The FanFiction Page

The purpose of the fanfiction page is to give us the opportunity to write
using copyrighted characters.  Here are the rules of Jade's World Fanfiction.
        1. You must include a disclaimer with your submission, stating
that you did not create Star Wars or any of the characters used in it.
        2. Stories do not have to include Mara Jade, although it would 
be nice.
        3. You may disregard ProFic material, meaning, you may ignore
something which was written and published.
        4. You may NOT disregard anything from the original trilogy.  Your story
can take place during that time but you can't change the facts.
        5. Put a lid on the profanity.
        6. Stories will not be returned.
That's enough.  Enjoy the collection!

Coming Soon:  A new series I'm working on, the "Certain Point of View" 
series, will tell the same stories from several points of view. Check back
in a month or two for the first installment!

The Stories

This takes place at the Jedi Academy and features Luke and Kyp Durron, with a guest appearance by Mara Jade herself. Note: I bet you won't like this Mara, but that's okay because this is an experimental transition story. Did that make sense?
Life Day
Here's the story for anyone interested in Luke's relationship to the memory of his father. On a holiday visit home, Luke finds more than he bargained for...
The Gift
The story of how Luke was given to Owen and Beru, by Anna Hamilton

hits since 6/21/98
