Hello and welcome to my little piece of the web. My name is April (known as Speed Racer™ to my friends) and I'm a big fan of NASCAR...especially Mark Martin :). I also like Dale Jarrett, Jeff Burton, and Chad Little. I've also recently added Matt Kenseth and Ricky Rudd to my list of favorites. After them, I pretty much like any Ford driver.
Mark Martin, in my eyes, is definitely a champion! He had 8 wins in 1998 (that's including *The Winston). Mark has 32 wins total in his Winston Cup career. He finished 2nd in the point standings for 1998, 364 points behind Jeff Gordon. He has finished in the top 5 for the past 6 years (2nd in '98, 3rd '97, 5th '96, 4th '95, 2nd '94, 3rd '93). In 1998 he had 7 victories and 3 Bud poles with 22 top 5 finishes and 26 top 10 finishes. Mark finished 3rd in the points for 1999, 319 points behind the 1999 Winston Cup champion, Dale Jarrett, and 118 points behind the 2nd place finisher Bobby LaBonte. Currently, he is tenth in the point standings with 2521 points. Mark has also managed to become a 4 time IROC champion within 5 years time which, without a doubt, shows that Mark is one of THE BEST drivers in the world. Way to go Mark!!
For my Nascar links and wavs click here. For the 2000 Winston Cup schedule click here. And here are the 2000 Winston Cup Point Standings. Psst, please sign my guest book...let me know what you think of my site, tell me your favorite driver etc... I'd love to hear from you! Thanks!!
Here's something new I'm trying - it's a voting booth, please cast your vote!! Your Favorite Winston Cup Track.
Another victory, this one's Michigan
Marks SynPower Taurus
Here are some more pics of Mark, I have them as links so this page doesn't take forever to load. Enjoy! :)
Mark and his 2000 Taurus A Front view of the 2000 Valvoline Taurus Mark posing with his new 2000 look! Mark's victory at Las Vegas Texas' victory The Winston Victory Lane-Dover Celebrating at Bristol The Valvoline Team at work Mark & Jimmy Fennig Jack & Mark-happy winners :) Mark deep in thought Mark never forgets his fans In action at Watkins Glen The UAW-GM Quality 500 Win
For information on Mark Martin's fan club click here then click on button labeled "fan club".
Mark says "Go ahead, make my day"
You are racer number to drive thru this page
Questions, comments, or do you have any photos, wavs or info you'd like to contribute? E-mail me
No cry-babies allowed! (sorry, had to put that hehehe)
Last updated 08/07/2000