Nora Creina

Who are you that walk this way so like the Empress Dejanina?
Or is it true what people say, that you're the famous Shilna-grina?
Or are youthe great Ponpey, or Britain's queen, bold Tilburina?
Or are you Dido? Or Dr. Magee? "Oh, no," says she, "I'm Nora Creina."

I'm the girl that makes them stir from Cork along to Skibereen
All the day we drink strong tay and whiskey too, says Nora Creina.

Who are yhou that ask my name? Othello, Wat Tyler or Julius Caesar?
Or are you Venus of bright fame, or that old fogey Nebucadnesser,
Or maybe you are Pluto stout? Or jolly old Bacchus stout and hearty?
There, my lass, your eye is out, for I'm Napoleon Bonaparte!


Won't you dine with me to-day? I'll send for you a horse and crupper,
And lest you should refuse to stay I'll tell you who we'll have for supper; -
Magillicuddy of the Reeks, O'Donaghue Glen, the Duke of Glo'ster,
Oliver Cromwell and Brian O'Lynn, Cadwaller Waddy and Leslie Foster.

I'm the girl that makes them stir from Cork to Skibereena
All the day we drink strong tay, and whiskey too says Nora Creina.