Full Oak Moon Esbat Ritual

December - Nature's lessons During November, we mourn that which we have lost and banish that which we no longer need in our lives. In December, we prepare for and celebrate the coming of the Light at Yule.

At this time in the Wheel of the Year, having faced and accepted death in its many forms, we understand that nothing dies that is not reborn. Nature teaches us this lesson as we look about the frozen and barren earth. Under the earth, life is waiting for the warmth of the Sun to warm it and cause it to grow. Yet, it needs this time of rest before growing can occur.

It is important to observe the earth at this time of year and learn its lessons. We all need to rest between growing cycles and allow the seeds for our new cycle of life to prepare for growth.

The times of the Waxing and Full Moon are most commonly used for attacting, rather than banishing, energies. At this ritual we invite and accept rest into our lives in preparation for the return of the Sun and the growing cycle.

This ritual was created for the December, 2000, Full Oak Moon Esbat.

Purpose: To rest and meditate on earth's lessons.. Tools

A white candle. A clear quartz crystal, the stone of winter and cold. A piece of oak, if possible. The Working[i] Oh Mother Moon, represented now in the Wheel of the Year by the Full Oak Moon, you represent Nature's lessons.

Help me to see your lessons of death, rest, and rebirth in the quiet, barren landscape that surrounds me now.

Hold the clear quartz crystal in both hands and meditate on the idea of freezing and rest until you feel restful inside.

Hold the oak in both hands and meditate on the idea of hope in future growth.

Sit will these energies, and with Spirit, until you can feel both rest and the hope of future growth in your soul. Then, hold the white candle and say:

God and Goddess, Holy Spirit, I accept your restful, healing energies into my life. May they prepare me for the future growth that the return of the Light represents. Put the white candle in a holder. Sending the Energy[i] She changes everything she touches; everything she touches changes. As I light this candle, my will be done. This, or something better, for the Highest Good of all concerned. Light the white candle and leave it burning throughout the rest of the ritual.

Imagine the remainder of the energy flowing to God, Goddess, and Spirit; stand in Goddess position and "let go."

After the Ritual Put out the white candle at the end of the ritual. Leave it on the altar, and re-light it in order to meditate with the restful and hopeful energies of this ritual until it is burned out. Then bury the remainder of the wax in the earth.
