Nonschetto Kay Crossover Highlander\Xmen\SailorM\other *1* Naru blinked. Her friends looked grim. "Let me get this straight. Usagi, you are Sailor Moon. You others are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus. You all transform from being normal Japanese highschool students to being superheroines. The cats talk. And though I seem to be a perfect target for your enemies, you never TOLD me!" She paused a second, then asked, "Right?" The girls present nodded. The white cat Artemis nodded. "Your being targeted was one reason we couldn't tell you. You can't tell what you don't know." Naru smoothed the long dark hair which had recently grown to her waist. "So, why tell me now?" Usagi was nervous. "Back in the Silver Millennium you were Mamoru's younger sister. You were also a Guardian of Earth. You sometimes took the guise of Sailor Earth who never really existed. You were a powerful mage. In fact it was said you were immortal. You never aged past seventeen." Luna took over. "You were never awaken because you weren't needed. However, it was well known in the Silver Millennium that you were one of the most powerful guardians. Beryl had you killed first because of this. We knew that you might die so you left a way to help you regain your memory. We were never told how though." "Then how am I to find it?" Naru asked. "I will help you." They all turned to see a woman with long dark green hair and wearing a Sailor uniform. "I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of Time. I can help you. You must trust me though." Naru looked to Usagi who nodded. "I suppose, what should I do?" "Sit." Pluto said. "We must travel into your mind." And then Naru was elsewhere. * * She was on a smooth road in the middle of a wasteland. Ahead was faint and unclear. Behind her the road was made of diamond and the road was set in the middle of nothing. Pluto was then beside her. "We must go back. Follow the diamond path." Naru studied the path as she walked along it. "Why is it diamond?" "It is set and cannot be changed. In your mind diamond is the hardest substance so you visualize the past as a road you have traveled and the set parts of diamond." Pluto answered. Naru saw pictures of her self at different ages as she walked past. She didn't know how long she'd been there, Time seemed to have no meaning. Eventually they reached the end of the diamond path. THere was a picture of a man Naru recognized from pictures. He was the father she'd never met. She felt a tear run down her cheek and she turned away from the distressing thought. Before the beginning of the diamond path was a dark chasm. Naru's heart leaped. "What do we do now?" "You must find what you left to reawaken yourself." Pluto told her. Naru despaired. She didn't know what to look for. She could see nothing in the emptiness. But she had to try. She looked down into the chasm and saw ragged stairs cut into the side. "I suppose I should go down." she said. She looked around, but Pluto was gone. She sighed and headed down. It grew darker as she went farther. Eventually she reached the bottom. She heard a growl and spun around. A large creature jumped towards her and landed a few feet away. "Stay away, you don't want what's here. You don't deserve what is hidden from you. You who spent your life running as your mother did. Running from everything! You never fought a battle." Naru fell to her knees covering her ears. Then she realized what she was facing. "You are doubt and fear. You can't keep me away from what's mine!" It laughed in her face. "I am a part of you. You can never rid yourself of me." Naru stood. "Maybe not, but I can defeat you for now." As she spoke it got smaller and smaller. She walked away from it and found a ragged wall on the other side. It had no steps, but it had plenty of handholds. She climbed slowly and it got harder as she went. Around halfway she was met by a beautiful face. It spoke softly, "You don't need to do this. This is so much work for one so young. The others can take care of themselves." Naru almost reached out, but stopped herself. "You are Fear again. Stay away, I've already defeated you once." It fell into the chasm as she pulled herself over the top into almost blinding light. A figure appeared. It was an older version of Naru. If you have reached this far then you have won the knowledge and power of days past. Perhaps we shall set our mistakes to right this time around." The figure turned. "Come and learn." *2* Kronos read the article in front of him. It spoke of mutants emerging from human society, many with strange powers. He doubted it, even though the article named one group of people who called themselves the X-men and fought for equal rights. Other groups fought the "flatscans" as they were called. Kronos shrugged. Even if they did exist, he doubted they were very powerful. He put the paper down and gazed over to the pool area. A teenager caught his attention. A group of people were trying to coax her into the pool, but she obviously didn't want to go in. A young man said something to her and she stormed off. A woman made to go after her, but a man stopped her. Kronos realized that he hadn't had a woman recently and followed in the direction she'd gone. She headed towards the bay and he followed glad they were moving to a more secluded place. She went around the corner of a building and he followed a moment after, but there was no sign of her. He looked around, but she was gone. An amused thought hit him and he winced from surprise. ^Look up.^ He looked up to see her on the low roof of a building. He hadn't seen a telepath in years, but knew he could "talk" with her. ^Surprising, you know what I want then.^ he sent. She laughed. ^Indeed, don't think it hasn't been done before. But I am more powerful now.^ She continued verbally. "Just try it." He studied her red hair and pleasantly formed body. He shrugged and jumped to the top of the building. He stood in front of her. "As you wish, that was a foolish challenge." "Really?" she asked. Suddenly the wind swept through and picker her up lifting her into the sky. ^Trust me, we exist.^ she sent. She'd read his recent memory then. "You are a mutant." he stated. She shrugged and landed back on the ground. "But what are you? I wonder.............." He laughed. "I am immortal!" Instead of reacting in disbelief as he had thought she would, she nodded. "Yes, you have lived a long time. Much like Wolverine, but he is not as you say immortal." "What do you say is an immortal?" Kronos asked. "You are semi-immortal. You can only be permanently killed by having your head cut off. You don't physically age past your first death. An interesting concept," she told him matter of factly. "I don't have time to play now. Good bye." She raised in the air and went away. * * She walked after she was sufficiently away. She was passing through a parking lot, when she heard, "WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!" She looked up to see a car coming. She had no time to move. Someone pushed her out of the way just in time. Her vision cleared after a few moments. A man helped her stand. "You ought to be more careful." Then she fell to the ground limply. Lightning struck her body and she passed out. A few minutes later Kronos passed by the man's car. A shame, his prey wasn't there. Oh well, he'd find him. * * She woke in a strange apartment. Before she moved she checked herself out. She confirmed her fear; she absorbed another talent. The man walked over to her. She felt a sense of him. Another buzzing sensation showed another man. She sat up. "Damn." The man nodded. "I agree, do you know what happened?" She nodded. "I assume you know of mutants." They both nodded. "Well, my mutant ability is sharing others' abilities. I have in effect absorbed your immortality." "You know of it?" the man asked. She nodded. "I ran into Kronos today." The man's face went slack. "Yes, I thought it was you." The other man stepped forward. "Explain yourself." "I am a telepath." she said. "Your name is Methos though you are currently going by Adam." She turned to the other man. "Your name is Duncan Mcleod. You want to tell me of the Game. Immortals take each others heads to take their power. In the end their can only be one and the last shall have the power." She smiled at the speachless men. "My name is Madison, my father affectively killed me so I have no last name. I am called Sonny." "What of your mother?" Duncan asked. Sonny held up a hand and suddenly it was covered with flame. "I killed her before I learned what I was." Sonny looked up in startlement. A woman was standing in the apartment door staring at Methos. Sonny fell to the floor in agony. "Stop it!" she screamed at the woman. The woman regestered shock on her face and rushed to the girl's side. She brushed her hand over Sonny's forehead. "My apologies, Prime." Sonny sat up. "You have one hell of a loud mental voice." she complained. ^Don't even think of attacking Methos. You would lose, i should know I have the same amount of power as he. Besides, let me show you.............^ A few moments later they were interupted by a loud voice. "Please tell me what's going on." The two females brought themselves back to the present. Sonny smiled at Methos. "You and Cassandra need to talk." He opened his mouth to object. "Don't argue with me. I know you better than you know yourself." He nodded and the two left the apartment. She turned to Duncan. "Do you know where I can find a teacher and a good sword?" "I'm teaching you. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You are far too powerful." he said. She nodded. "Then there are some people you should meet." *3* Back at where Madison lived things were not peaceful. "She's a big girl and more powerful than all of us combined." a man with a feral expression told them. "She is my responsibility. I don't think she is in danger and neither does Phoenix." The woman in question nodded. "She will return soon. We have come one step closer to the future." Then a more human voice spoke. "Cyclops, we should notbother her. Phoenix is right, though I do not understand." The door opened and Sonny stood there. "I have news." * * When she finished explaining, she waited for a response. Wolverine walked over to Duncan. "I will entrus her into your care for now, but if she gets hurt you will pay." Cyclops was not happy, but he had no say in the matter. The last response came from the man in the hoverchair. "Come to my office, we should talk." In the peace of the man's office Duncan relaxed. The professor studied him. He had dark hair held in a ponytail in the back. Duncan spoke with a scottish accent. The proffesor said, "I am called Professor Xavier. I am the leader of these people. They are called the X-men. We are mutants. The mutation can be harmful or beneficial. However, people are afraid of us." Duncan nodded. "I fear to think what would happen if immortals were discovered." Xavier smiled. "Many of us have gone into hiding. Others, like Madison, don't look different so they hide in plain sight. The people grouped here fight for equal rights and are very protective of each other. Most are especially protective of Madison. She is fragile though it is hard to notice. She is powerful. And now she is immortal. Wolverine adopted her two years ago. She will be seventeen soon. She recued another of our youth." "She is a brave girl." Duncan said. "Training should not be difficult. However, there are rules to each game." Xavier agreed, "And she shall do what she must. But if she or one she loves is threatened. May God protect her foe." *End Part 1, See Part 2*