How would you like to never know if you're going to be sick? Have a big important event in your life happen and you end up sitting on the sidelines sick while all your friends are having fun and you are in the hospital once again with scary testings, needles being stuck in your arms, and listening to Drs.and nurses repeated questions and comments; and at times people thinking it's all in your head.?
Jessica became violently ill at 6months for the first time, vomiting so much she was admitted to the local hospital dehyradated and very ill. The answer from her pediatrition was that she had a severe case of the flu. These episodes continued 6 to 8 times year, sometimes more, aways beginning in the early hours (around 3 am) with vomiting so severe (sometimes as much as 35/45 times an hour) that it resulted in severe dehydration and hospitilization.
Finally in third grade, after being called"barf face" and"skip queen" and after an episode where rumors flew and local friends and people thought she had aids (since she was always sick) we found Dr Mcclung and Dr.Li at Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. After years of being told it was flu, Krohns Disease, Irritable Bowel, and psycological, we recieved a diagnosis of Cyclic Vomitng Syndrome. All kinds of major testing had been done and Jess felt like a pin cushion and a guinea pig but the answer from Dr. Li was CVS and it felt good finnally to have an answer. There was no cure but at least a name. Many different attempts at medication were made and nothing seemed to work. Finally a Zofran study revealed that Zofran appears to be wonder drug and it really is for her!!
Jessica is now a freshman in High School in Ohio and is a normal teen with peer pressure, an honor student, plays french horn in the marching and concert band, runs track (distance running) and has normal problems growing up. She feels she is a normal teen but thrown into an abnormal enviroment. People still do not understand she will be fine and then being vomiting for no reason. She is still called "The Skip Queen". This year she even received a disipline action and had to serve at alternative night school for one day (3) hours as she was late for class as she was vomiting in the bathroom and didn't report to the principal that she was ill.
Her episodes have become less frequent now (4-5 times a year) and seem to be brought on more from stress, excitment, another virus or strep. Now that she has reached puberty the migraine headaches have developed sometimes 3 or more a week. Current meds of Periactin (3 times daily) and Zofran (on a prn basis - usually one pill daily) seem to be doing the trick at this point.
Jessica is now 5 ft 8 inches and weighs 90lbs. Her biggest problem currently is stupid peple always asking if she is anorexic or has an eating disorder. People can be/are so cruel. She says "YOU try living all the time with 95% of the time being nauseated, see what size you will be!"
From a mom's side!! It's so hard never knowing when your child will be sick and fighting the unknowing, constant battles with schools, teachers, and the officals, due to too many missed school days . Having principals tell you that your child has a school phobia, or maybe you are the reason she's ill. Again, stupid cruel people.
This weekend I allowed my daughter to go from home in Ohio to Florida with a youth group from our church; feeling fearful of her becoming ill, however knowing she needs to experience life and have mom untie the apron strings. My daughter is a smart, resourceful, wonderful young lady with a good head on her shoulders. Thank God! Thru all the years of waiting for her illness to cease, countless days and nights sitting with her in hospitals, the testings, the fears and major tears and prayers going up to the lord, she is a survivor, she will win over this illness.
Jessica's goal today in life is to become a physican- gastroenterologoist so she can help other children with this and help find a cure once and or all.
In 1982, Samuel Gee reported a syndrome of fitful or recurrent vomiting, noting that these cases all seem to be of the same kind, characteristic of fits of vomiting recurring after intervals of uncertain lengths. The intervals are free from signs of disease then vomiting begins again for unknown reasons. Vomiting may last for a few days or hours. This illness was first given a name in 1882 so where is the cure??
Jessica's response, as most kids with this illness : we want to have people believe us when we say we are ill. Just leave us alone. Let us deal with this on our own. Parents are too overprotective. I talk to my dog and myself cause no one wants to listen. Mom let me be a normal teen. Try not to worry about me getting sick when I go places. Let me experience life. Be there for me but just stand by. Don't hover over me. LISTEN when I want to talk but don't always ask me if I'm ok ! I'll keep you posted if I dont feel good. Yes, I'm scared and sick of being sick but treat me normally like everyone else. Let me have friends and sleepovers and trips away from home because there is always your beeper and telephones close by. Please, no more chicken noodle soup, jello, 7-up, and popsicles.
Message to the PUKE MONSTER: Please go away and leave me in peace. Quit bugging me. I hate you. Please give me a chance at normal teen years. Let me grow up and have fun. Quit making my parents worry. Because, puke monster, I will get you in the end. I will help find a cure for this illness and then you will go away for good.
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