The Oyster Girl

As I was walking down Manchester Street
A pretty young oyster girl I chanced for to meet
Into her basket so nimbly I did peep,
And I asked her has she got any oysters.

Oysters, oh oysters, oh oysters says she,
Two a penny I do sell them, but I'll give three,
If you buy them from anyone, buy them from me,
Won't you deal in my Carlingford oysters?

Waiter, oh waiter, oh waiter sir says she.
Have you got any place for this gentleman and me?
Have you got any place for this gentleman and me
till open his lordship some oysters.

We'd not been long there but an hour or two,
When out of my pocket a fifty pound she drew,
Out of the doorway so nimbly she flew
And she left me her basket of oysters!

Up came the landlady saying it was no great joke,
Come pay off the reckoning or I'll strip off your coat!
For the waiter has written it all down in his note
That you took bread and butter with your oysters!

I have traveled in Ireland, in England and France,
And such a young damseI have ne'er come across,
This pretty young damsel she has tricked me at last
And she left me to hawk about her oysters!