A baby's crib with mobile
A blue baby's highchair
A set of bunkbeds
A double bed
A four-poster bed
A cat dances his way through a dresser
Roll of bathroom tissue
A bathtub with pleasant setting
A canister vacuum cleaner
A cookie jar
Blue armchair
A blue sofa
A Victorian leather couch
Another Victorian couch
A blue sofa
White sofa with throw pillows
An empty rocking chair
A small table with blue lamp
A small table with flowers on it
Brown table with lamp on it
A wall mirror
Animated small appliances in a blue and white kitchen
Purple kitchen
Table and chairs set
A washer and dryer combo
White kitchen stove
A hutch
A toaster
Desk chair on wheels
Old fashioned floor lamp
A floorlamp with blue shade
A lamp blinking
Animated microwave oven
A computer
A monitor
A printer
A wheelbarrow
A small wooden fence with gate
Animated old fashioned radio
Rolling pin
A throw rug
TV with snowy screen
Modern TV with snowy screen
Modern TV with animated picture
Animated TV with remote control
Portable TV set