Ah! Megamisama is a sweet, romantic anime that is based on a goddess named Belldandy. Keichi phones wanting to order some food but he accidently phones the Goddess helper office instead. Earlier at the begining of the first movie you see Belldandy and a ball of light. It is rumored that Belldandy wished that Keichi would phone and ask for a goddess like her to live with him and be his girlfriend. Keichi does wish this and Belldandy comes to earth and (I believe) they get married. Keichi lives in a dorm at his college NIT which does not allow girls there. So he gets kicked out and then they move to a little shrine house thingie. Later in the series Urd comes via T.V screen to earth but when she comes out of the T.V she accidently knocks Keichi out. Belldandy was out shopping and when she came home she heard the story from Keichi about a girl coming out of the T.V. She tells Urd to come out and Urd does and she lives with them as well. Then next Skuld comes to earth (I'm not sure how yet) and she somehow allows the Bugs to come to earth. The bugs make strange things happen and Skuld has to get rid of them. Also the goddesses cannot go back to heaven until all the bugs are eliminated. I give this anime, out of 10, a 10. I gave it this rating because it is such a good anime. Not everyone likes it but I love it! It can be spelled/pronounced in these ways: Oh! My Goddess, Ah! My Goddess, or Ah! Megamisama. 

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