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The following quotes were taken from actual medical records dictated by physicians. They appeared in a column written by Richard Lederer, Ph.D., for the Journal of Court Reporting.

1> By the time he was admitted, his rapid heart had stopped, and he was feeling better.

2> Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

3> On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it had completely disappeared.

4> The patient has been depressed ever since she began seeing me in 1983.

5> Patient was released to outpatient department without dressing.

6> The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.

7> Discharge status: Alive but without permission. The patient will need disposition, and therefore we will get Dr. Blank to dispose of him.

8> The patient refused an autopsy.

9> The patient has no past history of suicides.

10>The patient expired on the floor uneventfully.

11> Patient has left his white blood cells at another hospital.

12> She slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December.

13> The patient left the hospital feeling much better except for her original complaints.



Cricketzone is a unique cricket site developed by our college students,Adib & Ritesh (D10) . It is one of the few sites where you can find not only a lot of pictures but also a treasure of textual info. Some amount of effort has gone into the making of this web site. Information is organised under the headings : Latest news , player profiles , world cup 96 section , preview to the world cup 99 , trivia section and gallery section . There is also a special section for all you "Tendlya " fans with amazing pictures You can write articles for this site too .See the ‘Contribute’ section.

Also visit other VESITian’s pages : Anant(D14),Sujeet(D16) , Vipul (D16).

Use of Shellsock is preferred if you want to see the cool pictures.


email :


MJNET is the authorized website of the self-proclaimed ‘King of pop’. This site offers an astounding collection of Michael Jackson videos, pictures and other cool stuff. You can download stills from his latest videos like ‘Ghosts’ and ‘Blood on the dance floor’ .There’s lots more at :


DESIGN ENGINEERING Micro-Cap V is an integrated schematic editor and mixed analog/digital simulator that provides an interactive sketch and simulate environment for electronics engineers. Micro-Cap V blends a modern, Windows-based user interface with the robust and powerful numerical algorithms of SPICE and a fast, native, PSpice-compatible , digital simulator to produce the most powerful and easiest to use circuit simulator available for personal computers.

Once created, the circuit can be run through transient, AC, or DC analysis with only a few key presses. The editor features stepping, scaling, panning, multiple-object selection, rotation about three axes, mirroring, and clipboard functions.Download this circuit simulator from :



This is for all those not so keen readers of Bombay Times.We were lucky enough to pick up the tip right on time to pass it on to you.The news was about a new menu-driven software developed by Bandra’s NIIT students, which promises to be a solution for questions on bus routes, the fares, flight timings,good food outlets , health aids, etc. The software is named T-easy and NIIT centres are offering this package for free at any of their centres.But net accessers can download this software from the site given below.And while you are at it, do check this site on everything and anything that you need to know about our city.The site offers info on everything from music to movies, theatre to television,health to travel,yellow pages and classifieds,too .If you need to know anything special about this fast paced city of ours,use the site’s search engine.Celebrating the country’s 50 years of independence, the National Anthem is played for you at just the click of a key.And all this and much more is at :

Tushar Pai

Executive Cell


In days of old ,two cattle dealers sold a herd of oxen and received as many rupees for each ox as there were oxen in the herd.

They then spent this money to buy a herd of sheep at 10 rupees apiece and one lamb. They divided the lot in half and one got an extra sheep and the other took the lamb and received from his companion a certain sum of money. How much did this additional payment come to (if it is assumed that it came to a whole no. of rupees.)?

Answer to last month’s quiz:

Denote the chief unknown -no. of men by ‘x’, & area scythed by a single worker in a day by ‘y’.

Area mowed by x scythemen in half a day=x(y/2).During second half of day half the team did :-

(x/2)(1/2)(y)= xy/4.Total area mowed by evening=3xy/4.For smaller meadow x/2 men mowed area =x/2(y/2)= xy/4.Adding uncut portion ‘y’(area cut by one man in one day), area of smaller meadow is

xy/4 + y =(xy+4y)/4.Since one meadow is twice as big as the other, (3xy)/(xy+4y) = 2.

We have x=8.Thus, the team of scythemen consisted of 8 men.



A group of people at McGill University in Canada got together and created a query system called archie. It was originally formed to be a quick and easy way to scan the offerings of the many anonymous FTP sites that are maintained around the world. As time progressed, archie grew to include other valuable services as well.

The archie service is accessible through an interactive telnet session, email queries, and command-line and X-window clients.The email responses can be used along with FTPmail servers for those not on the Internet. Currently, archie tracks the contents of over 800 anonymous FTP archive sites containing over a million files stored across the Internet. Collectively, these files represent well over 50 gigabytes of information, with new entries being added daily.

The archie server automatically updates the listing information from each site about once a month. This avoids constantly updating the databases, which could waste network resources, yet ensures that the information on each site's holdings is reasonably up to date.


To access archie interactively, telnet to one of the existing (New York, USA) (New Jersey, USA) (Maryland, USA) (the first (Australia) (Great Britain)

At the ’login:’ prompt of one of the servers, enter archie to log in. A greeting will be displayed, detailing information about ongoing work in the archie project; the user will be left at a archie> prompt, at which he may enter commands. Using help will yield instructions on using the prog command to make queries, set to control various aspects of the server's operation, et al. Type quit at the prompt to leave archie. Typing the query prog vine.tar.Z will yield a list of the systems that offer the source to the X-windows program vine; a piece of the information returned looks like:


Host (

Last updated 10:30 7 Jan 1992 Location: packages/X/contrib

FILE rw-r--r-- 15548 Oct 8 20:29 vine.tar.Z

Host nic (

Last updated 05:07 4 Jan 1992

Location: /pub/X11/contrib

FILE rw-rw-r-- 15548 Nov 8 03:25 vine.tar.Z


There are two main-stream archie clients, one called (naturally enough) archie, the other xarchie (for X-Windows). They query the databases and yield a list of systems that have the requested file(s) available for anonymous FTP, without requiring an interactive session to the server. For example, to find the same information you tried with the server command prog, you could type


% archie vine.tar.Z



FILE -rw-r--r-- 18854 Nov 15 1990

Location: pub/mnt/source/games

FILE -rw-r--r--12019 May 7 1988 vine.tar.Z


Location: /contrib

FILE -rw-r--r--15548 Oct 9 00:29 vine.tar.Z

Note that your system administrator may not have installed the archie clients yet; the source is available on each of the archie servers, in the directory archie/client.

Using the X-windows client is much more intuitive---if it's installed, just read its man page and give it a whirl. It's essential for the networked desktop.



In addition to offering access to anonymous FTP listings, archie also permits access to the whatis description database. It includes the names and brief synopses for over 3,500 public domain software packages, datasets and informational documents located on the Internet.

Additional whatis databases are scheduled to be added in the future. Planned offerings include listings for the names and locations of online library catalog programs, the names of publicly accessible electronic mailing lists, compilations of Frequently Asked Questions

lists, and archive sites for the most popular Usenet newsgroups. Suggestions for additional descriptions or locations databases are welcomed and should be sent to the archie developers at

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