F.K.N.S The Kitten's Pride Pt.#1 The girl shook her head and abruptly stood from the table. "So, those are my only two choices." The two adults exchanged glances and the female social worker spoke. "We cannot put you in foster care because your stepfather poses too much of a threat. You can be taken into protective custody until you reach age 18 or go live with your father." She shrugged. "It's only for your own good, Bastet." "A father whom I've never met, who's never been made to pay child support for, and has probably forgotten me." she shot back at the woman. The man spoke up. "Dr.Jackson is a kind man. He wouldn't turn you away." She glared at him in the eyes. "Has he ever mentioned me? Ever said anything about having a bastard somewhere?" The man didn't answer that one. Bastet sat down, suddenly exhausted. "What will happen to Sek?" The social worker said, "Your half-sister, Sekhmet, will go into protective custody until..." Bastet cut her off. "No." she said firmly. "You will not separate us." She sighed and rubbed her forehead in aggravation. "I will go to my father only if she comes with me." The social worker looked as if she wanted to argue, but she said, "I'll see what can be done." * Daniel Jackson and his wife Shau'ri arrived at the police station. They only knew that there was an issue from Daniel's past that needed to be reconciled. A middle aged woman saw them and walked over. "You must be the Jacksons." she said. She held out her hand to both in turn. "I am Amy Garret, a social worker." He nodded. "What is this all about?" He had blonde hair, a nervous demeanor, and large glasses. Her smiled grew strained. "We have a situation." She beckoned towards a door. "Follow me." Once inside he saw through a glass one way mirror to a small briefing room. Inside was a girl with long blonde hair and familiar grey eyes. The woman continued. "This is Bastet Halloc. A few days ago her stepfather murdered her mother. Her stepfather remains missing at this point. She and her sister have nowhere to go. The family was very poor and they were left with nothing." Daniel shifted nervously. "What has this to do with me? I'm not a suspect, am I?" The woman shook her head. "No, you're not. You are something entirely different. Do you remember anyone named Jennifer Kale?" After a moment he nodded. "I met her in college about ten years ago." "And you had a sexual relationship." Ms. Garret said. He was surprised, but could find nothing to say. He nodded. She continued. "Ms. Kale became pregnant and you split up after signing some papers. Two years later Ms. Kale married John Halloc. Mr. Halloc adopted her young daughter and gave her another, Sekhmet Halloc." Daniel was shocked. "You're saying that girl in there, is my daughter?" Ms. Garret nodded. "You signed documents that in case of her mothers inability to care for her, you would assume care of her." She sighed. "However, there is another twist. She refuses to be split up from her half-sister Sekhmet. She would rather go to a protective foster home than leave her sister. I know how bad those places are, but if you don't take them in I'll have to send them there." Daniel turned to his wife. "My ...... Daughter." he said softly. The dark haired woman nodded. "She has the look of you. What will you do?" she asked. "I seem to have no choice." he said. "I've got to tale care of her. Her sister, I suppose will be no large burden." He turned to her. "Do you mind?" "No." his wife stated. "You are right to care for them." "Wonderful." the social worker said. She handed then two folders. "Here are there files. It is nine o'clock now. If you could take them by noon we would appreciate it." She walked off with a satisfied smile. * Bastet looked up as the door opened. The man that stood there introduced himself in a nervous stammer. "I'm D-Daniel Jackson, .....your father." She said nothing so he came in and sat down. "You're Bastet," he smiled. "The egyptian cat goddess." She nodded. "My mother remembered what you taught her of your studies. She named both me and Sekhmet for it. She had both me and Sek take classes in egyptian culture nd dialects in case we ever met you." She looked into her lap. "She never stopped loving you." He looked at the mirror to where he knew Shau'ri was watching. He turned back to her. "That is very good. My wife, her people, and I are taking a trip. Do you read the tabloids?" Bastet laughed under her breath. "If your asking if I know about the infamous Stargate that leads to other planets, yes. I also know that you are being pushed to move very soon to your new world." "I'm going." he said. "I probably won't come back. If I am to care for you then you will have to accompany me." Bastet nodded. "I'll come and I know Sekhmet will want to. What little I have I have with me. Sekhmet should arrive soon. The police will be happy to have us out of their station." "It's settled then." he said. * The group of four met in the lobby. Sekhmet was thirteen with curly blonde hair and the same smoky grey eyes. Bastet was fifteen. On the taxi ride to his apartment her read the files. Bastet was a genius with a handyman's talent. She liked to fix and make things. She had taken several college courses in high school because of the lower costing AP tests. She could have graduated earlier. She'd been graduated the moment they decided she was going to this new planet. She had been seeing a therapist for aggressive and depressive mood swings. Sekhmet was nearly the same, but strong in the sciences instead. She excelled in math and was the school's bragging rights. She was characterized as sweet and even tempered. He also found the specifics of their mother's death. Both girls had been present. The mother and stepfather had been fighting. He'd pulled a knife and brutally attacked. Bastet had tried to save her mother while Sekhmet called the police. Halloc had finished off Jennifer before he could be stopped. He turned on his stepdaughter next and soon held the knife to her throat. The police arrived and he held Bastet hostage until he finally made a break for it, escaping successfully. Bastet suppressed the memory an acted as if it was someone else's mother who had been killed. * When he reached his apartment, there was a message on his answering machine. "Daniel, the vote to go was nearly unanimous. We leave the day after tomorrow. I hate to spring this on you and agree that we are not ready, but we have no choice. Call me, you know the number. Bye." ***** F.K.N.S KITTEN'S PRIDE Pt.#2 Bast and Sekhmet stood before the large figure of concentric circles with ancient symbols on them. In the center was a pool of energy while a funnel of energy came out the back. The sisters exchanged glances and walked through. They quickly learned why it was called the Puke Chute. They were compressed, pulled apart, shattered, falling, and rising at the same time. At their destination, Ballas, they were spit out. Bast went into a roll reflexively. However, there was nothing in her way to stop her. Then she hit a person's legs. She stopped and flopped onto her back groaning. The person squatted down beside her. He was a young Abydan, probably about five years older than her. He had a wide, friendly smile. He helped her sit up and held her as she fought the urge to retch. He saw her straight blonde and frowned in curiosity. "Who are you?" he asked. "Jackson's bastard," she muttered without thinking. Then tried to clear her head. "Who are you?" she returned the question. He smiled. "I am Imiseba." Bast dimly remembered that he was a popular dissensionist. "I am Bastet Kale." She stood shakily. She saw that she was in a rock building. It was clean of the dirt and dust that had been found there. Electric lights had been rigged. Daniel saw Imiseba holding his daughter and he immediately felt protective. He walked over and took Bastet's elbow. "Thank you, Imiseba. You been of great help. I'll take her out to her sister." He helped the girl along. When the pair was out of sight, Imiseba smiled. The girl was the perfect weapon against the Urt-men. He would charm her; he was good at that. She was past age to make her choices. * Bastet resented her father breaking up the conversation, but she knew that Imiseba was dangerous. She said nothing until she and Sekhmet were relatively alone. "Now he acts like my father. He never bothered before." she told her sister bitterly. Sekhmet hugged her close. "Mother didn't tell him where she'd gone. It's not entirely his fault. Mother loved him, but you notice she never searched for him. She didn't want him with us." Bastet stiffened, and Sekhmet let her go. "Mother was married again. Your father never would have let her." Before the conversation could continue, Daniel started talking in a loud voice. "We need to set up camp before it gets really cold. The materials are by the entrance to the Stargate chamber. O'Neil will show you if you need help. Thank you." Bastet and Sekhmet stood. They knew how to put these tents together. They grabbed the materials for one tent and headed to Hill 23. It didn't take long to put it together, but it felt longer. A large portion of the camp was complaining. They'd expected stores and houses. They'd pushed to go sooner and sooner; they deserved what they got. * That night they ate some of the supplies they'd brought. Bastet noticed someone sit beside her; it was Imiseba. Her smile grew as the wheels in her mind turned. He was powerful here, so could she be if she played things right. "Hello!" she said warmly. He handed her a cup of something warm. "This is from my homeworld. It will warm you up." She thanked him and took a sip. It was good. He was still talking. "So, Jackson is your father. Your sister, she is his daughter also?" Bastet shook her head. "No, she is my half-sister. However, we were both named for what my mother remembered of him." Imi nodded. "What do you think of Dan-yul?" Bastet shrugged and stared into the fire. "He's kind, but that doesn't make for the years with........my stepfather." She winced. "He murdered my mother you know." "Your stepfather?" Imi asked. She nodded, then shook her head. "My mother and stepfather were fighting over her obsession with my father. She never contacted him, but she closely followed his career. So in a way, both are responsible." She saw Sekhmet's warning look and finished her drink. "I have to get to bed. Good night, I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded as she left and thought, Oh yes, you will. * A few days later, Bast was learning to cook the small birds they caught for food. Using Imiseba, she'd insinuated herself into the community in a way that Daniel had not. She was thought of as someone who should have been born Abydan. Imi was standing not far away teasing her. "If she's cooking, we'd do better to catch our own and do it ourselves." Bast smiled. "You are welcome to. All the more for me." She was cooking for about five: herself, Sekhmet, Imi, Imi's friend Kenna, and Imi's sister Le'si. They all watched with hungry eyes. But one's hunger was different. He was hungry for the girl they called Bastet. As they ate Imiseba told her what had happened. "Hathor, the cat goddess-" "Bastet was the cat goddess. Hathor's animal was a cow. Sekhmet's was a lion." Bast corrected. He shrugged. "Tell them that. She was woken from a very long sleep. When she was told the Emperor was dead she sought to take it for herself. She came to resubjigate-" This time a new voice interrupted. "Imiseba come here, we need to talk. He sighed and stood. "I'll continue later." * Bastet finished her work and stretched. She headed into the forest now for her play. When she was far enough away, she prepared to.... But no, there was someone close by. It was Kenna. His face was impassive. "I saw you come in alone. You could get lost." She held back a shudder; she did not trust Kenna. She shrugged. "I doubt it." He continued coming closer, his intent now clear. She stepped back. "No." Now he smiled. "We are alone. There is none to stop me." He grabbed her arm and her survival reflexes kicked in. She twisted his arm, but he compensated. He pinned her to the tree. He was so close, so close to what he sought. Instinctively, she started to change. She never shifted forms in front of anyone else, besides Sekhmet. She became a huge cat. She was white with black stripes. He never got a chance to scream. Her claws ripped him open. It was over so fast. She reverted to human form and stared at her hands which were now covered with blood. She saw his heart torn open. She retched. She heard a noise behind her, but was too dazed to turn. Imiseba stood beside her. He quickly figured what had happened, though he couldn't fathom what kind of weapon she'd used. He helped her stand and led her to a brook. He washed her off. She began to sob and buried her face in his chest. * For the next two weeks, she spent almost solely with Imi. He alone knew her secret. It was thought that a native animal had killed Kenna. She stayed away from Sekhmet, feeling as though she would defile her sister as she'd been corrupted. Daniel could find no way to stop her. He had no idea what had happened and let her do as she pleased. Sekhmet spent a lot of time with Shau'ri, but could offer no answers for her sister's puzzling behavior. * One day, Bastet was working in the forest gathering some plants they'd found, when she heard a scream. She came out to see large figures carrying blast lances running towards them. One was prepared to fire on Sekhmet, Bast saw. Bast changed forms in seconds and pounced on the creature. Sekhmet knew if she was to live she would run; she could do Bast no good here. Sek ran as fast as she could. Another ran after her. Sekhmet tripped and twisted her ankle. It stopped and leveled the point of the blast lance at her. She froze. She remembered back to what her grandmother had told her before she died, "Remember, always, there is a God. He will help you if you call on him." She cried out silently. God! If you are real, you surely have the power to save me. A burst of lightning flew, but not at her. It hit the creature dead on. He/she flew backwards. Another blonde girl walked over to the creature whose neck she snapped. She turned to Sekhmet. "It's about time you called." * The creature under Bast died and the next that attacked did the same. However, one got her with a stun shot. She growled and pitched into darkness. She returned to human form. The aliens talked amongst themselves. Their companions were lost, but this girl was the perfect captive. This may be the next reincarnation of their lost Queen. King Min would welcome the girl back in either case. ******* F.K.N.S. THE KITTEN'S PRIDE Pt.#3 The warrior reported to his leader. "We scouted the planet. Earthmen and Abydans have colonized it. There is dissension widespread." His features were vaguely catlike with feline eyes. His commander, his god, nodded. "Were you seen?" "Yes, my Lord. We came upon two girls in the forest. One was killed and the other we brought here." the warrior said. "Why did you bring her?" the god asked, curious. The warrior answered. "She showed great power and traits like our beloved lost Queen. She became a felina." His Lord considered this. "Bring her here and lay her on the couch. I will talk to her." The blonde haired girl was carried in. They laid her gently on the couch. He gestured for them to leave. They obeyed and quietly shut the door. He used an ornate bottle of smelling salts to bring her back to consciousness. She moaned and opened her eyes. She stiffened and her muscles grew taught as she studied her new surroundings. "Hello, who are you?" he asked in a language very similar to Abydan. She suddenly realized that she was a captive of the late Ra's Empire. The egyptian looking room and the man's dress were consistent with that. She answered reluctantly. "I am Bastet." His eyebrow raised. "Really, do you know who I am?" She studied his outfit. His skirt sported a rather descriptive picture of a..... "Min?" she suggested. His other eyebrow raised. "How did you know?" "In mythology Min was the god of fertility. Your.....skirt looks like it would be worn on a god of fertility." she explained, blushing. He laughed. "You are from Earth then." She nodded and realized that she was very much afraid. His dark features were very handsome, but they were cold. "What do you want with me?" she asked as she instinctive moved away from him. He seemed to consider, then said, "I have an offer for you. You can either conveniently die or marry me." He forestalled her words. "Hear me out first. The warriors of this planet think you are their Lost Queen. Bastet was queen here long ago. You will become a goddess, have power and wealth, and you will be worshipped by millions." "What do you get out of it?" she asked. He smiled. "I get a young bride, yes I'll be claiming marital rights. I will also cement myself as ruler." Bastet swallowed. "I was with my sister when I was captured. What has happened to her?" "Oh yes, they mentioned a second girl. I'm sorry to say she didn't survive." He stood. "Make your choice quickly." She thought about the power and wealth she would have. In her mind it outweighed the negative aspects. There was nothing of her previous life left. If need be, she'd kill Min. In her mind. The choice was already made. * Sekhmet was cautious when the girl said she was raking he somewhere. However, Madison said, "This attack was nothing. Wait until the Kats go after them You won't want to be there." She knew Madison was probably right. * Feithe and Jupiter observed the situation on Ballas. They reported to Madison. "Different feline warriors have attacked. We think that the others were from a different source. This is something else." Madison replied after a moment. "We are going to the Height." * (A YEAR LATER) * Bastet gazed at the child that had pushed from her womb. It was a girl. She thought of the name she'd chosen. Her father would have a fit. "Hatshepsut" she whispered. * Bastet rested in front of the fire in her room. She lounged in her Siberian tiger form. She did not wish for her husband's attention and that was most easily accomplished this way. Raya, her bodyguard, friend, admirer stood behind her. He was talking in low cat growls. "The child is sickly. It is thought that she will die soon." She growled and started to pace. In the same language she replied, "Min has most likely decided that his child should be a son. He'd kill her." Min walked in. Luckily, he didn't understand cat tongue. He dismissed Raya with a wave of his hand. The warrior left with a protective glance at Bast. Min shook his head. "She is nearly gone. I'm so sorry." He looked at her in annoyance. "Please, you know I hate that." She reluctantly changed forms to a human, naked of course. He smiled, "We should begin work on another. I know it's soon, but I need an heir." "My daughter is heir." Bast said. "She's almost dead." he said. "I wonder why." Bast said impassively. He slowly gave her a cold smile. "You think I have a hand in this?" "You want a son to follow after you, but my daughter will follow after me. She will be as her namesake. Hatshepsut was leader of her people." Bast said. "She's dead by now." he said. "Defy me and you shall be as well. You should be grateful you still live." Bastet shuddered despite herself. "I'll kill you." she said. He laughed. "Will you? I think not. It takes a lot to kill, I don't think you can." "I have killed before." she said softly. He chuckled. "Then you know how it feels. You are not the type of person to kill again." He strode forward. "I need a son, wife." She changed to cat form, but in her turmoil became a tiny housecat kitten. She meowed in terror and tried to run away. He scooped her up easily. She grew into a bobcat and let out a feline scream. She scratched him and jumped to the floor. The door flew open and seconds later Min fell to the floor dead. Bastet returned to human form and sat on the floor staring vacantly. She felt Raya pick her up and rock her back and forth as he would a child. She woke on the couch a few hours later. Raya sat beside her. "How is she?" Bast asked hoarsely. "She lives and is well." Raya assured her. "He is dead?" she asked. Raya nodded. "I shot him with a poisoned dart. He attempted to kill the heir." "Damn." Bastet said in english. She sat up. "What will happen?" Raya sighed. "As Queen you will become Ruler. You will blame me for his death and not be tried. Your daughter will succeed you." Bast considered and shook her head. "No. You will take Hatshepsut and find either Daniel Jackson or Sekhmet. I was told she was dead, but you don't really know. My daughter will be assumed dead by the people. I will say you have been dealt with and Rule. I will train a successor and leave this accursed place." * The next morning the kingdom learned of Min's death. He was officially mourned, but not heartfully. She was assigned another feline aid. This one was female, named Huah. She told Bast about what was now her kingdom. There was only one habitable continent on the planet. It was approximately the size of Asia. It was inhabited by humans and felines in about a 50/50 proportion. The climate and land was like the Fertile Crescent. The planet had not had contact with the Empire for over twenty years. Her coronation was the next day. The people seemed genuinely happy to have her reigning. She took her guard as a lover, but soon discarded him. Her aid soon took his place. She ruled the people as best she could. She began worshipping the gods of the people and following their evil practices. ****** F.K.N.S KITTEN'S PRIDE Pt.#4 Bastet was in her room dressing when her aide rushed in. "The Empire has sent a delegation. They'll arrive very soon!" Huah cried. Bastet's heart skip a beat. Then she quickly finished dressing in her best clothes. She headed towards the throne room. * The delegation was led by a middle aged man. "I am Garah." Bastet half-bowed, as she would to an equal. "I am Bastet, Ruler of Cairo." The man raised his eyebrow. "Min is dead?" "Yes," she affirmed. "One of my aides killed my husband. The aide was......dealt with." she told him. He nodded. "I see. I come in the name of the Empire to see where your loyalty is placed." She smiled. "Let us rest in a more comfortable setting and talk." * They reclined in soft couches. Garah watched her. "You can't be much older than eighteen, the responsibility must be hard to bear." She shook her head. "Not really, I've held the position since I was sixteen." "Where are you from?" he asked. Then his eyes lit up. "I know, you're from Earth. You must be the girl Danyul has been looking for." Bastet was suddenly afraid. What could he do with this information? "The Empire would never trust an Earthling, but I think we could arrange a way that we could keep this from coming out." His smile was dark and colder than Min's. She swallowed hard. "Of course, something......" He took her hand. "Don't look so frightened, it's unbecoming." He stroked her. "The Empire never need know." * * A few days after her nineteenth birthday a guard entered dragging a young man behind him. The man was bruised and bloodied. The guard bowed. "Holiness, this man was caught trying to stir up the people. His cohorts were killed, but we captured him." Bastet nodded. "How successful were they?" The Guard smiled. "Queen Bast, the people love you and are loyal." The young man suddenly opened his eyes. He'd been certain he would die, but now..... "Bastet!" he cried out. "It's me, Imiseba!" The guard used his blast lance to knock him to the floor. "Dog, if you speak to the Holy One you will speak respectfully!" Imiseba rose to his knees. "My apologies, Holy One. Do you remember this lowly man?" Bastet nodded. "I have no fond memories, but you never betrayed me and you kept my secret." Her impassive features took on a softer hint. "How is my father? Is he well?" "He lives." Imiseba said. Bastet looked at the guard. "Leave us." The guard obeyed and shut the door behind him. Bastet lost all composure and ran to Imiseba. "Does he remember me? Does he.....hate me?" she asked. Imiseba took her hand. "He remembers you with love." Bastet was filled with joy, then shame. "He would hate me if he knew what I had become." she said softly. "What happened?" Imiseba asked gently. She told him, then told him of everything else that had happened after. She sat on the step that led up to her throne. "It's not my fault." "Really?" Imiseba asked. She looked up in surprised at his harsh tone. He continued. "You were faced with choices along with the way. You could have refused to marry him. You could have not worshipped their gods and followed their ways. You could have left after he died. Tell me you had no opportunity." She blinked. No one had talked to her like that since her mother had died. A faint memory came to mind. "Once," she said. "A young slave told me of a god that loved me. She said he was the ONE TRUE GOD. Said he would take me from this. I sent her away." She realized she'd spoken aloud. "I'm not sure why that comes to mind." she told him. He shrugged then. "You made your own choices. now you must deal with them. Maybe," he held her hand. "Maybe this one god will still have you." Bastet was about to speak, but the door flew open and Garah strode in. He fired the blast lance and it hit Imiseba in the back. He fell to the floor. As he died he whispered, "Maybe that god will take me." Then he slumped. Bastet stared at the corpse. She came to life as Garah slapped her across the face. "What are you doing?" he hissed. She fell to her knees. She stroked Imiseba's face softly. "Where is my father?" she asked quietly. Garah jerked her to her feet. "Listen here, when I ask you a question, you answer. What was going on in here?" Bastet's face was wet with tears. "My father loves me, he loves me, he loves me......" Garah let her fall to the floor. He shook his head and took a step back. "It doesn't matter. Your father is an earthling and so are you." Bastet thought back on what Imiseba had said. "Maybe this one god will still take you." The child's voice rang in her ears. "He loves you and wants to help you." Her grandmother's voice echoed, "He will never let go of you once he has you." There on the floor, a change came over Bastet. She felt a need for this God. It was a desire like she'd never felt before. She cried out in her mind. "God, The ONLY TRUE GOD, save me. I know I'm damaged goods, but I'll do anything." And she was answered. CHILD, came a gently firm voice. YOU HAVE BEEN MINE SINCE YOU GAVE YOURSELF TO ME AS A CHILD. I HAVE NEVER LEFT YOU, BUT HAVE PURSUED YOU FOR YEARS. YOU LEFT ME, BUT I WELCOME YOU HOME. YOU ARE FREE. A wonderful peace came over her. She sat up and looked to Garah who was ordering the guard to have the body taken away. "No." she said firmly. Garah looked to her in surprise. "What?" She stood. "He will be buried with full honors." Garah shook his head. "This slave will be burned and you will go to bed." "No." she repeated. "He will be buried with full honors and you will leave or be arrested on charges of blackmailing the ruler of Cairo." He stared in shock. The guard moved forward. "Sir, I'll escort you to the StarGate." Garah saw the determination in her eyes and left before she ordered him removed. She sent for Huah who appeared in seconds. Bastet knelt next to Imiseba. "Help me clean him and prepare him for burial." Huah was shocked by the visible change in her Ruler/Lover, but didn't question. They cleaned him and dressed him in silk. Then Bastet herself buried him in her tomb. When she came out she headed to her quarters. She took a shower and sat brushing her hair. Huah appeared. Bastet felt a pang of shame. She faced her lover. "I have found the GOD." she said. "He has shown me that what I am doing is wrong. I apologize, for I have hurt you. You may leave my service if you like." Huah was even more surprised, but she said. "I have always followed you. You God will be mine." * * The next morning Bastet had the people gathered. She stepped out onto a balcony and began to speak. "My people, something great has occurred. I have found the One True God. He has set me free. From now on, all worship of any other god is forbidden. Any sacrifice or slavery is also forbidden. All idols will destroyed." She took a deep breath. "Also, I now officially renounce Ra and his Empire." Wild murmurings spread like wildfire. The people were shocked and in most cases happy. The Empire was not kind to it's subjects. Bastet continued, "No one will be punished for breaking this rule before today, but it will be enforced from now on." Now she started with what DEOS had told her last night. "He is sending teachers to show us the way." Murmurs turned dark. "These teachers are mortal and not God's themselves. They have HIS and my protection. Teachers, step forward." Slowly at least hundred people dressed in pure white stepped forward. "These are HIS emissaries." "As of my death, this land will be ruled by Judges chosen by him." she finished. "Today is the Lord's day. Every seventh day we will gather and learn. If you don't want to join in, don't. But you won't worship other gods with idols or evil practices. That is all for now." She sat on a couch to rest. Her heart was beating very fast. Huah spoke softly. "A young woman who claim's your God's protection wishes to speak with you." Bastet nodded wearily. "Send her in." A few moments later a tall woman walked in. She wore a tan and dark gold tight uniform. She held a large staff with a round flat top on the end. A topaz sword hung at her waist. She had long curly blonde hair that was held back by a gold headband. Bast stared in awe. She immediately recognized the figure. "Sekhmet" she whispered in a tiny voice. "You are alive." Sekhmet smiled and she looked younger. She couldn't have been more than seventeen. "Yes, it is I. DEOS saved me after I cried out to him." Bast stood on trembling legs. "I've so much to say.....I married an evil man and had a daughter......I named her Hatshepsut, father would like that.......I sent her to.....to you with Raya." Sekhmet let her babble until she was finished. "Yes and I took them both in. They await you. Your daughter is well; she has shown talent of a group called the Kerrada. They are HIS servants." She held out her hand. "I will take you." Bastet took her sister's hand and clung tightly. Her younger sister was so much wiser than her. The world spun and they appeared in a small city. It was unlike most cities in that the people were openly kind and trusting. They smiled and showed the joy that Bast felt from her saviour. Sekhmet led her to a Palace. It was beautiful. Inside were doubtless many rooms. Sekhmet led her to the library where a number of people were. One girl stood as she saw her. "Guardian Sekhmet, you are awaited in study room three." The girl bobbed respectfully and left. Sekhmet led her to a door. Inside, Bastet saw a girl with a dark complexion, but very light blonde hair. She seemed to be three years old. She sat on a feline's lap listening to him read from a large book. Bastet stepped in. The girl looked up and studied her. "Mommy!" she exclaimed. She leapt into Bast's arms. Sekhmet gestured to the book. Bastet saw that it showed pictures of her. "DEOS made it for her. She never forgot you." Raya looked up at her. "I have missed you. but the young one is safe." Bast suddenly hugged him too. She realized just how much he had loved her. "You gave up everything for me. He nodded. "Just like our Lord." * * Over the next few weeks many changes took place. Bastet sat with Fah, a dylan. Fah smiled. "This planet will become a moving planet. It can move from universe to universe. You can direct it and DEoS will make it go as long as you follow him." Bastet nodded. "But they can still come through the StarGate." she said worriedly. Fah stood. "Follow me." She led Bastet to the StarGate chamber. Sekhmet was waiting. Fah gestured at her sibling. "Your sister is Guardian of this universe. As such, she can manipulate these gates into Talent Portals." Sekhmet smiled. "The portals will always be open. They will take any one who passes through where they should be. Any person coming from the other end will be redirected similarly." * A few months later, Bastet and Raya married. Huah stayed as tutor for Hatshepsut. Bastet moved Cairo into the Redeemed Universe. The five other continents were made habitable and inhabited by settlers from the multiple multiverse. When Hatshepsut turned eight, she accepted training as a salidihm. At age ten she became Salidihm Cairo. She and the other Salidihm of the StarGate universe were under Sekhmet's command. She watched over her planet for many years. A year after Bastet married Raya, Faith Sarver passed over the mantle of Fallendohn leadership to her. She led the Fallendohn until she died at absolute age 61. At this time, the governmental power went to the Judges who'd been set ahead of time. Daniel and Shau'ri were sought by many, but not found. When her mother died, Hatshepsut left to find what had happened to her grandfather. Ballas was freed by Sekhmet and a young boy became Guardian. All that was known of him was that his father's name was Daniel and his mother's name Shau'ri. *********