Following are some roleplaying game aids that can be used with most roleplaying games. A few are done specifically for GURPS, the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, published by Steve Jackson Games. In our humble opinions, it is the most realistic game system available (and we've been through quite a few of them).
Random Name Generator (91K)-- This program generates a random name suitable for Fantasy and/or Sci-Fi RPG campaigns. The name generator was designed by Mark Murphree and programmed by Daniel Moreau. The names are not always exactly usable, but are mainly for inspiration. In fact, due to the random nature of the generator, it comes up with some rather atrocious combination sometimes. But with a little imagination, it's great for when you need a lot of names for cities and NPC's.
Elven Name Generator (91K)-- This program is similar to the random name generator, but was modified to produce more "Elven" sounding names.
GURPS Vehicle Record Sheet (36K)-- This is a sheet for recording vehicle statistics from GURPS Vehicles in Word 97 format.