Welcome to Shadrian

Faery Queen

The Mists that surround the many different realms of fantasy part, and you find yourself standing at the edges of a forest glen. At the far side is Lady, that appears to be a Queen. "Welcome to my world. A place where the Faery still hold court and where fantastic creatures find a true home. You can find them at The Refuge, an allied land which borders Ours through the Mists, under the care of Lady WystWyng the Silver and Commander Skysong D'Kesteral. The Refuge and my world are both places where magic still runs rampant." Her wings flutter softly with a passing breeze and from behind her steps a young woman. She is tall and elegant with white feather wings. She wears a dusky blue dress that matches her eyes and flows off her curves like mist flows on water. Hanging on her waist is a small bag that seems to have runes embroidered on it. Across her forehead is a silver diadem. "Majesty, the Council requires you. There are some new countries that have been found through the Mists and their Representatives wish to meet with you," she says in voice so soft that you almost do not hear it. "Yes, Rhyana. Thank you. If you would guide this adventurer I will go without haste..." She smiles kindly at you and vanishes. Rhyana walks up to you and says "All adventurers are welcome to share in our food and drink, as long as your heart is open and your mind filled with kindness. Her Majesty and I are rarely able to greet visitors as we are both quite busy. We do enjoy hearing your adventures though. So please should you have the time..." Her voice trails off and she whispers a word. A scroll appears in her hands. "Write us a message and tell us of yourself. Now let us dance in the shadows of the trees in the many Realms of Shadrian..." With that she hands you the scroll and in a swirl of silver sparkles she vanishes. Glancing at the scroll you notice that it also contains and few invitations....