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Engineers are always deriding the system for being theory based. Here are a few links which bring out your practical side, though not in the intended way...but who cares??

Culture Jammer's Encyclopedia
Hall of Annoying Buttons - Send some unimportant mail to some important people!!! Fun is just a click of a button away!!!
IHTFP Online Hack Archive - list of "hacks"/practical jokes from MIT.
Practical Jokes
Practical Jokes from alt.shenanigans
Pranksta's Paradise - pranks and shens for great laughs and amusement for a party, bar, neighbor, whatever. From alt.shenanigans and from your submissions!
Toxic Tommy's recipes for better living
Wedding Pranks - need ideas for livening up a wedding?
Wedding Shenanigans - shens, practical jokes and assorted humour to make any wedding just that bit more memorable.
World Practical Joke Championship - Fancy yourself a world-class prankster? Perhaps you have what it takes to be World Practical Joke Champion!
Zug Pranks
FAQ - alt.shenanigans
Usenet - alt.shenanigans

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