Welcome, brave soul, to Pythia's essays menu. The opinions expressed in
the pages to follow reflect *my* views and ideas, and are not necessarily
those of anyone else connected with Blackthorn Grove/Serpent Moon--or
anyone else connected with this planet, for that matter.  And before
you break out the flamethrowers, know ye this (looking soulful): I didn't
have a lot of fun arriving at these conclusions. The phrase "dark night
of the soul" don't *begin* to cover it. If my opinions are offensive to
you, just stop reading them and go read something you do like. Life is far
too short to make yourself unnecessarily miserable!

Essays, Rants, & Pieces of My Mind

Conscientious Objecting
What if they held a Battle of the Sexes...and nobody came?
Archetype or Stereotype: A New Look at the Old Ways
An angsty rant from 1996
Musings prior to my Initiation

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