Mrs. George FINK 84, a life long resident of Northfield and community, died on Sunday, Aug. 30, at the St. Olaf Res Home following a lingering illness.
Funeral services will be held in the Church of St. Dominic on Tuesday at 9 a.m. with the Pastor, the Rev. Robert G. Dillion, officiating. Burial will be made in the Calvary Cemetery.
Friends may call this evening and on Tuesday morning until the hour of service. The Rosary will be recited this evening.
Mrs. FINK is survived by three sons; by five daughters; by 21 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.
source: FDN newspaper Monday August 31 1959
Mrs. George FINK
Northfield--Funeral services for Mrs. George FINK a lifelong resident of Northfield and community who passed away at the St. Olaf Avenue Rest Home on Sunday. Aug 30 were held this morning at the Church of St. Dominic.
The Pastor, the Rev. Robert G. Dillion officiaed at 9 a.m. Burial was made to the family lot in Calvary Cemetery.
pallbearers wre Gerald and Steven FINK of Northfield, Theodore FINK and Thomas MATISTCH (?) St. Paul, Michael and Barthold GERTZ of Waseca.
Elizabeth WINTERS was born Nov. 7, 1873 in Greenvale township the daughter of Joseph and Mary SIMON WINTERS. She grew up in the community and was married to George FINK of the area on Oct 17, 1899 in the Church of St. Dominic in Northfield. They continued to make their home in the Greenvale community until 1940 when they retired from active farming and moved to Northfield.
She was a member of the Rosary society of the Church of St Dominic and the Third Order of St. Dominic. Mr FINK preceded her in death several years ago.
Ms. FINK is survived b three sons, Arnold, of St. Paul; Warren and Paul FINK of Northfield, and five daughters, the Misses Mary and Roselie FINK and Mrs. Louis Thomas (Kathryn) of Minneapolis, Mrs. Al HABERHOLZ (Dorothy) of Northfield and Mrs. Fred GOERTZ (Martha) of Wasca. There are also 21 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren, and one sister Mrs. Rose EHRMANNTROUT of St. Paul
source: FDN Tues. 01 Sept. 1959