


I have a new home on the web!

Welcome to Mukund's Link Land !

This site contains links to the best sites I found on subjects I was interestedin. With a view to help others avoid repeating those long searches and toprovide a ready reference for me I have staked my claim among the millions of other pages.Hope U find what U'r looking for.

1) Search Engine Page

This is where I get all the links from.Start U'r search at the MIT archive of UsenetFAQS. Proceed then to Yahoo! since they pick sites by hand.If U find nothing there try the subject tree searches. If U'r looking forcommon interest topics like viruses try GeoCities and Tripod.Still searching ? - Make a tour of the multiple engine searches like HotDog and MetaCrawler.U'r last resort is the search at Dejanews.

2) Educational resources

Learn history from the birth of the universe to that of the computer detouring to admire thediversity of fauna in the Jurassic age. Study the working of the automobile and the human body.Visit various libraries and read magazines like Nature . Read how U can enhance your learning with the help of technology.Remember - Knowledge is power

3) Books Online

Did you know that it was possible to get books online ? ... for free ? From the fantastic worlds of the city of Oz and Alice's Wonderland to the down-to-earth accounts of Mark Twain's Mississippi - classic literature free. Books on computers from Macmillan Publishing and biographies like those of Napoleon are just the tip of the iceberg. Simply amazing !

4) Astronomy

Are U an Astron(a)ut ? A list of interesting sites of textual & graphical material to be found on the net concerning astronomy. Look at the Hubble space telescope pictures and marvel at thecompletely miniscule part of the universe we live in . We might be miniscule but we ain't insignificant :)

5) Friends on the net

For good times and bad times ... that's what friends are for ...

6) Chess Links

The Royal game . How to play it , how to play it on the net and how to write a chess playing program and other AI resources.

7) India

In her 50th year of independence India has finally blossomed into a leading Yahoo! keyword(India is ranked at around 60 in the unofficial list of leading keywords)

8) Astrology

Is there a higher force out there ? Does astrology really work ? Are we masters of our own fate ? Find out by looking up U'r horoscopes , numerology predictions. There are also predictions based on U'r name !

9) About Me

Who am I ? Where am !? This page has the cure for Amnesia

10) Internet

Fill in U'r e-mail address and I'll post to U if I update the page !

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This page is maintained by mukund (mukund@mailandnews.com) .
Last modified on Feb 16 2000