Lee's arms were pulled tightly around it. His pain palpable even from the distance at Harry's safe observation point. Lee's head stood tall and proud, even though it rested against the back of the pole. Harry and the others strained their ears, but Xiang's loud ramblings made that unnecessary as he apparently enjoyed speaking loud enough for the entire camp to hear.
“I trust your night sleep was comfortable,” pressing a his small black baton into Lee's left side for affect. Lee gasped at the renewed pain, but kept his eyes focused on Xiang.
“Are you ready to give me what I want, or do we continue with your lesson in my special brand of hospitality?” Xiang's sarcastic words left a chill running down Lee's spine, but he kept his face and eyes focused on Xiang, hoping to engage in a little psychological warfare of his own.
It apparently worked, as Xiang suddenly diverted his eyes away in an uncomfortable move. Quickly he composed himself, and once again motioned the man dressed entirely in black forward.
Harry watched as the black clad man took sweeping moves with
his pole slicing the air around him.
Then in quick even swings he began to deliver blows to Lee's right
side. He heard Lee grunt with every blow
and started to rise as his anger took over, but he felt his left arm pulled
down sharply by
“No, Nelson. There are too many soldiers, we must wait until night.”
Harry settled back down keeping his eyes on Lee as if he could transfer some strength to his best friend. As every blow hit, Lee's grunting noise became heavier.
“If he breaks, many good men will die,” came from one of the rebel scouts directly on Harry's right. Harry turned to see the scout position his rifle, waiting to silence the words that would damn the entire rebel resistance as Lee's contacts had been with the most important of it's leaders.
Harry reached over and calmly pushed away the muzzle from it's target.
“He won't break.”
“How can you be sure?”
“He won't break,” was delivered with as much confidence as command and the rebel lowered his rifle.
Lee caught sight of the ninja as he walked toward him, swinging his pole trying to intimidate his victim. While Lee was intimidated it did nothing to change his resolve to keep silent, or his defiant stance. The first blow had been everything Lee had anticipated and more, his already bruised body receiving fresh bruises and welts. Even though his torturer had positioned himself on Lee's right side today, the pole extended across his torso and met his broken ribs with excruciating pain.
The ninja continued delivering the devastating blows with a precision that
sickened Lee. How did someone
practice to get this good? But he
quickly withdrew the fleeting question as he could guess how it was done. He had to keep quiet and protect the rebels,
they were the only hope the villagers had against this tyranny.
Awhile later, he had lost all track of time, the ninja stepped back, and Xiang's boots walked within Lee's view as his head hung down. Xiang took his baton and lifted Lee's head by the chin.
“Do you have something you want to tell me, captain?”
Lee shook his head weakly but deliberately and then returned to his concentration of getting air into his lungs and not crying like a baby as he did it. Xiang kept the baton tightly under Lee's chin, pushing it deeper into his throat to get his attention. Slowly he raised his hand displaying three fingers and stepped away.
Lee steeled himself for the blows he knew were coming. They were too much. The first rib breaking caused a loud yell to escape, as did the second, but the third rib breaking was mercifully lost on Lee as he dove into a deep oblivion of darkness.
He hung on the pole lifeless and the ninja prepared to continue, but stood down as Xiang approached Lee's limp body. He grabbed a handful of dark hair, made into a riot of curls by the humidity and sweat that rolled down Lee's head and face. His prisoner was deeply unconscious and the torture would be lost on the captain.
Harry watched in horror as his ears registered three cracks that could only be broken bones. Lee's body sagged against the pole as Xiang ordered him cut down. He watched as his body was allowed to fall heavily to the ground without any effort to break his fall.
Lee's arms were picked up by two guards on either side of him and was dragged across the court yard like a sack of potatoes, leaving marks in the dirt that trailed a path back to his cell. Harry's head hung limply, knowing that Lee's condition had moved from “retrievable” to “critical” with that last beating. Still, Chang was right. They had to wait till dark to have the best chance of getting Lee out alive.
The heavy door was opened slowly and quietly as Harry and Chang entered the small cell. Lee's heavy breathing could be heard as they closed the distance from the door to the cot. Lee was shackled to the cot by his legs and right arm. His head was turned slightly away from Harry towards the wall.
“Lee, its Nelson.” Harry spoke softly giving Lee a small shake, ready to silence Lee's mouth if he startled. But Lee barely registered a sound as his head turned slowly toward Harry.
“Ad...” Lee stopped himself, swallowed and said, “Sir,” his voice airy and light.
Chang and one his soldiers attended the task of freeing Lee's legs with the key that they had liberated from the now unconscious guard.
“Can you walk Lee?” Harry's concerned voice speaking softly in Lee's ear.
“I'll make it.” Lee speaking with strong determination even though his voice was weak. Harry knew Lee had no intention of staying in this hell-hole. He'd do his part in this rescue mission. Harry helped him into a sitting position as his legs and arm were now free, and waited for Lee to catch his breath and regain control over the pain.
Slowly, he helped Lee to his feet, and Harry regretted deeply having lost the first aid supplies with the much needed pain medication. Lee leaned heavily on Harry and they left his prison directly into the darkness of the jungle. Chang and Harry helped Lee as they hiked through the jungle putting distance between themselves and the base.
Lee made no complaint, even though he needed to stop and rest. Instead he focused on keeping his pain under control and his lungs filled with shallow breaths. He couldn't see where they were taking him, and he really didn't care, all he wanted was to be as far from Major Xiang as possible.
His ragged breathing must have alerted Harry, because they stopped for a rest after barely traveling a couple of miles. Lee gratefully sat on the ground leaning heavily against a tree. He closed his eyes and let his head sag back on the tree behind him.
“Stay with us, Lee.” Harry's voice resonating Lee's need to stay conscious. He opened his eyes and nodded obediently. Harry handed him a bottle of water and Lee drank slowly, willing his stomach to keep it down. He handed the bottle back to Harry and gave him a small smile with his thanks.
The rest was all too short, as Harry and Chang lifted Lee again to continue. Lee's feet became heavy and he could barely move them, but continued on until he felt Harry stop. Chang left his side, and Lee leaned heavily on the tree next to him. Harry checked to see if Lee was steady and followed Chang.
“How much further?” Harry knew that Lee was at the end of what he could do.
Chang pointed to a house built at the end of a clearing.
“There. I will make sure its safe.” Harry nodded and returned to Lee as Chang went to the house and disappeared inside.
Lee's eyes were closed as he leaned his forehead against the tree.
“We're here, Lee.” He opened his eyes too tired to speak, though he was grateful for Harry's calm strength, it had gotten him through the grueling trek of the night. Chang emerged from the house and returned to their position in the jungle. They watched the house darken as thatch drapes were rolled down to cover the windows.
“OK, let's go.” Chang's voice was low as he positioned himself next to Lee helping Harry maneuver him the final steps to safety. They entered the house passing first through a kitchen, then through a beaded doorway to a room with several beds. A small framed woman motioned them to a twin sized bed that was accessible from both sides as Harry and Chang lowered Lee down into a sitting position.
“Here, drink will help with the pain.”
Lee lifted his head to meet the eyes of a beautiful Asian woman. He gratefully took the cup using both hands to steady his shaking. The tepid herbal tea was bitter, and he reacted slightly to the taste.
“I know it is strong, but you must drink it all.”
Lee obeyed, too weak to do anything else, when he finished she lowered him down onto the bed and Lee sank into the softness gratefully. His eyes closed but the pain was too severe to fall into the sleep he so desperately needed. Lee's left hand lay across his stomach, shaking uncontrollably. A gentle hand took Lee's and moved it to his side and then proceeded to unbutton his green fatigues. He was aware of someone else removing his boots, each movement causing Lee to gasp as he fought to manage the pain.
Harry had just finished removing Lee's boots when the petite Asian woman parted Lee's fatigue shirt open. A string of soft gasps mixed with curses flooded the small room. Across Lee's torso lay dark bruises on top of deep angry red welts that criss crossed his entire mid-section. There was very little skin left unaffected by the horrible beating, with several spots “bulging” revealing the broken bones underneath.
Lee heard the gasps around him as the night air caused him to shudder when his chest was exposed. He continued trying to take the shallow breaths that his pain-filled body would only permit.
“I can help him, I've seen this before,” the dark haired woman spoke calmly, with a trace of sadness.
“What is your friend's name?” she asked turning toward Harry.
“Lee,” he responded quietly.
She leaned over and placed a soft hand on Lee's arm as his eyes fluttered opened.
“Lee, I'm going to check your ribs, if they're broken I'll set them. It will be painful, but I'll do it quickly.”
Lee nodded his understanding and closed his eyes to steel himself for the pain. Her hands worked quickly and efficiently as she ran her fingers across his rib cage one rib at a time. She felt and found the two broken bones on his left side setting each one in place. Lee's body fought to stay in place as she moved to the right side and he became aware of someone rubbing his leg, offering what comfort the touch could bring. He was sure it was Harry and would have appreciated the gesture had the pain not spiked with every touch of his “doctor's” hands.
Her expert fingers found all three breaks on his right side as he gasped for air. He realized that he could not cry out for fear of being caught, and worked to keep his groans low. Just as quickly as she had started, it was over. Lee sank heavier into the bed wishing he could sleep the pain away, as he heard the woman's voice again.
“I'm going to wrap your ribs now. It has to be tight, but you're going to begin feeling better soon. I promise.” Her voice was like an angel's to him right now, he could really go for “feeling better soon.”
Harry's heart was as contorted as Lee's body as his ribs were being set into place. Without thought, he reached over and placed his hand on Lee's leg, trying to transfer the fact that he was not alone. When she was finished she spoke into Lee's ear and began unrolling bandages.
Chang interrupted Harry's concerned thoughts, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“The radio is ready if you would like to contact your ship.”
Harry smiled ever so slightly, most people weren't aware of the naval tradition of calling all subs “boats”, and he could have used a slight chuckle if Lee weren't lying here wreathing in pain. He nodded his agreement but delayed a moment watching Lee recover from the torture of the required medical treatment.
“He will be safe. Mrs. Chun is very skilled, she has helped many of my people.”
Harry took in one last look at Lee, and left with Lu Chang.
Harry followed Chang out of the house and into a small shed that appeared to shelter small farm animals. A small trap door was lifted to reveal a small room buried beneath the shed. As Harry descended the steep stairs he noticed a small wire nicely concealed that ran up the length of the wall. It was hidden behind thatch and was only barely visible.
Inside the make-shift radio shack was a radio unit that Harry recognized as American made, sophisticated, but not the latest in communication technology. A good unit though, with anti-tracking jamming capability.
The radio operator moved to dial in the correct frequency to make contact. His nod to Harry indicating that they were ready to transmit.
“Blue Base to Sea Dog. Come in Sea Dog.”
There was very little delay before Seaview's executive officer answered. He must have been camping out at the radio shack, thought Harry.
“Sea Dog here. Go ahead Blue Base, Sparks is reading a clean transmission.”
“Chip, we found him.”
“Aye, Sir. Should we schedule an extraction?” The relief in Chip's voice was noticeable as he replied.
Harry's hand that held the mic dropped ever so slightly as he pondered just how he was going to break this to Chip.
“Negative Chip....Lee's in pretty bad shape. He's in no condition to travel.” Short and to the point was all Harry could afford, secure transmission or not, this message needed to be completed and finished.
“Aye, Sir. Your orders?” Chip held his composure as always, also understanding that the shorter the transmission the better. It wasn't like this was the first time ONI had left Lee “in no condition to travel.” Still, that could mean anything, from a broken leg to other things that Chip would rather not think about.
“Deliver the Package, Chip. You're in Command.”
“Acknowledged Sir...that will put us out of your reach for three days.” Chip stating the obvious to the Admiral, a day and a half one way to make the delivery.
“I know Chip, but Lee will need that time to get back on his feet.” Chip took that last bit of information with relief. Lee would be up and about by then, maybe not 100%, but Lee could do a lot on not a 100%.
“And Chip,” Harry continued, “...hurry. If things get tight here, we may need to bug out, despite Lee's injuries.”
“Aye, Sir. We're on our way. Sea Dog out.”
“Blue Base out.” Harry ended the transmission with a rueful half smile that was familiar to those around him. Chip would get the job done, he was sure of that.
Chip handed Sparks the mic and headed straight for the Chart Table. He had already charted out the course from their current position to all three extraction points, just to be ready. Picking up his clip board he jotted the correct course onto a piece of paper and tore it off the pad.
“Mr. O'Brien. Bring us about to course oh-two-zero.”
“Aye, Sir. oh-two-zero.”
“Make depth 200 feet.”
“200 feet aye.”
The order was repeated and Chip felt the great submarine answer the demands of her with ease.
“Proceed at three quarter speed,” Chip couldn't run at full for 36 hours straight, but he would get the most out of Seaview's nuclear reactor and run at intermittent speeds of three forths and standard...then he'd use full to meet the rendezvous. He'd do the same on the way back, and shave a little time off the trip.
“All ahead three quarter speed, aye.”
Every order given, repeated and executed like a well tuned and oiled machine, only it wasn't just the machine, it was the men at her helm that made Seaview what she was.
Chip turned toward sonar, where Kowalski sat with his right arm in a sling. Even with the bum wing, Ski was still the best sonar man that Seaview had. And right now, running through waters so close to the Republic, that's exactly what they needed.
“Keep a sharp eye out, Ski. Anything shows up...anything! You sing out.”
“Aye, Sir.” Ski's concentration evident even as he answered.
“Patterson,” Chip turned next to his hydrophone man, “Let me know if you hear so much as a carp sneezing.” Chip headed over to the navigation computer to check their course, as Patterson sung out his compliance.
He pulled the print-out of the course off the computer as he made his way to the radio shack, and scribbled out a message for Sparks to send confirming their delivery point handing it to his radio operator.
“Let me know their reply Sparks. I'll be in the nose.”
“Aye, Sir.”
Chip headed to the Chart table, grabbing the log book to make the necessary entries and proceeded to the conference table in the nose. He sat down making his entries, concentrating as he worked, when a cup of steaming hot coffee was placed in front of him. Chip looked up to meet the hazel eyes of the Doctor Will Jamieson and returned his soft smile.
“Thanks Jamie,” he said pulling the cup closer to him.
“I heard the orders, we're heading out to sea?” Even though Jamie was the boat's doctor, he was still a sailor, and heading out to sea meant heading away from Captain Crane.
“The Admiral found him, but he's injured. He said the three days would give Lee a chance to get back on his feet.”
Jamie's right eyebrow rose as he contemplated the information. Like Chip, he'd just have to wait. His attention turned back to the acting captain.
“Okay Chip, eat something and get some rest. That's my prescription for you.”
“I'm fine Jamie, it's a milk run for three days.” Well, not really. They were running in international waters, but much too close to the People's Republic, delivering top secret information that had been covertly obtained from a nation with no diplomatic relations with the U.S, and they had left behind two American operatives in a hostile country.
Jamie wasn't buying it either, but he wisely smiled and nodded as he turned and left the control room from the aft hatch.
Chip took a drink from his hot coffee and he looked out the giant windows as Seaview cut her way through the depths. Sighing, he returned to his work making his final entries. As he replaced the logbook at the chart table he addressed Bobby O'Brien.
“You have the Con Mr. O'Brien. I'll be in my cabin, I want to know about any anomalies and all radio transmissions.”
“Aye Sir, I have the Con.” Bobby smiled and added, “Good night Sir.”
Chip returned the gesture. He had a few reports to deal with, but that would wait until morning. It was 0322, and he was beat. He needed to stay sharp, he was in command and command he would.
Harry watched as the radio operator secured the unit and followed Chang up the stairs that led to the animal shack on top. The trap door was replaced and hay was placed over the top of it. Then a small feeder was placed over the door, effectively hiding the radio for further use.
They walked back to the house carefully checking for any chance of being observed. Chang left Harry in the kitchen telling him he was posting look outs and then heading for some much needed rest of his own. He was grateful for the efficiency of the Rebel operation, and continued through the kitchen.
He moved the beads to one side and spotted Mrs. Chun as she sat by Lee's bed on a small stool. She was patting his face with a damp cloth, treating his bruises and cuts. As Harry approached he noticed the smell of herbs, much like witch hazel as she dabbed the dried blood that ran down the corner of Lee's mouth.
Harry took up a position on the opposite side of the bed pulling over another stool.
“How is he?” He asked in a quiet but concerned voice.
“He is resting.”
Lee's face had been treated and cleaned and his color was a little better. The deep lines of pain that had pinched his face earlier were replaced with softer lines that barely hinted at the lower level of pain still present. Across his mid-section was a swathe of white bandages that mostly covered his dark black and blue bruises. Some red welts peaked out from under the bandages in a sharp contrast of colors. But, all in all, Lee looked much better.
“You're amazing Mrs. Chun. When I left here he was wreathing in pain, now...we'll I'd never have guessed he could be resting so comfortably.”
“The tea I gave him was very strong. It is not as good as the pharmaceuticals, but it is close.”
“Then he's going to recover?” Harry asked, as Mrs. Chun continued dabbing at a bruise high on Lee's cheek bone.
“It is too early to tell. The first night is always the hardest and...I can't be sure that he has not suffered internal injuries.” Her voice softly betraying her concern for her patient.
“I'll know more by morning.” If he did have internal injuries, the fever would set in, and there would be little she could do. Though she had treated and cared for many rebel soldiers, she was not an internal surgeon.
Shifting her concern to the tired man in front of her she pointed to the cot at the other side of the room.
“You must be tired. Rest now, I will stay with him tonight.”
Harry would have argued if he hadn't been so dead on his feet, the adrenalin having worn off. Maybe a little bit of sleep would help. He stood up and lightly squeezed Lee's shoulder, then headed off for a few hours rest.
Some time later, he was awakened to the sound of soft moans and the gentle hushes of Mrs. Chun. Harry rose from the cot and went back to the stool he had vacated earlier. Lee's cheeks were flushed red, and his head tossed from side to side as soft groans and unintelligible words escaped his lips.
“What's happened?” Harry asked with concern as he watched Mrs. Chun bathe Lee's head and neck in cool water.
“He has a fever...a very high fever. If I can not control it, it will be very bad for him.”
“What can I do to help?”
Petite hands gave him the cloth she was using as she rose.
“Keep him cool, and still. He mustn't re-injure himself. I have an herb that is effective for fevers.”
Harry's eyes asked the question that she knew was his greatest fear.
“If it is internal injuries, nothing will help until he has had surgery to repair the damage. But it is just as probable at this point, to believe that the blunt force trauma has caused his body to do battle for him. If we control the fever, it may break.”
Harry nodded his understanding and Mrs. Chun left to prepare another herbal tea. As he blotted Lee's forehead he spoke gently, reminding him that he was safe now, and to rest. He kept his shoulders flat when Lee's tossing threatened to move him more than was safe.
He heard Mrs. Chun in the kitchen, and could see her walking back and forth, gathering the supplies she needed. She was a curiosity to Harry. Her English was very good and her use of certain words had indicated that she had some formal education, or at least was well read.
She was only 5'2” in his estimation, her small frame in perfect correlation with her height. Her face was a natural beauty, as she wore no make-up that he had noticed and her long hair was worn as a lose bun that sat eloquently on her head. He thought she was older than Lee, but younger than himself, perhaps mid forties. But her eyes...a beautiful shade of coffee brown...her eyes held a sadness that never seemed to go away. It lightened and darkened in mood, but the sadness never truly left.
And what about Mr. Chun? No mention had yet been made of him, and looking around the room he saw no evidence of a male presence. Just then Lee's ramblings became a little more intense, and Harry resumed his gentle overtures of comfort in his ear.
A few minutes more and Mrs. Chun arrived with a tray carrying a cup without a handle that narrowed at the base. She sat it down on the table next to the bed and proceeded to lift Lee's head.
“Lee? Lee, you need to drink this.”
Lee's eyes fluttered open but the glaze over his eyes proved that he was not really aware. Still Mrs. Chun placed the cup to his lips and he drank obediently, hardly noticing the strong bitter taste. She laid his head back on the pillow and his delirious ramblings quieted for the fluids he had received.
Harry was watching the morning light through the small slits of the thatch that draped across the window when he heard a soft moan from behind him. The sound was different than it had been earlier, as if Lee was coming out of a sleep.
Harry walked toward Lee's bed as Mrs. Chun began to stir. She had sat up all night and had succumbed to a light sleep, her head resting on Lee's left arm. She reached up and touched his forehead, running her hand down to his cheek, smiling with a combination of satisfaction and relief.
“His fever has broken, and he is waking.”
She gathered her tray with the supplies that she had used to care for Lee carrying them into the kitchen. Harry watched Lee's head slowly roll to the right towards him, he leaned down placing his hand on Lee's arm.
Lee responded immediately, slowly opening his eyes. His eyes showed instant recognition, and Harry smiled.
“Harry,” Lee's voice was weak but in control.
“How are you feeling, Lee?” Harry kept his voice low as he leaned toward his dark haired Captain.
Lee took a breath, as if to assess his injuries.
“Considerably better than last night, Sir,” a small smile accompanying his statement.
“Well, you've had a good doctor,” Harry replied honestly.
“I know.” Lee paused as shallow breaths and his weakened state slowed even his conversation down.
“Sir, the Package?”
Harry smiled. Leave it to Lee to be thinking of the mission's success, even as he lay flat on his back in the middle of the jungle.
“Chip is delivering it now. He'll be back in 3 days, give you a chance to get back on your feet.”
Harry registered the relief in Lee's eyes and noted how exhausted their talk had left him.
“Get some rest, Lee. We'll talk later.” Harry spoke as he rose from the stool and began walking towards the foot of the bed.
“Sir?” Lee's voice bringing Harry's attention back to him.
“I ran out of options out there...thanks for coming for me.” His tired voice and weak smile giving away his need for further sleep.
Lee's words struck at Harry's heart, and his head dropped to his chest in a moment of obvious regret.
“I only wished we could have got to you sooner Lee. There was nothing we could do but wait until nightfall.” Harry looked into Lee's eyes delivering what seemed to be a confession.
Lee thought about Harry's words for a moment, realizing that Harry had been in the jungle when he was beaten the second time. Harry saw him, and heard him crying out, his pitiful moans... The momentary self-consciousness was fleeting as Lee's eyes rose to solidly meet Harry's.
“Harry...I know what was waiting for me this morning back at that camp...and I am very grateful that I am not there now. Thank you.” The last was delivered with a sincerity that was echoed in Lee's expressive eyes.
Harry swallowed, trying to regain his composure. He leaned over and patted Lee's leg, returning the sincerity with his gesture of familiarity, as he smiled.
“Get some rest, Lee.” An “Aye Sir,” followed and Harry watched Lee close his eyes as he conserved his strength.
Harry walked toward the kitchen, stopping before reaching the beaded entryway as he met Mrs. Chun
smiling, as he asked good naturely, “More tea Mrs. Chun?”
She returned his smile as she held the tray with yet another cup of tea.
“He does not complain, but he is still in a lot of pain.” With that she proceeded across the room towards Lee.
Lee laid with his eyes closed thinking about what the Admiral had said. It wasn't just what he said, but it was the regret in his eyes, as if he had let Lee down. The thought mystified him. Knowing Harry could be out there was keeping him going, giving him hope to believe that he would be rescued. And here Harry carried some guilt about not getting to him soon enough.
He'd have to reassure him later. Lee wanted Harry to know that he knew that he would come for him. He thought maybe he told him that, but he would tell Harry again. Just then he felt someone settle in on his left side. He opened his eyes to see the beautiful Asian woman who had attended him through the night.
“I have something for the pain.”
Lee was grateful for the tea. Though he felt better, just as she had promised him, he was still in considerable pain. He drank the tea, more aware of the taste than the previous doses she had given him. When he finished he laid his head back down heavily and searched his memory for her name.
“I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name,” his voice soft and sleepy.
“I am called Mrs. Chun, but you may call me Mei-Lien,” favoring Lee with a small smile.
Lee swallowed back a spike of pain, as he thought.
“Beautiful lotus...”
“You speak our tongue?”
“A little. Thank you Mei-Lien...for everything.” Lee's voice was heavy and airy as the strong tea began to affect his ability to stay awake.
“You are welcome. Now rest, we will talk later.”
But Lee had already succumbed to the healing sleep he needed.
Mrs. Chun picked up the tray and carried it back toward the doorway where Nelson still stood.
“He will sleep for much of the day now, I made the tea strong.”
“You were up all night, why don't you get some rest. I'll watch over him.” Harry's offer was much appreciated, and Mrs. Chun nodded her agreement.
“I will but first, how about a biscuit and coffee?”
Harry's eyebrows raised at his obvious surprise when she offered him coffee, and he followed her into the kitchen with eager anticipation.
She motioned him to a square table with two chairs and indicated that he should sit as she reached up to the shelf above her sink. Mrs. Chun had a great indulgence for the middle of the jungle, in that she had a hand pump delivering water straight to her sink. It drained into a bucket under her sink that she obviously emptied from time to time.
“Taking care of “sick” people has necessitated the need for discretion,” she elaborated catching his surprised look at her water supply.
Her work was obviously on-going and she needed to keep her activity quiet as she cared for Rebel soldiers. The pump kept her from going to the well in the middle of the night, thus keeping suspicions down. The subterfuge only reminded Harry of the dangerous position that Mrs. Chun found herself in constantly.
She placed a tin that she had retrieved from the shelf on the table in front of Harry and turned to make the coffee. She boiled water on top of a wood fueled stove and placed a well used tin peculator coffee pot on top. Pulling down a small grinder she pulled a bag of coffee beans down from the same shelf and began hand grinding the beans.
The smell of the fresh coffee grounds filled the small kitchen, and Harry allowed himself to enjoy the comfort of Mrs. Chun's hospitality. She truly was an amazing woman. The coffee began to percolate and the coffee's aroma began to fill the house. She pulled out two more cups, these with handles, placing them on the table before each chair. She added small plates and a marmalade of some flavor to the table.
Harry knew that coffee plants were found throughout the Asian countries, but like most Americans he equated Asian countries with tea more than coffee. He watched as she poured them both a cup of coffee and sat the pot on the hot pad she had placed in the center of the table. She opened the tin and offered Harry biscuits that she had obviously prepared before her “guests” had arrived.
“I have been very curious to know how you came about your considerable medical and medicinal herbal knowledge.” Harry said breaking the quietness of the room.
“My grandmother taught me how to use the plants of the jungle. She was a healer and passed what she knew on to me. My husband and I spent some time in the city, that's where I learned to speak English,” adding an answer to his unspoken question.
She continued cautious but freely, “He worked for the previous government, an aid to the governor of the local region. Tu encouraged me to read and learn, it was a wonderful way to spend my time in the city. I added medical books to my reading list for fun.”
Reading medical books for fun! Harry knew she was amazing, but that sealed it. He didn't want to trample on her hospitality or her honest sharing of her private life, but Harry was curious about the danger she seemed to put herself in constantly.
“Mrs. Chun...” His question was softly interrupted, “Please Nelson, call me Mei-Lien.”
“My first name is Harry,” he replied reciprocating her gesture.
“Mei-Lien, I know how dangerous it is to have us in the house, and I understand that you do this often?” He said, starting this line of conversation as diplomatically as he knew how.
“I am well aware of the dangers of caring for the Resistance.” He saw the sadness of her eyes return as she glanced toward Lee's bed, visible through the beads that hung separating the two rooms.
“Tu, my husband, joined the Resistance when the new government took over. He was very skilled as a leader and had many contacts in the capital city. He was more than instrumental in obtaining your country's help for our cause.”
She stopped to take a sip of coffee, and pondered as if deciding how much to tell, but then continued.
“Lee reminds me of my husband. It's the strength in his eyes mostly.” This she delivered in a quiet reflective way, then Harry saw her visibly steel herself, taking a breath.
“Tu was captured, and like your friend endured multiple interrogations.” Her voice was steady as she bared a very private part of her heart.
“He was rescued, but there was no one to bind and care for his injuries. A broken rib pierced his lung and he could no longer draw breath. He died in the safety of his own camp because nobody was there to tend him. His injuries were completely treatable.” She drew her eyes up to reach Harry's and sighed before finishing.
“I do this, so that no one else will have to grieve as I have these last two years.” With that she quietly and politely excused herself walking through the beads into the next room, taking her place on the small cot near the window.
Harry watched Mei-Lien as she left the room and sighed in sympathy for her sorrow. He poured himself another cup of coffee, and picked it up bringing the savory rich blend to his mouth to drink. She was indeed, and amazing woman.
Chip stood at the chart table looking over their course. They were running the reactor at flank speed now, and were making good time.
“Mr. Wilcox, reduce speed to standard.”
“Aye Sir, standard speed.”
“Mr. Morton, the Excelsior is hailing us.” Sparks' voice sounded over the intercom.
“Give the Captain my compliments, and I'll be right there.” Chip hung the mic back on it's rack and headed for the radio shack.
By the time he reached the shack, Sparks had completed the connection and Chip's message.
“Captain Lopez on the the line, Sir.”
“Thanks Sparks.” Chip picked up the hand receiver and spoke through ship to ship communication.
“Captain Lopez...Lt Commander Chip Morton, acting Captain, Seaview SSRN.”
“Captain Morton, I have a very anxious ONI Admiral on board who would like to speak with you. Admiral Johnson,” the last spoken as Captain Lopez handed the receiver to the head of the ONI.
Whoa. Chip wasn't expecting that! Chip raised an eyebrow at Sparks who monitored the transmission from his headphones. Sparks returned the gesture and waited for the anxious ONI Admiral.
“Captain Morton, do you have the Package secure?”
“Yes Sir, its contained and ready for transport.”
“Excellent. I have experts ready to evaluate it. I'll expect a full report from you when you deliver it.”
Chip was aware of Admiral Johnson handing the receiver back to Captain Lopez and the two made arrangements for Seaview to surface and a zodiac to deliver the Admiral's Package to the Carrier.
Chip hung up the receiver exchanging traditional Naval pleasantries to end the call and started back to the control room. The Package must really be important for the head of the ONI to be out floating around on a Carrier in the middle of the Pacific waiting for it. Well, the sooner he got the Package delivered, the sooner he could get back to the Admiral and Lee.
Chip plopped his cover onto the top of the Chart Table, looking at the course before him. It had been a long 2 hours briefing Admiral Johnson. He answered every question at least three times based upon Ski's report and his conversation with Admiral Nelson.
The Package had been ensconced from his possession as soon as he had climbed the rope ladder up to the Carrier Deck. He assured the Admiral that the vial inside the pouch had not been disturbed, been kept at a constant temperature, and was still safe inside it's protective casing. The entire Package had been kept in a secure bio-box as soon as it had reached Seaview's deck.
Finally, Johnson inquired about Lee, Chip relayed everything he knew, which wasn't much. The Admiral seemed to be relieved that Lee had been rescued, but made no further inquires about him. Finally, Chip executed a perfect “By your leave” and returned to Seaview. He was instructed that Seaview would likely carry instructions back to Admiral Nelson and Captain Crane, and he was anxious to get back to Lee.
Seaview's course set, proper instructions given and the mighty vessel was on her way to retrieve her Captain.
The thatch drapes were still pulled on the back window, even though it was mid-morning. The last two days had been one long nap after another for Lee Crane. Even though he was still wracked with pain, and moved carefully to avoid spikes, he really was feeling much better, though he had been flat on his back, as his “doctor” Mei-Lien Chun had adamantly instructed. A few pillows lifted his head and torso slightly, as he conversed with the Admiral.
He was aware that their relationship as friends, employer/employee, mentor and student, superior officer and subordinate was unusual. But he was a professional, and his strong feelings for his best friend did not keep him from disagreeing, loudly sometimes, with the Admiral when his thirst for knowledge threatened to place Seaview and her crew in danger.
Not that the Admiral was ignorant of danger, just that he was an eternal optimist, where Lee's job was to prepare for every contingency. That's actually what made them such a good team. Each of their strengths and weaknesses were countered by the other. Add to that, the Admiral's great respect for his opinions and ideas had given Lee a great opportunity to expand his own curious mind. He would never be as great a thinker as Harriman Nelson, but Harry was the man that he wanted to emulate.
Like a father? Well, one would ever take the place of his own father, but his heart was not such a closed place that there wasn't room for two great men in his life: one in his memories the other...the other in his daily life.
And was his affection more like that of a son? It was a little too early to be trying to work that one out, but Lee had thought about it. Specifically on a mission-gone-bad that had left him with nothing else to do while he waited in a cave for his extraction, having missed the first one. Maybe their relationship did reflect more father/son, but if the son and the father are best friends, how much more the satisfaction?
“You're really looking much better today, Lee.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Lee gave a soft chuckle as he continued, “I think I can even manage to stay awake, if I don't drink any more of Mei-Lien's tea.”
Harry returned the chuckle with a smile, but was still laced with concern.
“Rest is what you've needed, Lee.”
They continued to talk, comfortable with one another's company when Lu Chang stealthily entered the house, passing through the beaded entry. He walked directly for Harry his face revealing concern as he passed a paper to the Admiral.
Harry read the note, his eyebrows giving away his own concern.
“Harry?” Lee inquired, his concern evident.
“Package toxic, destroy facility at once...” Harry recited then handed the note to Lee to finish.
“...Contingency Plan A, 1200.” Lee placed the note in his lap and looked up to Harry.
“Can you make the drop point on time?” Lee's question causing Harry to nod.
“We have two hours, shouldn't be a problem. Chang, relay an affirmative to Sea Dog.”
Chang nodded, and left directly for the radio shack.
Lee's eyes dropped a moment as he contemplated the mission. Contingency Plan A involved a drop by a U.S. high altitude bomber to a pre-arranged set of coordinates. The drop would contain a highly explosive substance that would burn hot enough and fast enough to take out the bio-chemical plant without spreading the agent through the cloud of smoke and debris.
Lee had already assessed the plant as nearly ready to mass produce their agent. He had penetrated the underground bunker's security system and taken pictures of documents, the facility and most importantly, retrieved a small vial of the chemical in question. The vial had been secured in a bio-safe container, and placed with the other intelligence he had gathered in the black pouch that he had worn around his neck.
The air ducts proved to be easy access as they were large enough to provide the ventilation to the large underground facility. After making his exit, he regrouped with the other members of his team, Kowalski and Chang. Together they had high tailed it out of the region and made their way to the extraction point.
They had made it out clean, but had ran across a scouting party as they made their way through the jungle. That's when he had made the transfer of the Package to Ski.
“Sir, I know the facility...” his words were stopped first by Harry's negative nod and then by his words.
“Don't even think of it Lee. We have a long eight miles to make tomorrow evening, and I need you well rested.”
It was true and Lee knew it, but he hated Harry taking the chances. Still, he nodded in agreement, as Harry brought the map over to Lee for his first hand knowledge of the facility. Together, they traced the best location for the explosives.
“Here...and here, there are remote security cameras that work in tandem. I was able able to cross under them at this point...” Lee giving Harry everything he could to pull off a successful mission and bring him back safely.
As Harry left he stood squeezing Lee's shoulder.
“Rest up, Lee. We'll be back before night fall,” giving Lee a smile as he left.
Lee lay resting on several pillows in a semi-sitting position. He hadn't intended to fall asleep, but his healing body had other plans. He raised his wrist to look at the nondescript watch he wore during his covert missions. It was too plain to be of interest to the bad guys and was usually ignored.
1800. Harry should have been back by now. He pulled the blanket off his legs and slowly sat up swinging his legs off the bed as he did. He sat on the edge of the bed for several long minutes catching his breath and working through the dizziness that threatened to overcome him.
He leaned over pulling his boots closer to him. It cost him a little, but he pushed through the pain sliding his feet inside. He pulled the laces tight and tied them off, resting again as he regained both his equilibrium and his breath. Slowly, he rose and took a few shaky steps, but steadied up and finished his walk to his objective.
Standing to the side, he looked out the window by lifting the thatch drape ever so slightly and peering out the small opening. All he could see was jungle, but somewhere out there was his best friend. After a few moments he heard the beads part and turned his attention to Mei-Lien.
“I had hoped you'd stay in bed till morning, ” her voice gentle and concerned.
Lee smiled, “I had to feel the ground under my feet.” He dropped the drape back in place as she spoke.
“Do you give your doctor at home this much trouble?” Her admonishment lost in her smile.
Lee ducked his head slightly, “Its an on-going argument.” Finishing it with a smile, that soon morphed back to a concerned look.
“You're concerned about Harry?”
“They should have been back by now.” Lee knew the time-table for meeting the drop-zone, and the need to put some distance between them and the facility after they set the explosives...judging by his experience, they should have made it back by now.
“Yes, but if they ran into patrols they will stop and wait to travel by night. It is not unusual.”
Lee was grateful for her insight, and accepted her explanation. He just hated being side-lined when others were doing a job that he thought he could have done in the first place. They should have sent him with the explosive, he would have got the intel, set the explosives and been out. Or better yet, send in a smart bomb, a bunker buster.
But the facility was too sophisticated to be operated by the resources of the small nation. What Washington really wanted was proof of the Republic's involvement in operating a chemical weapon plant off the grid, away from the prying eyes of spy satellites.
Either way, the plant was a danger to the people of this tiny nation, and it needed to be dealt with. He took small consolation in knowing that Harry was as much a pro at these things as he was. He'd just have to wait it out.
Mei-Lien watched the play of emotions on Lee's face, she had enjoyed watching the friendship of these two men.
“He worried about you too,” she said as Lee turned his head back to the window. Then changed the subject as she noted his uncomfortableness.
“I thought you might like something solid to eat.”
“Thank you Mei-Lien, I'll be there in a minute.” She nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen.
Lee watched, ensuring his privacy, and tucked his shirt back into his fatigue pants, and turned to join Mei-Lien in the kitchen.
The meal had been good, and Lee had appreciated the solid food for the energy he knew he needed. He was especially grateful for the fresh ground coffee. Mei-Lien's company was pleasant but like Harry, Lee had noticed the sadness in her eyes. Even when she smiled, it was still there. Harry had intimated that she was a widow and Lee understood where the sadness came from.
As the evening wore on, Mei-Lien had convinced Lee of his need to rest, and he laid down willing Harry to walk in the house. But hours later, he awoke and the house was as it was before. His ribs were more of a constant ache at this point, and Lee knew he needed his strength for their hike. He laid in the bed thinking, when he heard the kitchen door open quietly.
Slowly he rose up, keeping his movements stealth as he moved to see who had entered the house. His hopes were realized as he spotted auburn hair through the beaded entry. He entered the kitchen with a sincere smile on his face.
“Lee! Good to see you up and about.” Harry's relief was obvious as he explained that the mission had been successfully completed but they had to hunker down in the jungle due to increased patrols. Lee inwardly smiled, Mei-Lien had hit it right on the head.
Mei-Lien offered Harry and Chang coffee and a meal as they talked discussing their options. Lee and Harry agreed that to stay any longer would endanger Mei-Lien, so they made preparations to leave with what darkness the night could still offer them.
Harry studied the map as Chang guided Lee out to the radio shack. Lee took the steep staircase slowly, not the best idea for his ribs, but Lee had long since learned to ignore the pain in order to get a job done.
Before long Lee heard the comforting sound of Seaview's relief radio operator answering his hail.
Acting Captain Chip Morton lay in his rack in a sound sleep when the intercom came to life. His naval career had long since taught him to rouse immediately and he went to the mic to answer the com. Five minutes later, Chip stood in the radio shack dressed in khakis looking like a poster boy for a naval recruit poster. How does he do that? marveled O'Brien, who had the Dog Watch.
“Sea Dog to Blue Base. Go 'head Blue Base.” Sweet relief flooded Chip as the voice of his best friend flooded the radio shack like the morning light in a dark room.
“Chip its Lee, how far out are you?”
O'Brien handed the clip board to Chip having already calculated their ETA based on their present speed.
“We're six hours out, but I think I can shave a little time off,”
“Good, do it. We'll meet you at extraction point C.” Lee replied looking at his watch to verify his own estimation of how long their hike would take. About eight miles through the jungle without night goggles, and dodging patrols. They should be able to make it with some time to spare.
Lee made no effort to elaborate on the success of the mission. ONI would have seen the explosion on their spy satellites. They had done their job, now all they had to do was get home.
“We'll be there, and Lee...good to hear your voice.”
Lee smiled. He had a similar reaction hearing Chip's voice. He knew Chip was taking care of Seaview, and just hearing his voice had refueled his hope to get home.
“Thanks Chip. Blue Base out.”
“Sea Dog out.” Chip gave the mic back to Reynolds and walked back to the Chart Table to lay the best course to the extraction point. He adjusted for intermittent speeds of standard, ¾ and full giving O'Brien the new course and speed.
“Make it so Bobby, I'll be in my cabin if you need me.” Bobby O'Brien gave him a sharp “Aye Sir” and began giving the orders that would speed Seaview on her way to retrieve her Master, Captain Crane.
Chip left the control room feeling Seaview answer the call of her helmsman under his feet. He needed a few hours more sleep, but he would be back soon enough to take A Watch...the Captain's Watch. It was fitting, if not ironic to realize that Lee would make it back in time for A Watch.
He wouldn't be ready to take command, Chip was sure of that, but to have the Skipper back on his boat where he belonged, was enough to cause near euphoria. Chip bit back any smile that might be penetrating his “XO” face and headed for his cabin for a few hours more rack time.
Harry gave Mei-Lien a sincere “thank you” that was echoed in his eyes. She had saved Lee's life, he was sure of it. She's amazing, he thought for at least the tenth time. But her heart lied with her people, her country, and with her husband who Harry knew would always hold that most precious part of her heart. He envied the deepness of that kind of love, and was glad to have known her for even the short time he had been here.
Harry busied himself making ready their departure, as Lee said his good byes.
Lee stood before Mei-Lien, his tall frame towering over the petite woman. He would have like to have kissed her on the cheek, but he did not feel that her honor would allow it. So he raised her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her fingers as they folded over his.
“Thank you...for everything.” His eyes saying as much as his smile and he quickly released her hand and turned to leave. How do you thank someone who saved your life? He thought by living your life with as much honesty and integrity as it took to save you. He could do that.
Mei-Lien said good bye to her “guests” and smiled with satisfaction. To have seen Harry's concern and then relief reminded her of why she did what she did. Why she took the chances that she did. It was a pleasant thought as she removed all traces of her guests from her small house.
Harry and Lee made their way through the jungle. Lee was slower than he would have been at top form, but his effort was valiant. Nobody should have to be up doing this less than three days after the beating Lee took.
Occasionally, they stopped to give Lee the rest he needed and to replenish the water that the humid jungle took from them even in the early morning.
“How much farther, Harry?” Lee asked, leaning his head back on a rock. He was dead tired, but he couldn't afford to give in to the need to sleep and replenish his strength.
“About 2 more miles, we're close Lee,” encouraging Lee as he answered. Harry noticed that Lee's breaths were becoming more shallow than before but this forced stop would help. They had spotted a patrol and had hunkered down to watch them pass, as the soldiers headed off on a tangent line away from them.
Harry noticed that Lee had refrained from using his oft used title of “Sir” once they left the safety of Mrs. Chun's house. And never once, had he used his title of “Admiral.” The breach of protocol did not disturb Harry at all, he knew Lee was trying to protect him. An admiral caught in the middle of espionage work would be damaging to America, and dangerous to said admiral.
A few more minutes passed, and the threesome picked back up their pace to reach Seaview.
The last mile had been the hardest, and Lee knew he was done in. He was no longer working on his own strength, but leaned on Harry for support as they headed for the beach. His lungs were burning, and he felt like he had run a marathon. The eight miles had taken twice as long as it would have had he been healthy, even with patrols to dodge.
Lee's feet stumbled once again, and now he felt Chang take up a position to his right. He was grateful for the extra support, but his three broken ribs on that side were strained with his arm over Chang's shoulder.
As they broke through the jungle Lee saw the ocean expanding before him, as far as the eye could see. It was a welcome sight. They stayed in the safety and seclusion of the jungle's edge and waited for the zodiac to appear. Lee wished they could have made the extraction in the middle of the night. But it was a big ocean, if they caught the breaks no-one would be the wiser.
They had effectively dodged several patrols through the early morning and were satisfied of a clean get away. All they had to worry about at this point was the soldiers getting lucky, and happening upon them. Lee's silent prayers were answered as he spied the tell tale signs of a submarine surfacing about a mile off shore. He handed Chang's binoculars over to Harry and pointed in the direction of the sub.
Seaview sank back into the depths that protected her as a small black zodiac made it's way to shore. Chip had made it 20 minutes earlier than he had expected. A sharp pain spiked on Lee's right side and he fought to suppress the soft gasp that accompanied it.
They watched as the zodiac passed the breaker waves and then left the safety of their secluded hiding spot to move across the beach. They needed to get to the boat quickly, get it turned around and high tail it out before a patrol meandered by.
Harry supported Lee as they ran towards the boat. Chang dropped to his knees at the water's edge taking up a defensive position to cover the operatives' retreat. Lee and Harry stopped briefly, also squatting down, to wait as the zodiac made it in a closer distance.
“Thank you Chang. Its been a privilege working with you.” Harry offered, still supporting Lee.
“The privilege has been mine. Thank you both.”
Lee returned the sentiment with his eyes, but lacked the breath to say what he wished he could have. Chang nodded his understanding, keeping his attention on the jungle in front of him. Harry rose bringing Lee up with him and they ran together jumping the waves as they reached the boat.
Ron Rodriguez was already out of the zodiac ready to heft his Captain aboard to the waiting hands of Patterson. A blanket was immediately wrapped around his shoulders as Lee sank back against the softness of the boat's side.
Lee felt Harry climb in and settle in next to him, then the boat was expertly turned and sped to meet the large submarine already rising from the depths, ready to meet the extraction team. Lee's eyes found the Admiral and then rolled back into his head as his will to stay conscious finally gave way to his body's need for rest.
From the boat Harry watched Chang run to the safety of the jungle, slipping safely into her depths.
Lee woke up to the familiar vibrations of Seaview running at standard. A soft moan escaped as his awareness returned reminding him of the abuse his body had endured. He was aware of someone checking his vitals and opened his eyes to see Jamie.
“Welcome back, Skipper. Feeling like a little something to help with the pain?”
Lee turned his head and spotted the Admiral, he really could use a little something for the pain just about now. It felt like he was back where he was three days ago with freshly broken ribs, but he needed to speak to the Admiral. It couldn't wait.
“Give me a minute Jamie...then I'll be ready.”
Jamie nodded and stepped back to let Admiral Nelson into Lee's view, but he held the hypo in his hand ready to override the Skipper's protests. Lee was good at hiding pain, but soon he would pass what his pain management techniques could handle.
Harry leaned over placing a hand on his arm as Lee spoke.
“Admiral, in the jungle...when they captured me...they heard Ski call me Captain...but they didn't know who I was.” Lee paused to get his breath. “There are lots of captains in the military...not so many Admirals.” This he said with a weak smile. “I didn't want you to think that I had presumed upon our friendship.”
Lee's breathing gave away the effort it took to speak, and Jamie stepped in and efficiently spiked his IV with a dose of pain medicine laced with a sedative. Lee barely noticed Jamie's ministrations but felt the warmth of relief as it traveled through his blood stream. The warmth was accompanied by a renewed sleepiness that Lee recognized as Jamie's handiwork.
“I understood why and...,” Harry smiled and softly chuckled, “I rather enjoyed it, Lee.”
Lee returned the smile but was soon lost in the warmth and comfort of sickbay, his eyelids dropping as he spoke.
“'s good t' be back home, Admiral...” anything else he would have said was lost in the healing sleep that Seaview's Captain needed.
Harry sat a moment with his hand on Lee's arm. Lee had returned to his previous title of “Admiral”, only Harry had never heard a lack of intimacy in Lee's voice as he spoke it. It always sounded like his name when Lee said it. He smiled to himself, letting the smile reach the fullness of his eyes.
“Just rest lad. We're glad to have you back where you belong.”
The End
The Package
Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and her main
characters belong to Irwin Allen