Carol Foss
Special Services, USN
To: Commander Lee B. Crane
From: Admiral I. Allen
Subject: Temporary assignment as Captain, SSRN Seaview, NIMR, Santa Barbara, CA.
Vessel has triple-A security Status.
Report to NIMR immediately.
The loss of Capt. Phillips hit his crew hard. You may have a difficult time of it, especially as Nelson=s outfit is a civilian one. Good Luck, Allen.
+===== ===>*
Dear Pop,
Well, we got a new skipper after that awful mess that killed Captain Phillips. I only hope we can put up with Cdr. Crane till the admiral hires a real replacement.
Would you believe it? This new skipper actually snuck aboard in the middle of the night and belted me when I tried to stop him! It was all a test of our security! Maybe, but I sure wonder how he ever managed to become an officer, let alone a captain!
Well, there=s chow call and we=re pulling out pretty soon, so I=ll close for now and get this off to you. I=ll write as soon as I can.
Luv ya,
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
They don=t think it will work, those bone headed-well I digress. Suffice it to say, Wilson and I well set our Operation Counter Force into action.
The device must explode at the precise time and location in order to stop the expected massive earthquake in it=s tracks. The real problem seems to be getting there on time without incident. Our enemies would welcome the global disaster that has already been set into motion from the geophysical dysfunctions.
Poor John, I can=t even offer his family condolences, we=re so pressed for time. I=ll surely miss him.
Lee Crane=s been assigned to me by the Navy as John=s replacement. He=s acquired quite a service record since his days with me on Nautilus. But that=s hardly surprising. I will have to have a little talk with him about his method of coming aboard, however!
I=ve been assigned to Seaview. Quite a lady! It=s good to see Nelson=s dream come true. Good to see him too. Even if he does have all those stars now. Seems like yesterday, the Nautie, antiquated though she was, the times we had!
Our >Operation Counter Force= requires precision, for if we=re off by even a fraction, Nelson=s plan may fail. I don=t understand it all, but our device, when exploded, will Abreak the back@ of a predicted quake which could destroy most of the world. An implosion effect, I think.
And so we=re full speed ahead amid grumbling of the crew. I=ve been ordered by Nelson not to reveal mission details as much as I=d like to.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
As expected, we came under attack and now the sonar mast is gone! Crane=s taking Wilson, Malone, and the chief on a diving mission to find it. If they can=t, our mission to stop global destruction will fail.
Attended, examined, and treated the captain after he was attacked by a giant squid. Repeat, a giant squid.
He has extensive bruising around his neck and chest, but is otherwise in satisfactory condition.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Retrieved sonar mast after it had snapped off during an enemy attack. During the dive, Wilson saved me from being squished to death by a giant squid! Still sore. Seaview will be underway as soon as repairs are complete.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
We=ve been attacked again! We were sitting ducks without working missiles but Crane put us in a steep vertical dive that I thought would crack us apart. But we=re still here, so it worked, even if I had to change my pants! Wilson and Malone have towed our little device to the necessary coordinates.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
They just won=t give up! An arial attack buried our Snow-Cat and both men are hurt. Lee and Jones have gone out in this blizzard to rescue them, but Seaview has to get out of here or risk all our lives from the set explosion. I can only wait so long.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Fate is a strange companion. If we hadn=t been attacked yet again, we would have departed before Crane=s group got back. This time Seaview was able to fight back.
The device worked as planned but brought huge, almost shrapnel sharp chunks of polar ice down on us. Crane took us down again Aexpress@ and his manuvering worked.
And so now, it=s all over and we=re headed home. I believe I=m going to request the Navy give up thier gallant lad and let me have him as a permanent fixture for Seaview.
Special Services, USN
To: Cdr. Lee Crane, SSRN Seaview
From: Admiral I. Allen
Subject: You are released from active status USN effective immediately.
Dear Pop,
Boy, was I wrong about the skipper! He saved all our hides, maybe even yours! I guess you just can=t tell much from first impressions. Oh, yeah, scuttlebutt has it that Crane just might be our new regular captain, even if he is a bit too Anavy@ for me. Gotta run, back in a jiff.
Well, it=s official. Crane=s here to stay. I=d better brush up on Navy rules and regs! Just kidding. I=m sure the admiral will set him right,
We=ll be pulling in to port pretty soon and I=ll get this off to you. Say hi to Aunt Grace and have a great time in the Grand Canyon!
Luv ya,
Mission accomplished.
Seaview handles well and I have a growing admiration for her. Good thing, because I=ve accepted Nelson=s Ainvitation@ to stay aboard!
Special Services Branch, USN
To: Adm. H. Nelson, NIMR
From: Adm. I. Allen
Subject: Cdr. Crane
Understand you were able to talk Crane into joining you permanently. Well, Harry, the world is safe again, thanks to you and Seaview. I wonder if Crane realizes he`s jumped from the frying pan into the fire? Just kidding. I= am sure he understands the double nature of Seaview. The problem is going to be informing his former crew of the Oxfish when she`s done with her refit, and they come back from shore leave. Plug your ears because they=`re just liable to mutiny.
Dear Harry,
Thanks again for giving me a crack at Polidor. When the Navy passed me over for a second command, I thought my career was over.The sea trials are going very well and I estimate completion in about a week. I=ll deliever all the reports to you personally when we dock.
As much as we=d all like to plum the depths I=m keeping to the sea trial protocals. My crew is outstanding but that=s hardly surprising as you picked them!
I know Lee would have liked to play with your newest addition but he=ll just have to wait his turn! Oops, here=s the mailbag. Bye for now.
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Patterson
Dear son,
We=re so glad you can make it home soon. The whole family is coming for dinner Sunday. We=re having your favorites and I=m going to make a little extra stuffing just for you! Sampson wags his tail whenever he hears your name and must know you=re coming home! Tommy has a new Scout badge and wants you to help him with another. I think you may be busier thatn you=d like on your vacation. But we=ll make sure you can just relax too.
We love you!
Mom & Dad
PS. Don=t worry. I think you=ll like teaching me semaphore, if you remember it from the Navy. Maybe you=ll teach me to scuba dive?
PS again. Dad has a new assignment with National Geographic this time. But he=ll be home when you are.
Fiona Crane
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Dear Lee,
How are you settling in? I was really surprised when Tina Jackson called and told me you=d been let go by the Navy! I had visions of a court martial or some such thing and didn=t know what had happened!
I=m just glad you sent me a note!I would have worried nonstop! Don=t fuss, it=s allowed, I=m your mom.
Anyway, how does it feel to be aboard with a former captain? Especially as you=re his captain now! Just how secret is this submarine if even I know all about it? Well, not much really, just that it=s Nelson=s and it=s not exactly Navy. Ok Ok, she=s not exactly Navy.Really, all these terms! And don=t lecture me on John Paul Jones and his explaination on ships being she=s because they use so much paint and powder!
And how is it that you=re the boat=s captain but you have an admiral aboard? Isn=t that a step down Lee? I just don=t understand. I thought a captain was the boss .But I guess not when it=s owned by an admrial.
It .just may be hard for you after all your previous commands to take a back seat. But I=m sure you wouldn=t have if you didn=t want to.They didn=t pressure you into it did they? No of course not, not my Lee.
Well I hope they know what they=re getting! You can be a pain in the ah, what=s a polite way to put it ,arrears?
Well, I must run, remember to write! You can be a bit negligent in that department, or are you trying to keep me in the dark about all your girlfiends? Really, Lee. I know you=re a gentleman but its time you got serious about at least one of them!
Sending you a package of that really strong hair gel you want. Though I keep trying to tell you that women like your thick curly hair! And I doubt if the Navy or Nelson have a rule against it!
All my love,
ps. Sending you a batch of homemade chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies.
ssn oxfish
Happy Birthday skipper! Some present! Nelson=s boat!!
Anyway, No matter how far away you sail, no matter how many oceans apart, you=ll always be our skipper, even when we=re all apart!
Sorry Lee, just couldn=t resist it. Good luck from us all, and drop us a line now and then ok?
From all of us, especially me,
Ps. Guess who jumped up a notch?
Ssrn seaview
captain=s log
While investigating the loss of two civilian research vessels here in the Agean Sea, we suffered some damage due to a booby trap. We=ve been very lucky, but repairs will take longer than I=d like. I=ve decided to go ashore undercover to investigate further. It may be a long shot, but at this point, any info. Is welcome.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Lee has gone ashore as Lee Glenn, a Afree lance diver@. He hopes to glean a bit of information on the shipwrecks. He=s made pleasure and Navy dives in the Agean and even knows a little tourist Greek. I still think it=s a long shot, but he=s determined.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Bingo! According to Lee=s radio message, there=s really something sinister about the shipwrecks. Dimitri Gounaris, a diver afflicted by Araptures@ had claimed he=d seen a city under the sea!
Unable to speak now, he was able to show Lee the area by pantomime. Lee took a dive but when he surfaced, Gournaris was dead.
Officials claim it was a drowning, but Lee doesn=t buy it. He hopes Gounaris= daugher may be of help. I=m sending out the mini sub for better coverage.
I regret to report the loss of two men while investigating the suspect area. The mini sub=s loss amid severe turbulence and electrical interference prove a definite connection to the shipwrecks.
Sitting tight as per Nelson=s order=s. Crane is overdue in reporting by 12 hours. Crew is increasingly edgy.
We could very well be the next wreck. Am doubling work parties in effort to take everyone=s mind off the captain. We also need to be ready to respond to anytning at a moment=s notice. We are on Yellow alert. Lee hasn=t communicated yet. I=m getting worried. It=s been 36 hours. Even the admiral=s getting antsy.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Crane hasn=t reported in three days! Something is terribly wrong! I=ve decided to go ashore myself to find out what=s going on. Morton will just have to put up with it.
After only having been ashore a short time, the admiral was attacked! He=s okay, but doesn=t know what happened to the Gounaris girl he met. He was posing as Harriman AJones@ and she was concerned about Lee as well.
Nelson and Gounaris were exploring the coast when they were attacked. He managed to escape the bullets but was unable to find the girl later. He figures Lee=s been killed or taken prisoner. We=ve narrowed the search area and are proceeding there now.
We sighted the undersea complex but were attacked. We returned fire and utterly destroyed it.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Well, quite a tale Lee tells! He surprised us all when there he was, knocking on our back door! He and the Gounaris girl came in through the excape hatch, just a short time after we destroyed the underwater complex. I thought Lee was dead!
Pretty ingenious, his flooding their prison by stuffing pillows in the air vents to change the pressure. He even managed to avoid being killed outright my Mr. Zeraff, the mastermind of the place. Zeraff was killed instead.
There=s a lot I want to ask Lee and we=ll have a formal debriefing, but I have to wait as Lee is certainly taking his time escorting the Gounaris girl home!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
Zeraff is dead. His undersea city of destruction was itself destroyed beyond repair and there were no apparent survivor despite search.
I regret the loss of our own men far more than his cronies. Melina can at least have a little peace now, poor girl. And I=ve made sure the villagers know her father was not crazy. I wish I could do more for her and I really would like to see her again sometime.
Despite the captain=s protests, I was finally able to examine and treat him yet again for estensive bruising. A fight , he said. Not a very fair one! Rifle butts!
Two missions with us so far and gets clobbered n both.What next?
Stan Kowalski
How are you doing on that fancy A>secret= sub of yours? Ya know, it can=t be much of a secret if even I know about it/.
Well, I got a new gig with a super tanker. Seems the Navy offered the big company some help cause its a threat to the coast. She was carring a full load of crude. So far only one compartment busted open, but=s it gonna be a mess patching her up. Hope she doesn=t sink on me. If I=m lucky, I=ll be rolling in extra hazard dough!
Oh, yeah, don=t forget to rev up your Harley Davidsoon once in awile. I just can=t see why you insisted on one! It just sits there collecting cobwebs! Great way to impress a date!
Pop wrote you got a new skipper. Perhaps I should warn him to toss you overboard before you can do any more damage? Ha Ha.
I got a real hot date tonite. Maybe she has a friend? See ya the next time you make it home.
Mr. ad Mrs. Anders
Dear Daddy,
Guess what? I won the drawing contest at school! It was the frog that kissed the princess! I love you!
Amy=s so happy. I wish you could see her. We both miss you terribly. I hope the sea tials are going well. Prhaps things will be looking up now. I=m still angry with the Navy. God bless Admiral Nelson!
I love you!,Angela
Nelson institute of marine research
Admiral Harriman Nelson, pres.& ceo
Santa Barbara, California, United States of America
Research, Development, and Exploration-Member US Naval Reserve, Special Services
Admiral I. Allen
Special Services Branch, USN
Dear Ivan,
Polidor has completed her sea trials and we well be adding her services to our shortly. She=s only slightly smaller than Seaview and was designed more for deep sea exploration than as a Special Services alternate for other craft.As she carried no missiles and only a few defense torpedoes, she will not be the same status as Seaview, but will be loaned for defense work as needed.
Admiral Harriman Nelson
I=m rather pleased with her and have decided to keep Anders as hr skipper.
Joseph P. Jackson
Honolulu Hawaii
Dear Lee,
Hi buddy. Got your note about getting the Seaview. Lucky dog! I=m still stuck here as Admiral Stark=s chief whipping boy. It=s not easy being a slave. At least it feels like it. Aides are nothing but >go-fers= and press agents.And I went through 4 years of hell at Annapolis for this?
But then you know we all have to put in a little desk time. The way Stark treats me, I have a feeling I=ll never get back to sea! Put in a good word with Admiral Nelson for me? Just kidding. I=m not cut out to be a civie. Stark has promised me a ballistic next year. Sure wish I could have an attack sub again, but we all have to take our turns.
Well, good luck old boy. Have fun. Knowing you, you probably already have a girl in port!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Polidor with all hands. I just can=t understand it. She was built to spec and her crew as hand picked by Nelson himself.
I must report, however, that Anders and his men panicked just before we lost contact.
There will be an official inquiry shortly. While everyone mourns the loss, Nelson is taking it the hardest.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
There is just no explanation for it! Anders was no chicken! So why did he and his crew panic? Why did they all have to die?
I=ve canceled all shore leave for Seaview. We=re going into that trench! Perhaps we can find some answers.
I=m being forced to take along an Aobserver@. The presidential committee is convinced that we all become a bunch of gobbilygoops at the lower depths. I know we don=t. I just know it!
Something else caused Polidor=s loss and we=re going to find it!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Silent running as a precaution. Dr. Kenner, our observer, is likable and not at all what I expected in a psychologist. But his assistant, Dr. Davis, makes me uneasy. He seems to enjoy bugging the crew with doubts about thier lost buddies. Sanity, mental conditions and the like. As if my crew didn=t have enough on their minds! It=s going to be a trying mission.
The admiral is pushing himself too hard. He spends most of his time reviewing our tapes of Polidor=s last moments. Trying to get clues, I guess. I=m becoming concerned about him. He=s compulsive in his belief that human error is not a possibility. I=m not so sure.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=ve located the wreckage. Everyone on edge. We=ve had minor damage but repairs are going well. Perhaps the committee is right. Nelson is still obsessed. I just don=t know.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
Continuing the investigation. I must report that I really blew up. I said things to Nelson that I=m deeply ashamed of now. How could I even think that he only wanted to salve his conscious!
It remains to be seen if this is my last mission with him. After all, he=s still the boss.
He=s convinced me that we need to continue our search for the truth, even if his theory is wrong.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
Headed home at a fair clip. I feel that we could all use a month long shore leave. It was all Dr. Davis= doing, the loss of Polidor, and almost ours.
He sabotaged both boats with Dr. Kenner=s fear gas! No wonder we all got a bit hysterical. The gas would have killed us, but before it could transform into nerve gas and barbeque our brains, we heated the boat to make the gas rise. We barely made it to the surface in time.
And so Harry was right all along. Call it instinct, or better yet, just his own expertise, Nelson=s proved he=s still sharp as a tack.
And so it=s official. The greed for power caused Polidor=s loss. It seems to me that only when greed can be removed from the hearts of men,can there be any real peace in the world.
Memorial services will be held shortly after we dock. The President=s ordered the entire committee to attend.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
We held services today for Polidor=s men. I may be vindicated in their loss, but my heart aches for them and thier families.
Lee gave a very moving speech. All about likf and courage of men who try to better mankind, the men of the Polidor.
Mr. & Mrs. D.M. Kowalski
Dear son,
Your father and I are very anxious about you. Perhaps we=re just being overbearing, but after all you go through on your submarine, we can=t help but to worry.
So many of your dear freinds lost! It must be awful for you. I know you said the Polidor=s accident was due to a bad man but to go that deep! It scares us. Just be careful and do everything your captain tells you!
Stan was here last weekend, and had a girlfireind with him. I hope it=s not serious. She=s crude, rude, and highly unsuitable for a wife. Stan has never been serious about any of this girlfriends, but this one scares me.
He may be your older brother, dear, but you have always shown more sense in matters of the heart.
Any hopes in that direction? Hint, Hint, Hint.
Remember we love you dear.
gounaris salvage and scuba Inc.
Melina Gounaris
Dear Lee,
It was so good to hear from you! Yes, I=m doing very well. In fact, our mayor has declared a special day of remembrance for Papa. And the village is putting up a plauqe to his memory.
I=ll send you a snapshot. I=m still giving diving lessons and will be hosting a diver=s convention here soon. The whole village is very excited about it. We finally get real tourists and we=re on the map, thanks to you. Even famous people are starting to come by and look at our village and reefs. There=s even been an article in Diver=s Own.
Most of our tourists want to enjoy the undesea sights and grottos but a few want to take a peek and the remnants of Zeraff=s city. I get chills just glimpsing it.
So business is booming as Americans say, and it looks like I may need to hire some help!
Well, I must close now, my dear freind. I hope everything is going well with you and your shipmates. Yes, I do want to come out to California to see you sometime. Perhaps on one of your shore leaves? I would love to say hello to your admiral as well.
God bless you Lee.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Polidor with all hands. I just can=t understand it. She was built to spec and her crew as hand picked by Nelson himself.
I must report, however, that Anders and his men panicked just before we lost contact.
There will be an official inquiry shortly. While everyone mourns the loss, Nelson is taking it the hardest.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
There is just no explanation for it! Anders was no chicken! So why did he and his crew panic? Why did they all have to die?
I=ve canceled all shore leave for Seaview. We=re going into that trench! Perhaps we can find some answers.
I=m being forced to take along an Aobserver@. The presidential committee is convinced that we all become a bunch of gobbilygoops at the lower depths. I know we don=t. I just know it!
Something else caused Polidor=s loss and we=re going to find it!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Silent running as a precaution. Dr. Kenner, our observer, is likable and not at all what I expected in a psychologist. But his assistant, Dr. Davis, makes me uneasy. He seems to enjoy bugging the crew with doubts about thier lost buddies. Sanity, mental conditions and the like. As if my crew didn=t have enough on their minds! It=s going to be a trying mission.
The admiral is pushing himself too hard. He spends most of his time reviewing our tapes of Polidor=s last moments. Trying to get clues, I guess. I=m becoming concerned about him. He=s compulsive in his belief that human error is not a possibility. I=m not so sure.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=ve located the wreckage. Everyone on edge. We=ve had minor damage but repairs are going well. Perhaps the committee is right. Nelson is still obsessed. I just don=t know.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
Continuing the investigation. I must report that I really blew up. I said things to Nelson that I=m deeply ashamed of now. How could I even think that he only wanted to salve his conscious!
It remains to be seen if this is my last mission with him. After all, he=s still the boss.
He=s convinced me that we need to continue our search for the truth, even if his theory is wrong.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
Headed home at a fair clip. I feel that we could all use a month long shore leave. It was all Dr. Davis= doing, the loss of Polidor, and almost ours.
He sabotaged both boats with Dr. Kenner=s fear gas! No wonder we all got a bit hysterical. The gas would have killed us, but before it could transform into nerve gas and barbeque our brains, we heated the boat to make the gas rise. We barely made it to the surface in time.
And so Harry was right all along. Call it instinct, or better yet, just his own expertise, Nelson=s proved he=s still sharp as a tack.
And so it=s official. The greed for power caused Polidor=s loss. It seems to me that only when greed can be removed from the hearts of men,can there be any real peace in the world.
Memorial services will be held shortly after we dock. The President=s ordered the entire committee to attend.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
We held services today for Polidor=s men. I may be vindicated in their loss, but my heart aches for them and thier families.
Lee gave a very moving speech. All about likf and courage of men who try to better mankind, the men of the Polidor.
Mr. & Mrs. D.M. Kowalski
Dear son,
Your father and I are very anxious about you. Perhaps we=re just being overbearing, but after all you go through on your submarine, we can=t help but to worry.
So many of your dear freinds lost! It must be awful for you. I know you said the Polidor=s accident was due to a bad man but to go that deep! It scares us. Just be careful and do everything your captain tells you!
Stan was here last weekend, and had a girlfireind with him. I hope it=s not serious. She=s crude, rude, and highly unsuitable for a wife. Stan has never been serious about any of this girlfriends, but this one scares me.
He may be your older brother, dear, but you have always shown more sense in matters of the heart.
Any hopes in that direction? Hint, Hint, Hint.
Remember we love you dear.
gounaris salvage and scuba Inc.
Melina Gounaris
Dear Lee,
It was so good to hear from you! Yes, I=m doing very well. In fact, our mayor has declared a special day of remembrance for Papa. And the village is putting up a plauqe to his memory.
I=ll send you a snapshot. I=m still giving diving lessons and will be hosting a diver=s convention here soon. The whole village is very excited about it. We finally get real tourists and we=re on the map, thanks to you. Even famous people are starting to come by and look at our village and reefs. There=s even been an article in Diver=s Own.
Most of our tourists want to enjoy the undesea sights and grottos but a few want to take a peek and the remnants of Zeraff=s city. I get chills just glimpsing it.
So business is booming as Americans say, and it looks like I may need to hire some help!
Well, I must close now, my dear freind. I hope everything is going well with you and your shipmates. Yes, I do want to come out to California to see you sometime. Perhaps on one of your shore leaves? I would love to say hello to your admiral as well.
God bless you Lee.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=ve been assigned Aunofficially@ to rendezvous with >La Libertad= . President Fuentes has requested political asylum and intelligence believes he may, in fact, be a prisoner of the despicable General d=Alverez.
La Libertad will have a rough time of it, the waters around the rendezvous point are tricky. Shoaling water and sharp reefs here have tested me before.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We rendezvoused with an abandoned vessel! It appears that Fuentes may have been abducted, or we=re supposed to think so.
There may be another ship in the area and we need caution. Nelson=s asked me to sail La Libertad to the nearest port . I=ve chosen Kowalski, Patterson and Farell. I need a >prize= crew and they seem to fit the bill.
We suddenly lost contact with La Libertad. At the same time we scanned a craft alongside her. Not a good sign.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=m convinced Lee and his men have been kidnapped. Washington has advised me that we=re on our own. I=m going ashore to meet with a resistance fighter who may be able to help us find both Fuentes and Crane.
We received new orders to meet the admiral earlier than expected. It=s not like him. I=m wary, but have no choice but to believe it to be a legitimate message. We just have to risk it.
It was a trap! We=ve sustained damage, but it could be a lot worse. It=s going to be a tight squeeze to get to the admiral in time.
Mission accomplished.
President Fuentes is resting in the quest quarters. He=s still a bit shaky from the drugs d=Alverez pumped into him.
I must report the loss of Farrell. He was executed by d=Alverez. The skipper, Ski, and Pat are shaken from the whole ordeal and I=ve ordered them all to sickbay. I=ve also sent the admiral there as well.
Examined and found drug traces in Fuentes but there will be no permanent damage. I=ve released him to the guest quarters.
Examined and treated the admiral for eye irritation received when temporarily blinded by a as of yet unidentified chemical sprayed into his eyes. There is no evidence of permanent damage.
Examined and treated the captain for the same eye irritation. No sign of permanent damage. Also treated him for skin irritation and bruising.
Examined and treated Kowalski and Patterson for skin irritation.
Only further treatments include hot showers and shaves, and possibly some counseling. I don=t know all the details but I=m convinced Crane is hiding something that=s really bothering him. Of course the loss of any crewman is taken badly, but this is something else, I=m almost sure of it.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Had a long talk with Lee. He=s tried not to let on, but I can tell he=s hurt by the loss of Farrell. He knows he had no choice in his decision not to cooperate with d=Alverez. He=s sworn to act accordingly as I am. But it still hurts.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I will be contacting Farrell=s family as soon as we dock. I=m going to ask Ski and Pat to accompany me as they were good freinds. There=s=s so little I can say or do. It=s going to be awful.
Hey Curly,
Hear you got a new skipper. What=s he like? How are things going for you on that fancy tub of yours? Keeping everybody in order I bet.
Some of the guys were wondering if you=d care to enter the ring with Billy next time you=re in Diego. We=d have a great time. Bring some of your shipmates too.
It=s not easy being retired. You are one very lucky guy. A civie sub! Tell your captain I=d like to hire on! Or better yet, tell your bigger boss.Just kidding. I=m too old to swab decks.
Got your snapshots. Not bad for a grease monkey.
See you in port.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Morton
Dear Chip,
Is everything all right? We haven't heard from you in such a long time. Oh, I know all about you being stuck underwater for long periods of time, but surely you can write or call when you get to land now and then.
Remember to take your vitamins! Aunt Betsy was plagued with allergies and it was all because she didn=t take care of herself. Are you really sure you=re warm enough aboard? I=m sending you another pair of special socks from Smithy=s. Especially good for bedtime.
Also, don=t forget to drink plenty of fruit juice and have some chicken soup now and then.
I hope you=re getting along with your new captain. But I really think Admiral Nelson should have considered you first!
Hugs and kisses.
Love, Mom
Edith Nelson
Dear Harry,
The London Symphony was SO boring! I love music, but not that Blahhh! And I have to do a write up on it! I=m not so sure I=m cut out for journalism. Perhaps you can introduce me to a Prince Charming who=ll carry me off to his castle and I won=t have to think about a career anymore. Just teasing, Harry dear. Having a career is a good idea even if you=ve made sure I don=t actually have to have one. But I sure am getting tired of being an old maid! At least I feel like one when I see most of my friends are married with families already.
Well, here=s the latest. I=ve sent off all the charts, account drafts, and personnel data of the Charities Division to your office. It=s a heap to go through but it looks pretty good to me. I=m no CPA but I think we can manage another contribution to the Leprosy Foundation.
When I was in ShriLanka, it was pretty gross. So many victims and little medication. With our help, and the Charities Division, I think we just may be able to wipe out the disease! What do you think?
Angela Phillips is doing rather well considering the circumstances and her children flew in as well. It was a good idea to get them all away from Santa Barbara. Easier to grieve away from so many reminders. I made sure they all had a chance to Alet go@. They all know you really wanted to be here.
Heard you drafted Crane! You sure you won=t make him walk the plank? Just kidding. Does he still have all the ladies swooning over his good looks?
Well, that=s it from your little?sister for now. Write soon.
Love, Edith
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Underway to ice station T (Tik-tock). We=ll check in on the Pennells, who are conducting extensive on site plankton research. What a way to spend a honeymoon!
Dr. Karl Reisner is aboard, an expert in the field. In addition, Mr. Phillip Wesley, the project finance committee observer, and Miss Julie Lyle are aboard.
Nelson is very interested in plankton research, as it could just help to solve world hunger.
There is some friction aboard, however,as conflicting personalities and cramped quarters seem to be coming to the fore. Wesley is not making things easier. He=s constantly reminding everyone that Reisner had a chance to leave Hitler=s Germany but didn=t take it. Miss Lyle, only the brave call her Julie, tries to be a peacemaker, but her scientific demeanor doesn=t do the job.
We should arrive at the station in about 24 hours.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
One of Dr. Reisner=s experiments exploded. Minor damage to the lab. But there will be no further experiments while submerged!
Private Journal
Harriman Nelson
I blame myself for our little accident. While the delay is not critical, I=m anxious to see what progress the Pennell=s have made. An important project. Plankton regeneration and possible food sources.
captain=s log
Sparks has picked up intermittent signals. We may have a sub riding us piggy back. There could be a homing signal aboard.
Our guests are becoming a problem. Constantly bickering and blatantly trespassing into restricted areas. I=m not ruling out any of them as to conspiracy.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I now understand Reisner=s impatience. After receiving a massive dose of radiation in a reactor accident some months ago, his life expectancy is about 6 months.
We have reached our destination and I=ve decided to go ashore with our team. Brrr. And not just from the cold.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
The station is utterly destroyed! Nelson is convinced the Pennell=s could not have survived. The place is torn apart and covered in slime. Plankton, they think.
Another power is definitely interested in our little project as the team was strafed by aerial gunfire. Intercepts were fouled by magnetic interference, but we were able to get our bogey before he could make a second pass.
I blame myself for not having been suspicious to begin with of >Smiling Jack=.
None of the team were hurt, but Miss Lyle panicked and had to be knocked out and carried back. Sickbay reports she had to be sedated for hysteria when she came to. I wouldn=t have believed it.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Quite an unpleasant adventure. Damage from a booby trap, and Lyle a foreign agent. She=s the one who planted the homing signal and the depth bomb.
She was killed as she and Wesley tried to flee the sub through a plankton filled corridor. Reisner managed to pull Wesley out, but could not save Lyle.
The plankton had regenerated into a massive mess and Lee swam outside to open the jammed flood control hatch. The inrushing ice water destroyed the thing.
Anaerobic bacteria was missing in the plankton, allowing it to grow into the out of control lifeform.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
Mission not accomplished.
I regret to report the loss of Foxx, killed by the massive plankton growth. It just seemed to dissolve him. What a horrible way to die. Ski witnessed it and is shaken up a bit.
I report the death of Miss Lyle, killed by the thing herself in her attempt to leave Seaview. She was a foreign agent and the source of most of our troubles.
But it was the glop that almost sent us to the bottom, and I doubt if anyone will believe it.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=ve been drafted! Back on active status for a special rendezvous. Civi Seaview puts in a fair share of Govt. Time. But that=s her nature.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Boarded by Admiral Tobin. >Trigger happy Tobin= the scourge of the seven seas, hasn=t changed much. He still enjoys superior rank and it=s privileges, including lording it over everybody. Privileges are one thing, but bullying is something else.
Our mission is to locate and destroy--a flying saucer!! As ridiculous as it seems, there have been several sightings of a UFO. Thousands of people swear to it, and they don=t appear to be copycat sightings either.
The UFO apparently made a few passes over some cities and then dove into the sea. That=s where we come in.. The Madison may have gotten close to the area, as she hasn=t responded to any communiction since she reported severe turbulence.
Wacky as it sounds, I=ve ordered battle stations while we hunt our flying saucer. The crew has been informed of the mission details and many think looking for a a flying saucer underwater is crazy. I=m not so sure.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Sighted undersea vortex and were caught in same. Shortly after freeing ourselves from it, we sighted the saucer. But it ZAPPED us with a beam of some sort, and we=re paralyzed. Powerless, we=re being drawn up with it slowly. We may very well run out of air before we can figure something out.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
The saucer=s sent over a device which coupled with the escape hatch. An invitation, Nelson thinks. So he=s gone over to the spacecraft to find out what=s going on. Tobin is furious with a Adie now, ask questions later@ attitude. He really irks me. Nelson has always shown sound judgement.
The skipper=s gone over to the saucer with the Strontium pellets the admiral promised the space visitor. Admiral Tobin was so furious with Nelson=s promise that he ordered Lee to arrest Nelson! Crane did so, but quickly backed out of the cabin and locked Tobin and Nelson in. I=ve let both out now that Lee=s gone over to the saucer with the pellets. The admiral=s tickled pink at Lee=s quick action, but Tobin is super mad. If there=s another govt. aerial attack of the spaceship before Lee gets back and the spaceman gets his craft to work, we=re history.
Ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission not accomplished.
Boy am I glad! Nelson is certain our space friend will remember Earth that way. No thanks to Tobin and other top brass.
It remains to be seen if Nelson and I are charged with gross insubordination and mutiny. Frankly, I don=t give a damn. We did the right thing, and that=s what Seaview is all about.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Quick thinking on Lee=s part helped to save Seaview and the earth from a ghastly end. If we hadn=t helped our alien, there could have been a retalitory invasion by his home world.
How I would have loved to explore the saucer and spoken with our visitor longer. One day, perhaps?
Dear Harry,
Trouble=s brewing. Heard about your spaceman. Tobin=s still on the warpath. And now he=s making all sorts of snide remarks about Crane. I take it there was a little trouble aboard?
Seems Tobin=s been saying Crane=s a brown-noser, that sort of thing. I set a few things straight, about how Crane was drafted to the Seaview to begin with, but some of the guys are starting to wonder if there=s just a possibility of you and he being a little more than just friendly, you know, that kind of crap.
They=re all just jealous,and Tobin is too I bet,so he goes on and on and makes all kinds of really gross insinuations.
Ridiculous or not, Rumors have a way of getting way out of hand. I thought you should be aware of it. I=d suggest just to sit tight and let it all blow over. Getting riled would just seem like trying to >cover it up= instead of righteous indignation.
Well, thats all for now,
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
It=s hard to believe but Jason Kemp is alive! He=d been lost and presumed dead, along with the rest of the Denning Espedition, but there he is fit as a fiddle, picked up by an ice breaker!
He=s under observation at Bethesda and has been treated for sunburn and obvious mental confusion. He=s been babbling about a tropical island as well.
I=ve brought Carol Denning along with me to see him. I=m intrigued. Other ice cap areas have hot springs and tropical like pockets. Perhaps other members of the expedition may be alive as well.
Kemp had on his person an odd piece of animal tissue. At least it looks animal. I=ll meet with Dr. Ziegler to evaluate it.
Crane=s been rather quiet. Can=t say I blame him. Carol Denning=s his girlfriend too.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Zeigler has confirmed the tissue as Edaphosaurus! The atomic clock confirms life a year ago!
To think that the expedtion members may sitll be alive and now this too! I havn=t been so excited in months!
ssrn Seaview
Captain=s log
The admiral=s returned to NIMR with Kemp and Carol. We=re going to retrace the Denning Expedition in the hope of reawakening Kemp=s lost memories, and perhaps finding other members of the team.
Nelson is convinced that there may very well be a tropical pocket and has told me all about his little dinosaur.
I=ve begun preparations for the mission.
Dear Pop,
Well, here we are getting ready for another cruise. The admiral=s all excited about it. Looks like a rescue mission. Some folks everybody thought were dead, well, could really be alive. But scuttlebutt has it that=s not the only reason the admiral=s hyper. Seems he=s onto a real live dinosaur! On a tropical island in the Arctic, no less!
Either he=s batty or its for real, whichever, he=s the boss, so off we go.
This guy Kemp we=re carting along has amnesia...Bahh! He=s hiding something. But I don=t think I should speak up. The skipper=s in a bad mood. REAL broody. Maybe jealous of Kemp, who=s girl he=s kind of stuck on.
Hoo boy, gonna be some cruise. A hyper boss, a broody captain, a phony balony and a sweetie cutie.
Gotta run, take care,
Luv ya,
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Seaview is in the final stages of preparation for her mission and I=ve passed the word along that Miss Denning is to be treated with the utmost respect. Having a beautiful woman aboard can be very distracting for all hands.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
A two degree error in our inertial navigator caused us to hit an obstruction. Only minor damage sustained. Nelson was able to repair it himself! Good thing, because we really could have been delayed.
We=ve reached the same coordinates as the first expedition and the diving bell has been prepped for duplicate descent.
Kemp=s tropical island seems pretty feasible s the waters ranges from 50 to about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Pretty hot for an iceberg.
The bell=s cable snapped! It happened while we were hauling it up from a strong current. We havn=t been able to reestablish radio contact.
Dear Pop,
You won=t believe it, but there really was a tropical island! Complete with dinosaurs, giant spiders and cannibals! And a volcano that decided to blow its top! We checked for survivors but the cannibals started to kill themselves before we could get to any the them. Not that I=d like to rescue someone who=d like me for lunch!
I don=t know the details yet. The skipper, sdmiral, and Miss Denning and Mr. Denning are all back, safe and sound. Th diving bell that had snaped off our cable popped up into the island=s lagoon. They were taken prisoner, escaped and then caused the lava surge which trigered the volcano. Kemp got eaten by a dinosaur. A distraction, they say, seemes this Kemp guy led the ogher two guys of the first expedition into a trap. He=s made up for it by being a distraction for our group=s escape.
Kind of hard to believe it all but the skipper=s confirmed it all and I even saw the volcano blow up. How the skipper records all this in the log is beyond me.
Luv ya,
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
It=s difficult to know where to begin. I must report the death of Jason Kemp, who sacrificed his life to save us when we were caught between the dinosaurs and the savages. He tried to distract the beast and was eaten by it.
Nelson will make a full report to his many scientific committees but I doubt if anyone will believe a word of it. Dinosaurs, giant spiders, a volcano, and cannibals in the arctic.But they can=t ignore Dr. Denning. Alive and a witness to it all. I must report that Herod and Younger of the first expedition had been victims of the cannibals when Kemp had led them into a trap to save his own hide. And so Kemp has absolved himself by saving us.
I=ts hard to know what to say to Carol. The lies by Kemp and yet his heroism at the end. She=s caught in the middle.
We=ll just have to take things easy for a while to let all of our emotions settle down.
SSRN seaview
captain=s log
Underway to Tana. This Norwiegian village holds Johann Rolvaag who claims his small boat was sunk by a sea monster, which also ate his two companions.
Ordinarily I=d laugh, but I=ve been with Seaview too long now to ignore the possibilities. Apparently, the monster is an octopus, judging by the medical report. A very, very big one.
In the meantime, we could all use a change of scenery.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We arrived in Tana and were about to meet Rolvaag, but he was dead. I find myself uneasy. The whole village is creepy and we=ve been treated with outright rudeness.
We=re conducting searches in the fijord where Rolvaag was said to have been attacked, but so far nothing. Looks like a long and tedious operation.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We were deliberately mislead! A little boy came alongside to admire Seaview and told us that it was Luder Fijord where the accident occurred! A forbidden place, he said. Before we could ask any more, his father showed up in a rage and took the boy away. Poor kid. I don=t understand the language but I think he=s in for it.
So, thanks to Seaman Gartern=s translation and a very honest little boy, I=ll be taking a diving team out shortly.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Lee found part of the wrecked boat and part of the octopus. It was big as a tree trunk! And that was just the lower tentacle! I=ve tested and retested the thing and can say with certaintly that the monster is man-made! Pituitary gonadotrophin, a man-made product stimulated cell growth.
I did a little detective work and found Oskar Dalgren, who subscribes to a scientific journal, lives in Tana. He may be a clue to the whole thing.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Nobody claims to have any knowledge of Dalgren, so I pulled a fast one. I told the villagers I know all about him and his little? experiments. Theings should move pretty quickly now. Just call me Sherlock.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Nelson may have been led into a trap. What we thought was a bomb attached to the hull was actually a simple spring box. He=s following the diver who put it there.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Seaview was attacked by the monster octopus when it was released from the secret undersea lab. We could have been cracked like an egg.
Harry managed to get free of Mattson-who=d made the monster-by radioing us to shoot a charge throught the hull from the reactor. I thought we=d cook! But we cooked the octopus instead. Perhaps we can salvage it for lunch?
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
The president has ordered us to locate at hot Russian satellite which went haywire. It will probably fall into the Pacific. Our job is to find it and deactivate it=s nuclear pile before kablooie. Russia is sending us two technicians for the actual disarming. I never would have believed it.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
The sattelite is now expected to fall close to land than expected. About 50 miles from San Francisco, and a few hours sooner, as well.
The crew is already jumpy and the rumor mills are already in motion. As much as I=d like to fill the men in on all the details, It will just have to wait.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
I=ve placed the radio shack off-limits. Clark almost got a message out and almost hurt Sparks. Of course Clark=s scared. We all are. This thing could blow San Francisco off the map, us as well.
Malilnoff and Gronski have already left the boat. Malinoff=s no expert diver but he=ll be okay. It=s up to them now. God help us.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We have a problem. The satellite has settled on its access hatch. It will have to be burnt through. One spark and oh boy.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
It hasn=t been disarmed! We=ve been informed one of our guests is an impostor. Little time is left but the admiral has a plan to let our guest think we=ll stick around awhile. That=ll make someone pretty nervous.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
Our impostor Gronsksi has been exposed and the admiral disarmed the thing himself. Whew!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=ve finally completed mapping the assigned area. We=ll take a quick shore leave in New London tonite. Chip should have the diving bell=s overhaul completed and it=s still a mystery why a brand new piece of equipment shorted!
After it=s installation, its back home to Santa Barbara, but being Seaview, who knows.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Seaview sunk, now being salvaged. Will hold a formal inquiry. Suffice it here, Blake left his sonar post to break up a fight. A moment=s innattention and we ran smack into a derilict mine field! Major kablooie.
Lt. Bishop showed terrible judgement in his altercation with Evans.
Blake heroically sacrificed himself by opening the flood valve to right the boat, drowning in the compartment. Righting the boat allowed us to couple with the diving bell.
Morton and Jones guided the bell down amid the mine field without working guidance controls. Pretty good driving boys.
We have a great many losses and my heart is too full just now to continue.
captain=s log
Memorial services were held today. We=ve formally commended Blake, Morton and Jones for their actions.
Carol denning
Dear Lee,
I=m so glad you=re okay. I was so worried when all the press went on and on.It was awful.
If anything had happened to you or the admial, I just don=t know what I would have done. You both mean so much to me.
I=ll be in town next week. If you=re not too busy, maybe you=d like to help me take some pictures in that reef you like so much. It would be a lot of fun, and perhaps then we could have lunch or a movie? Remember, you promised.
Dear Lee,
Are you all right? I heard about the submarine accident. But they don=t say much on the radio or tv. The whole village was concerned.
I think everyone would have been very upset if anything had happened to our Lee Aglen@, aka Crane. Especially me. I miss you very much. I only wish I could be there to tell you how glad I am that you=re alive.
Still giving diving lessons and now I have a few employees! Good divers and the customers don=t complain too much about the cost of lessons or supplies. Zeraff=s city is just about looted of all its remains. So now, the Agean itself will have to be the lure for business. So far, it=s still featured in several diving and toursit magazines and I wish you could be here, just as a tourist, to enjoy it all.
I=m being paged. Take care Lee.
Your very good friend,
Fiona Crane
Pawtucket, RI
Dear Lee,
Are you okay? Tell me the truth. We=ve heard very little and now for you to have to go through a formal inquiry! I hope they keep the press away.
I know you did everything you could, Lee, to keep your men alive and I know you=ll be vindicated completely from any command error or whatever they call it. But I know you=re probably taking it all personally.
Please remember that even a captain can=t be everywhere all the time. And mistakes happen. Even your precious admiral makes a mistake now and then.
I saw the Denning girl on TV and her interview about your expedition a while back. She positively sparkled when she talked about you. Any prospects in that direction?? She seems to be a lovely girl and you=re not getting any younger!
The news says your sub will have to be placed in dry dock when she=s raised. Maybe you can get a little time off for good behavior and visit your poor, dear old mother, or why don=t you make it simple and just take out the Denning girl to dinner. Hint hint?.
PS Here are a few sugar cookies to share with her!
Mr 7 Mrs. Christpher Morton
Dear Chip,
How is everything dear? I=m glad Crane told the press all about your herosim. About time you got some official recognition! Especially as you=ve been with Seaview since her christening and you=ve known Nelson since your academy days. I=m also glad to hear that you=re friends with Crane. It can=t be easy since you should have been in command, Now don=t go on and on about how you weren=t ready for it and didn=t seek it. We still think if you=d been in command the whole mess would have never happened. Maybe we=re just bitter aobut you not geting the advancement you deserve, but dear, we just can=t help it.
Now, what about that lawsuit about breach of Promise? Why, that little tart ought to be ashamed of berself! And you should have known better! Even if that sort of thing is legal in Nevada. Though why you=d take a vacation there is anyone=s guess.!
Well, that=s enough scolding, now, when are you going to come home for a visit? You can even invite Crane if you like. And don=t worry, I won=t make any comments you=d dissaprove of. We would like to meet him though. Especially since he=s one of your friends.
Love, Mom
Ps. Hot turkey, stuffing, and cranberry cobbler!
Well, chipper, mom=s had her say, so how about it? Surely you=ll be getting a little time off now, so come on home for a nice rest and a good meal. And bring Lee. Seems like a nice fellow. Glad you have a friend aboard. As for Vegas, well, I can certainly see the attraction. I=d like to visit the place myself!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Just offshore Ras Kamdara. Blacked out. No running lights. I=m to go ashore to make contact with the underground. They have info on whatever it is that=s causing our planes to do down in the area. Nelson=s arranged to pick me up in four hours. It=s James Bond time.
Major Ahmadi for Ras Kamdar=s secret police has come aboard insead of Lee. Ahmadi is seeking asylum and doesn=t know why Lee decided to stay ashore an extra day. Ahmadi claims to have special info about the location of a phenomenal new weapon that=s our culprit.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I completely distrust Ahmadi. There=s no way his fathometers could have measured the only channel entrance into the complex. It=s located in the caverns. He=s lying and I want to know why. In the meantime, we=ll locate and enter this special underwater entrance ourselves.
Lee=s been captured! It=s all due to General Kemal. Lee=s capture and our being trapped by his Magnus Beam! A huge magnetic weapon. Nothing made of steel can move. We=re being drawn up and will be crushed if the admiral can=t figure something out.
Examined and treated Kowalski for his brush with the bullet. Just winged. He=s back on full duty but the captain is not.
The skipper got beat up again. No broken bones, but he was whacked with rifle butts and fists prety hard. He=s in the nose with Luanna. Nothing like a pretty girl to gently treat your wounds. With my permission, of course.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
Pretty ingenious boss I have. He unjammed the stuck hatches with mini-sub batteries and then used aluminun spear guns and pjlastic explosives to detract the weapon=s guards and destroy the thing.
So the Magnus Beam is no more. Amadi, one of the general=s henchmen, will get a proper greeting from the country=s new government which managed to overthrow the general=s little dictatorship.
We owe a great deal to Luanna and her fellow dissidents. It=s a long story. We=ve been approached by several magazines and TV stations for interviews bu I have first dibs on taking her out to dinner.
Mr & Mrs. Patterson
Dear son,
It doesn=t seem possible how fast time is flying. Tommy has another scout badge and Dad had another couple of assignments with Geopraphic. They=re begining to think of him one of thier own! They did offer a contract, but they don=t pay as well as the freelancers so ...
Anyway, how are things going for you? Still bantering on and on with Ski? How is the new captain working out? Of course by now he=s not exactly new, is he? Emily Drake saw him on TV and is wondering if he=s married. She=s smitten with his matinee idol looks! But what=s he really like?
Getting the turkey defrosted, and buying a few thick steaks just for you! Stocking up on the orange juice too! I know by now how much you >bubble boys= enjoy it! Fresh squeezed!
Can hardly wait to see you, dear.
Mom and Dad
Sampson misses you so much! He=s getting on dear, and I=m afraid one day soon...
I=m glad you=ll be able to come home soon.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Spy time again! While sneaking Anton Koslow out of Jakarta, we were ambushed. His defection is known and we must wait for further instructions. He=s badly wounded from the gunfire.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=re to rendevous with Mr. Parker. He=ll debrief Koslow of the spy network innfo as we head for home. Curly and I will meet his black sedan and escort him to Seaview.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Koslow is conscious but determined not to reveal anything until we go back and pick up his girl. She=d ducked into a building when we=d been attacked.
Nelson will play James Bond this time. This Anna Ravec must really be something.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=m just not cut out to be a spy. I had a little difficulty bringing our guest aboard. Some guest! A double agent! She almost killed Koslow with a hypo, but Crack! Lee=s perfect shot shattered the hypo right out of her hand.
It turned out Parker was a spy too! Each agent had orders to eliminate Koslow. As for Koslow himself, he=ll be granted American citizenship immediately and with his information, we=ll sit a little easier.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
Welcome home Mr. Koslow. The big guys of Intelligence will make sure there are no problems this time. I hope.
Dear Pop,
You=re not gonna believe it but there=s snow right here off Florida! The skipper says it=s like the Berring Straights and I don=t blame him!
The admiral=s in his element though. Ou can almost see all those scientific wheels turning. He=s got some ideas already and is off to see some brain. I think we got a weather mission coming up.
From a very cold iceberg,
Luv ya,
Dear Lee,
How are you doing? Guess what? I=m moving to Switzerland! I don=t suppose you=d like to come back to Ras Kamdara to help me pack? No probably not, even though things are a lot better here now. But my sister is getting married to a swiss banker in Switzerland and they glow about the place so much and it seems as though I=m a celebrity and I >ve been offered a job there singing in a much nicer niteclub, so I think I=ll just take fate up on it.
I hope we can meet again soon sometime.
Missing you,
Edith Nelson
Dear Lee,
Well, will wonders never cease! Ensign Crane nabs Seaview! How does it feel to be her skipper? Really good, I bet.
Well, Sir Lancelot, does she meet with your approval? All kidding aside Lee, I know you=ll do her proud. And Harry told me long ago about a plebe who stood up for his wild dreams. It gave him renewed will to go on when everyone was against him.
I don=t suppose that could have been you, now could it?? Don=t worry, I won=t tell him what I=ve heard through the powder puff grapevine. Seems you had a date that night with you at Harry=s little seminar at Annapolis. And she=s told me everything. Everything! You naughty boy!
Really, Lee, you know, Harry tried and tried to find out who the errant middie was. Why did you request the secrecy? Why ever didn=t you want him to know it was you who told the brass where to go when they bashed his plans. So to this day he doesn=t know that it was you and I only found out last week.But, oh, was Harry ever proud of you! Your girlfiend said you got quite a few demerits, a day long chewing out as well as two hours marching in full pack six days a week, for four years! ! And it=s still not a good idea to talk back to the brass, on duty or off, but you seem to have an ongoing reputation for it!
How come they didn=t throw you out of the academy? Gross insubordination they called it!
Anyway, your girlfriend is now Sister Margaret , so just what did you do to scare her away from men in general?
Well, take care of big brother. He can be a nuisance sometimes, but you know that after having had him as captain on the Nautilus. He just gets so wrapped up in own little world sometimes.
aka Edith, ha ha
melina gounaris
Dear Lee,
Thank you for the lovely old silver dollar! Just thinking about who may have held it all those years ago in the wild west. Maybe even Billy the Kid or Wyatt Earp? Who knows? What a great addition to my coin collection
I=ve decided not to pose in that magazine. After the last one, I was plauged with all sorts of calls and letters that were in very bad taste. How anyone can get so, so, amorous, looking at a girl in a wetsuit is beyond me! Some people!
Anyway, >Geographic= is coming here! To our little village! I=ll be taking them to Zeraff=s and to several of the reefs and ancient ruins. I wish you could be here for it!
Well, I have to close,
I miss you so much,
PS. I had a wonderful time when you were here last. Too bad it was only for a few days while you had shore leave. I told you the ancient ruins were really something to see. Even if they were mostly underwater.
Also, we certainly raised a few eyebrows in the village when we got back so late from visiting the mosaics. Interfering busybodies! We really did look at the mosaics, well, some of the time. I know I really only had eyes for you. Especially in the moonlight.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Just offshore Florida. No sunbathers here, just snowmen. The admiral=s gone ashore to see Dr. Melton and plans to fly to Washington tomarrow morning. Melton agrees with Nelson=s theory about Gulf Stream displacement. I hope Washington does as well. We just may be able to do something about it.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Alive by a narrow squeek! The jet I cancelled at the last moment exploded in mid air! I intend to be part of the formal investigation when I get back.
We=re going to locate and divert the cause of the Gulf Stream displacement.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Nelson believes there=s an undersea disturbance causing the drift. It may be near the Keys. Running submerged and continually taking readings.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Fire in the admiral=s cabin was probably caused by a chemical reaction. Spontaneous combustion. Only a slight delay to scrub the boat of smoke.
Examined and treated the admiral for smoke inhalation. We think the fire ws from a chemial splash on his clothing from the lab. Perhaps all the smoke will help him to kick his smoking habit, but I doubt it.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
On the surface. Exchanged foul air for foul. Tons on dead fish! Curly could have killed me for making him retrieve one of the little stinkos for the admiral to examine. Nelson=ll probably have to wear a face mask to endure it. But it could be a clue to our investigation. Especially as the thing=s radioactive! There may have been a nuclear explosion. We=ll follow the radioactive trail.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
After we spotted a whip antenae buoy, we were able to find an electrical beam. From it, we found a previously uncharted island. Will investigate despite Melton=s protests. I=m taking no chances. The landing party will be armed.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Melton had been wired! A human robot, just about. He=ll be fine now. Crane and his landing party had been captured but managed to escape with one fatality, killed outright by a man called Cregar. Cregar wasn=t just experimenting.
We jimmied the controls and got our of the area from a pretty big explosion. But now what it could have been otherwise.
When will despots ever give up trying to take over the world?
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
I regret to report the loss of Smith. Executed by Cregar, the mad would be world conqueror.
Underway to Pensacola. Already warmer.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
Drafted to catch a whale! Our mission is to locate this one. Supposedly a giant like Moby Dick. This big whale had smashed Dr. Byces= boat. We=re to find it and speargun it for an EKG.
Nelson knows I think the mission=s pretty looney and not a job for Seaview, but he=s the boss. Dr.s Walter and Ellen Bryce are aboard, so it=s batten down the hatches, full speed ahead.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
What an opportunity for research this is! Walter is absolutely right. Whales have tons of blubber and we get problems from an extra helping of pie.
Lee thinks I=m foolish, though he didn=t exactley put it in so many words.But that=s what he thinks, nonethelesss. I=ve always had an easy time reading his eyes, even when he was a ensign.
Seaview can go deeper and faster than any craft in the world and he knows it. So he=s just going to have to put up with it.
Walter is in good shape, considering his disabilities from the accident. Ellen is even lovlier than I remember. Oh, the distraction she was during my teaching sabbatical.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
The admrial has narrowed the search area. Walter Bryce is obsessed with this whale. He=s also rude, and has made insinuations about Nelson and Ellen Bryce. Seems they were an item once. I=m afraid it still shows.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I was wrong. Moby Dick lives. We found him, and he found us. Two direct hits worth. We are badly damaged and will be lucky to limp home.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Walter Bryce. He left the boat, harpooned the whale, got tangled up, and was dragged along the surface and then into the depths before we could help him.
Ellen Bryce is taking it well, considering. She=s confirmed his insanity.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Underway, full speed, submerged. Drafted again, or more politely, regquested, by the State Dept.to take a new king home to his country. His father was assassinated. Secrecy and speed, Mr. Johnson stressed. This king Ang may be his nations= only hope to avoid a full scale revolution.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=m uneasy. Lee thinks we=ve had a sub riding us piggyback. And the boy king claims he was attcked last night in his cabin. He may be telling tales abut the dagger was real.
Lee is convinced the only person aboard likely to attack Ang is Lee himslef! The boy is a royal pain the--well, Lee will just have to put up with it.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
There was a sub. We were attacked but eluded the torpedos. We returned fire, destroying it. No survivors after a breif search.
We did find, however, a castaway, drifting in a rowboat on the surface. John , he calls himself. He tells two tales. One, that he was a freighter=s captain and the ship went down, and two , that he was king of an island that blew up from a volcano!
Crazy or not, he keeps the boy occupied. And he=s cheered up the crew as well, all somewhat moody being stuck on assignment during the holiday season.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
In spite of a risky broadcast from Seaview, which reavealed our location, the boy=s speech helped to stop the revolution before it could really get going. It turns out that the royal governess was one of the revolutionaries and it was she herself that had attacked him.Twice!
It was John who stopped the second attack.
John is still a mystery. As the admrial and I witnessed the boy=s public affirmation by his countrymen, John just seemed to vanish. Nobody saw him leave and when we looked for him, he was nowhere to be found.
It=s all just too convienient. An assignment at Christmas, Picking John up near Christmas Island, and a spoiled brat turning into a royal king . I don=t know what to think.
Dear Pop,
Well, finally able to come home for some of the holidays. Would you believe it, we actually had King Ang aboard. I thought the skipper=d shove him into a torpedo tube and shoot him out he was so riled by the kid. A real Superbrat! But the admiral didn=t seem to mind at all!
Well, anyway, the kid softened up after awhile, especially after we picked up a castaway. So things weren=t too bad, in spite of being attacked by a bogey sub.
So we delivered a king to his country. Save me some leftovers?
Luv ya,
Emery Juvenile Detention Center
Boston, Mass
Dear Lee,
Sorry you couldn=t make it for the holidays. You=ve been such a big help to us and I now most of the kids missed you. You have such a way of bringing out their better qualities.
Thank you for the card and money. It will be put to good use I assure you. Hope you can drop by sometime you=re in the area. There=s always a place for you here, and not as an inmate!
Take care,
Edith Nelson
Dear Harry,
I=m sorry you couldn=t get off for Chirstmas. We were both looking forward to it, weren=t we. Wait til you open your Chirstmas card and present!
Oh, the music box was absolutely lovely. Really, Harry dear, you really do spoil me. Anyway, I=m glad you=re home safe and sound.
You won=t believe what I found in the family archives! Okay so it=s just the attic. Well, there=s an old diary of some kind, maybe even a ship=s log. It=s very badly torn and very scrungy, and very hard to read, so splotched and the writing=s super curlicue! I think it belonged to somebody called Shamus or something like that. There=s also what could be an O=Hara on it but it=s just too hard to tell. I=m sending it to your beloved historical society for them to decipher and keep safe.
You know Harry, we have to clean out that attic. Remember all the old boxes even great aunt Kathy couldn=t recognise? Well, they=re soaked. Water damage from a hole in the roof! So while a roofer is busy, Casey is going to cart them to the historical society and let them do all the yucky stuff like airing them out unsticking them.
I=m off to Miami for the New Year=s scifi convention. I don=t suppose you can take a few days off? You=d really like it Harry. You might even get a few chuckles out of it all. Let me know if you can make it? Please try Harry. You need a little sunshine and by that I mean, the kind only your little pest of a sister can give!
Ps. Maybe you can bring Lee?
Ellen Bryce
Dear Harry,
Thank you for the lovely card and present. It was very thoughtful of you and yes, I=d very much like to join you for a short trip to Disney World in Florida. I think we could both use the diversion and it really sounds like fun. You know, it has more adult visitors than children? I=m glad you were able to spend some of the holidays with your sister, though I=m sure you missed having her company for Chirstmas itself.
I=m writing a new book, and surprise, surprise, it isn=t scientific at all. It=s a romance novel, all about Captain Nemo=s girlfirend! Never thought it possible did you?
I was talked into it by a mutual freind, well, suggested anyway. Believe it or not, Captain Crane suggested I write a story my freinds might like. I thought he was joking but he said since he actually understood my techincal works, he could just imagine what a fictional story would be like. And so, my imagination is getting a workout. It=s been a long time.
And so, just tell me what to pack. I=ve never been to Disney World and three whole days there seems like luxury to me! An adjoining suite, Harry? Are you sure? Think about all the rumors! But then, who knows?
See you soon,
Diving & salvage
agean treasures
Dear Lee
Thank you again for the wonderful time in Monteray! I never thought a place in California could be so beautiful! And the scuba diving! I had such fun!
It=s a bit too cold just now for the natives here to skin dive, but our tourists are having a grand time. I >m so glad you suggested taking out an ad on television! Our little village is still quaint, but we=re actually becoming prosperous!
I wish I could have spent Christmas with you but I certainly enjoyed New Year=s ! How did you ever manage to get the airline tickets changed? I thought I=d have to spend all my time in California alone!
I=m sorry I didn=t get to meet your mother in Rhode Island. I know we would have really hit it off. The timing just didn=t work out did it. But I am glad to know you had a little time with her before I came out.
Again, Lee, it was wonderful and it was very very nice of you bring me out to the States for a short vacation. I wish you=d let me help pay for it all. But knowing you, that=s just about impossible.
I also really enjoyed Disneyland!! It was heaven! But it was a little hard to notice next to you! I=m still wondering if it was all a fairytale dream!
His Royal Majesty King Ang
Requests the pleasure of the company
Admiral Harriman Nelson
at the royal charity gala to be held after the Coronation Banquet
in honor of our ancient histories and legends
All proceeds will be donated to the National Medical Research Fund
Please come if you can. I look forward to hearing from you.
HM Ang
Dear Captain Crane,
I=m sorry you and Admiral Nelson cannot make it to the gala. I would have liked you both to be here. Believe it or not, I=m finding being king rather fun! But then, you know that! I do apologize for having been a Aroyal pain in the #$%&* A as my servants would say.
But I am trying, really I am, to behave as a good king and a good boy. John would want me too.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
The President has a subdural hematoma. He got it from a fall. Bad timing. He can=t be seen to be incapaciated or there mayh be trouble at the Geneva Peace Conference.
He=s been brought to us by diving bell. The surgical team is ready with the MGQ machine which will dissolve the clot without surgery. Laaura Rettig is activg for the inventor. Lee is more than a little interested in her. I can=t see it. She is not like his usual prey.
Examined and treated Clark for a badly strained wrist. It could easily have been broken and torn off if the skipper hadn=t gone after him.
Pretty tricky; live wires, water and the jammed ballast control. Even I know that beyond a certain pressure point the admiral would have had to flood the compartment. But Crane got Clark unstuck from the wheel and both are okay. My nerves, however, are not.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Brave lads I have, Crane and Clark. When a ballast control went haywire, Clark volunteered to go in an unjam the thing by hand. He did so, but his hand got caught in the wheel. Lee went in after him. Another second or so and I would have had to flood the compartment.
We=re nearing the rendezvous point.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Lee=s detection system worked. Rettig was our enemy agent. She=d rigged the MGQ to kill the president. It would have too, if Lee hadn=t stopped her in time.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
The president=s recovering nicely and is in good spirits. Though the conference will be delayed, it will be a short one.
We=ve been denied shore leave because the govt. thinks my crew will talk. I=d trust my men with my lifej!
Recommending Clark for advancement.
Edith Nelson
Dear Harry,
Paris was as bore. But London is awsome! The tower is really eerie but Windsor is great. The gala was very nice, but there sue were a lot of stuffed shirts. The royals were genial but seemed bored with the whole affair. No Prince Charming in the whole lot.
I can=t help wondering what you and Lee wuld have looked like here. In dress whites and all those ribbons and medals. Most men look good in uniform, even you.
As for Lee, well, he=s already gorgeous, but don=t tell him I said so, okay Harry? He hates being a Apretty boy@, as some guys taunt him with, and told me so when I saw him last. He even threatened to get a >butch= haircut to make himself unattractive, but I talked him out of it. He can=t help the way he looks! Please don=t let him shave off his hair! I don=t care if he hates it, I love it! Oops, did I spill some beans? Now if I could only get him to notice me! And don=t play big brother and stop me! Just kidding, Harry. Lee and I are only friends.
But he sure would have wowed all the damsels here, that=s for sure!.
The gala article will come out in about a month. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Oh, yes, some duke is going to ask you to help with something or other, but I forgot his name. Have a lot a earl grey tea handy?
nelson institute of marine research
Cdr. Lee Crane
We=ve just been informed that Admiral Nelson has been kidnapped! He=d been drugged on his flight, and was parachuted out of the plane with his kidnappers. No one else aboard was hurt. The pilot relayed the coordinates and at least we have a place to begin our search and rescue operation.
I=ve recalled all available NIMR staff and placed us all on yellow alert. There are a zillion reasons why anyone or nation woule want to abduct Nelson. Dangerous reasons. But if they=res a way he can escape he=ll find it.
Seaview will be underway in about 10 minutes and the president is aware of the situation.
Dear Pop,
We=re all getting antsy. Everybody=s given up hope and the skipper=s been ordered to Norfolk. Boy was he pissed! But Washington insisted. I don=t think the skip=s gotten any sleep for the past two weeks and is constantly checking all radio frequencies, even our own special ones and kid=s toys too. He=s convinced the admiral=s alive and will somehow get a message to us. I don=t know. There=s been no ransom and none of the spy guys have anything to go on. So maybe it=s all over. There=s the mail plane.
Luv ya
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
He=s alive! He got through on our own CW signal. Headed flank.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Bait! That=s what Colonel Schroder wanted Harry for! To get Seaview to come to his rescue. Schroder wanted the boat as a mobile base from which to control the world. But Harry=s little homemade bomb got him first. Whew.
Fellow prisoners are worn and thin but will be okay. Harry=s in pretty good spirits despite his ordeal. In fact, he=s opened up the bar to celebrate.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Ahh, home at last. Lee=s still a bit worried about me, but I think I=ve finally convinced him that I=m okay. I can=t believe the president almost went thru with his plans to grill Lee.
Crane=s always been a bit insubordinate, but ony when he=s right. And any hiring or firing of my employees is my business.
Joe Jackson
Honolulu, Hawaii
Dear Lee,
You enjoy risking court martial don=t you? How may times can you get away with sassing back to the brass? One of these days, Lee, you just may find yourself commanding a desk, or worse, maybe even finding yourself an Admiral=s aide!
Man, am I glad you showed them! And not just for your Nelson=s sake, but for all of us junior! Really gutsy Lee, dangerous, pig-headed, asinine, and a dictionary full of other like terms, but oh so good!!
Hear the president hasn=t even apologized to Nelson for giving up on him. The cold blooded nerve of the guy!
Glad you got your old man back, Seaview=s still yours, and when are you going to buy me a brew the next time you=re in the area? You owe me one.
Well, my master calls. Now what?
Take care Lee,
Glad you have the guts the Navy seems to have lost.
Nelson institute of marine research
admiral Harriman nelson
pres & CEO
Well, Lee looks like I=>`m dead or you wouldn=t be reading this. Until Probate is finished, I want you to head up everything and I`ve already made the necessary arangements. Edith shouldn=`t be a problem, except for the disposal of my remains. You may have to use a firm hand with her. You know how stubborn she is.
I`ve left my entire estate to her, as you=>`ll see when my will is read. I=`ve also advised her via another letter to listen to you. She has a good head on her shoulders and will make a reasonable owner of NIMR, especially as she already has a junior partnership with me.
But, I need someone with naval experience and just plain common good sense to head things up for awhile, especially regarding Seaview.
I want you, Lee, to remain in command of Seaview. She`s in your blood and my bones will rest a great deal easier knowing she=`s yours to command.
Edith will probably object to my last wishes, but I=`d like to donate any mortal remains to research. Everything. Even skin, toenails and eyeballs. Anything left that can=t be used for research or as an organ donation, just cremate and toss into the Marianas Trench. Always liked that spot.
I=`d like you to know how much I=`ve valued your companionship. How was it I put it once? That I was your friend, enemy, partner, rival, big brother, blodd brother and that sometimes I`d like to bash your head in? About sums it all up doesn=t it.
I hope probate won=t take too long. Take care of Edith. Take care of Seaview, but mostly take care of yourself. Wishing you all the best.
Harry Nelson
Harriman Nelson
Ps. Please, Lee, give the old girl a pat on the bulkhead for me once in a while. I alerady know you do. But tell me lad, does she ever kiss back? Ha ha.
cc: Special Services, USN
Miss Edith Nelson
Angie, file this letter away in the folder holding my Revised Will and Testament. Make sure Lee gets the letter before probate procedures. Thanks. Nelson.
Mr & Mrs Patterson
Dear son,
I=m so glad you got your admiral back safe and sound! And not only because he=s your employer. From what you=ve said about him, and what I=ve heard, he=s a very good man. I only met him briefly a few years ago at the institute picnic, and he was very polite and had very good things to say about you.
Tommy=s passed all his classes with high marks except PE. But he certainly gets enough exercise so I >m not concerned.
Sampson wags a hello and knows I=m writing you a quick letter, for he=s right here beside me and I=ll let him lick the stamp. Take it as a hello.
Use your shore leave wisely, I only wish it were going t be long enough for a visit, but we=ll just have to wait awhile won=t we. Seaview is always SO busy!
Take care,
Nelson institute of marine research
cdr. lee crane
De=ja=vou time. It=s official. Despite extensive search and rescue efforts, the Neptune has been declared lost with all hands. Admiral Nelson is dead. It=s difficult to accept.
Edith is handling it reasonably well but when she breaks down and sobs , I=m utterly helpless. We=ve all been walking around in a daze of disbelief and denial. But now we have to accept it. A very disturbing and depressing fact. And Harry=s lawyers didn=t help matters when the date for the reading of the will was set, as if it was just another job to get over with.
I=ve lost the very best friend I=ve ever had. He was really more like a big brother. And it hurts.
After all he just went through, now this. It just isn=t fair. But then perhaps it=s fate.
Seaview has been temporarily commissioned by the Navy for the Neptune investigation. She=ll be under the direct command of Admiral Jiggs Stark. It won=t be an easy mission as our hearts are pretty well shattered. If Seaview had only been seaworthy for the search and rescue attempt, we=d at least have had a chance--it=s usless to think about what if. We were in refit and weren=t available. Period.
We pull out tomarrow morning.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Stark is driving us crazy. We have to cooperate but it=s difficult with Capt. Bligh aboard. He just can=t comprehend that we=re not regualr navy. He=s too hard on the men and we are all weary of him.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
He=s alive ! And waiting for us to pick him up in Honolulu! Must have nine lives!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
The loss of Neptune was caused by electromagnetic radiation. It fouled all systems and caused magnification of coelenterate. Neptune couldn=t manuever and her reaction to the giagantic jellyfish was explosive.
I regret to report the loss of one of our divers, Baker, to the radiation . I will contact his family as soon as we reach port.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I must remember to thank the navy for Crane. Not only did he acutally mutiny and hold a gun on me, but he also saved all our hides.
By his mutiny, he dove the boat to pick up nanuvering speed in an effort to keep us from a briny grave, and action Strark and I thought was crazy at the time, the monster jellyfish being right in the area.
But Lee actually let Seaview get inside the thing and shot a charge through the hull. The giant coelenterate will not be munching on any more boats. But Crane=s issured a general warning to all craft about the area.
Chip told me that Crane noticed a change in my personality as soon as he pjicked me up in Honolulu. I=m just glad my alterations were due to an allergy to cortisone and not a result of the radiation that killed Baker.
Jiggs has changed his tune about Lee, and has made overtures to the Navy Reserve about a possible promotion. Not that it=ll change Lee=s mind about one. He=s already turned down a fourth stripe and will probably turn down another one too.
I=ve spoken with Edith and its music to my ears to hear her delightful voice. It will be good to see her. I did notice that she mentioned Lee in just about every other word or so, about his compassion and help. Maybe she has a crush? Maybe he has one of her as well? Hard to tell.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Proceeding home after a nightmare of a jammed Fail-Safe. Corbett=s disobedience will probably earn him a dishonorable discharge from the navy. Not only did he hesitate in following orders, he=d changed the settings of the errant system. He had decided to >show= the world the dangers of nuclear accidents. But the missile failed short of the surface. We recovered and disarmed it.
So his career is finished. But I feel caught in the middle. If he=d followed orders we=d probably be dead. Sometimes there=s a grey area and Nelson and I will make sure the board is aware of it.
Kowalski is okay after doc managed to pluck all the glass shreds that exploded into his eyes. No corneal or retinal damage, so he=ll be off girl watching again soon.
The magnometer explosion has made us all a little more aware of the dangers of our equipment.
Clark was near hysteria during our ordeal. I >m very surprised.
We will hold a complete review with the president.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Proceeding home after a nightmare of a jammed Fail-Safe. Corbett=s disobedience will probably earn him a dishonorable discharge from the navy. Not only did he hesitate in following orders, he=d changed the settings of the errant system. He had decided to >show= the world the dangers of nuclear accidents. But the missile failed short of the surface. We recovered and disarmed it.
So his career is finished. But I feel caught in the middle. If he=d followed orders we=d probably be dead. Sometimes there=s a grey area and Nelson and I will make sure the board is aware of it.
Kowalski is okay after doc managed to pluck all the glass shreds that exploded into his eyes. No corneal or retinal damage, so he=ll be off girl watching again soon.
The magnometer explosion has made us all a little more aware of the dangers of our equipment.
Clark was near hysteria during our ordeal. I >m very surprised.
We will hold a complete review with the president.
Dear Pop,
Well, we really had a weird adventure this time. Don=t laugh or think I=m looney, but we picked up a humanoid life form from a city buried beneath the sea. Nothing was able to open up his >capsule= til the admiral figured out to use liquid oxygen to make it brittle enough to cut open.
Anyway, the humanoid was alive! And it killed three guys with it=s ray gun and Foster with it=s own >blood=. Full of botulism. The creature, and he really looked like a human, wanted to kill all us humans. So the admiral figured out how to get him first. So we managed to trap him and burned the guy up. Pretty gross, hu. But very necessary.
Now the admiral has to figure out what to do with all the other capsules of his pals. So far, we=ve buried them with a landslide but he=s been talking to Washington. We might just have to use an atom bomb!
Well, the mail planes=s revving up,
Luv ya,, ski
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Proceeding home full speed. The admiral=s meeting with the security council in the hopes of figuring out what to do with the capsules of our humanoid freinds. So far it looks like only a nuclear explosion will do the job.
I regret to report the loss of Bakerman, Robinson, and Victors, killed by the humanoid=s weapon. I also regret to report the loss of Foster, murdered by the creature=s own blood. These life forms carry botulism and even a smidge could wipe out mankind.
We managed to destroy the one by timing and trickery. When he fired his weapon after the admiral, who=d already managed to get out thru the vent and sealed it, the resulting explosion consumed the humanoid completely.
I value life, but this was necessary. Especially as it intended to kill everyone on the planet.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
En route to the splash down coordinates. We=re looking forward to meeting a very brave astronaut from the probe.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Tomlinson, Mickensy, Simpson, and Lawrence. All four were killed by the astro-robot=s attacks. Somehow the robot=s programming went haywire or it was re-programmed .
We had a hard time getting rid of it before we all ended up as fish food. Nelson managed to lure it to the escape hatch and expel it just beore the bomb it had attached to itself blew. Another big whew.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
We are going to completely revamp our entire security system! I still can=t believe Mr. Logan and his cronies actually got aboard and hijacked us.
This man, who made headlines with his bank of England heist, used Seaview to demand the Mona Lisa from the French cruiser Lorraine, underway to an exhibition.
With limited manpower, it was difficult to regain control of the boat. But we did and now our buccaneers are in French custody.
Mona Lisa herself is undamaged and once again on her way to the show.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Romans and Weering in the line of duty.
Surprise and coordination defeated our hijackers and I=m glad to report that thier prize, the Mona Lisa is unharmed. Believe it or not, that painting is worth more than Seaview, in a monetary sense that is. Seaview will always be the lady of my life.
nelson institute of marine research
admiral harriman nelson pres & ceo
Santa Barbara, California, USA
Adm. Jiggs Stark
Dear Jiggs,
I=ve decided to place Seaview under Mr. Reston`s experimental SuperBrain computer for the upcoming Naval excercises. I thought you might be pleased. I warn you, Crane will be aboard as a kind of insurance. If we let the sub out witout anyone aboard, anyone could board and take her as >`salvaage`.
But he has orders to be an observer only, so if Seaview does well, you=`ll have to thank a computer. I hope this new brain works. It could be a vital new item for our armed forces.
All of my men have been granted shore leave, but I=`ll be at Ops for the excercise as an observer with Mr. Reston.
Afterwards, perhaps we can meet and have a drink or two.
Harriman Nelson
Examined and treated the captain for injured leg and ankle, almost cracked by a falling torpedo rack. He=d also sustained a fair amount of bruising, cuts , and scrapes, following his ordeal of cat and mouse with a foreign agent bent on killing him.
Pretty clever of our crafty Crane, using the ballast tank to escape the airless prison he=d been trapped in. I look forward to hearing more of the details in the official report.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
While Reston=s computer worked, it worked too well! An elusive enemy agent aboard managed to insert special programming. If He=d succeeded, Seaview would now be theirs and Lee would be dead >accidentally suffocated=.
Lee=s injuries could have been worse and he was only minutes from death from asphyxiation, before he used the ballast tanks to escape from his compartment of death.
But my boy managed to trap the agent, pinned him under the periscope and brought Seaview home. Lee=s in good spirits and Chip is treating him to a night out. A full dinner with entertainment. I=ve been invited and think we could all do with a little lite relaxation. I=ve asked Jiggs along but he=s made other plans.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=m going to have to have a little talk with Chip. But at least Lee enjoyed himself. I can=t believe the entertainment was a polite term for exotic dancers! I still can=t believe the acrobatic abilities of some of the dancers.
Maybe I=m an old fuddy duddy, but I found the whole thing in extemely bad taste and I=d like to think Crane thought so to, but I doubt it, he was drooling as much as Chip!
H. Nelson
We=ve been assigned a special mission which may be a great deterrent to war. Dr. Ulman=s new missiles, small but incredibly powerful, will be placed in undersea silos. Mr. Forrerster from ONI will be in charge of security and marines will be posted.
We=re just about ready for the mission to begin but I still feel Lee should have been here for the prep work. It=s not like Lee to just not show up for anything, private or otherwise. Even the admiral=s becoming concerned.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Well, he finally showed up! Claims he left word but I sure didn=t find any trace of it. He=s drawn and looks tired. Apparently his mother=s in the hospital.
Examined and treated Spencer for cardiac shock following and electrical short circuit in the inertial guidence system. He=s extreemly lucky and will be fine.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
For the first time in my long association with Crane, I found myself actually striking him in fury! I know he=s exhausted but I=m embarrassed by his shoddy handling of the boat and silo alignment. It=s just not like him. To top it off, he accused me of being a hypocrite! And that I didn=t care about the peace of the world! It=s as though he=s another person. I=ve sent him to bed while we heave to for repairs. It remians to be seen if he presses charges against me for striking him.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Well, Lee was a different person! In a manner of speaking. He=d been electro-brainwashed by the People=s Republic!! He even had drug induced schizophrenia.
This was no ordinary brainwashing, and I=m very concerned.
Fortunately his gunshot wound by Forrester is actually helping him to snap out of it. Lee had tried to shoot me and Forrester was ready.
Parker, our temp. Radioman may have been an agent or a victim of the same type of brainwashing. He exploded the observation nose plates! Agent or victim, we=ll never know, as he was killed before he could kill me.
We are continuing our mission.
Examined and am treating the captain for his bullet wound. I am far more concerned about his brainwashing. He is incoherent and schizophrenic. As drugs may have been administered under captivity, I can only let nature calm him down. From what I can gather from others, he must have gone through a terrible ordeal.
Crane is in bad shape. Violent tremors, hallucinations, and the conviction that I was trying to kill him! I had to restrain him with metal wrist and ankle locks. Finally he fell asleep, utterly exhausted, only to wake screaming.
He recognized no-one, not even the admiral.I hope there is no brain damage but will have to wait for imaging tests. I don=t know what to do otherwise. I jsut don=t know. He=s in torment!
Mission accomplished. Headed home.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
En route home. Lee is in bad shape.When I checked on him, he was actually somewhat hysterical and didn=t seem to see me at all. One minute screaming ANo! No !@ , the next screaming AKill Nelson!@ and so it went back and forth, tears streaming down his face as he fought the restraints.Doc has arranged for brain scans and more extensive blood tests. I just can=t bear it. My God, What have they done to him!?
The admiral, all of us, completley shattered. It=s heartwrenching to see Lee in such agony! For a moment, Lee seemed to recognise the admiral and began to sob uncontrollably. The admiral and I tried to console him, but he just collapsed. What can we do??
Nelson Institute of marine resarch
medical center
Upon further examination of CDR. LEE B. CRANE,we find no further trace of the mind altering drug we=ve given the name AGENT X.
The drug was discovered only via the ultraviolet scans ordered by Dr. W. Jamison. The drug apparently caused a domino effect upon Crane=s own brain chemistry, perhaps a precaution taken by his captors to prevent Crane from revealing his abduction. It was also possibly a drug which was used to lessen Crane=s resistance.
Finally, Crane=s own immune system kicked in and helped to wipe out the chemical imbalance and there is no further trace of any dysfunction.
Though exhausted from his ordeal, Crane is recovering satisfactorily. He may be released within a week or so upon completion of further tests.
Psychological counselling is advised.
Visitors will be allowed beginning tomarrow at 0800.
Dr. D.B. Bennet
D. Bennet
cc Dr. W.J. Jamison
lee crane
Dear Chip,
It sure is good to get back to normal. I=m still a bit weak and feel that Iv=e let down the admiral and everyone at NIMR. I know I=m not responsible but it=s still hard not to feel guilty.
I=d like to think Parker was brainwashed as well, instead of being a spy, perhaps the autopsy will reveal the same Agent X drug.
I was able to talk to Spense and even he=s not holding a grudge against me for his near electrocution. What a team I have.
Well, hope you enjoy a little time with your folks. I don=t suppose you could be persuaded to bring back a little extra pie for me?
Have fun,
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Well, all=s well that ends well. Lee=s got a clean bill of health, physically and emotionally. He=s still a bit broody, but that=s normal for him. He tries to hide his feelings, but I can tell he=s hurting from what he almost did to me and Seaview. He understands its not his fault, but because he=s Lee, I suppose there will always be a little bit of gut remorse.
In the meantime, I=m putting him to work collecting coral samples for me in the Aroras Reef. I=ll enjoy studying them and he=s enjoying the scuba diving in the area. Crafty fella, ain=t I? Seaview should have repairs completed by the time he=s finished collecting my samples. Of course, Angie is diving with him, so it may take longer than I plan. Ahhh. Nothing like a pretty girl to take your mind off your troubles. Hee hee.
Fiona Crane
Pawtucket, RI
Dear Lee,
Thank you for the lovely coral arrangements and beautiful shells. I >m glad you enjoyed collecting them with Angie. But then, that=s hardly surprising. She seems like a nice girl from what you told me and I=m glad she was able to give you a little companionship after a very trying time. I only wish I could have come out to be with you But it just wasn=t possible with the bone marrow donation for Aunt Ellen.
Chip Morton called me every day to let me know how you were doing and even Admiral Nelson called once.
They care about you a great deal. I=m glad to know they like you for yourself and not just for your sailing ability.
Perhaps you can invite them to come with you on your next visit? It would be very nice to meet them. Of course, I=d rather you bring Angie, but I know you won=t risk my motherly interference in the romance department. Sigh.
Anyway, here=s a care package for you. Please don=t give it all away! Hope you enjoy the new silk pj=s. I know you=d rather choose such things for yourself, but you deserve a little luxury and no-one will know. As for the rest of the goodies, most of them are homemade, but the Oreo=s aren=t . You can let Chip have some of them. Really, Lee, do you and Chip live on the things??
Well have fun enjoying a little time off, get lots of sleep and I mean the kind that keeps your eyes closed! Just kidding Lee, I know you=ve never, uh, well you know what I mean. Don=t share the fudge, chocolate chip cookies, or the gift certificates to McDonald=s=s!
These are for you. And if I sound like a mother hen, it=s because I am!
Love you,
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Enroute to the Vema Seamount. I=m uneasy. It=s treacherous but Dr. Janus insists that it=s the only place to collect his special elements in his evolution project. Nelson understands my concerns but has decided the importance outweighs the risk.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Well, our first mission casualty is Clark. He busted orders, changed our course, and was hysterical in his desperation to leave the area. I never would have thought it of him. His record had been outstanding. I=d even recommended his advancement. There may still be a chance for him, but I doubt if the admiral will allow it.
Examined and treated the entire bridge night watch for Araptures@. It appears that a thing growing in the ship=s lab absorbed our oxygen, leaving the men Adrunk@.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I should have listened to Lee and never even left port! Hull damage, systems failures, a crazed Clark, and that senseless glob of pulsating mass we created! It nearly caused our destruction. It destroyed Dr. Janus. We=ve destroyed the glop and I admit I was wrong from the beginning to tamper with evolution. The orignial idea was to prevent birth defects!
I doubt if I=ll ever allow Seaview to venture near the seamount agian.
Lee=s gone to bat for Clark but admits Clark=s attack on Janus has effectively destroyed any chance of Clark remaining aboard. I hesitate allowing him to remain at NIMR, even as a demoted staff officer or mail clerk.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission incomplete.
There=s nothing further I can do for Clark. What really irks me is that he had so much potential! But he crumbled under pressure, especially as his brother had died in the same area.Clark will man a desk at NIMR until the admiral makes a final decision about his remaining with us.
I=m really concerned about the admiral. For the first time since I=ve known him, he seems depressed, lost in thought, and chiding himself for the >foolishness= of the whole project.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Returning home at a fair clip after our little adventure with Dr. Winslow and Jenkins. The four scuba divers they=d captured and turned into slave-like amphibians have a good chance of becoming normal again, we hope.
Our own two divers will be okay after their stay in the deep freeze. Winslow and Jenkins just went crazy. An idea became obsessive and finally despotic. Jenkin=s death would have disturbed me far more but for his utter change in attitude and use of his slave drugs.
There will be a formal inquiry of the whole affair and a decision about the future of the undersa experimental post will be made afterwards.
Dear Pop,
Would you believe it, but the two guys we put in that underwater lab went nuts and turned themselves into amphibians! They even captured some skin divers, including a beatiful dame, and did the same to them.
Two of our guys almost ended up the same way.But the skipper had a hunch and had us make ozone generators and we got them all dizzy. Then we were able to get the bomb they were going to blow us up with and we shot it up out of the torpedo tube.
Doc thinks the divers will be okay but they=re still kind of docile like robots! Real spooky. Drugs, he thinks. The gills can be removed but we=re more concerned about tehm getting thier minds back.
Hey , made faster time than I thought we would, See you soon. Ski.
Examined and am treating Admiral Nelson for a badly festered gunshot wound, dehydration, anemia, and exhaustion from the Brynov affair.
I=ve put him on antibiotics and have ordered complete rest, despite his protests. The captain had to order him to cooperate.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Enroute to Washington with the useless microfilms and Brynov=s body in the morgue. This tyrant wanted the US to attack his country.
If we had, he could have played the hero and been reinstated to power. He was a cold blooded murderer and would have killed Nelson if he hadn=t needed him to stay alive in the liferaft.
Nelson actually changed the course so Brynov would think he was headed toward us.
It was vital that we not discover them too soon. Brynov drank sea water and it soon killed him. Nelson then turned the craft towards our location and we discovered the boat with a dead Brynov and an unconcious Nelson.
I understand there was a powerful storm out there as well. Might fine sailing Harry!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Headed home after having sustained severe damage from a giant manta ray! But it was hardly her fault. It was trying to protect her baby we had in the lab!
Capt. Adams had an obsession to prove his newly discovered species of manta had ultrasonics which caused and explosion which had killed his missile launch crew.
So without our knowledge, he magnified the baby=s cries. The mother manta battered us in her attempt to help it.
Adams, already on the carpet, has shown incredible lack of judgement, even though he did prove his theory of ultrasonic interference.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Enroute to investigate the loss of the Angler. Comsubpac has asked our help, and we=re just as anxious to find out what happened. Jim and Frank were good freinds, and it=s still hard to believe.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Impossible, but the tapes and logs brought up from Angler prove that Jim and Frank went beserk!
They even tried to kill each other! Jim killed everyone in the control room. Angler smashed head on into an undersea mountain.
We=ve expanded the temporary morgue and accounted for all hands. It was gruesome and my entire crew is shaken.
Harry and I noticed a log entry about an island. We=ve decided to check it out in the hopes of a possible connection as was hinted in the log. We=ll be taking the mini-sub as a precaution.
Examined and am treating the captain for hysteria. I have him restrained with a straight jacket and metal restraints. Extreemly viloent, he=s in a rage. I=ve never seen anything like it.
Evidently, according to the admiral, he=d eaten some drug affected berries on the island and the two of them were subjects of a mad experiment.
We=re sending Washington a complete report along with the chemical analysis of the drug.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Angler has been cleared of human error in her loss.
Briefly, General Tau of the People=s Republic captured Lee and myself and put us through isolated conditioning. We were then released and Lee ate some berries. But they were contaminated with the hate drug. He soon began to be spiteful, then hateful, then exploded into a rage against me. He almost suceeded in killing me after I=d fallen into quicksand. Still enraged, he started to try to whack me into it deeper with a heavy branch.
Fortuatley Chip and a team of men came ashore and were able to subdue him and pull me out. But it was close.
Lee is in sickbay, bound tightly. Jamison won=t sedate him because of the possible drug interactions. It will just have to wear off.
Not a trace of the drug left in the captain=s system. He shows no sign of anger except having been stuck in sickbay longer than he thought necessary.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Lee seems to be totally recovered from his experience. But he=s broody. He knows it was the conditioning and the drug that are to blame, but he=s shaken from it. So very close to disaster, for all of us.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I=ve relinquished command for the duration despite Nelson=s and Morton=s protests. I just don=t want to take the risk. Even Jamison has confirmed that he=s unsure as to my future behavior from the drug and conditioning.
Maybe I=m over-reacting, but I=ll never forget how close I came to killing my best friend !
What a weapon.. Nelson is sending Washington a detailed report and is busy in the lab working on a chemical antidote should there be any more of Tau=s hate drug out there somewhere.
Speaking of Tau, I wonder how they=re reacting to their own water supply, especially after Nelson put a hose from the tainted suupply into thier private one.
I hope Tau didn=t have many freinds!
It really could have been a disaster, for Harry,for Seaview, and for the free world.
Mr & Mrs Christopher Morton
Dear Chip,
Thank you so much for the kimono=s They=re both very nice, dear, and very comfortable. I=m glad you were able to have a little time off in the orient. Lee sent us a very nice postcard and a very pretty set of cups and saucers. He also said you were behaving yourself. Of course if he was with you, you would be. I wonder what you may have been up to otherwise?
He must have noticed my collection from around the world. Your fault dear. Ever since you started sending us cute little things from around the world. Our son the world traveler!
I hope you get a real shore leave soon for a visit. We miss you dear. So when you do get a little time off from your submarine and the institute, maybe you can make it home. Oh, and bring Lee and the Admiral if they=d like to visit as well. Lee can always use a little fattening up and Nelson just appreciates good home cooking!
Love, Mom
Chipper, heard about your little fa-de-ral with the Japanese girls, glad you had a friend to bail you out this time. Don=t worry, I haven=t told Mom, she just doesn=t understand guy stuff. Love, Dad
Stan Kowalski
Hey kid,
Glad you=re getting a litte time off. Sorry I can=t make it home for the fun. I sure envy you reving up Harley. Pop wrote and said you=ve had quite a few adventures I=d love to hear about, but they=ll just have to wait.
I can=t think of anything more boring than sailing around in a cigar tube! Even if it has a big window!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Headed home after destroying an enemy sub which was disquised as a sea monster in an effort to keep villagers form knowing it=s true occupation of trying to destroy a very top secret underwater installation.here in Scotland.Perhaps we should have asked the Loch Ness Monster to help?
Edith Nelson
Dear Harry,
Thank you for the nice woolen scarf from Edinburgh. A little out of your way isn=t it? You don=t dock anywhere near there if my geography is correct. So it was very thoughtful to take the time and trouble to send me a little something.
I would have loved to come along. But oh, Brrrr! Hope you had your long johns on!
How is everything Harry ? You haven=t written in a while and Lee hasn=t said anything about you, only his precious Seaview. Honestly. The saying is true. Pretty expensive toy, isn=t she Harry?
Well, I=m off to see the dentist, oohhh, ugggh!
NIMR notes
Preparing details of our top level assignment for Washington. Too bad there=s no time to really investigate Nessie?
Dear Harry,
Guess who=s not on shore leave? Seems your boy Crane took it upon himself to put in some reserve time and become a flyboy. He almost has his wings and refuses to tell anyone anything. I don=t suppose all this has something to do with that new toy of yours?
So if you haven=t sent him off to flight school and a stint on a flat top, he=s up to something all by himself. Wouldn=t surprise me. I understand there=s still a bit of a hassle with the FAA about the >flying submarine=, all about finding somebody qualified to test her out.
So I wouldn=t worry. Of course, I wouldn=t want to be in his shoes when you get your hands on him, if you never authorized him in his little stunt, that is.
Just thought I=d put the flea in your ear.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
This is going to be quite an adventure! We=ve been requested by the White House to be the test submarine for Admiral Falk=s experimental accelerateo-atmosphere device. If sucessful, we should be able to descend into the abyss wihtout so much as a wrinkle!
Our preliminary test will be made with the diving bell, which has been constructed out of the same basic materials as Seaview, to test strengths and weaknesses. Lee will be one of the men to ride the bell.
The bell=s had a serious accident! One man dead, three others clinging to life, including Lee.We=ve put them on 6,000 decibars of pressure in the decompression chamber but the outcome, according to Jaimie, is doubtful.
We almost lost them, but they=re out of danger now and in the last stages of decompression. Admiral Nelson has decided to delay any further manned dives of the test bell until we can find out what caused the loss of one fourth of their air supply.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Had a tight squeeze but we=re okay. Under presidential order we made the dive with Seaview herself. The exchange of atmosphere=s worked without us being crushed as thin as bathroom tissue. But with the death of Archer, we almost met our end!
It was Archer, Falk=s >assistant= who had really invented the device, making it work out of a simple idea of Falk=s. Falk didn=t even know how it worked!
So it was very difficult to figure out and get us back to the surface without ecploding or being bashed about by a rather hideous sea creature that saw Seaview as a toy it wanted to play with or as something to eat.
Falk, did in the end, do a noble deed. He dove outside the boat to distract the creature long enough so we could get away. Falk knew enough about deep sea pressure to realize it was suicidal.
Lee=s still a bit broody, even though he=d apologised for his previous coments and insinutations. But as I look back, perhaps his comments were justified. I don=t like to think I was jealous of the famous Bentley Falk but perhaps I was.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
I regret to report the loss of Archer due to a heart attack and the death of Falk in the line of duty.
The systems invented by Archer worked but it was Nelson who got us up and out of the mess.
Falk was a fame grabbing fake. Although Nelson is not going to expose him as such, he=s making sure Archer will get the credit for the device. I don=t think any sub in any fleet, even oceanographic will ever use it. The timing and logarithims are just too risky. And that thing down there. Yeech! At least the hull charge worked.
I could kick myself for acutally having thought Nelson capable of jealousy. Impossible.
Sailing blind as per orders so our newest little gadget, the Detection Navigator, can take over and check the location of our missile silos. Two special security officer=s aboard.
Nelson=s edgy. Under some pressure due to Edith=s accident in Canne. She=ll be okay but he=s been concerned.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Seavers in our little Acloak and dagger@ operation. Our defence systems are secure and the admiral no longer has to pretend to be a Atraitor@.
I also report the loss of Aour@ security agent, a real life enemy spy. When is it all going to end? It seems Seaview is a prime target for trouble.
Suffice it here, Edith Nelson has been safe and sound at home in the States while an agent posing as her helped to weed out the bad guys.
Edith=s invited Harry and me to dinner. Really looking forward to it. It=s been awhile since I saw her last. I don=t even care if she can=t cook!