Prisoners of War

"I was in prison and you visited me..."

Prisoners of War mission statement The tragic fact is that at one time we were all "Prisoners of War". This site is dedicated to those people who are serving time in the various prisons across our country. When I use the term Prisoners of War in this context I am talking about those people whose eyes are still blinded from the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You see, the real war is a spiritual one, and there have been many casualties. Although we all start out as prisoners in this war some of us have found that God can break in through our darkness with the light of His Truth and set us free. This is something that, ironically, happens most dramatically, I believe, in prison. I have told inmates that they can rejoice in being "locked up" because it shows them the extent of God's love. They were running around in circles, doing their own thing, and heading for Hell. God loved them so much that, since they didn't have time for Him on the outside, had them arrested so that He might speak to them and set them free. There are "makebelievers" to be sure, but there are many, many people that God has set free. To them prison is Holy Ground. I hope you appreciate this ministry. If you have any ideas on how to make it better please contact me. I'm always open to ideas.
An Inmate's View (from the Prison Epistles)
Reflections in the Dark (articles)
Things I have seen (Personal testimonies)
Lights in the Darkness (other testimonies)
The Great Escape (Through Jesus Christ)
Links to other Prison Ministries
Other useful links

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This True Justice site owned by David Brollier.
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Prisoners of War is an outreach ministry to inmates and inmates' families. This is done primarily by letting those of us who are not in prison know what's going on and calling Christians to pray for their Brothers and Sisters in prison. At the moment this will take the form of an E-zine. It is hoped that eventually we will be able to actually reach out and help the families of those who are in prison as well. Yet even then we must remember that we "do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12) Our beef is with Satan, not man. You may contact me at for information, prayer, praise, add your testimony or just for encouragement.