So what does that bulk rating on my gun do anyway?
(Or how to screw your PCs who always lug around way too many guns)
by: A. Shane Murphy

So you want to hide a gun on you in the event that you get cought and need a “hold out” but couldn’t find the rules.  Well look no further.

First you need to decide what type of gun you need and the spot you want to carry it in.  You can get an ankle holster, shoulder holster, they even make one that fits behind a beeper on your waist.  Below you will find a list of the different types of holsters, their difficulty to notice and the modifier that comes in the shape of a “frisk” search.  Bear in mind that if you are stripped searched, all weapons will be found.
Holster Type  Visual observation difficulty level    Frisk difficulty level   Max Bulk
Shoulder Difficult  Two levels easier 2
Ankle Formidible One level easier 1
Waist Formidible Two levels easier 2
Crotch Formidible One level easier 0
Jacket Pocket Difficult Two levels easier 1
Wrist Impossible One level easier 0
Beneath a Trenchcoat     Average Automatic 3

Note: It takes one phase to draw a weaon from all holsters except, the trenchcoat it is assumed that the gun is already in hand.  The crotch holster takes two phases to pull out and is less likely to be found as most people who frisk search are loathe to search this area.

Character Creation by S. Murphy
Social class: careers available


To reflect the fact that Proles and Nome’s start with 2 “free terms” I give Mikes 12 extra background skill points to even the playing field. Other than that, they are the same with regards to career choices.


Athlete, biker, construction worker, criminal, cyborg escapee, drifter, factory worker, ganger, homeless, prisoner, prole, psychic test subject, street urchin, and underground empath, Proles can enter the military but can never become an officer.


Education (may start with 2 free terms of college), attorney, computer programmer, entertainer, gambler, manager, medical doctor, mystic, paraphysicist, politician, professor, and psychiatrist. Nome’s may join the military as officers only, after military academy.

Character stats:

Players roll 2d6-2 for all stats. Empathy is only rolled for players who want to play a empathic character. For every term that the character does not possess an empathic skill, deduct one point from empathy. That means a use it or lose it.  Any empathic skill, including background skills will halt this loss.  This makes empathic characters rare, the way it should be. If the player is a non-empath, they have a empathy of 0 and receive a +2 to Willpower.  However point allocation should stay the same.

Starting cash, equipment:


Proles always have a place to call “home”. The megacorp that they have sold their “proxy” to will give them every thing they need to live, this includes a small apartment, and company script to buy food and necessary items from a company store. You may start with 1 old rusty bicycle if you want one.


Mikes start with what they have and a small import car or a motorcycle, your choice. The vehicles net worth cannot be over $10,000. Truck drivers are given a 18 wheeler. Bikers get a bike etc...


Use luck asset (not skill level) when adding up beginning money. All Nome’s start with 1 car per term spent in any of the Nome careers, or an extra $50,000, your choice.


Stay pretty much the same.


When purchasing a car use today's prices and models, the book is a little too steep.

Law Enforcement Initiative.

A PC that serves in any law enforcement career receives the same benefits that a member of the military receives.  Please see the NEW Law Enforcement Careers.

Combat by M. Wittek
Sniper Detection:
If a sniper takes any effort to conceal his position for a long range shot (not weapons but GM decided), no normal detection (via Observation) of a sniper is possible after the first shot from the sniper's weapon. For every consecutive shoot after the first, the player or GM makes an Observation check. These checks start at impossible, and the difficulty levels continue downwardly until it hits a lower limit set by the Game Master. Generally, the lower limit is set at difficult or average difficulty level, but consider the circumstances. This detection assumes that the sniper has not made a major position change after his first shot. The sniper will receive the benefit of non detection again if he can stealthily move to another position conspicuously away from the most recently fired shot.

Short Range Auto-Fire:

Add a +3 to hit on the individual's modified asset for auto-fire. For example, If the player's asset is 10 in Small Arms, and auto-fire requires an impossible difficulty level check at 2, the total would be 5 at short range. This bonus is only applicable to the weapon's short range and to the primary target. All other rules apply as normal.

Combat Modifications by: S. Murphy
Gun care:

Proper gun care should be assumed to happen “off screen”. However if during an adventure stripping and cleaning a gun is not possible then the GM should consider what affects this might have, i.e. gun jams on a roll of 18 of better, or lord forbid a round explode in the chamber. Obviously it would all depend on the situation and the GMs mood.

Gun malfunction:

This is a bad thing. If on an attack the roll is 20, reroll to check for a jam, if you roll a 20 again then a bullet is jammed in the chamber (really mean GMs (or those named Shane) may ask for a third roll to see if the round exploded on a 20!). Revolvers rarely ever jam, you only need to check for malfunctions every other 20 rolled.
Semi-auto/ full auto are another matter. Certain weapons will jam/malfunction more than others. A Walther PPK (.380) rarely jams but a Lorcin (.380) jams about every six shots. So what you do for a cheaper weapon, or a weapon that is not properly cared for, is to add a +1 to +3 to the malfunction roll.

New Skills for DC
>The following skills are taken from GDW's Traveller TNE.  These skills blend well with the DC world, and are used in our games.

Admin/Legal  (EDU)

The individual has experience with rules and legal assumptions of how administrative, and legal agencies work.  As well an understanding the requirements of dealing with and managing them.
Characters with this skill may function as lawyers.  This skill is normally used in conjunction with Research, and Interrogation.

Carousing  (CHR)

The individual is a gregarious and sociable individual who is well adapted to meeting and mingling with strangers in unfamiliar surroundings.
Carousing can be used to gain information from people in a social setting, often without others realizing that you are looking for information.  This skill is normally used in conjunction with Observation, and Interrogation.

Intrusion  (AGL)

The Intrusion skill enables a character to manipulate mechanical and electronic locks.  To open a simple lock (briefcase, normal door, or desk) or hot-wiring a vehicle are Average tasks.
Deadbolts, handcuffs, and jail cells are Difficult.  Strongboxes and such are Formidable.  All are assuming the use of proper tools, without them all checks become one more level difficult.
Locks on vaults and high security facilities always require special tools and are Formidable.
Electronic devices are one level higher than there mechanical counterparts, and will always require specialized electronic tools.
This skill also allows the use of small amounts of explosives to blow open safes, vaults, and even walls between adjoining buildings.

Muscle Transport  (AGL)

This is a cascade skill of the characters' facility with equipment or devices to speed along human transport.  Skills included are; Skates (roller, ice, and board), Wheels (bicycles), and Skis (water, snow, and sail boards).
After a few hours of practice most people can be awarded a skill level of 0.  If higher levels are taken, the character can negoate unusual terrain, make better speed, or attempt stunts.

Research  (INT)

The individual has a broad understanding of the techniques that are used in researching information relating to people, places, and events.  This skill may be used to gain specific information the character is looking for, or as an enabling skill that will find information that will simplify another task.

Two Quick Reference Data Sheets

They are Winziped together and done in Microsoft Works.          Get it!