Mad River Sasquatch Study Group

Some facts about the Cedar Bog

The Cedar Bog has existed since 1941. It is a large wetlands consisting of 438 acres. While it is called a bog, it is in reality a fen. There are over 50 plant and ten animal species that are on ten rare and endangered lists in Ohio. Cedar Run creek runs through the bog and into Mad River. In the early 1970's a proposed 4 lane extension of State Route 68 was blocked and prevented from coming close to the bog ensuring the environment of the wetlands would not be disrupted. It is most certainly a historical and educational place to visit. Tours can be arranged by contacting the preserve. It was recently announced that Cedar Bog has a new found resident. The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake. A very rare and shy species of Rattlesnake, The Eastern Timber has once again called Clark County Home.

The Estel Wenrick Wetlands

The Estel Wenrick Wetlands are located near Mad River in western Clark County. While much smaller than the Cedar Bog, the wetlands are home to rare plants and animals as well. Calling the 143 acre wetlands home are the first family of beavers to reside in Clark County in over 160 years. Also residing in the wetlands is a rare prairie orchid found in only four counties in Ohio and listed on State and Federal threatened species lists. The wetlands were preserved in 1993 when the land was donated to the Clark County Park District. There is a current plan to expand the preserve to shield the wetlands from environmental hazards.

Legends   of   the   Cedar   Bog

Champaign County Ohio is home to the Cedar Bog. One of the few protected areas in the Miami Valley. It is home to a wide array of wildlife and rare and endangered plants. It is also home to folklore and legends of a large beast that dwells within it's confines. Many stories have emerged over a great many years of encounters with this creature. One such tale related to me was of an encounter with a large white or gray creature." My girlfriend and I were parked near the Bog in the early morning hours. As we were making out in the backseat I heard a noise in the brush nearby. I rose up to look out the rear window to see a large white creature standing about ten feet behind the car. It made no sound but had a horrible smell. As the shock of what I was looking at quickly wore off, I jumped into the driver's seat and started the car. We left as fast as we could , stopping miles down the road to dress. I have never returned to the Bog area at night." Another tale recently related to us by an anonymous source tells of a group of people who saw a large hairy creature with glowing red eyes in the wee hours of the morning. As the creature ran off through the woods the distinct sound of snapping and breaking twigs could be heard. The Sheriff's Dept. was called to investigate and determined that the young people had seen and heard a deer. This incident took place shortly after the sightings in Bellefontaine Ohio and could simply be a case of "mass hysteria". Or, when based on connecting facts, could be an important link in the travel habits of the elusive Sasquatch. Mad River runs from Bellefontaine through Champaign, Clark, and Montgomery County, connecting to ALL the reported sightings since the early 1970's. There are countless reports involving swamps, bogs and wetlands from many areas around the world. From the Cedar Bog, Mad River forms a "roadway" to the Estel Wenrick Wetlands another protected area which is also home to rare plant species and to the only known Beaver family in Clark County. It has been over 160 years since Beaver were reported in Clark County. Another coincidence is that western Clark county is home to another legend of a large hairy beast. The Wildman of Enon.This legend has existed since the late 1800's, and surrounds the now defunct Snyderville. Shawnee folklore tells of large beasts that roamed the wilderness in the Miami Valley. As you have seen in our Investigation notes and photo gallery, our group has studied and collected a great deal of evidence that would support the Mad River and it's connecting tributaries as the most likely route of travel for the Sasquatch. So the next time you take a canoe trip on a lazy Sunday afternoon down the Mad River, don't be so quick to disregard the sounds from the woods as you pass by. Something may be watching you.

The 1980 Bellefontaine sightings

In 1980 near Bellefontaine around 11:00 p.m., a farmer walked around the corner of his barn to see what his dogs were barking at. To his surprise he saw a large hairy animal resembling a man. He estimated the height to be around seven feet tall. He yelled at the creature and it ran off through waist high grass with great ease. He later described an odor similar to "Limburger cheeses on a hot mufffler" and as leaving footprints near 16 inches long.The area was searched soon after by four deputies who found nothing out of the ordinary. On the previous Tuesday in nearby Union County, a creature was observed walking out of a woods and striding down a rural road near a farmer who was working in his fields. The creature was described as being 7-8 feet tall, with long hair covering it's body. The Mammal Research Center in Lima, Ohio visited both sights. While it is unknown what evidence was collected in Logan County, they took three plaster casts from the Union County farm measuring 16 inches long and four inches wide. They were able to establish a stride of 40 inches based on the location of the prints. The prints had four toes.

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