Site has been revived

In honor of Avraham ben Devorah, this site has been revived.

Gateways of Tears,

Our liturgy was devised by great sages thousands of years ago but their visionary abilities allowed them to make those prayers special for today. Even the great kabbalists of Tzefat like Rabbi Isaac Luria did not come close to understanding the full insight of the sages and prophets who wrote our daily prayers. Melech Ozer, King that Helps:
Nevertheless it is impossible for the sages of that time to cry out in prayer today and ask G-d the requests of today's situation. In order to synergize the sages intent with our real situation, we perform the prayer on the day of our pain, and only then can the power of the prayer infused by the sages be unleashed.
The principal value of this tremendous synergy, however is lost when one performs his or her prayers without intent on the meaning of the words. According to the Chofetz Chaim, praying without intent is like throwing out the fruit and eating the peel. The main synergy, the main tapping in on the powerful tool the sages gave us, is to use one's own mind as a tool to connect the meaning of the words together with one's own individual saying. As Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss lays out in his book Passionate Judaism, prior to standing up and saying the Shemoneh Esrei (18 section Prayer, the major beseeching section of our liturgy designed to cover the needs of life) one might plan on who which sick people will be prayed for in the refaeinu prayer (for healing), which poor people will be prayed for in the shanim prayer (for sustenance), which families who need a peaceful home will be prayed for in the shalom prayer (for peace). Following this advice helps ensure one's mind will be concentrating on the words of the prayers and thus unlocking the power of the prayers.
Be important and cry out for Avraham ben Devorah!
Read Psalm 1 Today in Honor of Avraham ben Devorah

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