Bath Salts

! cup rock or kosher salt (kosher salt will sparkle more)

! cup epsom salt

1/2 cup baking soda

Mix all ingred. in an air tight container and you can add scent and color. One word of cautin here, add scent and color one drop at a time. The mix seems to enhence to scent a lot. You can use your own perfume or scents that you buy. Use i drop of luquid food coloring.(Any color that you want.)Color will clump in the mixture but keep stiring til well blended.Store in air tight containers for mix will harden if allowed to absorb moisture.. Lasts a long time and a inexpensive gift to give to teachers or the ones that you care for.

Chocolate Spoons

Materials you will need: Heavy duty plastic spoons.

Dipping Chocolate

Lollipop bag


Dip the bowl of the spoon into the chocolate.Allow to drain and dry, place on waxed paper covered cookie sheet. Refrig. for about 30 min.. Remove from refrig. and insert spoon into lollipop bag and tie with ribbon. Use one spoon in 1 cup hot milk........Instant hot Chocolate.

Dipping Choc. recipe: 1 pkg. semi sweet choc chips

1 pkg. milk choc chips

1 pkg white choc chips

1 pkg. peanutbutter chips.

place in the micro the kinds that you like and melt and mix together well and start dipping.

Handkerchief Doll/ Angel

Start with a standard, white mns handkerchief. Unfold. Fold in half and sew the 2 sides together, close to the hem already there from the bottom edge about 2/3 of the way up the handkerchief. Turn right side out. Knot each of the 2 top corners close to the corner. this makes it look like a puffed sleeve with a corner sticking out of the hem for the arm. Place a wad of stuffing in the center between the 2 knots. Gather the material up around it and wind thread around it tightly several times and knot to form the head. Sew lace around the bottom of the gown and across the top of the head to look like a bonnet. Can leafe as a doll or ad a lil doily and make into angel wings and attach at the back of the doll.

String Angel

Materials: crochet cotton thread

piece of cardbord

1 glass mrble

hot glue gun

1 foot long pearls

1 ribbon rose

1/2 yard lce, net fabric or ribbon.

Wrap thread 125 times around 5" side of cardbord.Tie a piece of thread around all loops at one end and secure.Slip off cardboard. Cut all loops at the oposite end from the knot. Will make long mass of thread tied in the middle.Select one continous strand from the mss of thread. Pull end of that thread up, and knot close the ends. This will become the hanger.Next place a mrble where the thread is tied.Fold threads around the marble to cover, leaving hanger free. Use string to tie threads together underneath the marble head. Wrap more thread 40 times round the 4" side of crdboard. to form the arms.