Milkweed Ornament

Things made from recycled things that you have layin' around.

Cover a milkweed pd with any color of foil. Glue a fluff of cotton inside opening and add a lil miniture of some sort. A santa, deer, angel or just some pine and berries. Add a bow or a bell and add a hanger. Make neat lil gifts to add to x-mas gifts..

Stick Santa's

Find a stick about an inch long that looks like a Y with a lil more stickin' up from the Y on top. The forks are santa's hands the center portion is santa's head. and the extend piece down from the Y is santa's legs. Paint appropriately as to how santa looks. Kisd cn have a lot of fun with this one and anothe recycle one.

Ice cream cone Ornament.

Gle a 3-4 inch diameter satin ball of any color that you want to a sugar cone. You can take a styrophine ball and wrap in material to. Fill cotton in the cone before you glue the ice cream scoop on. Can add a lil cotton on top for whipped ceam look and add a red bead for the cherry. Use the hanger from the ornament for the hanger part and add string to it. (Good way to recycle them old lookin' balls.)

Clothespin Reindeer

UseUse 3 clothespins pieces. 2 pointing down for legs and glue together. Take black felt pin and make hoofs at the bottom of them. Take the other one and turn the points up for antlers or ears. and glue to top of body/feet. Add 2 small eyes a small red pom pom for the nose a ribbon with a bell on it around the neck and a small pom pom for the tail. Add a hanger to hang it with.

Snowy Pinecones

Place glue on ends of pinecones. Sprinkle with different color of glitter. When dried add ribbon and a lil dear or santa or squirrel and can add some pine to it also. Also can add a bow. Add a hanger to hang it with.

Baby Food Jar Candle

Take a used B-day candle or other candle and put into baby food jar. Melt some paraffin inside a can and place in a pot of hot water on the stove. Pour over the candle in the jar. Can add some drops of vanilla or other smells. Tie a ribbon oround the top of baby food jar and add a lil sprig of Holly and Berries or what you want to. Even a couple of cinmom sticks with holly berries and a red bow.