Hey all you beloved family, So, how are you guys gettin' by. .? You eating well. .? Getting to the gorcery store alright.. and stuff. .? Haven't been struggling too much right. .? I hope not. Well, as you know I'll be coming down on the weekend of the Fourth of July. That's like.. the 1st and 2nd. Things have been goin' good here, I guess you can say, Thursday Ren and myself are goin' job huntin' and stuff. I already got our room cleaned, it was a big task.. but I did. I'm kind of alone right now.. hahah, since well.. Adri' is at summer school and everyone else is at work. But, don't worry.. the cat's with me. HEE. And besides, Adri' comes home around 2pm so.. it's all good. ::Shrug:: Well, I love you all. Stay safe and healthy. Tell Mom to get well for me and that I love her very much. Hugs and kisses. ---P.S, oh.. I figured that .. that must be Charlie responding to all my letters.. because Grandpa wouldn't misspell my name. 'SHARIL' Hahahah. Well, write to ya' later. LOVE YOU!!! Sincerely, your girl.. Sharil.