Welcome To Spike's Humor Page!
This page is small right now,but it will grow! Below,you will find
some funny pics I scanned. (Yes,I wrote them myself!) Anyone who has ever been on a diet will appreciate the pics! =:o) Also,make sure you check out the King Tut story found at the bottom of this page! (it's HILARIOUS!)
I hope you enjoyed those pics! I'll scan more of them as I make them! Please send me E mail and tell me how you liked the stuff! I will probably reply!
Funny Stuff Here!
Ever wonder what Agent Mulder from the X Files would look like drunk? If so,then Click Here.
Rejected Baseball Cards
I find these baseball cards much more interesting than the ones in the packs!
This guy has a problem!||This guy lost something!
This guy must be Charlie Tuna's long lost brother!||Here's what happened to "the Ugly Duckling"||This guy has a candy named after him!
Here are some of my own interpretations of some so-called singing stars...*g*
Michael Bolton
Hootie & The Blowfish
Do you like reading advice columns? I'll bet you've never seen one like this one! Check out The Dear Dotti Page. I plan on updating it often,so stay tuned!
If you are like me,and hate most of the big chart topping songs that they keep playing on the radio,then you'll like this little "Bottom 10" List I put together. It's mostly my opinions of songs and artists on the radio. Don't get offended by any of it. I made the page for fun.
Know The Future!
Need to know the future,and don't have the cash to call a 900 number to find out? Try asking The Psychic Valley Girl! She will tell the future for free,and give you a makeover while you wait!

Breaking News!
Find out Who Stole King Tut's Wee Wee? (Personally,I think they should do a thorough search of Michael Bolton's house! *LOL*)
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