The Prayers Part II0

This is the weekday order. On holy days, however, seen blessings were ordained for the Amidah. These days have their own intrinsic blessing and santity which transmit G-d's sustenance. All that is therefore needed is a general effory, and this consists of the seven blessings of the holy day Amidah.
These seven blessings consist of the same first and last three as in the weekday service, which pertain to the three general categories discussed above. The middle blessing relates to the general sanctity of the day, causing it to be strengthened, shine forth and rule, thus enhancing and perfecting every detail of creation. We will speak of this further in a later section.
It is also necessary to realize there are four general universes.
The physical world consists of two parts, the astronomical and the terrestrial. The astronomical is the realm of stars and planets, while the terrestrial is the earth that we live on. The two together are considered to be a single universe, namely the physical.
Above this is another universe, namely the world of angels.
Higher than this is still another universe, which is the world of the highest Forces discussed in the first section (1:5:1). This is the universe of the Throne.
On a still highr level, we can speak of G-d's Influences in general. These consist of the revelations of His Light, from which all existence is derived and upon which all depends, as discussed earlier (3:2:4). In figurative terms, these Influences in general can also be said to constitute a universe, and it is usually referred to as the Universe of G-dly Essence.
The term "universe" does not really apply to this highest domain, except in a figurative fashion. Each of the other three worlds can however be properly called a "universe."
The reason for this is that a universe is defined as a collection of many diverse entities and principles, divided and interrelated in various ways in a single comceptual space. This definition of universe aplies to such an array whether its individual members are spiritual or physical.
The physical world is therefore considered a universe because it contains terrestrial and astronomical entities within a single concept of space. The same is true of the world of angels, since it is a collection of many angels in the conceptual space pertaining to them. The world of the Throne is also a universe, insofar as it contains numerous Forces in a similar conceptual space.
G-d's influences, however, cannot be considered plural or diverse beings in any manner whatsoever. Rather they are all distinctions and revelations of G-d's Light, differentiated only by the fact that G=d avails Himself to the various things that He created and influences them according to their various aspects. The only reason why these Influences comprise a "universe" is that division, order and sequence are distinguishable among these Influences according to what is appropriate for their recipients, which are the Roots of all divisions, orders and sequences, as discussed earlier (3:2:4).
This "universe" is furthermore considered to be higher than the other three, following the general sequence. Creation as a whole thus follows this sequence: The physical depends on the angels, and the angels on that which is above them, namely the Throne and its steps. The Throne in turn is dependent on G-d's Influences and the revelations of His Light, which is the true Root of everything.

- From The Way of G-d, R. Moshe Chaim Luzzato, pg 303-307

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