Windows 95/NT programs

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DiskBox v1.0

Category: Shareware
Price: US $39.90 (280 NKR)

Tired of looking tru all your DISKETTEs, CDs, ZIPs, JAZ, SYQUESTs, LS-120s for that one file you know you have? Let DiskBox do the dirtywork for you. This program will index all your removable and non-removable disks, so you only have to type in the whole or part of the filename to find the file you need.

Download: DiskBox v1.0 (181kb)

Folder Control v1.5

Category: Shareware
Price: US $39.90 (280 NKR)

This is a small utility that enables you to close ALL open folders on your desktop at once. The program goes in the 95/NT icontray, and enables you to close, stack, hide, show the folders that are on the desktop. Very handy when you have alot of folders open. You may select Norwegian or English language from the menu. Default language is English.

Tip: Put it in the startupfolder.

Download: FolderControl v1.5 (152kb)

AutoEject v2.0

Category: Shareware
Price: US $39.90 (280 NKR)

This program enables you to eject the CD and the ZIP drive when you close down Windows 95. The CD and ZIP are automatically ejected when you shut down Windows 95. This is not tested on NT. This program goes in the icontray of Windows 95. You may select Norwegian or English language from the menu. Default language is English.

Tip: Put it in the startupfolder.

Download: AutoEject v2.0 (161kb)

Drop Out '98

Category: Freeware

If you are tired of the boring shutdown of Windows 95, try this. Does nothing else than closing windows, but with a twist...

Download: DropOut (141kb)


The reason for the "high" prices on these programs are that the Norwegian bank- and postal services like to get their piece of the cake. So, until I can receive payment by VISA/MC, the prices will be as they are. Sorry for the inconvenience.


There are 2 ways to order these programs (for the time being).

  1. Deposit 280 Norwegian kroner (US$39.90} into my account. I will then send you the program (via email) when I have the money in my account. (prefered)

  2. Deposit US$39.90 into my account. I will then send you the program (via email) when I have the money in my account.


If you use a bank the account number is: PGINNOKK 0540.2337895
If you use a postoffice the account number is: 0540.2337895

Sorry for the inconvenience...

Mail me if you have any questions

Goto top - This is not a C program, so I can use "Goto" here :o)

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Last modyfied: 20.11.97 05:09