............ Goodbye ............. Coming Home .......... Fort Worth Blues ......
O ye beloved of God, be not grieved when people stand against you,
persecute you, afflict and trouble you and say all manner of evil against you.
The darkness will pass away and the light of the manifest signs will appear, the veil will be withdrawn
and the Light of Reality will shine forth from the unseen Kingdom ...
(Baha'i World Faith p. 395)
The darkest of shadows are not completely void of light
The clearest of Divine Mirrors fall short of True Images for the human mind
The dross of time presents the obscurity of meaning created by the imperfect light of evening tide.
And it's hard to tell what is real and important once the New Dawn appears!
Know that Darkness is only the absence of Light
And it is Light that gives Life to the human Spirit
That much needed Light is captured in the Revelation of the New Dawn
Open your hearts ... Open your minds ... Grasp its life giving light.
To find the underlying meanings within all things
It is in the seeking, leaving no stone unturned, that one finds
That the True Seeker will become united with his Beloved
And this my friend will be amply reward!
- seefan
............. A search for meaning
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