She walked and walked, trying to find the laboratory complex. It took only about an hour of following the tracks to see the tall, metal complex. The building was 7 stories tall and full with some of the smartest men and women in the world. "If they are so smart", Jodi though to herself," then why did they leave me alone to fend for myself!!" She walked until she was about 200 hundred yards from the front of the building and stamped her foot on the soft earth. "Hello puny scientists!", she yelled, causing the building to shake slightly. "I hope you missed me, I REALLY miss you!" She paused for a second and looked for any sign of life looking out of the windows. Finally, a man in a white labcoat and a loudspeaker in his hand arrived out of a door on the roof. "Hi, Its me, Tim, "he blurted through the loudspeaker," I've come to talk." "Why should I listen to you?", Jodi asked. Her words shook Tim and knocked him down. "Because we are finally able to reduce you size back to normal!!" Tim replied. Jodi couldn't believe her ears. Back to normal were the words she was longing to hear. All thoughs of sneezing the scientist to oblivian were dissapearing. Know she just wanted to be her 4 foot self again. "All you have to do", Tim instructed "is to stand as straight as possible and we will shoot the shrinking ray at you. Within a few minutes you will be back to your original size!" Jodi stood as straight as she could and waited for the signal from Tim. After a minute a bright light came from one of the rooms and hit her squarely on the head. She started to feel different and her arms became very heavy. Her legs also became heavy and she felt paralized. "What are you doing to me!"she screamed, causing the building to shake and some windows to break! "Don't worry, this is only temporay,"Tim explained" You should begin to shrink in a few minutes." "O.k." Jodi replied with a bit of worry in her voice. After a minute in this semi-paralized state, Jodi feld a small tickle in her nose. The tickle started to grow and grow and Jodi realized a giant sneeze was building. She also knew that she could not muffle the force of the sneeze since she could not cover her mouth with her hand. "Tim, Get down into the basement, NOW!!," she yelled frantically. "Whats the problem?, are you OK?" Tim asked. "I....think I'm going to.....ahhhhhhh....SNEEZE!!!" Panic griped Tim's face. Hurridly, he went to one of the pager phones and made an announcement on the intercom that everyone had to go into the basement quickly but calmly. Tim figured that they had about 2 minutes before she would sneeze, which would be more than enough time. Luckily, Most of the scientist were out of the building. "Please...ahhh...ahhh get out still...ahhh...ahhh...can....",Jodi sputtered out in between large breaths. The sneeze grew and grew. With each gasp, the building shook. Jodi could feel the air rushing in and out of her lungs with increasing velocity. Her lungs were starting to fill up and she could just imagine the force when the release of the sneeze finally occurs. "Oh...AAAAAHHHH....MY....AAAAAAAHHHHHH.....GOD!!!!...AAAAAHHHHHH" The sneeze was now picking up speed. Windows were now breaking and the building was swaying wildly. "AAAAAHHHHHH....I....AAAAAAHHHH....FEEEL...AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH....IT.....COMING!!!...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" Her eyes started to close and the final movements of the sneeze was taking place. Her nostrils opened and her chest expanded until her shirt was about to break. Jodi's head tilted back as the last giant breath of air entered her already full lungs. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.... CCCCCCHHHHHHIIIEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The sneeze left her mouth and nose with such force that she was thrown back 100 feet. In a mater of seconds, the science building was torn apart. Glass and brick were scatered over several miles. The only thing left was a hole in the ground with about fifty scientist, shocked but alright. ***** Jodi awoke several hours later in hospital with a rather large headache, but back to normal size. "Where am I?" Jodi asked Tim. "You are recovering from a concussion you recieved after sneezing our building down!" "Sorry, but I couln't help it." "Thats alright, we needed a new building anyway!",Tim chuckled. "I guess the ray worked after all, It just needed some time. Oh, Just one other thing..." "What?," Jodi asked perplexed. "When you are about to sneeze, cover your mouth!" The End