******* SKJF Ranking Goals & Standards *******

The following international standards of rank have been accepted and recognized by the Zen Nihon Karatedo Remmei. The main goal of these standards is to unite all Karate groups under one administrative structure. These goals are as follows:

1. To standardize Kyu/Dan ranking worlwide, which until now, were left up to the judgement of each independent organization.

2. To establish uniform guidelines in which Kyu/Dan ranks are measured and awarded based on technical progress, personal development and contributive service.


SKJF Kyu/Dan Rank Guidelines

According to the SKJF Regulations and Ranking Guide, ranking is defined as the evaluation of an individual's progress toward the attainment of human perfection through the practice of karate.

This evaluation is not solely based upon the physical techniques of karate, but encompasses the entire human being: physical, psychological and spiritual development. Increases in rank are awarded in proportion to an individual's degree of development toward the karate goals of perfection.

*** There Are Three Types Of Ranking ***

Regular Rank: The stage of progress of the human character as reached through physical and spiritual practice of karate.

Recommended Rank: The state of progress of the human character as reached through both an individual's continued practice as well as one's total contribution and service to the development of karate.

Honorary Rank: An award of rank as a result either directly or indirectly of one's service and support of the development of karate.


*** KYU (Step) CRITERIA ***

Zero (0) Kyu, Ju (10th) Kyu, Ku (9th) Kyu Hachi (8th) Kyu

This is the ability level (novice/beginner) wherein the individual is able to perform and apply the most simple external actions and techniques.


Shichi (7th) Kyu, Roku (6th) Kyu, Go (5th) Kyu, Yon (4th) Kyu

Each of these intermediate levels requires an increased stage of development of both technical and mental skills.


San (3rd) Kyu, Ni (2nd) Kyu, Ik (1st) Kyu

At this advanced level of ability, overall technique in all areas should beging to take on a very clear a distinct understanding.


Shodan-Ho* (*Almost/Nearly) 1st Dan Level Black Belt

At this point, the student is more than a 1st Kyu and not yet a Shodan. They must be capable of executing all fundamental body movements and techniques with proper application. This includes all hand and leg techniques.


*** Regular Yudansha Grade Criteria ***

Sho (1st) Dan: Physically, a first-degree black belt is a person who knows all the basic body movements and techniques, and who can apply those movements and techniques with enough extended force to neutralize an opponent of equal size, weight, and strength.

Ni (2nd) Dan: This is the level at which the student has not only mastered the basics, but also has internalized them. This means that the student is now able to perform the techniques more spontaneously, and with more speed, power, and grace.

San (3rd) Dan: This is the "stepping out" ranking because it is much farther distant from nidan than nidan is from shodan. The sandan candidate is expected to have a clear understanding of all the underlying principles of all techniques and body movements.

Yon (4th) Dan: This is generally considered the first teaching level of karate. That is, a person who attains yondan should be able to independently produce shodans, taking students from white belt to black belt without any outside help.

Go (5th) Dan: This is generally acknowledged as the "entry-level master" ranking. People attaining godan have probably been practicing steadily for at least 15-20 years and have a very deep understanding of their art and, based upon their training, of themselves.

Roku (6th) Dan: This level indicates that the person attaining it has performed advanced research that is of universal benefit to all karate students.

Nana (7th) Dan: This level indicates that the person attaining it has done extensive testing of his rokudan research and has applied it widely in actual application.

Hachi (8th) Dan: This is reserved for people who have completed advanced research in a new and previously unknown area of karate technique, theory, or teaching.

Ku (9th) Dan: This level is normally reserved for those very few individuals who have dedicated their entire lives to karate-do in an extraordinary way. A person attaining kudan is thought to be the living embodiment of the very best qualities a human being can develop through dedication to karate-do.

Ju (10th) Dan: This is usually reserved for the head of the style, although it is sometimes awarded to people who have achieved a level of respect accorded only to heads of styles. In many organizations, judan is awarded only in honor of the death of the person receiving it.


-Standard Term For Training & Age Considerations-


0 Kyu..................Entry Level Novice.....................None

10 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after beginning training None

9 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after receiving 10th Kyu None

8 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after receiving 9th Kyu None

7 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after receiving 8th kyu None

6 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after receiving 7th kyu None

5 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after receiving 6th kyu None

4 Kyu No more than 3 months practice after receiving 5th kyu None

3 Kyu No more than 6 months practice after receiving 4th kyu None

2 Kyu No more than 6 months practice after receiving 3rd kyu None

1 Kyu No more than 6 months practice after receiving 2nd kyu None

Shodan-Ho....3-6 months practice after receiving 1st kyu....None


Shodan----No more than 6-9 months after receiving Shodan-Ho----16*

(*In certain circumstances, Junior Shodan, Junior Nidan and Junior Sandan may be awarded to individuals under the age of 16. At the age of 18, Junior Shodan, Junior Nidan and Junior Sandan rankings are automatically converted to regular Shodan, Nidan and Sandan as deemed appropriate.)


Nidan----No less than 2 years after 1st Dan----18

Sandan----No less than 3 years after 2nd Dan----21

Yondan----No less than 3 years after 3rd Dan----25

Godan----No less than 3 years after 4th Dan----30

Rokudan----No less than 5 years after 5th Dan----35

Nanadan----No less than 5 years after 6th Dan----40

Hachidan----No less than 7 years after 7th Dan----50

Kudan----No less than 7 years after 8th Dan----60

Judan----No less than 7 years after 9th Dan----70


*** Kyu/Dan Belt Colors ***

Although many SKJF Dojo may utilize a variety of different "colored" belts to designate Kyu & Dan ranks, the following color scheme is recommended to provide uniformity throughout the SKJF.

ZeroKyu: White, KuKyu: Yellow, JuKyu: Orange, HachiKyu: Blue

SichiKyu: Purple, RokuKyu: Purple 1 green stripe

GoKyu: Green, YonKyu: Green 1 brown stripe

SanKyu: Brown, NiKyu: Brown 2 white stripe, IkKyu: Brown 2 white stripe & 1 black stripe

Shodan-Ho: Cotton Black Belt 1 white stripe (No Embroidery)

Shodan - Godan: Satin Black Belt with GOLD embroidery of SKJF & Name

Rokudan - Judan: Satin Black Belt with RED embroidery of SKJF & Name

Those Yudansha from Rokudan/Renshi and above may also elect to wear a Jinbaori (black vest garment) while teaching or during examinations.

SKJF Kyu/Dan Examination Requirements and Standards


In general, the following requirements and standards of both Kyu & Dan grades have been established to provide a uniform standard consistent with current international criteria. It must be stressed that unless otherwise indicated, ALL criteria listed must be fulfilled in order to meet the minimum standards of each corresponding rank. It should be noted that Kobudo Kata shall be included during examinations from the 5th Kyu and above.



The examination requirements for all Kyu level grades must consist of a variety of techniques in Kata, Kihon Waza, Kumite & Kobudo. With the exception of KATA, the overall minimal requirements of each Kyu rank will be left to the judgement, discretion and interpretation of the respective Dojo Sensei.


Examination Standards and Percentage Values

Students should not receive a percentage or letter grade (ie: 100% or A+). However, examination criteria shall be given weight via percentage values. Note that KATA is the most important section of the exam. Without an understanding of the required kata for each rank, a student SHALL NOT pass. Examination percentage values shall be as follows:

KATA = 50% of overall exam (Karatedo & Kobudo)

KIHON WAZA = 40% of overall exam

IPPON and/or JIYU KUMITE = 10% of overall exam


- Novice/Beginner Kyu Ranks -

Zero (0) Kyu - White Belt: This is an entry level novice rank in which students will be introduced to the basic fundamentals and rudiments of kihon waza, kata & Shotokan history. It is this stage of development in which the student prepares for their first exam.

Ju (10th) Kyu - Yellow Belt: Students should be able to perform basic kihon waza and be familiar with the most basic historical facts related to their training thus far. Examples include: Counting 1-10 in Japanese, What does Karatedo mean?, What style do they study?, What does ShotoKan mean?, Who is Gichin Funakoshi?, What is the SKJF?, etcetera. KATA: TAIKYOKU SHODAN & TAIKYOKU NIDAN. Note that the remaining Taikyoku Kata (Sandan - Nanadan) are introduced gradually throughout the Kyu level however should not be required for grading purposes.

Ku (9th) Kyu - Orange Belt: KIHON: Continued improvement in basic kihon waza including basic, zuki, geri, uke & dachi. KUMITE: 2 Ippon Kumite. KATA: HEIAN SHODAN -plus- one kata from previous rank.

Hachi (8th) Kyu - Blue Belt: Further development of the Ku Kyu standards as above. KATA: HEIAN NIDAN -plus- one kata from previous rank.


- Intermediate Kyu Ranks -

Sichi (7th) Kyu - Purple Belt: KIHON: Further introduction of added kihon waza and simple combinations. KUMITE: 2-3 Ippon Kumite, 1-2 Jiyu Kumite Shobu. KATA: HEIAN SANDAN -plus- one kata from previous rank.

Roku (6th) Kyu - Purple Belt: Further development of the Sichi Kyu standards as above. KATA: HEIAN YONDAN -plus- one kata from previous rank.

Go (5th) Kyu - Green Belt: KIHON: Further introduction of more complex kihon waza and multiple combinations. KUMITE: 3-4 Ippon Kumite, 2 Jiyu Kumite Shobu. KATA: HEIAN GODAN -plus- one kata from previous rank. KOBUDO KATA: SHUSHI NO KON SHO.

Yon (4th) Kyu - Green Belt: Further development of the Go Kyu standards as above. KATA: TEKKI SHODAN - plus- one kata from previous rank. KOBUDO KATA: Same as Go Kyu.


- Advanced Kyu Ranks -

San (3rd) Kyu - Brown Belt: Further introduction of more complex kihon waza and multiple combinations being demonstrated in Kumite Dachi Kamae. KUMITE: 3-4 Ippon Kumite, 2 Jiyu Kumite Shobu. KATA: BASSAI DAI -plus- one Heian kata. KOBUDO KATA: Previous + OKANO NO SAI SHO.

Ni (2nd) Kyu - Brown Belt: Further development of the San Kyu standards as above. KATA: KANKU DAI -plus- one Heian kata. KOBUDO KATA: Same as San Kyu.

Ik (1st) Kyu - Brown Belt: Further development of the Ni Kyu standards as above. KATA: ENPI -plus- one Heian or Tekki kata. KOBUDO KATA: Previous + SHUSHI NO KON DAI.


- Shodan-Ho Rank -

Shodan-Ho (almost/nearly) 1st Dan - Black Belt: A complete understanding of all previous Kyu rank kihon waza coupled with an apparent clarity of purpose in all applications. KATA: JION -plus- either Bassai Dai or Kanku Dai and one Heian or Tekki kata. KOBUDO KATA: Same as Ik Kyu.



(Under Construction)

After passing your yudansha examination, you may register your new grade for certification. Upon receipt of your registraion, you will receive a Japanese Yudansha Grade Certificate.

Registration and certification fees for all "new" promotion upgrades are only $50.00 per dan level -plus- a $25.00 administrative fee. Just remember that most organizations reach way down into your pocket and charge $100.00 per Dan (ie: 3rd Dan = $300.00).

SKJF Yudansha Grade Registration/Certification Schedule

Shodan - $75.00

Nidan - $125.00

Sandan - $175.00

Yondan - $225.00

Godan - $275.00

Rokudan and above - $325.00

Once again, please note that the SKJF wants you to have more for less. Grading recognition can be "paid" for in terms of your time and efforts and not out of your pocket.


*** SHOMEI ***

(Special Title Awards)

In Japan, Shomei "title award" are bestowed only within the traditional martial ways (Budo) that employ traditional weapons or empty hand arts. SKJF members who qualify through outstanding dedication and leadership may be selected from any division.


In general, Senpai refers to the senior student or highest ranking member of a Dojo. This may include the highest dan grade from 2nd Dan and below. Senpai may be further used as a courtesy title to any Yudansha not yet receiving the title of Sensei.


Minimum rank, 3rd Dan. Ability to conduct training classes as an instructor on a regular basis including the ability to serve as a solo examiner during any Kyu level (including Shodan-Ho) and/or participate on an examiners board/panel for Shodan & Nidan examinations.


Minimum rank, 4th Dan. The title of O'Sensei refers directly to the "Head or Chief Instructor" of any singular Dojo that also hosts or sponsers additional branches or clubs.


Minimum rank, 5th Dan. Ability to teach practical methods and basic techniques, proven dedication to Budo through long term teaching experience. Written essay of publication required. Similar to the title, "Bachelor of Arts."


Minimum rank, 7th Dan, 40 years of age, Renshi title holder. Outstanding knowledge of the traditions and methods of Budo. Demonstrated excellence of technique and teaching methods. Written essay or publication required. Similar to the title, "Master of the fine Arts."


Minimum rank of 8th Dan, 50 years of age, Kyoshi title holder. Individual of outstanding moral and personal character. Proven leadership and exceptional contribution to Budo. Deep understanding of the techniques, history and spririt of the Martial Arts. Written essay or publication required. Similar to the titel, "Doctor of Philosophy."


Individual that has attained the highest rank ot 10th Dan. Awarded by a special board of examiners. The term Meijin translates to "Grand Master."


Minimum rank of 7th Dan, Kyoshi. The term Shihan translates to "Master Chief Instructor" or "teacher of teachers."

- SOKE -

The leader of style, or school (Ryu), who has assumed leadership through inhertance.

SKJF Links

Japan Karatedo ShotoJuku - SKJF: The Official SKJF Website
OSS!! - Online: The Official SKJF Online Newsletter
The Stranger Danger A.L.E.R.T. Defense System: Child Abuse & Child Abduction Prevention
The Japan Karatedo ShotoJuku - Samurai Dojo: The SKJF Honbu Website