Hey Everyone, been a long time since I updated this page, but we had snow here April 2 and I couldn't resist pullin my camera out. So, I got some great shots of Nakita, and to my surprise it became a family affair. I am just too happy about this day.

Nakita is a 42 lb black and white Siberian Husky. Thats 40 lbs of fur and two pounds of tongue. Shes about 20" tall. Blue eyes with a dark brown spot on the right eye. Missy, my wife, shes just plain awesome 5'7" of gorgous and loves me too.

When the snow begins to fall this winter, Nakita's eyes will get brighter, her nose will turn pinkish (snow nose), her tail will wag faster, and we will play longer. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Siberian Husky Ring

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