What Was It Like?

I know it must have been difficult on all the explorers who had to leave their families and their countries and travel with men they had never seen before to barren wilderness that could be inhabited by bloodthirsty savages for all they knew. They must have been very afraid of the unknown, because no matter how many maps they saw or how many navigational schools they attended, they never really knew what was out there. The settlers, even though we don't acknowledge every one of them like we do our famous explorers, had a very hard time too. They had to go through the same hardships without receiving any of the credit that was due to them. Many times on the ships, the crew and passengers would develop diseases, such as scurvy from malnutrition or go for days and days without eating any thing. They were all very brave people to explore, to leave everything they knew and loved to follow something they believed in, and to let other people know more about the world they lived on.