Underway at flank to help the Navy discover just what=s causing widespread radiowave disruption. With us is Mr. Lindsay, noted scientist.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I find it difficult in reviewing the past few hours, how very nearly we were obliterated by another strange life-form. As much as I would have liked to study it, its malevolence and power made it difficult for us just to stay alive. Indeed, it managed to >take over= Lindsay and Crane.
Lee is okay now due to my counterprobe but Lindsay was killed by the creature. We were finally able to neutralize the creature and get the hell out of there before it disintegrated us from its nuclear power overload.
Radio disruptins have ceased.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Lindsay. Both of us were Apossessed@ by the creature but I remember little. Nelson=s promised me a full report. Lucky he knew what to do!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Enroute to Morcora. We=ll meet the advance party investigating this unusual volcano. Radioactive and increasing in it=s intensity. If it blows, hoo boy as Chip would say.
We are continuing to monitor Dr. Hollis and Dr. Witt, already on the island.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Dr. Witt, apparently killed by a wolf? Sending a team to collect the body, equipment and Hollis. What I can=t figure out is how a wolf came to be in the South Seas!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Another death! Beckman, who had piloted the flying sub was also killed by a wolf.
Hollis has been sent to sickbay with a badly scratched hand.
We=re going to fire delayed implosion torpedoes into the volcano to stop it. Hopefully.
Examined and treated Hollis for his scratches. Under microscopic inspection, there are rabies type virus activities form this wound.
Identical to that on Witt=s body. Nelson has been advised.
I never would have believed it! The virus has turned Hollis into what I can only describe as a looking and acting like a fictional werewolf! Possibly aggravated by his crazed action in the reactor room. Though Hollis is restrained, I=ll use extreeme caution in taking a new blood sample in the hopes I can come up with a vaccine for the virus. Remote possibility, but any hope is better than none.
Patterson, knocked out in the scuffle, is okay and has been released.
Just as I was about to draw Hollis= blood, he broke loose. Escaped both his straight jacket and restraint cell, he attacked us with unbridled fury and mauled Nelson.
Nelson=s blood shows the same virus. But I need Hollis= blood to prepare any kind of vaccine, and he=s jumped ship!
Crane has taken a team to the island as a good place to start a search, armed with stun guns and live ammo. He=s also taken syringes to draw blood, but he must find Hollis and do it before the island blows up. Good Luck Lee.
Administered the vaccine to the admiral. Hollis was killed on the island when he fell off a ledge and was mauled by a wolf. Crane was able to withdraw blood before he died and confirms that Hollis returned to human form.
Mission accomplished. En route home. Nelson and Crane with doc in sickbay to await microscopic outcome of Doc=s vaccine for the Admiral.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Seaview scrubbed and spotless for the arrival of Senator William Dennis of the Armed Forces Committee. A simple courtesy call but probably out to see the admiral=s newest baby.
The X-4 is able to track every nuclear sub in existence at a simple glance. Even Seaview=s on the board. The device could be a pretty big deterrent to further conflicts.
Examined and treated Patterson for gunshots. Apparently by Kowalski at point blank range! Rotten aim, thank God. Patterson will be okay without any long term complications.
Ski claims he was aiming at a monster and is in a state of shock. I=ve asked the captain to speak to him.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Well, Dennis was a grade A fake! He used his position and expertise of mass hypnosis to cause our boatwide hallucinations and our firm conviction that we were all a bunch of nuts! We even thought major cities of the US had been evacuated and that we were at war!
I even almost set the X-4 adrift! That=s what Dennis wanted. For his own personal power.
He was killed by his own stupidity in underestimating Nelson, who managed to stop him and one of his charges that he=d planted in the flying sub.
Due to the nature of things, only the bigwigs in Washington will be given all the details.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Lee and I have returned to Seaview following Dennis= funeral, and our debriefing.
Patterson is not angry with Kowalski and Ski is simply relieved that Crane saw the same monster. It seems Lee decided to test a hunch, locked himself in his cabin, and had Ski come to his cabin a little later. When Ski knocked, he heard shots fired and reported to Morton. When Morton arrived, he unlocked the door and they found Crane unconscious. When he came to, he explained he=d seen a monster too which Abroke into@ his cabin and tried to Aengulf@ him. So Lee cleared Kowalski and proved mass hallucination.
Dennis, we find now, was a master of it. I can only wonder why a man with his talent and resources could resort to despotic actions.
Dear Pop,
I=ll never tease Aunt Grace again. You really can be hypnotised without knowing it. I was! A whole bunch of us, including the skipper!
I can=t go into details because the skipper asked ( a polite way of ordering us) not to, but just let her know I don=t think she=s crazy fi the subject comes up.
Getting a little shore leave in Norfolk. Blahhh! Gotta be on our best behavior because of all the Navy brass there. We do their jobs half the time and they get grumpy if we get a teensy bit rowdy.
We never get that bad! Heck, we=d be fired! And working with Admiral Nelson sure has its fringe benefits. Such as the flying sub. The old man sure ought to put it on the open market. I=d be first in line to buy one, well, maybe second, right after the skipper!
See ya soon.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Proceeding to what we hope is the correct location for the Hydrylium ore deposits Dr. Spraque claims will revolutionize exotic fuels and space explorations.
The admiral is almost as excited as Sprague and thinks the site may be a gold mine of other mineral as well. He=s also enjoying the company of having another scientist aboard, someone who won=t nod off when he=s hypothesising aobut something or other I can=t even pronounce.
We=ll be using the diving bell and Sharkey will accompany Nelson and Sprague.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Enroute to the nearest port for repairs.
Sprague, Nelson and Sharkey are okay after thier little adventure. The bell=s cable had snapped, and the bell was snatched by a current and popped up in an island lagoon, complete with mists, hallucinations, AGAIN! And real live giant lizards! In fact the bell was crushed by one of the little?beasties.
Seismic activity is calming down after the great tidal wave destroyed?the island. Too bad we had to kill the great lizard. But it had Nelson trapped. I know he would have loved to examine it.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Continuing area wide sweep to see if there are any more alien crafts in the Indian Ocean. These aliens used trickery through simple toys to give us a very close call.
The toys, in a duffle >belonging= to Sam Burke, a castaway we picked up, were part of the plot. He was aware of it.
The toys were rigged as transceivers to probe, climb, crawl, and just about tear us apart as the spacecraft=s force field held us.
The admiral rigged a surprise for the aliens and managed to explode the spacecraft and we smashed all the robotic toys.
As I record this it actually sounds ridiculous, but it=s true.
Examined and am treating Patterson for massive radiation exposure from his attempt in damping the nuclear pile. The burn on his face is unusual and looks like it was made with a branding iron. Prognosis is terminal. He=s awake and has asked to see the captain.
Examined and am treating the captain for massive radiation exposure from his successful damping of the nuclear pile. Apparently he did so without asking for any volunteers, knowing it would mean his prognosis is terminal.
Examined both Patterson and Crane after both inexplicably recovered! There is no trace of exposure! I just don=t understand this at all. They were both at death=s door and are now absolutely okay.
Dear Pop,
Well, we were attacked by another alien. Only this time only the skipper and admiral saw the guy. I don=t know all the details but seems this alien wanted us to blow up the fleet we were meeting with and even disguised himself as the admiral and the skipper!
Gonna be an interesting story if they decide to tell us more about it.
See ya soon.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Another alien encounter! Well planned and almost our downfall.
Our alien caused the nuclear pile to run wild, Patterson went in and tried to damp the thing but the alien, disguised as me whacked him out.
Patterson received massive rays and was deemed terminal. After briefly regaining conciousness, I asked Lee to ask him to go back in as he was the most likely candidate and no other lives would be lost. But when Lee got to sickbay, he=d already collapsed again, thanks to our alien friend, I=m sure.
So, without asking or telling even me, Lee went in and damped the pile himself, in effect signing his death warrant.
As both were near death, the alien approached me and made a deal, which I sucumbed to. Both Pat and Lee were miraculously healed and then came payoff time. I was told to explode a missile at the fleet, which I refused, knowing Lee=s healing would be taken away by the alien and he=d be sure to die, a fact the alien seemed to revel in.
Then ACrane@ ordered me arrested. Only it was the alien. The real Lee was in horrible pain and was forced to push the button!
Fortuanatley I was able to abort it.
The alien=s supervisors restored Lee and Patterson to full health and our alien friend was recalled in great trouble with his superiors who don=t like failure.
This alien was a real image of evil, even if he did look like me at times!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Strange how Seaview has had so many alien encounters. Perhaps we sould put in for NASA funding?
The admiral seems moody. He told me about the alien=s little Adeal@ with him about saving our lives for a small favor later on. Some favor. But Nelson showed him refusing the ultimatim when it came.
I was compelled to push the button for the missile launch! But Nelson was able to abort it.
The alien was recalled by his people and Patterson and I are ourselves and healthy with no trace of radiation poisoning.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
We=ve recieved word of a diver trapped while conducting salvage operations of a wrecked sub.
We=re nearby and are enroute at flank, even though rescue ship A-37 is close. The problem is a hurricane.
Dear Pop,
Well, here I am with Stan at his base. Boy does he live well! I had no idea Navy diving specialists were so attractive to the gals.
Anyway, my boat=s at the bottom. We kinda got busted up when that sub Stan was working on exploded. He=ll be helping us out to salvage her.
Luv, \
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Back aboard Seaview. Still seaworthy. Owe debt to Stan Kowalski. He knocked me out and went topside himself in the pressure suit to get us help.
Rather surprised because of his earlier cowardice.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Back aboard Seaview with a skeleton crew as I=m not at all certain just how well she=ll hold up. The other sub=s explosion shook her up quite a bit.
Both Kowalski=s aboard and it=s hard now to see them together so friendly while before they were so bitter toward one another.
Ski had been with Stan >s refusal to swim with a part Nelson needed for the flying sub in his attempt to rescue us afer we were hit by the turbulence. The turbulence was caused by the other sub=s torpedoes, activated, and smashing into some undersea mountains.
I took the part over to FS1 in the pressue suit but had no experience with it so it was pretty trying.
The flying sub couldn=t make it up and barely made it back to Seaview. The admiral decided to use the pressure suit in an attempt to get to the surface for help, but Stan knocked him out and did it himself. Finally a show of guts.
He guided rescue diving bells to Seaview and is helping us out on our way home.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Bainbridge Wells is aboard. Quite a celebrity, but I=m surprised at Nelson=s argreement to an investigation with him.
Wells is a >user=. He >s freguently corrupted scientific advances for his own fame and wealth.
He=ll put on a good show but he=s hollow.
So here we go to Murro Attoll. That=s where he claims he can lure the creature which killed his production crew.
Patterson, given emergency leave for a death in the family, has asked to postpone it until after this mission. Very odd. He assures me he=s taken care of necessary details. Still, he insists he wants to go on this mission. I feel compelled to grant his wish.
Dear Pop,
Guess who was on an expedition with Bainbridge Wells? Yep, and whew!
You=ll see it all when the admiral realeases the nose camera tapes. The problem is that Wells himslef caused the deaths of his production team on his previous expedition. He tossed the lure device toward the camerman, who just happened to be Pat=s father!
Anyway, Pat had managed to find the camera magazine and there it was for the whole world to see. Wells story about his men panicking was balony. Even so, Pat busted orders to return to the boat and put us all at risk from the creature. Was the skipper ever pissed! I=m glad I wasn=t in Pat=s shoes.
You know I respect the skipper but when he=s riled, watch out. It=s not his words so much, but the way he looks right through you!
Anyway, be on the lookout for the news special on tv along with his interview about the whole affair.
All for now,
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the death of Bainbridge Wells by his sea monster. An entirely unknown species, larges ones and small ones, though the admiral hasn=t decided if the small ones are just immature or a separate group. We=ll investigate further,I=m sure of it.
As for Patterson--I realize his need to clear his father=s reputation, but he showed rather bad judgement and placed us all at risk. If he=d only come to me sooner, I would have arranged for a complete investigation. Though on official report, I=ve placed him back on duty. Especially important after his bout with one of the creatures that wanted to kill him.
NIMR notes
I=ve released all hands with the exception of Lee and Sharkey for the next two days. Crane and I will be undergoing a subliminal experiment. Lee thinks the whole idea preposterous but is willing to help me with any new scientific study.
Sharkey will be the control.
And so its off to the preliminary sessions. Poor Sharkey. Going to be rather a boring wait for him just to sit around while we=re behind closed doors.
ssrn seaview
Captain=s log
Well, subliminal stuff is for real! Very very dangerous!! Both Harry and I tried to kill each other! Each of us actually believed we had to ,before the other would !
To top things off, a computer voice told us where each other was, this hatch open, someone in that area, etc.
Sharkey, the control, was affected as well!
It was the admiral who was able to equate control room to >control= and it jogged his memory to the experiment which we had no memory of!
Sharkey managed to change the tapes before I bashed Nelson into the pressure hatch completely.
When the tape announced the experiment at an end, I suddenly remembered it all and pulled Harry out of the water.
I=m treating us all to a full breakfast at a good restarant . This was too close for comfort, and I need some real food to delve into to to help my nerves.
Sending a full report to the powers that be and all surveilance tapes. I can=t help feeling a bit guilty about the whole thing. I actually tried to kill Nelson and thought he wanted to do the same to me.
This subliminal persuasion stuff could be just about the most powerful weapon ever devised and I hope to God it never comes to use.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Well, here we are back to normal after a hair raising and horrible experiemt. Sharkey=s gone off to bed, Lee probably won=t even bother, and I could use a bottle of rum. This is one little experiment I never want to repeat.
I regret to report the loss of Poters and Kelly in the line of duty when both were killed by our alien invaders. I can=t reveal all details to their families as Washingtons put a lid on things, and as Sato Six was almost reactivated. It could have been a real disaster.
An official report has been sent to Gaines and I wonder if he=ll actually believe our miniature spacship story.
Nelson was able to discover their weak spot when the radium dial on his broken watch zapped one of them into oblivion. We were , with some difficulty and subrafuge, able to zap them and desroy their homing signal, which caused the remaining spaceships to leave our solar system.
Dear Captain Crane,
Thank you for your thoughtful visit, and kind words. It was a great comfort to know you won=t punish my son for his actions. He=d told me what he did about the Bainbridge Wells affair and how he endangered everyone aboard. So it was a bit of a surprise when you came by for a visit with us. I=m sure he was expecting dismissal from NIMR instead of his skipper coming by with a basket of flowers, cookies, and dog treats, in addition to tickets to the World Series.
Tommy had been so depressed and tried so hard to be the man around the house, but I=m glad you were able to convince him, and myself and his brother, that his father would want us to chose to live life fully instead of just surviving it.
It was also good for you to tell my boys that it was okay to cry. It=s expected of moms and wives but men find it difficult to let go. I know they both needed to, and now they can without having to feel like sissy=s.
Thank you for your compassion and wisdom.
God Bless you
Emily Patterson
Stan Kowalski
Hey kid,
How=s life? Got a real dish waiting to meet you on your next shore leave. I figure we can get together for a picnic or a night out on the town. Just don=t tell mom! You know how she gets! So picky! I just want to have a good time! She wants me to settle down! Me?? A married man?? Ha!
Well, thanks for letting me rev up and take out Harley once in a while. Needs a bit of spit and polish though. But I figure I=ll let you handle those details, I=m just a diver for the Navy, you=re more of a grease monkey. Just how many jobs do you have on your bubble boat? By now, you ought to be her captain! Just kidding. I know how possessive you are of your skipper. And to think you actually wanted to stuff him into a torpedo tube once! Well, enough gab. My date, HOT DATE, is waiting. See ya.
Dear Lee,
It was good to see you again. Yes, I agree. We both need time to think about things. While we=ll always be friends, I do think perhaps ours is only a shadow romance, nothing of substance, just like you said. I know it was hard for you to tell me but I=m glad you were honest with me. Both of us were lonely and needed a little companionship. I still hope our friendly relationship may develop into romance but I know if you don=t feel anything, then perhaps it just wasn=t meant to be.
The TV ad has boosted our little village into a hot spot for divers and tourists, and I know it=s all due to your influence. How can we ever thank you?.
Write now and then?
Always your friend ,
Dear Harry,
Well, they=re finally putting me out to pasture next year. Got any room for me?Just kidding. Crane wouldn=t like it, I=m sure. He=s got enough trouble just dealing with you! Ha ha.
I=ll be seeing you next time you=re in port if you like, and we can do a little girl watching. You ought to know how!
Rumor has it you may already be hooked! Who is it? A young patootie or a sedate matron? All kidding aside, Harry, you really should consider settling down if anyone will have you. You=re not getting any younger, and soon all you have to offer any dame is dough! Of course, they like that too, so who knows?
See you in port.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
The strange occurences we=ve been having seem to have stopped. There had been several reports of strange sounds, including laugher which sounded remarkably like Nelson, reverberating through the boat=s ventilation system.
I suspected a practical joker but the vents are clean and no-one would dare! Not with the admrial=s voice.
We did have a possible systems leak and did sight a square rigger topside, which lobbed depth charges at us!
There is just no explaination for these things and the rigger is gone from sight , not even on radar.
The admiral has no explainations but I can=t help feeling he knows something.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Had a visit from another ghost. Capt. Shamus O=hara Nelson. An ancestor! It was he who caused all of our little troubles, trying to get me to cary out his pennace! The nerve of the man, ghost rather, trying to lure me away with tales of adventure and sailing the seven seas, while driving my crew nuts.
At least I was able to get the upper hand after I found out he was a scroundrel. Doomed to sail the very seas he disgraced as a slave trader.
With my knowledge of his cure he finally gave up and went back into his invisible world. I=m not even going to attempt to tell Lee anything about this.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Enroute to the Wilson undersea lab with Ben Wilson. His twin brother John has reported a breakthrough which may end world hunger. It=s odd but even at this distance, the two have telepathy.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Reporting the loss of Ben Wilson , killed by his brother John in the reactor room, done to save our lives. Long story, very tired.
Ben was using radiation to create human like responces in plant materials, and made in effect, plant-like creatures, which almost destroyed us. Ben wanted to irradiate fragments left after we exploded one of the things, to make an army of them!
John was able to defy him and prevent the fragments from growing and Nelson was able to destroy the remaining plant creatures with Liquid Oxygen..
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Nearing rendevous with the plane carrying the new Cessium-7 bomb. With us is Mr. Bradley, an amicalbe expert in this weapon.
As much as I=m for defensive weponry, this one unerves me. It=s just too powerful and I=ve too many would be despots who would just love to get their hands on something like this.
I don=t think the admiral=s too thrilled about this assignment either, but we=ve got a job to do so neither of us has objected.
Our job is to pick up the bomb and deliver it to the special weapons facility.
Examined and treated Kowalski for his gunshot in the shoulder, made by his and Crane=s captors of the submarine Vulcan.
Examined and treated Crane for brusing due his captors on Vulcan.
Examined Bradley=s body, death caused by crushing by the bomb which rolled over him.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Washington=s very upset about Bradley and its impossible to know just which nation he and the Vulcan were in leauge with.
There will be a complet security sweep of all levels of all departments in any way connected to defense.
Crane and Kowalski were barely able to excape the Vulcan before I fired on it and destroyed it. If Vulcan had fired on us jsut a few seconds sooner, the still activated bomb would have exploded and destroyed half the world.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Reporting the death of Bradley, agent for a still unkown power. His contact, the sub Vulcan, downed the plane carrying the bomb.
Seawater activated it. Ski and I in the flying sub tried to distract Vulcan from Seaview and Nelson had to deactivate the thing, especially difficult due to its design and Bradley=s secret communication with Vulcan!
Ski and I were taken prisoner by the Vulcan after the flying sub was downed. We were taken to the brig, but fortuately with the help of some gas grenades we were able to escape and keep Vulcan busy for a while. Then , barely had we left the boat in antiquated scuba gear, the boat exploded, fired upon by Seaview. Glad we didn=t try to leave in the captured flying sub!
Ski is okay despite having been shot in our little skuffle of escape and Sharkey is livid about Bradley, a former childhood friend .
Of course Sharkey=s depressed and upset about it all. We=re all a bit overawed about how close it all came to Kablooie. But Sharkey won=t quit apologising! If he doesn=t settle down soon, I=m sending him to sickbay and have told him so. I=ve also asked the admiral to talk to him.
Speaking of the admiral, I=m very glad he figured out how to disarm the bomb! I doubt if anyone else could have.
I think we could all use a drink or an extended shore leave!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I find this incredible but true. By turning an inside reactor dial by hand to prevent a shutdown of the nuclear pile , the admiral=s >dead=virus reactivated.
This gave him horrible bouts of the >werewolfism= Dr. Hollis had experienced previously. In the hoplessness of the situation, Harry snuck into the diving bell and cut the cable, in his hope to sacrifice himself from harming us. But he may also have been attempting suicide.
Using the new remote, I popped the bell up and he emerged, normal, with no further trace of the virus, dead or alive. He thinks it was the sudden change o fpressure forcing increased Nitrogen into his system that cured him.
We=ve checked, double checked, triple checked, and quadruple checked his blood, tissues, microcellular levels, etc. and he has a clean bill of health.
He doesn=t know weather to scold me for busting his orders to not bring him up from the depths or to treat me to a mug of rum. At least that what he says.
As for the Colulmbine, in need of rescue, all hands were safley removed by another vessel in the area.
Mr & Mrs Christopher Morton
Dear Chip,
Oh, it was good to have you home for a few weeks. I hope you can get more time off again soon. Don=t worry, I won=t pester the admiral about it. I=m just being a mother. I miss you!
Now, about Angela. Aren=t you serious at all? She said you gave her that impression, and she was very upset when you went out with Becky. Really, Chip, why lead them all on? Oh, I know, just >friends=. One of these days, Chip, you wont= have any >friends= left because they=ll have given up on you and married others. Do you really want to be an old bachelor like Nelson?
Please, Chip, settling down isn=t so bad. In fact, marriage can be very fulfilling.
Well, I won=t pester you anymore this letter. Just remember, you=re not getting any younger!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Underway to locate a new lifeform Dr. Horace King created but released into the sea. Nelson is furious, but holding back his temper and bringing King aboard despite the unethical act, to help in the search.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Dr. King.
The creature he created had grown into an enormous thing and was malevolent. It doesn=t seem possible now, but it actually took over King=s mind , mine, and several of my crew!
It would have destroyed us all but the admiral figured out how to destroy the thing and we just wilted, waking up to our normal selves again.. Hopefully.
Enroute home for shore leave . Including Harry. While he insists he doesn=t need one, I=ve told him I=d personally make him walk the plank if he didn=t get a little rest!
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Anxiously awaiting info from Brit intelligence on our two guests from the deserted undersea bunker. I haven=t told Lee my suspicions. He could think I=m crazy.
I=ll be taking Sharky with me to investigate the bunker further.
Well. Nelson is right. Suspended animation is factual. Von Neuberg and Froelich proved it.
The nazi=s almost launched nerve gas missiles from their undersea bunker/lab and it was up to Seview to again save the world.
Poor old girl, seems to be her main job . Perhaps I=m being flippant, but for a research vessel she sure puts in a lot of govt.time and those assignments never end up in National Geographic!
As for suspended animation, well, I wonder just who else may be out there?
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I find it very difficult to record the past few events without wondering if Ive lost my mind.
We=d recieved a distress call from Arctic Space Listening Station XZ-5 and when we arrived, it had been utterly destroyed. Larson was dead. Bergstrom was in bad shape and we found a strange glowing block of ice, which we brought back to theboat. Big mistake!
The glowing ice was actually an alien, fire like, and nearly killed Nelson, all of us, with flame and heat.
Evidently, according to the admiral, it wanted a thermal heat ray from the Seaviw to free other aliens who=d landed on Earth from a lazer beam.
Sounds like a very bad movie but even Bergstrom confirmed it and told us how to destroy the thing with Liquid Oxygen, which we did. But I regret to report that the thing killed Bergstrom.
Just how we report all that happened to the Norweigian authorities is still undecided.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Myths and lore of hte sea can be fairy tales but our recent adventure was far too real. We encountered strange life forms, rock-fossil like men, older than recorded time who had transformed Capt. Wren of the British Navy into one of them. When=s sub was lost more than 30 years ago. The rock-men made him their leader!
It was he who ordered the capture and tansformation of Richards, later killed by Ski in self defence. We had to stop our missiles from being fired as Wren wanted and through diversion, Crane was able to sneak into the missile room and disarm them.
So we were able to thwart them and get away. Ski managed to dispose of Wren.
Lee was hurt in the frackas but is far more tolerant of Wren than I am.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Richards, killed in the line of duty, as he=d been taken captive by Wren=s fossil men and transformed. No longer himself, I can=t blame him for anything.
Recomending immediate leave for Ski, good friend of Richards. It was Ski who had to kill Richards and I=ve spoken to him. He seems okay, but I=m sure he should have a little time with his family.
Also reporting the loss of Capt. Wren. I=m convinced his real nature was either supressed or destroyed by the fossil men as they transformed him into the madman he=d become by the time we found him.
Sighted mermaid, caught same.
Never again will I ever even try to capture one. I should have known better. But simple curiosity led to complete obsession and I fell under her mezmerizing power completely.
I just should have realized. The consequenses were fatal. I don=t know if the sea creature looking for her was her husband, boyfriend father or pet, but it sought her with a ferocity and killed Tompson who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The creature was similar to Borgman=s manfish, perhaps even one that got away, but I digress.
I=ve arranged a meeting with Thompson=s family and have no idea what to say. I know I could let the admiral handle things but its my responsibility and even though I was not exactly myself, Its still my fault.
On the brighter side, we would probably never found that unlocatable bomb and disarmed it without the mermaid=s help. I=m glad I had finally come to my senses and spoken to her and released her. Some sort of gut feeling that she could understand me and our little problem. As much as I long to see her and her friends again, I know that I=d probably never come back up for air. Mermaids are just too mezmerizing for mankind.
While several crewmen suspect we had a mermaid aboard, no-one but Nelson and I actually saw her. But I doubt if anyone will say much. No one wants to end up being thought of as crazy.
Perhaps its best if everyone thinks they=re just a legend. It would be horrible for her and all her friends to be studied and disected. Gross.
I=ll never forget this adventure, that=s for sure. Really something for the books. Too bad it has to classified as fiction, even though its all fact.
Dear Pop,
You=re not gonna believe it but so help me its true! The skipper caught a mermaid! A real live mermaid! He set her free though and she actally helped us find a superbomb we had to disarm. Oh, yeah, she sure had an ugly boyfriend and was it ever mad! I don=t think the skipper=s ever gonna try to catch one ever again, though I kinda think he=d like to.
He=s pretty upset about Thompson getting killed by the thing that came looking for her. I think he kinda blames himself for having brought her aboard in the first place, but how was he to know the thing would come looking for her and go nuts.
Well, gotta run, looking forward to shore leave!
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=ve placed Morton in comand til further notice. Doc agrees. Lee is showing signs of nervous strain and has had bouts of dizziness and blacking out. Couldn=t come at a worse time. This mission is important and could help avert a war. This mummy we=re carting to our allies will help calm the dissidents.
Mission accomplished. Not with any ease. Our ancient mummy decided it didn=t want to go home. It came to life, killed Simpson, pushed a lot of us around, took over the captain to sabotage the flying sub and Seaview, and we were only able to stop the mummy by giving it a live discharge from the reactor. Enroute home and wondering what next.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Informed Chip of all details about Lee and the mummy, now safely tucked away in its own country. Lee seems okay but broody. While no longer under the mummy=s control, I agree with doc to keep him on the sick list under observation. What a tale.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I still thinks it=s a long shot, but Seaview=s been requested to be the flight control center for one of our interstellar space probes, and with only a 6-man compliment no less! Security!
Seaview was not designed to be an empty boat but here we go. Nelson and Morton are the only ones aboard briefed about the mission details and I=m uneasy.Maybe I just don=t like being left out!
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=ve accepted requests for Seaview=s services as the launch control center for the Centari Space Probe. Chip and I are the only men aboard with the vital operations info. Lee thinks I=m nuts to accept the request and its obvious he doesn=t like the idea.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Mission accomplished.
No thanks to me! I was actually taken over by an alien! And from the very galaxy the space probe was being launced to . In fact, just about all of us aboard were taken over in the alien attempt to keep the launch from happening.
It was the admiral=s ingenuity again that rid us of them , their spaceship which had engulfed us, and get the probe launched.
And I=d even shot Nelson and Patterson!
They=re in the nose, Patterson, patched up by Nelson, makeshift medic and we=re all going to relax on our way home. We=ve even opened up the bar. Chalk up another one for Harry Nelson, admiral extrordinaire.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
Investigating what appears to be an undersea lab, non-responsive .
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
We=ll never know the details nor the reasons for the undersea lab, but my guess is genetic research. A gigantic Man=o=war jellyfish, sonic interference, and our being rammed by an unidentified sub; all gave us a great deal of trouble. We=ve lost several men, have numeruos injuries and Seaview is badly damaged.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of 12 souls aboard and have already notified the Institute to begin arrangements. I=ve also informed authorities as to the locataion of the lab and crushed sub, still unidentified.
I=ve asked for an official salvage operation in the hopes for any clarifiyinig info.
We=re headed to drydock for complete evaluaton.and repairs
Dear Pop,
Well, I almost got eaten by a giant jellyfish. Don=t laugh. It=s all on the nose and deck cameras. Ill try to get a copy made.
Anyway, some wierdos, we don=t know who, had a lab and must have done something to make the jellyfish so big. At least the admiral thinks so. They even had their own sub which rammed us to try to keep us from asking any questions.
We got busted up pretty bad and lost 12 guys, And almost 15, when first the skipper had to recsue Clark again from a jammed cog and then when he got the admiral out of a flooding compartment. So it was pretty hairy.
Anyway, finally got the ballast pumps working and then we killed the jellyfish with missiles, just after the skipper, Pat and I got out of the thing! We=d been swallowed by it while we were outside investigating.
Sharkey used his noggin and they irritated the thing with our air hose.
What a day! Home soon. No jello please!
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
While taking specimens of the area, we noted the possibility of an uncharted island sworn to by many sources, supposedly full of unusual creatures, amphibean in nature.
If I hadn=t already experienced the unsual with Seaview, I would have laughed it all off. So it=s off on another voyage of exploration. The admiral will conduct an arial search.
Dear Pop,
Well, the skipper did it again! We=d been attacked by weird aliens and the skipper and I were actually captured by them when they=d attacked the flying sub. Its a write off. The admiral must be foaming at the mouth.
Anyway, the skipper manged to get us out of our predicament and destroyed their firing system which was going to destroy Seaview.
Meanwhile, one of the amphibean aliens hatched from an egg that had been hauled aboard and it caused all kinds of chaos, and killed Stanley.
The admiral had to fire missiles at the island, actually their hatchery, so it ws plain luck that we were able to get back to Seaview before we ended up as fish food. Whew.
Luv, Ski
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I regret to report the loss of Stanely, due to an alien attack from they Scorpius Star Stystem.
Nelson managed to destroy their island hatchery despite a great many problems caused by one of them aboard.
The flying sub is a total loss.
Special commendation for Ski , steadfast in a difficult situation.
So far, if memory serves, we=ve only encounterd one reasonablely friendly alien. Perhaps we should advise NASA to forget all about space exploration as a complete waste of time. Just kidding, but the problems so far!
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Scratch yet another flying sub. This is getting very very trying! But I still have Lee and ski and Seaview. More proof to send to NASA.
Very proud of my boys.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=ve agreed to ship statuary for the State Dept. There=s to be a special exhibit in Washington. Supposedly the wax statues are from the lost continent of Atlantis. Absurd or not, a stint as a cargo ship will help pay the bills.
We=ll get underway as soon as Lee gets aboard. Soon I hope. He=s a bit late. Probably saying goodby to a friend , of the female variety, no doubt.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
How Lee will record this little adventure in his log is beyond me. I=m still having a hard tmie believing it. I=ve arrangd immediate changes in our security procedures ashore and aboard.
Hijacked. We were hijacked! And by one little man! Embarrassment aside, he almost killed Lee, who saved all our hides.
The little man, a midget, stole Seaview, and had placed our entire compliment in suspended animation. Meanwhile his zombie lookalikes took over the boat. The whole world would have believed them to be us. And we=d be who knows where. Prisoners, no doubt.
Lee had been late so he came aboard a boat load of wax dummies! He figured something was wrong with the way they all acted and soon it was he alone against them and the little man.
Well, he suceeded in melting them and saved the boat. WE=d been placed in the same boxes they=d come aboard in! I=m treating him to dinner when we get home but not at Chip=s little nite spot! Ski=s told me of a nice harbour spot that has good food and mild entertainment. Even Sharkey=s agreed its a nice spot for dinner.
ssrn Seaview
captain=s log
Mission a complete and utter failure, but the State Dept..is taking the blame for it. The statues were stolen and replaced by the little man with his zombie like robotic wax dummies.
He=s still a mystery and the FBI=s been called in to try to figure out how he did it all. And the possible location of the real statues he swiped.
It=s still hard to believe how he got past our security and made the wax zombies. A genious no doubt, and the sheer gaul of it!
I >m glad he made them of wax. If they hadnt= been afraid of fire, or heat sensitive, I don=t know what I could have done to stop them.
What a mess to clean up! Melted globs all over the place! Glad the boat heat systems worked!
I think I need a vacation.
Dear Pop,
Wow, You=re not gonna believe this one, but here goes. A midget guy, dressed as a clown, managed to sneak aboard and activate his wax robots that looked like all of us. He >d managed to put all of us to sleep with drug darts.
The skipper got aboard and it was cat and mouse for awhile after he noticed the >replacemnets= weren=t exactly normal, and the little guy wanted him drugged or killed. Anyway, he saw they were afraid of fire, one thing led to another, so he heated up the boat full blast and they all melted!~ The little guy got zapped when he leaned on some wiring.
So chalk up another one for the skipper.
The admrial=s asked about a good place to eat, so I mentioned theHarbour Lights. The food=s good, But I didnt= tell him about the other stuff, you remember, But it=s time he had a good time.
NIMR medical center
Examined and treated Miss Katie Connors for a bruised arm. She offered no explaination.
Examined and treated Commander Lee Crane for a black eye, four large bruises to the abdomen, a bruised rib, a cut lip, a bloody nose, and a twisted ankle. He offered no explaination.
L.Baker, Md.
Harbor Lights Resaraunt and Lounge
Good food and Entertainment
Admiral H. Nelson
Dear Sir,
Please remit $ 3,708.87 for damages incurred to the premises. There is no need to object for we have several witnesses who have confirmed that the entire disturbance was begun by two of your employees after your departure. Police took them into custody with 14 of our patrons.
J.D. Dunnbar
Adm. Harriman Nelson
Santa Barbara, CA
Dear sir,
All employees of the Nelson Institute of Marine Research are hereby restricted from entering any place serving alcholic beverages until we have your personal guarentee that no further frackas as has occurred at the Harbour Lights, will never happen again.
JJ Sorell
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
Had a little talk with Lee and Miss Connors.I=m absolutely outraged! Harbour Lights and the Police have no right to make them scapegoats! As for the brawl, it was started by one of the dancers!
The girl was upset by Lee and Katie=s arguemnt about her performance and splashed water in Katie=s face Aaccidentally@while waiting tables. Katie tripped her Aaccidentally@ and when Lee tried to stop the two from any further battles, the bouncer wouldn=t let him, so Lee punched him and the brawl began in earnest.
If there=s money to be owed, its the dancer and the bouncer that should be held responsible, for strting and encouraging the fight. And the police and H.Lights are going to know about it.
Katie is still upset, especially about getting booked in jail for a half hour.She almost added another black eye to Lee=s collection of bruises, in spite of his defense of her. She=s mad at him for having enjoyed the dancer=s performance. Good grief, of course he enjoyed it. He=s only human, and its not like they=re married or something.
While she was blasting him, back here, without seeming to need a breath of air, he suddenly took her in his arms and kissed her. Passionately. She was furious! But only for a little while.
They were still smooching after I=d said my goodnights.
Personal Journal
Harriman Nelson
I=ve released all but essential personnel for this mission we=re undertakig for Washington. The global disasters we=ve been having appear to be connected to a strange cloud in the Pacific. Rather massive and it even looks like an A-bomb explosion.
Prior investigations have been fuitless, loss of life is great, and nuclear blasts have failed to penetrate the thing. It looks hopeless, so Seaview=s been drafted to do the honors.
Lee=s made crew assignments, all volunteers.
Lee=s even optomistic, another adventure! Sometimes I think he needs his head examined.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
The admiral is sending Washington a full report, with all of our security tapes, vidcam recordings, the lot. Without them, our tale reeks of bad movie science fiction.
Nelson did it again. Saved the whole planet from aliens, again.
This time, they were strange metalic beings, who=d been mining the earth and anxious for it=s destruction.
I myself was abducted, studied, and my body was used as well, in their effort to stop Seaview from destroying them.
The admiral managed to fire our nukes in to their cloud and Powie! The cloud was destroyed and I was released from my captors.
Already earth is stabilizing and we=ll hang around to check on radiation levels, thought the cloud seemed to absorb most of it.
I wish I had been able to get in on the action.
Edith Nelson
Dear Lee,
Only you could have thought of a weekend in Topeka for my birthday! It sounds lovely. You know how much I enjoy watching storms and this tornado conference sounds wonderful. All sorts of video=s and first hand experiences. I just wonder how you=ll be able to survive being land locked in Kansas, hundreds of miles from any large bodies of water!?
And how will you explain things to big brother? He just might not believe we actually intend to use separate accommodations. But now that I think about it, hmmm,...just teasing Lee.
Can hardly wait for all the fun.
Underway on an unusual request by the govt. We=re to assist Dr. Land in the recovery of Zycron 143, a newly identified element that could, according to Land and Nelson, be developed into the ultimate weapon.
Unfortunately, Land believes a natural storehouse of the element is under the seafloor. Just how deep is anybody=s guess.
ssrn seaview
captain=s log
I owe my life to Chip. He ordered a rescue team to check on Land and myself, trapped in a cave-in, caused by a brainwashed Nelson!
We know which nation is to blame. /They=d brainwashed and ordered Nelson to locate the element , kill us off , and destroy Seaview.
Nelson=s okay now , but sitting here recording all of this for some remote posterity, it seems impossible. But having been brainwashed myself, I of all people, know how difficult is to fight it off. They always win.
It was a lazer blast to Nelson that helped him to snap out of it and he was able to stop the reactor from blowing us to Kingdom Come.
Strange set of events again for Seaview. Headed home at standard.