The Stranger Danger A.L.E.R.T. Defense System (tm)


Welcome to the "Stranger Danger A.L.E.R.T." (tm) website. What you are about to read, and hopefully learn and pass on, is that there are two types of thinking when it come to "Stranger Danger" issues. One is a sugarcoated fantasy and the other is the harsh reality.

In Other Words: "MYTH -vs- TRUTH"

In these unfortuate times where we are all at a high level of "alert" for terrorist activities, we must also increase the level of "alert" senses in our children from child abuse issues & child abduction terroists. Children at any age, (adolescents & adults too) can become victims of these animals in mere seconds. The end result is all too often a tragic loss. The victims family and friends are always left filled with great remorse and regret. The time for this brand of child terrorism must be stopped right here and right now!! The office of Homeland Security has recently developed a color coded system of national prepardness. Each color denotes the appropriate level of "alert" status with "RED ALERT" status being the highest and most serious. This level indicates that an attack has occurred or is about to. Unfortunately, we failed to be at this heightend level of alert status on September 11th 2001. The nation now has to live with regret.

As such, the RED ALERT LIGHT displayed at the top of this page serves as a constant reminder that at no time can children afford to let their guard down against the numerous predators that are actively seeking them out and planning on doing them harm. Even as you read this, there is a sadistic predator out there somewhere planning their next move and moving in for the kill. As such, let one and all consider themselves at the highest level of prepardness - RED ALERT!!

I therefore urge all parents, teachers, public service professionals and YOU (Yes, I can see your hand on the mouse considering whether to hit the back button) to read on and do all that you can to save our greatest natural resource - OUR CHILDREN!!! The choice is actually quite simple. You can teach your children to be A.L.E.R.T. or you can live with REGRET.

Aside from its general definition, the word "alert" can also be used in the form of an acronym "A.L.E.R.T." which in itself not only defines the word but provides the 5 key steps in the identification of and protection from child abuse and/or child abduction. Moreover, the A.L.E.R.T. system is both easy and fun to learn and to teach.

Unfortunately, the very science of keeping kids safe from harm must be delivered with a sense of fun rather than forboding. True, reminding kids (students) & ourselves (teachers) of what the grim realities can be if they/we are not A.L.E.R.T. is not a pleasent task, yet it must also be contained within the lesson plan itself.

In addition to being a Policeman for more than 20 years I have also studied and taught Japanese Shotokan Karatedo for over 30 years. As a Policeman, I have all too often seen the up close and personal results of both the victim and their family after a child abuse or child abduction encounter. As a Karatedo Sensei (teacher) I have also witnessed the false presumtions and superstitions of believing that children who attain a black belt at an early age can defeat the mightiest of predators with their skills.

Here Is A Newsflash: THEY CANNOT!!

True, Karatedo study does amplify a students physical ability of defending themself when the odds are on their side, yet in a majority of cases, it cannot save their life from reality. The reality I refer to is that any adult who is filled with anger, rage, hatred, sexual aggresion coupled with cunning, manipulation skills and MUSCLE will always have the odds in their twisted favor.

Then why study Karatedo? The answer to this question will not be found with a simple answer but over an abundance of time and dedication. Karate's ultimate goal is of course in the perfection of the students character. The ability to defend oneself (in a reality setting) is yet another useful benefit. Of all the maxims that Karatedo teaches, perhaps none is more befitting to the ideals of the A.L.E.R.T. system than that stated by Shotokan founder Gichin Funakoshi himself:

"When You Leave Your Home, Think that You Are Surrounded By Numerous Opponents; It Is Your Behaviour That Invites Trouble From Them."

Funakoshi's counterpart - American Statesman Benjamin Franklin said it this way: "An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure."

I prefer to keep it simple: "A.L.E.R.T."

In essence, the primary purpose of the A.L.E.R.T. system is to teach prevention skills rather than reactive responses. I'm sure we have all seen the "stranger" interactions on some of the daily talk shows. The segments on these shows usually demonstrate just how easy it is for a "stranger" to lure a child away from the safety of a playground just several feet from their parents. Of course the parents are always quite dismayed on just how easy it was for their child to be taken despite their own efforts in telling their kids to "never talk to a stranger, take candy from a stranger or go into a strangers home or car."

In reality, the belief that a child is going to actually listen to what sounds like good advise is quite absurd. Kids need to be taught and shown what to do (or not do) rather than just be told. In order for learning at any level to sink in, the exchange of information must occur. It cannot be stressed enough that the role of a teacher (or parent) is to TEACH not preach. Any lesson, mental or physical, will require that the teacher repeat and test the student as often as possible to ensure that learning has occurred. In other words:


The next part of the talk show segment will usually focus on just how easy it is kids to get away from their captor. This usually includes pulling out electrical wiring if in a car trunk or sticking a shirt button into a vehicle ignition switch to prevent it from starting. Now on the surface these suggestions look brilliant until you expand on the reality of these situations and realize that by this time, the abducted child is in no way, shape or form going to be able to pull of this illusion.

By this time, if a child is still conscious, they will probably be restrained by tape, rope, handcuffs and usually blindfolded and gagged. Additionally, the child had probably tried to put up a fight and was physically overpowered and potentionally beaten so badly that they can barely move. Aside from the physical tramau, now add mental confusion, fright, anxiety and shock. Now try to picture any child having the physical strength and mental focus to come up with some of the "magic tricks" demonstrated on the talk show.

Here Is Another Newsflash: THEY WON'T!!

Get the picture? Can you separate the Myth from the Reality? I certainly hope so. If so, read on an find out what the A.L.E.R.T. system is all about. If not, go back and read it again. If you get back here again and still don't get it (or choose not to) break out the "Chutes & Ladders" game and go back to "Candyland." I wish you, and more importantly, your children GOOD LUCK!

Still with me?......GOOD!!! Let's explore some definitions together. In order for you and your student(s) to attain a level of understanding of the "Stranger Danger A.L.E.R.T. Defensive System" (tm) you must take things slow and easy. Take a week, teach the system for 30-60 minutes during every class. You must make it fun to learn and easy to remember. You must of course have DISCIPLINE. No, I don't mean spankings, time outs, etcetera but what discipline should really be defined as.

DISCIPLINE: "Doing (or not doing) Something WITHOUT Having To Be Told To Do (or not to do) So.

Once a student understands the primary difference from not only "KNOWING right from wrong" and "DOING right from wrong" they will be ready to go forward; and so will you. After that, everything else will be literally and figuratively "Childs Play."


In order for us to understand this question we must first explore the broader meanings of the these two words independently and combined.

STRANGER: By standard definition a "stranger" may be defined as a person who you are not familiar with. By broader definition, a "stranger" is any person that you may actually even know but don't know anything about them. In other words, this may be your next door neighbor, the mailman or even a relative that you may "know on sight" but you cannot "see inside them" (or their heart & soul). It's OK to be friendly towards someone WITHOUT having to put your total trust (your life) within their reach. Let's keep it simple: If you do not know their social security number they're a stranger.

Let's take it one step further. If you take off the last "R" in the word "stranger" and you have left is something "STRANGE." Here again, by definition "STRANGE" may be defined as something odd, unusual, peculiar or queer*. (*Look it up). This may include a persons behaviour or actions. This may also further include a "strange PLACE" or "strange THING" such as a place you have never been to or something you are not familiar with.

DANGER: By definition, "danger" being exposed to harm, peril, injury which may result in disability or death. Let's keep this one simple too: Something that can hurt, harm or kill you.

The combination of these unique words and their two broad definitions may be simplied as follows:

STRANGER DANGER: Any PERSON, PLACE or THING, that you really do not know that well, that may HURT, HARM or KILL you if given the chance.

*** The A.L.E.R.T. Acronym ***

In essense, the A.L.E.R.T. acronym is the 5 step key in the PREVENTION of abuse and abduction. As outlined above, children have often been portrayed as having both the mental and physical stability to outwit a predator AFTER being ABDUCTED. Although victims should not be discouraged from attempting escape, the extreme possibility of success AFTER being physically and psychologically beaten & tramautized certainly does not look promising. It should be stressed that victims should look for and exploit any opportunity to escape no matter what the cost.

Is there a way to PREVENT these grim predictaments?

*** YES........By being A.L.E.R.T. ***

By definition, the word "Alert" means to be focused, sharp, prepared, on guard, aware, watchful, vigliant, nimble, forewarned, watchful....Well, I hope you get the point. In general, being "Alert" is being nothing less than being at an intense state of readiness at all times. This being said, it can also be presumed that if one is "Alert", they may in fact have the ample ability to RECOGNIZE any potential threats before they strike thus PREVENTING a HORRIBLE and REGRETFUL outcome. It all starts with the letter "A."

Using the word "Alert" as defined above and incorporating the same letters as an EASY 5 step safety procedure, the A.L.E.R.T. safety system clearly highlights to anyone (Children in particular) what they need to do to RECOGNIZE & PREVENT virtual disaster. In this case we are focused on the PREVENTION of child abuse and child abduction.

***** A.L.E.R.T. *****

"A"..........AWARE & AVOID

If one is ever AWARE of a danger then AVOID the danger.

"L"..........LEAVE - LOUDLY*

If unable to avoid the danger by conventional means, it now has become quite necessary that you LEAVE the area quickly. In doing so, a growing area of space or distance between you and the danger should increase. As you LEAVE be sure that the danger is not closing in on you. If so, then you must be prepared to LEAVE LOUDLY*. Usually, screaming, yelling help, calling mommy/daddy, or even the more ridiculous notion of yelling out fire will do you no good. What's needed is a way to convey a message of distress and imminent danger.

That message is this:


Here is what you are really saying:

NO-NO (This is wrong)

I DON'T KNOW YOU (You are a stranger)

GET AWAY FROM ME (Someone is trying to abduct you)

Keep yelling NO-NO, I DON'T KNOW YOU, GET AWAY FROM ME as long as it takes for someone to LISTEN.


If necessary, ESCAPE by whatever means required. Break a window, set off a car alarm, pull a fire alarm, wrap yourself around another person and have them call 911. If alone and cornered then ENGAGE (Fight For Your Life) in any combat technique that will allow you to ESCAPE. Do whatever possible to convert anything into an EMERGENCY EXIT.


At this point you now have to RUN further from the danger, possibly by RETREATING-RETURNING-REVERSING to a presumed place of safety (Usually where you just came from). Of course you will do this RAPIDLY.

"T"..........TELL someone you TRUST

After finally making your way to a place of safety you must immediately TELL someone you TRUST about the incident and provide as much information as possible so that the Police will be able to locate and identify any potential suspects. If you keep your mouth shut, someone else may become the next victim. By the way, keeping TELLING someone you TRUST until that SOMEONE actually "listens' to you and then does something about it in order to keep you safe!





"T".....TELL someone you TRUST

In general, the Stranger Danger A.L.E.R.T. Defense System is a template giving one a blue print in which to follow. How you teach it is up to you, however what you teach cannot and should not be altered. For additional information and instructional tools, please contact O'Sensei Brian R. Fey at the SKJF website listed below.

The Stranger Danger A.L.E.R.T. Defense System (tm) is a licensed Trademark of the SKJF and may not be used without express written permission.

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