pirate Hello Jonathan
I wish you the courage to warm when the world prefer's that you be cool. I wish you success sufficient to your needs. I wish you joy~n~all your days I wish you gladness to overbalance grief, I wish you humor and a twinkle in the eye I wish you glory and the strenght to bear it's burdens. I wish you sunshine on you path and rains to season your journeys. I wish you peace in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of the heart where truth is kept. I wish you faith to help define your living and your life.... More i cannot wish you except perhaps LOVE to make all the rest worthwhile
dragon I Hope You Get Better Soon. You will be in my
prayers and many other's. I wish you luck, strenght
and courage to get through this. I am sure you are a
strong little guy. Keep your Spirits high and remember
God is right by your side

animanicwaves Hi Jonathan
How are you today?? I understand you are sick. I drive a school bus so i am around kids your age everyday. Let me ask you this? Are kids smarter today then they were when I was a little boy? I think so. Ahh Jonathan I know your Mom cares a LOT about you and you know that, but I just wanted you to know that there is a man in Texas that also cares about you and your mom, family...
Hello Young Man
I hope you get feeling better!!
Just live through each day as
if there is no tomorrow, live
it to the fullest!!
I hope you get to feeling better
everyday. May God Bless
you and your in my prayers.
Your friend always,

fishbowl Hello
i just wanted to say hi and that
i hope you get better :). My
friend kate says hi too. We
think that you are a good kid
that desvers to get better. well
i gotta go i hope this message
made you smile.
State:New Hampshire
fishbowl Hi Jonathan
my name is roze and i am 32 and have
5 children one of which is 13 his name
is also jonathan, i hear you are ill,well
our prayers are with you and trust in the
lord and he will take good care of you
jonathan. God be with you always.
God Bless You

State:washington state
iffriendsbear Dear Johnathan,
You are a very brave boy and you have to pray and belive that god will answer your prayer, he will answer if you belive. What do you like to do? Send me your e mail and I will send you some jokes and some things of your liking via web.God just the other day gave me a miracle. I wll pray for you and Ihave a feeling things will get better for you. God has always answered my prayers. I will pray for your mom also. Now smile and E mail me at nina Nina is my baby girl she is 11 months old when I get a picture I will send u one.Do you like music? Tell me who you like. Also close your eyes for a minute and pretend you had 1 million dollars what would yo buy and what would you do with the money?
State:New Jersey
I would just like you to know that you are now in my prayers every night. I know God istens and he will hear all our prayers. Sweetyyou have a great day and remember GOD LOVES YOU... and so do alot of other people.
God Bless You

State:North Carolina
Hello Jonathan.
I just want you to know that you are a very strong boy.Don't give up.And know that i will be thinking of you and praying for you.Keep on smiling :)
Hey there Jonathan.
I hope you feel better.
You and your mom will
be in my prayers. :)

Hope you feel better

State:Andover New York
My name is Tiffany..
I hope you are Ok?
fishbowl i hope you get beter realy soon
i will always keep you in my prayers.
i wish you well and good peace w/others.........
Remember this, There is thousands of stars in the sky, each one a angle, and they watch over you to see you through the bad times... Hang in there kid, things will turn around for you
panther I hope this letter finds you in good spirits... It's very important to keep them up. It makes the day a whole lot easier to get thru. I am a police officer in the area where I live and would love to here from you if you get the chance to write... bye for now and God Bless..
God Bless You

State:Upper Michigan
Hi Hope you have a great easter, Don't eat to much candy okay
Love and prayer's

State:salem oregon
Dear Jonathan
My thought's and prayers are with you. I deal with special needs child everyday. Keep your chin up and your eye's toward Heaven and God will be with you.
God Bless You
Your Friend Danielle

This note is just to let you know that you're in my family prayers and never ever loose hope. I've been a registered nurse for 17 years and have seen many miracles. God WILL take care of you. I have 3 little boys myself and I know how much your mom loves you and wnat's to see you feeling better.. Our thoughts are with you. .
Take care Jonathan


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