Name: Belldandy
Age: 25
Height: 165 cm
Class: First class, second category, unlimited
Domain: The Present
Alternate Source Of Energy: Sleep (that's my source of energy too!)
Angel: Holy Bell 
Voice Actress: Inoue Kikuko
Belldandy is the main goddess in this anime series. She is the one who answers Keichi's call and she is the one who marries him. She has the markings of a goddess on her forehead and cheeks (like every goddess has) but they are different from Skuld and Urd's markings. Skuld's markings are wider than Belldandy's and Urd's are in the shape of triangles. She makes a wish prior to when Keichi phones, that is what you see with the ball of light at the begining. Her wish is that Keichi would phone and wish that a goddess, like her, would be his girlfriend. When she first arrives she come to Keichi's dorm Keichi and her get kicked out because there are no girls allowed in the dorm. They move to an old shrine and make a home there. Skuld and Urd come to her house because they are concerned about the new couple. Lot's of strange things happen when the goddess's come to earth. (Read about some of those things in Skuld's profile). She uses a mirror as a way of transportation as well as a link between Earth and Heaven.

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