Bev's The forest has eyes! Look close to the forest!
Animals Speak To Me And Will to You!

Mother Earth say this is the way it is!
Watch all around you for they will teach you!
all the 4 legs , winged ones, swimmers, and insects. 
Their lives are full of struggles, each day brings new ones.
The average person rarely understands his/her connection to and 
impact upon the environment. Most people live in the city, away 
from the wild or the natural world. Our trees and lawns are manicured.
The only contact many have with truly wild animals are those which 
have adapted to living within city environments-the squirrels, racoons, 
robins, and such.
Some go to books to study shamanism and totems, some go to cards. 
I go to nature and watch and listen to what mother is saying to me.
She comes to the city as well as the country. She is all over, 
just look around you.  Alto, I have books to help me on both subjects,
My Mother the earth has shown me the truth of the learning. She teaches 
me to look to the creatures all around me and watch.  Their struggles
are every day and every where.

In the woods and peed

**Sometimes I go looking! Got up early one morning to ride, was camping with some friends in Missouri, left out before dawn, so no one would come along. I went to a place where the wild horses where seen the day before. Hoping to find them. I rode through a meadow with wild flowers, weeds, some ivy, and thorns. Following a path with the tracks, that the wild ones had worn. Not a fresh track was found. Was looking so hard to find them, this early morning alone. Looked up with a start at a hawk and a crow started looking around a little bit more, heard a whip-o-will crying in the distances above. Oh! what a beautiful Morn all misty with dew. Got my camera out just in case I encounter the wild ones, that morn. Found some fresh track at last, I thought. I was being so quite so as not to scare them. So I followed the tracks for a mile or so. Came back to the road, thought I lost them for sure. Just walking around a corner real slow, with camera in hand,,, there they all where.... some grazing some drinking. Just then they looked up and away they did go.... at a full run they where startle, my rein I had drop so I could take a picture, and off my horse goes, right with the herd I rode, up the road. They shot through the woods just like that and my horse try to go, got my reins just in time to stop him, or off I would go. The wild ones stop just a head of me so, I looked with amazement as I started to cry. The White stallion stood there looking at me and my horse. His spread his back legs stretch all out and peed, yes he did, he peed. Looked back at us, and moved close to a mare , she was big with a foal inside her I could tell. He started rubbing on her. A young one nicker softly at my horse, when my horse didn't answer I did. The young one looked up so wild and so free, oh! such a beautiful sight. Started crying some more.....Just realizeing I ran with the wild ones..... brought chills to me now.... and more tears to my eyes....... I have dreamed all my life of this moment.... And its funny how it would happen right here in Missouri... I looked back at the horses and started back to camp. One more nicker from the young one, so I nicker back 'see you! dear wild ones, see you again! mother is taking such good care of you, see you next year, stay wild my family' They started moving into the woods more and soon They where gone. I thanked them for letting me see them and I thanked Mother for taking care of them and I thanked Father for waking me up that day, and looking out over them. It was a good day to live. And I cried, how could anyone cause them pain. Just then I saw a rabbit, cross the road in front of me, and then it just sat there and watched me ride by. On down the road I saw another rabbit and it crossed in the same way and sat there and watched me ride by. But then I saw another and it crossed the road and sat there and watched me ride by. I was wondering and pondering these rabbits when I saw two people on two mules coming down a hill and there behind them a coyote crossed the road. The same as the rabbits from left to right, from south to north. I holler to them 'look there's a coyote behind you' they look, and of corse it was gone. They looked at me crazy like I had lost my mind. And rode on their way with out saying a word. So much! had happen that morning in May, 1998. The story became clear to me as I thought. The wild horses released me from my past, for here in Missouri, as a child bad things had happen to me. I live in Missouri for 7 years, Plus they showed me even the wild ones stick to there own kind. I have ran with the horse for to long and I need to go back to the human beings. And rabbits came to show me I had nothing to fear, it took three to show me but now its clear. The coyote showed himself, to only me, so I would not be fooled by one of him again. A great lesson that day, and that is so!
run rabbit run

** Sometimes I just Watch and listen! A rabbit runs by where are you going and why are you running? The rabbit looks up and says " I'm running to protect my young and give them a chance, just running around so you don't find them. The hawk and the fox is out early this morning, must go now to feed myself and watch out for more foes!" Such a short little story but true, none the less, the rabbit is not afraid, quite clever in fact. Will run all around you and watch you, that is a fact. When you think his gone, look closer you'll see the true act. He is greater than he looks, if looks are deceiving. Well here is your qwest, look close to the rabbit, and you well find the rest! That is so!
old fox

** Sometimes just stop and ask! There by the road I saw a fox all tatter and worn, curled up in a ball, I stop and ask what's wrong little guy, he look up "go away just getting warm" so I go and came back with some food, offer it to him, he smells it, take a bite, "yes I am hungry, thanks for the food" looks up at me in his eyes I see his pain, his years, and he says " I am old and I am tired, but thanks for the food, but today is a good day to die!" He turn to walk away and looked back and said "I think I will just lie here a little bit longer if you don't mind." and he did all that day, next day he was gone. I still see him his tail had very little hair, when he walked he staggered and his face was all wrinkled, his eyes he could hardly open, yet I saw in him the ages, the old one came to me, and I am glad he shared that day and many days I think of him. The old one with no fear he is in a better place now. Mother earth sent him to his father the Great Spirit. Who said 'it is my turn, I will take care of him awhile!' And he is. And that is so! These are true encounters of natures kind. Spiritrider

a Friend's Gift

I ride in the Beauty of my friend,
 so far I ride to find a friend,
I look over my shoulder
 and there he is,
My Friend,
My Heart,
My Horse....

send me a smoke signal

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